
08 - Consider the following statements: 1. English academies have been replacing bilingual state schools. 2. Bilingual state schools now offer h...

08 - Consider the following statements:

1. English academies have been replacing bilingual state schools.
2. Bilingual state schools now offer half their subjects in English and half in Spanish.
3. Bilingual education is essential for the country to overcome its economic problems.
4. Spanish families have now been attending English and bilingual events.
5. Employment in Spain is quite high at the moment.

Which of the statements above are true, according to the text?

a) Only 1 and 2.
b) Only 2 and 3.
c) Only 1, 3 and 5.
d) Only 2, 3 and 4.
e) Only 2, 3 and 5.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Renaturalização Urbana: O Rewilding
181 pág.

Geografia Urbana Universidade Federal do ParanáUniversidade Federal do Paraná


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