
Prévia do material em texto

Etapa Ensino Fundamental
Anos Finais
8º ANO
Aula 4 – 4º Bimestre
Língua Inglesa 
Can you write about a tech device? (Parte 2)
Lexical: vocabulário relacionado ao tema da aula;
Temático: itens tecnológicos. 
Ler e compreender um verbete enciclopédico, suas características e intencionalidade;
Elaborar a versão final de um verbete enciclopédico de informações sobre um aparelho tecnológico. 
Habilidades: (EF08LI09) Avaliar a própria produção escrita e a de colegas, com base no contexto de comunicação (finalidade e adequação ao público, conteúdo a ser comunicado, organização textual, legibilidade, estrutura de frases).
Discuss the question below with your teacher and classmates.
5 minutos
Com base no artigo que você leu na última aula, o que se pode inferir sobre a evolução do telefone desde sua descoberta e o que é possível projetar para o futuro dessa tecnologia?
Para começar
Técnica 43 Lemov: Virem e conversem 
Respostas pessoais.
Discuss the question below with your teacher and classmates.
Com base no artigo que você leu na última aula, o que se pode inferir sobre a evolução do telefone desde sua descoberta e o que é possível projetar para o futuro dessa tecnologia?
Para começar
Vamos retomar algumas características do gênero textual verbete enciclopédico.
Verbete enciclopédico é um gênero textual de natureza expositiva, encontrado, como o nome já diz, em enciclopédias, que, por sua vez, são organizadas em verbetes e têm como objetivo apresentar definições e informações sobre um determinado assunto, utilizando linguagem objetiva e impessoal. Podem conter gráficos, ilustrações e subdivisões para complementar as informações. 
Foco no conteúdo
Atualmente, há mais uso das enciclopédias virtuais, sendo a WIKIPÉDIA a mais conhecida. Ela é colaborativa, ou seja, todos podem editar e fornecer conteúdo, criando ou modificando um verbete, tornando, assim, o texto dinâmico. A leitura de um verbete enciclopédico impresso e virtual também muda, uma vez que virtualmente ela não é linear, e os hipertextos permitem que o leitor opte por diferentes caminhos e textos, aprofundando o tema.
Foco no conteúdo
In pairs, read the fact sheet about the telephone again to answer the questions on the following slides.
Foco no conteúdo
The telephone is a very common device for communication over a distance. With a telephone, a person can talk almost instantly with someone on the other side of the world. Most telephones are linked to each other by wires. Others, such as cell phones, are connected by invisible radio waves that travel through the air.
Na prática
How a traditional telephone works
A traditional telephone depends on wires to send sound. It has a handset and a base that are connected by a cord. The handset is the part that a person holds to make or answer a call. One end of the handset has a microphone for talking. The other end has a small loudspeaker for listening. [...] When the caller speaks into a telephone, the microphone changes the sound of the person’s voice into an electric signal. [...] When the signal reaches the telephone at the other end, its loudspeaker changes it back into the sound of the caller’s voice.
Na prática
Cordless telephones
A cordless telephone is more convenient than a traditional telephone. It does not have a cord connecting the handset and the base. It allows a person to walk around the house while talking. [...]
Na prática
Cell phones
Celular telephones, or cell phones, are even more convenient than cordless phones because they work over a much wider area. Because of this, in some places they are called mobile phones. They send and receive calls using radio waves. [...] Many cell phones can do things other than make calls. Most can send text messages to other cell phones. Many can take photographs, play music, get information from the Internet, and send and receive e-mail. Certain kinds, called smartphones, also run computer programs called applications, or apps. Apps let people play games, shop, read, get maps and directions, set appointments, and do many other tasks. For those reasons, smartphones are like handheld computers.
Na prática
Not everyone agrees who invented the telephone. However, Alexander Graham Bell usually gets the credit. In 1876 he sent the first words by telephone. Later that year Bell made the first long-distance call. He talked with his assistant, who was 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) away. By 1915 people could place telephone calls across the United States. [...] The first cell phones appeared in the late 1970s. [...] Today many computers connect to the Internet through telephone lines.
Extracted from: Telephone. Britannica Kids. Available at: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/telephone/353842. Accessed on: 2 aug. 2023.
Na prática
a. Considering the source from which the article was extracted, what are the highlighted words and expressions? 
b. What can they offer to the reader?
c. Which kind of phone can offer more advantages to users?
d. Which one offers less advantages?
Na prática
Considering the source from which the article was extracted, what are the highlighted words and expressions? 
 They are hyperlinks.
b. What can they offer to the reader?
 They can offer more information related to the telephone.
c. Which kind of phone can offer more advantages to users? 
 The cell phones.
d. Which one offers less advantages?
 The traditional telephone/landline telephone.
Na prática
Match the sentences below to the sections of the text.
There isn’t a general agreement when it comes to the invention of the telephone. 
A telephone that has basically two parts and depends on wires. 
The basic function of the telephone. 
It can be much more than just a telephone: it performs many functions of a computer. 
This kind of telephone also has two parts, but the handset is portable
Na prática
Professor, para essa atividade oriente os estudantes a colocarem as letras de cada sentença nos gaps ( ) ao lado de cada seção do texto.
Introduction ( )
The telephone is a very common device for communication over a distance. With a telephone, a person can talk almost instantly with someone on the other side of the world. Most telephones are linked to each other by wires. Others, such as cell phones, are connected by invisible radio waves that travel through the air.
Na prática
How a traditional telephone works ( )
A traditional telephone depends on wires to send sound. It has a handset and a base that are connected by a cord. The handset is the part that a person holds to make or answer a call. One end of the handset has a microphone for talking. The other end has a small loudspeaker for listening. [...] When the caller speaks into a telephone, the microphone changes the sound of the person’s voice into an electric signal. [...] When the signal reaches the telephone at the other end, its loudspeaker changes it back into the sound of the caller’s voice.
Na prática
Cordless telephones ( )
A cordless telephone is more convenient than a traditional telephone. It does not have a cord connecting the handset and the base. It allows a person to walk around the house while talking. [...]
Na prática
Cell phones ( )
Celular telephones, or cell phones, are even more convenient than cordless phones because they work over a much wider area. Because of this, in some places they are called mobile phones. They send and receive calls using radio waves. [...] Many cell phones can do things other than make calls. Most can send text messages to other cell phones. Many can take photographs, play music, get information from the Internet, and send and receive e-mail. Certain kinds, called smartphones, also run computer programs called applications, or apps. Apps let people play games, shop, read, get maps and directions, setappointments, and do many other tasks. For those reasons, smartphones are like handheld computers.
Na prática
History ( )
Not everyone agrees who invented the telephone. However, Alexander Graham Bell usually gets the credit. In 1876 he sent the first words by telephone. Later that year Bell made the first long-distance call. He talked with his assistant, who was 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) away. By 1915 people could place telephone calls across the United States. [...] The first cell phones appeared in the late 1970s. [...] Today many computers connect to the Internet through telephone lines.
Na prática
Introduction ( C )
The telephone is a very common device for communication over a distance. With a telephone, a person can talk almost instantly with someone on the other side of the world. Most telephones are linked to each other by wires. Others, such as cell phones, are connected by invisible radio waves that travel through the air.
Na prática
How a traditional telephone works ( B )
A traditional telephone depends on wires to send sound. It has a handset and a base that are connected by a cord. The handset is the part that a person holds to make or answer a call. One end of the handset has a microphone for talking. The other end has a small loudspeaker for listening. [...] When the caller speaks into a telephone, the microphone changes the sound of the person’s voice into an electric signal. [...] When the signal reaches the telephone at the other end, its loudspeaker changes it back into the sound of the caller’s voice.
Na prática
Cordless telephones ( E )
A cordless telephone is more convenient than a traditional telephone. It does not have a cord connecting the handset and the base. It allows a person to walk around the house while talking. [...]
Na prática
Cell phones ( D )
Celular telephones, or cell phones, are even more convenient than cordless phones because they work over a much wider area. Because of this, in some places they are called mobile phones. They send and receive calls using radio waves. [...] Many cell phones can do things other than make calls. Most can send text messages to other cell phones. Many can take photographs, play music, get information from the Internet, and send and receive e-mail. Certain kinds, called smartphones, also run computer programs called applications, or apps. Apps let people play games, shop, read, get maps and directions, set appointments, and do many other tasks. For those reasons, smartphones are like handheld computers.
Na prática
History ( A )
Not everyone agrees who invented the telephone. However, Alexander Graham Bell usually gets the credit. In 1876 he sent the first words by telephone. Later that year Bell made the first long-distance call. He talked with his assistant, who was 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) away. By 1915 people could place telephone calls across the United States. [...] The first cell phones appeared in the late 1970s. [...] Today many computers connect to the Internet through telephone lines.
Na prática
Time for a hands-on activity!
20 minutos
Last class, you did some research to write a fact sheet, related to a technology or a device.
Now, you must write the final version of it.
Follow the steps below:
Don’t forget to mention the source of information;
Write clear, simple and concise sentences using bullet points or items;
A fact sheet (verbete enciclopédico)
Include a short description, relevant facts, curiosities, current developments and future possibilities. Use illustrations, drawings or photos;
You can include hyperlinks too; 
Share it with your teacher and classmates;
Get feedback;
Write the final version.
Time for a hands-on activity!
Ler e compreender um verbete enciclopédico, suas características e intencionalidade;
Elaborar a versão final de um verbete enciclopédico de informações sobre um aparelho tecnológico.
O que aprendemos hoje?
Tarefa SP
Localizador: 100888 
Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com seu login: tarefas.cmsp.educacao.sp.gov.br.
Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
Clique em “Procurar”. 
Videotutorial: http://tarefasp.educacao.sp.gov.br/.
Slides 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 e 18 – https://efape.educacao.sp.gov.br/curriculopaulista/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/WEB-EF_AF_CE_LGG_INOVA_8A_COMPLETO_4P.pdf. Acesso em: 3 ago. 2023.
Slides 8, 9, 13, 14, 15 e 16 – https://kids.britannica.com/kids/article/telephone/353842. Acesso em: 3 ago. 2023.
Slides 5 e 6 –
https://novaescola.org.br/planos-de-aula/fundamental/8ano/lingua-portuguesa/conhecendo-o-verbete-enciclopedico-em-detalhes-a-construcao-composicional/3580. Acesso em: 2 ago. 2023.
Figuras: Stickers/Flaticon

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