
What are the obligations of the importer according to the Mexican Customs Law? I. Pay the corresponding taxes and fees. II. Provide the necessary ...

What are the obligations of the importer according to the Mexican Customs Law?

I. Pay the corresponding taxes and fees.
II. Provide the necessary information, documentation, and other evidence to verify the country of origin and provenance of the goods.
III. Deliver a statement, under oath, with the elements that allow determining the customs value of the goods.
IV. In cases of infringement, the importer must provide information about the infringement or the precautionary embargo of the goods.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Ley Aduanera: Disposiciones Generales
203 pág.

Comércio Exterior Universidad Politécnica De TulancingoUniversidad Politécnica De Tulancingo


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According to the Mexican Customs Law, the obligations of the importer include: I. Paying the corresponding taxes and fees. II. Providing the necessary information, documentation, and other evidence to verify the country of origin and provenance of the goods. III. Delivering a statement, under oath, with the elements that allow determining the customs value of the goods. IV. In cases of infringement, providing information about the infringement or the precautionary embargo of the goods. These are the obligations that importers must comply with according to the Mexican Customs Law.


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