
While assisting a customer with an issue, a support representative realizes the appointment is taking longer than expected and will cause the next ...

While assisting a customer with an issue, a support representative realizes the appointment is taking longer than expected and will cause the next customer meeting to be delayed by five minutes. Which of the following should the support representative do NEXT?

A. Send a quick message regarding the delay to the next customer.
B. Cut the current customer's lime short and rush to the next customer.
C. Apologize to the next customer when arriving late.
D. Arrive late to the next meeting without acknowledging the lime.

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CompTIA A 220-1102 Exam Updated Questions
17 pág.

Ensino Médio LaSalle TechLaSalle Tech


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A resposta correta seria a alternativa C. O representante de suporte deve se desculpar com o próximo cliente ao chegar atrasado. É importante ser transparente e comunicar a situação para evitar mal-entendidos e demonstrar respeito pelo tempo do cliente.


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