
Are these statements about Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf true (T) or false (F), according to the text? ( ) Before she became a President in 2005 she had ...

Are these statements about Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf true (T) or false (F), according to the text?
( ) Before she became a President in 2005 she had been defeated in a previous election.
( ) She went to university in the United States and has worked as a bank teller.
( ) She was one of the few ministers who escaped execution after a coup d’état.
( ) Many Liberians admire her because of the fact that she was born poor.
( ) Liberians think that she has made considerable progress with her rebuilding program.
a) T – F – T – F – T.
b) F – T – F – T – F.
c) T – F – T – T – F.
d) T – T – F – F – F.
e) F – T – F – F – T.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Renaturalização Urbana: O Rewilding
181 pág.

Geografia Urbana Universidade Federal do ParanáUniversidade Federal do Paraná

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