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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 
Based on the height, width and extension of the tunnel, the estimated amount of earth removed 
would have filled 379 lorries. The air-conditioned tunnel provided enough room for a speedy exit 
during which Guzman disposed of a bracelet that only he and a few other high-risk inmates had to 
wear. Authorities believe that there may have been a motorcycle waiting for his escape. 
All of Mexico’s security forces coordinated to capture the drug lord, with a 3.8 million US dollar on 
offer and 34 people being questioned within four days. 
27. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) 
The words “notorious” and “maximum-security”, underlined in the text (paragraph 1) are 
a) adjectives. 
b) adverbs. 
c) nouns. 
d) verbs. 
Read the lyrics and answer question 28 
We couldn't turn around 
'Til we were upside down 
I'll be the bad guy now 
But no, I ain't too proud 
I couldn't be there 
Even when I try 
You don't believe it 
We do this every time 
Seasons change and our love went cold 
Feed the flame 'cause we can't let go 
Run away, but we're running in circles 
Run away, run away 
I dare you to do something 
I'm waiting on you again 
So I don't take the blame 
Run away, but we're running in circles 
Run away, run away, run away 
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-
28. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “cold” underlined in the text is 
a) A noun 
b) A verb 
c) An adverb 
Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 
d) An adjective 
Read the text and answer question 29 
More than 400 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats - a record for a single 
Border Force _______ 409 people, including young children, on board 27 boats, with several 
further vessels still being dealt with. Some of the migrants were carrying children too young to 
walk. Prime Minister Boris Johnson earlier on Wednesday said the UK had become "a target and a 
magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way". 
A further 53 people were rescued by French authorities after getting into difficulties before 
reaching British waters. Some 145 people had crossed the Channel in 18 small boats on Tuesday. 
Rough seas brought on by Storm Francis made crossings impossible at the end of August, but 
conditions have improved in the first two days of September. 
Speaking in the Commons during Prime Minister's Questions, Mr Johnson said: "I have a great deal 
of sympathy with those who are desperate as to put their children in dinghies or in children's 
paddling pools and try to cross the channel. 
"But I have to say what they're doing is falling prey to criminal gangs and they are breaking the 
law." He added: "It also undermines the legitimate claims of others who seek asylum in this 
country”. "We will address the rigidities in our laws that make this country, I'm afraid, a target and 
a magnet for those who would exploit vulnerable people in this way." 
More than 1,468 migrants made the crossing by small boat in August despite a vow from Home 
Secretary Priti Patel to make the dangerous route "unviable". The Home Office does not provide 
information on how many children are making the crossing on small boats. 
Home Office minister Chris Philp told the Commons on Wednesday the government was 
attempting to return 1,000 people who had arrived in the UK, having "previously claimed asylum in 
European countries, and under the regulations legally should be returned there". More than 7,400 
migrants have crossed the Channel in small boats since January 2019. 
(Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-54000755) 
29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “earlier” underlined in the text is 
a) An adjective 
b) An adverb 
c) A noun 
d) A verb 
Read the lyrics and answer question 30 
This Is Me - Keala Settle 
I am not a stranger to the dark 
Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 03 – Adjectives and Adverbs 
Hide away, they say 
'Cause we don't want your broken parts 
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars 
Run away, they say 
No one'll love you as you are 
But I won't let them break me down to dust 
I know that there's a place for us 
For we are glorious 
When the sharpest words wanna cut me down 
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown 'em out 
I am brave, I am bruised 
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me 
Look out 'cause here I come 
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum 
I'm not scared to be seen 
I make no apologies, this is me 
(Adapted from https://www.google.com/search?q=letra+da+musica+this+is+me&rlz=1C1SQJL_pt-
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “glorious” underlined in the text is 
a) An adjective 
b) An adverb 
c) A verb 
d) A noun 
Read the text and answer question 31 
A 12-year-old found a 69 million-year-old dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad 
 Nathan Hrushkin _____ to be a paleontologist for as long as he can remember, and the 12-year-
old has already made a significant discovery. 
 He found a partially unearthed dinosaur fossil while hiking with his dad this summer at a 
conservation site in the Horseshoe Canyon in the Badlands of Alberta, Canada. 
 "It's pretty amazing to find something that's like real, like an actual dinosaur discovery," he told 
CNN. "It's kind of been my dream for a while." 
 The fossil was a humerus bone from the arm of a juvenile hadrosaur -- a duck-billed dinosaur that 
lived about 69 million years ago, according to a news release from the Nature Conservancy of 
 Nathan and his dad, Dion, had found bone fragments in the area on a previous hike and thought 
that they might have washed down from farther up the hill. 
 They were just finishing lunch when Nathan climbed up the hill to take a look. 
 "He called down to me, he's like, 'Dad, you need to get up here,' and as soon as he said that I 
could tell by the tone in his voice that he found something," Dion Hrushkin said. 
 Nathan said the fossil was very obvious and it looked like "a scene on a TV show or a cartoon or 
 They sent pictures of the bone to the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, which identified the 
fossil and sent a team of paleontologists to the site.

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