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He	gave	some	to	me.	My	hearing	aids	failed	yesterday	and	he	got	them	back
online	with	hardened	logic.	I	have	it	in	my	head.
You	--	You	have	it	in	your	head?
She'd	never	forgotten	those	words,	not	in	ten	years,	not	through	the
reconstruction	or	her	years	abroad,	not	in	school	and	not	in	work.	Not	a	day	had
gone	by	without	her	thinking	of	it.	Lots	of	people	had	ears	that	could	buffer	now,
and	hers	now	had	a	hundred-year	buffer	along	with	all	the	audio	ever	recorded
on	tap	for	her	pleasure,	but	she	never	bothered	to	rewind	her	hearing.	Those
words,	in	her	mind,	were	all	the	rewinding	she	needed.
She	sat	down	hard,	right	there,	on	the	sugary	grass.
Trover	was	at	her	side	in	a	flash,	calling	her	name	anxiously.	She	was	crying
uncontrollably,	but	she	was	smiling	too.	Those	words,	pulled	off	of	her	ears	ten
years	ago,	when	they'd	gone	to	infowar	command.	Oh,	God,	those	old	friends,
those	words.	The	wizard	and	Ana.	It	had	been	so	long.	Where	had	the	time