
What are the requirements for granting parole according to article 83 of the Brazilian Penal Code? The convict must have served more than one-third...

What are the requirements for granting parole according to article 83 of the Brazilian Penal Code?
The convict must have served more than one-third of the sentence if they are not a repeat offender and have a good record.
The convict must have served more than half of the sentence if they are a repeat offender.
The convict must have demonstrated good behavior during the sentence, not committed any serious infractions in the last 12 months, performed well in their assigned work, and have the ability to provide for themselves.

a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) All are correct.
d) Only II is correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra "c) Todos estão corretos". De acordo com o artigo 83 do Código Penal Brasileiro, para que um condenado possa obter a liberdade condicional, é necessário que ele tenha cumprido mais de um terço da pena, se não for reincidente, ou mais da metade, se for reincidente. Além disso, é preciso que o condenado tenha bom comportamento carcerário, não tenha cometido falta grave nos últimos 12 meses, tenha aptidão para o trabalho e possa prover a própria subsistência após a soltura.


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