
Textos em inglês para iniciantes

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Textos em inglês para iniciantes: 10 histórias para praticar 
1. Conto Infantil
The Enchanted Forest
In a small village, there was an enchanted forest known to whisper secrets to those who walked through it. Emma, a curious little girl, ventured into the forest one day. As she wandered, the trees shared stories of ancient times and magical creatures. Emma listened in awe, her imagination taking flight with every tale.
2. Aventura
 The Secret Cave
While exploring the rocky shores of his seaside town, young Alex stumbled upon a hidden cave. Inside, he discovered walls covered in strange symbols and a mysterious, glowing stone. Intrigued, Alex decided to uncover the cave’s secrets, leading him on an unexpected journey into a world of legends and myths.
3. História do Dia-a-Dia
The New School
On her first day at a new school, Maria felt both excited and nervous. She met her teacher, Mrs. Thompson, who had a warm smile and kind eyes. As the day went on, Maria made new friends, learned interesting things, and realized that new beginnings could be wonderful adventures.
4. Viagem
A Trip to London
Lucas saved up for months to travel to London. When he finally arrived, he was amazed by the bustling streets, historic landmarks, and the diverse culture. Each day, he explored a new area, tasting different foods, visiting museums, and walking along the River Thames, making memories that would last a lifetime.
5. Textos em inglês para iniciantes: Mistério
The Old Mansion
The old mansion at the end of the street had always been the subject of rumors in the neighborhood. When Lisa and her friends dared to enter, they found a hidden room with an old diary. The diary held secrets of the mansion’s past and clues to a hidden treasure, sparking an intriguing investigation.
6. Fábula
The Wise Owl
In the heart of the forest lived a wise old owl. Animals from all over the forest would come to her for advice. One day, a young rabbit asked her about the secret to a happy life. The owl, with her deep wisdom, shared that happiness comes from helping others and being true to oneself.
7. Comédia
The Mischievous Cat
Mr. Green had a cat named Whiskers, known for his mischievous antics. One sunny afternoon, Whiskers decided to sneak into the neighbor’s house. There, he caused hilarious chaos, tangling himself in yarn, knocking over vases, and finally, coming home with a funny hat, leaving everyone laughing at his silly adventure.
8. Amizade
Best Friends Forever
Sara and Lily had been best friends since kindergarten. They shared everything, from secrets to toys. One day, they had a big argument over a small misunderstanding. After a day of silence, they realized their friendship was more important than any argument. They made up, promising to always stick together.
9. Textos em inglês para iniciantes: Motivacional
Climbing the Mountain
Tom dreamed of climbing the highest mountain in his country. Everyone told him it was too difficult, but he was determined. He trained hard every day, overcoming challenges and fears. Finally, the day came when he reached the summit, proving to himself and everyone else that with determination, any dream is possible.
10. História de Vida
The Artist’s Journey
Emily was a young artist with a passion for painting. However, she was often discouraged by the lack of recognition. She decided to travel the world to find inspiration. In her travels, she met other artists and learned new techniques. Her art blossomed, and eventually, she became known as a great painter, inspiring others with her story of perseverance and creativity.

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