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A not B error, 204 
Abstraction models of categorization, 120-122, 
Accumulator proposal, 211 
Adaptation experiment, 10 
Aftereffect of adaptation experiences, 10, 16-17 
Age-related effects on attention, 65 
Agraphia, 257 
ALCOVE model, 123-124 
Alexia, 257 
Alpha motor neurons, 13 
American sign language (ASL), 232, 241,253, 
284, 315 
Amnesia, 344, 349-351,354 
Amygdala, 309, 332, 352, 375 
Analogical constraint mapping engine (ACME), 
174, 176 
Analogy and reasoning, 114, 149, 163, 167, 175- 
180, 183-184, 219 
Angular gyrus, 256-157 
Anomia, 266-267 
Anterior cingulate, 57, 64, 66, 70-72, 263, 272- 
273, 330-333, 348 
Arcuate fasciculus, 256, 311 
Artificial intelligence, 77, 99, 322, 372 
Association areas of the posterior cortex, 72 
Associative learning, 56, 234-235 
Associative memory, 56-57, 337, 339-341,345, 
347-350, 352 
Attention shifting, 53, 338 
Attention window, 80, 335-336, 338, 341 
Attentional interrupt, 48 
Attentional preparation, 43, 45-49, 52, 60, 65, 
70, 78-79, 81, 84, 87 
Autism, 222, 225-226 
Automatization, 271 
Availability heuristic, 173 
Babbling, 2 81-2 82 
Basal ganglia, 53, 55, 64, 71,260, 268-271,273, 
333, 350 
Base-rate neglect, 172-173 
Basic level in categories, 113, 115, 168 
Basis function, 8, 18-19, 21-22, 38 
Bayes' theorem, 127, 135, 172, 174 
Belief-desire psychology, 227-22 8 
Berkeley, 86, 115, 202 
Bird song, 292, 294 
Body-centered space, 5-11, 14-20, 22-24 
BOLD, 278 
Bonobo, 293, 295, 297 
Brain plasticity, 40, 2 88 
386 Index 
Brain stem, 29, 35, 54, 56, 68, 85,333-334 
Broca's area, 256-260, 262-267, 269, 273, 
275-276, 293, 307,310-311 
Cartesian coordinate framework, 5 
Case-based reasoning, 99, 123 
Category verification, 102 
Category-based induction (CBI), 117-118, 
129-130, 168-172, 180-182 
Caudate nucleus, 269, 362 
Causality (infants' representation of), 206, 
221-222,229, 233, 235,237 
Center-embedded sentences, 261,270, 279 
Central executive, 263 
Central tendency in categorization, 100, 117, 
120, 167 
Cerebellum, 61,269, 271-272, 308 
Cerebro-cortical connections, 271 
Chimpanzees, 293, 295-298, 302-304, 308, 
Chomsky, 202-203, 258,262, 312 
Circular reactions, 232, 246-247 
Classical view of categorization, 100, 110 
Cochlea, 29- 30 
Cognitive map, 38-39 
Colliculus, 29-30, 32-36, 38, 53-54, 66, 72, 
329-330, 332 
Computational functionalism, 87 
Computede gaze error, 29 
Conceptual combination in categorization, 104, 
Conceptual representations in infants, 229, 231, 
233-234, 236-237 
Conduction aphasia, 257 
Configural cue model, 124 
Conjunction fallacy, 173, 189 
Connectionist models and brain lesions, 
Connectionist models of attention, 78- 80 
Connectionist models of categorization, 99, 
118-119, 123-124, 126, 132 
Connectionist models of cognitive development, 
202, 221,244 
Connectionist models of cognitive processing, 
323-324, 327,347 
Connectionist models of directed action, 5, 7-9, 
18, 23 
Connectionist models of language processing, 
270, 273, 2 83, 309 
Connectionist models of reasoning, 149, 167, 
Consequential region, 107 
Constraint satisfaction, 24, 174 
Constructive naturalism, 87 
Constructivist analyses of emotion, 379 
Context model, 106, 121-122 
Context theory of categorization, 106, 118, 127 
Continuity in cognitive development, 201-202, 
204-205,207-208, 212-215, 217,222, 
227-228, 248 
Coordinate system, 4-6, 27-29, 32, 35-36, 38- 
Coordinate transformations, 2, 5, 7-9, 11, 13, 
15, 17, 19, 21, 23-25, 27, 29, 33-35, 
COPYCAT system, 177 
Cortico-cortical connections, 307 
Creole, 2 84, 2 86, 298 
Creolization, 2 84, 2 87,298 
Critical period, 201,237,240-241,248, 
Cue competition effect, 118-119 
Cultural consensus model, 116 
Cultural units and attention, 76 
Deductive reasoning, 146-149, 153, 155-156, 
Degrees of freedom problem, 6-7, 24 
Delayed imitation in infants, 231-234 
Delayed response, 56-57, 69-70, 238 
Descartes, 86, 368 
Desire psychology, 227-22 8 
Development of emotion, 372 
Development of visual attention, 49-67 
Diencephalon, 348 
Digit span, 262,264, 266 
Direct reference, 108-109 
Discontinuity in cognitive development, 201, 
207, 212-213, 215,227-22 8,248 
Discrimination net models, 125 
Disengagement of attention, 51, 58, 66 
Domain specificity, 114, 138, 221,235 
Domain-specific learning mechanisms, 203,218, 
229, 235,237 
Donders' law, 25 
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), 57, 69, 
71, 80, 238-240, 265-266, 332, 337,340 
Double-saccade paradigm, 32 
Index 387 
Dynamic basis functions in directed action, 18, 
Dynamic planning in directed action, 10-11 
Dynamics and directed action, 11-22 
Ecological analysis, 107 
Einstein, 8 
Eliminative materialism, 87-88 
Encephalization, 308- 309 
Engagement of attention, 51, 58, 61, 66, 331 
Engineering and directed action, 5-7 
Epithelium, 30, 32-33 
Equilibrium-point hypothesis, 13-15 
Error-correcting feedback, 7-9, 13 
Ethology, 217-219 
Event-related potential (El<P), 55, 71, 83, 268, 
278, 2 87-2 88,326, 332 
Evolution and categorization, 103-108 
Evolutionary linguistics, 2 89, 307 
Exemplar model of categorization, 100-101, 
106, 118-119, 121-122, 124, 126-127 
Explanation-based learning (EBL), 101,115, 
119, 126-128, 131,133, 135 
Extrapolation in adaptation experiments, 18 
Extrinsic coordinate, 5 
Face recognition, 225,336 
False belief task, 226, 22 8 
Family resemblance and categorization, 102, 106, 
Feature-based induction model, 171 
Feature-overlap model, 171 
Feed-forward control, 13, 16-17, 23, 33, 
Focal lesions, 2 80, 2 87-2 88 
Folk psychology, 88,225-226, 237, 251, 
Forward kinematics transformation, 6 
Fourier, 19 
Fovea, 24, 30, 32, 50, 73,335 
Freud, 368,382 
Frontal cortex, 246 
Frontal eye field, 39, 41, 53, 69, 72, 338 
Frontal lesions, 238, 338,348 
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 
43, 47, 55, 71, 83, 257, 265,275-2 80, 326, 
Gamma efferents, 13 
Gaze-centered coordinate system, 29, 32 
Generalization, 101,106-108, 125, 128, 145, 
Generalized context model (GCM), 122 
Gestural theory of language, 300 
Gestures in infants, 223, 231-232, 234 
Goodness-of-example, 102 
Gradualist theories of language origins, 2 89 
Grooming, 305,351,355-356 
H.M., 349 
Habituation technique, 205-206, 208-210, 218, 
220, 223-224, 230, 232-233,237-238, 
Heuristics and reasoning, 147, 149, 167, 173, 191 
Hippocampus, 56-57, 93, 238,332, 348-353, 
Holistic utterance, 299-300 
Homogeneity phenomenon and reasoning, 170 
Hume, 86, 201-202 
Huntington's disease, 270- 351 
Hypometric saccades, 37 
Iconic utterance, 300 
Imagery in infants, 216, 232 
Imprinting, 218 
Inclusion fallacy, 170, 189 
Incremental analogy machine (IAM), 177 
Indexing problem in categorization, 123 
INDUCE system, 125 
Induction over the explained (IOE) model, 128 
Induction over the unexplained (IOU) model, 
Inductive reasoning, 106, 111-112, 117-118, 
128-130, 146-147, 164, 168-171, 
180-183, 190, 209, 219 
Inferior colliculus, 33 
Inferior temporal lobe, 56, 72, 263,336, 342 
Information look-up, 338,347, 352 
Inhibition of return, 60 
Insula, 259, 274 
Integration model of categorization, 127-12 8 
Interstitial nucleus of cajal, 2 8 
Intrinsic coordinate systems, 6 
388 Index 
Inverse dynamics, 7- 8, 13-18, 21-23 
Inverse kinematics transformation, 6, 10-11, 17, 
Isolable systems problem, 325-328 
James, 46, 48, 74, 86-87, 108, 368-371,373, 
375,378, 380-381 
Jerk (in trajectories of directed action), 9, 11, 
23 -24 
Joint angles, 3-4, 6-7, 24 
Joint space, 3-9, 11, 17-18, 21-24 
Kant, 86, 201 
Kanzi, 295-297, 301 
Kinematic planning, 3, 6, 9 
Kinematics and directed action, 8-11 
Language acquisition, 133,203,212, 240, 
242, 246, 249, 2 80, 2 82-2 85, 2 87-2 88, 
297-298, 300, 304, 309, 311 
Language homologs, 292-293 
Lateral geniculate nucleus, 54, 74 
Lateral pulvinar nucleus, 329 
Learnability, 160, 201,203-204,207, 209 
Learning mechanisms, 186, 201-203, 218,226, 
229, 235,237, 243,248, 2 87-2 88 
Lesion studies, 258,273-275 
Less-is-more hypothesis, 242-243, 247 
Lexicon, 141,245,286, 290, 296, 298, 300 
Lexigraphic keyboard, 295 
Limb movements, 2, 8-24 
Limb trajectory, 1, 6-24, 28, 37-38 
Linearly separable dimensions in categorization, 
122, 124 
LISA model, 177 
Listing's plane, 25-26, 2 8 
Load (in directed action), 8, 12-14 
Locke, 8, 86, 202, 373 
Lorenz, 59, 218 
Magnocellular motion pathway, 53 
Maintenance attention, 47-48, 81, 83, 87 
Mate attraction, 294 
Maturational change, 201,213, 237-242, 
245-246, 248 
Meaning-to-sign pairs, 2 81 
Medial dorsal thalamic nucleus, 348 
Medial frontal gyrus, 263 
MEDIATOR, 108, 123 
Memes and attention, 76 
Memory encoding subsystem, 349-350 
Memory formation subsystem, 348-353 
Memory-based categorization, 99 
Mental models, 155-161,163,209 
Method of subtraction, 47, 262, 265,268, 
Metric space, 2, 4, 18 
Michotte, 206, 222, 235 
Modularity, 39, 236, 238,359 
Modus ponens, 147, 150, 152-153 
Modus tollens, 150, 154-155, 158 
Monotonicity phenomenon and reasoning, 
Motor transcortical aphasia, 257 
Movement vector, 10 
Moving-equilibrium-point hypothesis, 
MT, 53,335 
Multiple-trace model of categorization, 119 
Multiplicative similarity rule, 122 
Muscimol, 2 8, 42 
Muscle-force space, 17 
Muscle-spindle organ, 13 
Mutual exclusivity assumption, 220-221 
Natural categories, 101-103 
Navigation, 2, 38, 334, 348 
Neostriatum, 350 
Neural network models (see connectionist 
Neural substrates, 67, 72, 255-258, 260, 263, 
267,269, 273-276, 280, 291,293, 
306-308, 310-311 
Nicaraguan sign language, 2 86, 298 
Nonlinearly separable dimensions in categoriza- 
tion, 122, 124 
Non-monotonicity effects and reasoning, 170 
Norepinephrine, 333 
Nucleus prepositus hypoglossi, 27 
Number representation, 209-212, 214-217, 
Numeron list proposal, 211,213 
Index 389 
Object permanence, 203-204, 206-207, 230, 
237, 246 
Object-file model, 211,215-217 
Observational learning of language, 172, 281 
Occipital lobe, 263, 334-335,342 
Oculomotor control, 2, 27, 53 
Oculomotor delayed response, 57 
Orthogonal unit vectors, 19 
Overregularization of verbal forms, 270, 2 83 
Parallel distributed processing models (see 
connectionist models) 
Parameter setting, 202,253 
Parametric designs in neuroimaging, 260, 265, 
267, 279 
Parietal cortex, 40, 53, 62, 66, 72, 329, 
332-333, 336 
Parietal-temporal junction, 337 
Parkinson's disease, 270, 351 
Pars reticulata, 53, 59 
Path of movement, 6 
Perceptual development, 233, 246 
Perceptual encoding, 342, 347, 349-350, 
Perceptual illusions in infants, 235 
Perceptual representations in infants, 231,237 
Perceptual similarity, 112, 169 
Permission schema, 161-163 
Phenomenology, 83, 89 
Pheromones, 305 
Philosophy of mind, 82, 85 
Phonetic processing, 260, 263, 310 
Phonological loop, 259, 263, 311 
Piaget, 159, 202, 204, 213, 228-233, 237-239, 
Pidgin, 2 84, 2 86-2 87, 299 
Planum temporale, 310-311 
Pop-out, 73 
Positron emission tomography (PET), 43, 47, 
60-61, 63-64, 66, 69-71, 81-83, 104, 
107, 112, 121,168, 257, 271-272,275- 
276, 280, 326, 330-333, 335-336, 338, 
340-341,346-347, 354-355 
Posterior cortex, 64, 66, 72, 74, 256, 260 
Posterior inferior frontal gyrus, 256 
Posterior parietal cortex, 40, 54, 62, 72, 329, 
332, 336-337 
Poverty of the stimulus problem, 180 
Pragmatic reasoning schemas (PRS), 151,160- 
166, 188 
Predictive control, 13 
Prefrontal cortex, 57, 68-69, 71, 74, 238-240, 
265,275-276, 308, 332, 337, 340 
Premotor cortex, 68 
Preservation-of-identity, 117 
Primary auditory cortex, 29, 256-257 
Primary motor cortex, 68 
Priming, 65, 79, 87, 154, 344-346, 348-349, 354 
Principle of cohesion, 222, 230 
Principle of contact, 222-223 
Principle of continuity, 222 
Probabilistic view of categorization, 100, 125 
Propositions, 149-150, 152, 156-157, 160, 172, 
176, 234, 261-264, 270, 341,347 
Prosodic patterns, 2 80 
Protolanguage, 298-300, 314, 316 
Prototypes and categories, 100, 118, 120, 122, 
126, 130-131,167, 172, 202 
Psychological essentialism, 111-112, 114, 139, 197 
Pulvinar, 53-56, 61, 67, 73-74, 80, 329-330, 332 
Putamen, 269, 350 
Quine, 112, 186, 202, 204, 206, 219 
Rational model of categorization, 105-107, 118 
Recall in infants, 211,231-235 
Receptive field, 20, 25-26, 30, 32, 54-55, 
60-61, 95, 336, 359 
Recognition memory, 279 
Referent, 109-110, 112, 221,296 
Regional cerebral blood flow (RCBF), 263, 272, 
276, 279 
Representativeness heuristic, 173 
Retinotopic organization, 334-335,338 
Right-branching sentences, 261,279 
Rule-based models of categorization, 100, 125 
Rule-based theories of reasoning, 151,153, 155, 
157-160, 163 
Saccade, 24-32, 34-37, 39, 41, 50, 58-59, 72 
Selective attention, 43, 46-49, 60-65, 67-68, 
77- 81, 84, 86, 32 8 
390 Index 
Selective modification model, 130-131 
Semantic processing, 258, 260, 268, 337, 347 
Semantic units and attention, 76 
Sensitive period, 240, 285-287,298 
Sensorimotor stage, 202, 213, 229, 232, 234, 246 
Sensory space, 2, 4 
Sensory transcortical aphasia, 257 
Separate systems view, 148-149 
Shepard's universal law of generalization, 107 
Shift-orienting experiment, 55 
Sign language, 232, 241,281,284-287, 
Sign-to-meaning mapping, 294, 297 
Similarity and categorization, 61,100-103, 
108-113, 115, 117-123, 125-127, 
129-130, 133, 381 
Similarity and reasoning, 135-143, 149, 154, 
166-171,175-176, 178, 190 T 
Similarity phenomenon and reasoning, 170 
Similarity-based learning (SBL), 101, 111, 115, 
119-120, 127-128, 131,133 
Similarity-based models of categorization, 
100-101,103, 113, 123, 126 
Similarity-plus-coverage model, 170 
Skill learning and attention, 75, 332 
Smoothness considerations in directed action, 11 
Social cognition and categorization, 122, 134 
Social construction views of emotion, 376 
Social contract theory (SCT), 164-166 
Social referencing, 224 
Spatial location and brain mapping, 50-51, 55, 
57-58, 60, 69-70, 79, 86, 220, 336-337, 
Spatial resolution of imaging techniques, 272, 
275 -276 
Spatial-delayed tasks, 69 
Spinal frog, 2-4, 20, 33 
Static equilibrium point, 20 
Statistical inference and reasoning, 135, 172 
Stimulus-motor response connection subsystem, U 
Stimulus-response (S-P.) learning, 178, 195, 
350-353, 383 
Stimulus-visceral response subsystem, 352-353 V 
Striatum, 350-353 
Stroop task, 71, 79, 331 
Structural alignment and reasoning, 175-176, 
179-182, 184, 186, 190-191 
Structure-mapping theory (SME), 176 
Subordinate categories, 113, 115, 168 
Substantia nigra, 53, 59 
Sudden emergence theory of language origins, 
Superior colliculus, 29-30, 32-36, 38, 40-41, 
53-54, 66, 72, 329-330, 332 
Superior temporal sulcus, 268-269 
Superordinate categories, 113, 129-130, 
168-169, 171 
Supplemental motor cortex (SMA), 70-72, 
Supramarginal gyrus, 311 
Sylvian fissure, 68 
Syntactic complexity, 261-264, 267, 270 
Syntactic memory, 261,266, 272 
Syntactic processing, 255-280, 2 87,290-291, 
293,298-299, 301-302, 304-312 
Systematicity principle, 176, 178 
Taxonomic assumption, 220-221 
Television and attention, 76 
Temporal resolution of imaging techniques, 275, 
Territorial defense, 294 
Thalamocortical circuitry, 60, 62, 64 
Thalamus, 53, 57, 59-61, 66-67, 73-74, 80, 
269, 329-330, 332-334 
Theory effects in categorization, 126 
Theory of mind (TOM), 84, 223-22 8, 
248-250, 254, 302-304, 307,314 
Theory-driven categorization, 115 
Time course of directed movement, 6 
Tool-making abilities, 307 
Topographic mapping, 29-30, 33-34, 37 
Torsional rotation in eye movements, 25 
Typicality and categorization, 102, 116-118, 131 
Typicality and reasoning, 170, 182, 190, 199 
Typicality phenomenon and reasoning, 170 
UNIMEM, 12 8 
Vl, 26, 29, 53-56, 61, 74, 80 
V2, 56, 74, 80 
V4, 52, 55, 62, 80, 335 
V5, 53-54, 56 
Vector space, 18-19 
Vector-summationmodel, 36 
Velocity profile of directed action, 11-12, 14, 
Verb conjugation, 260, 270 
Vervet alarm calls, 294 
Vestibular nystagmus, 26 
Visual buffer, 334-335,338-342 
Visual mental imagery, 340 
Visual orienting, 50-52, 57, 62 
Visuospatial sketch pad, 263 
Vocabulary development, 2 83 
Vocal tract, 2 89 
Wason selection task, 150-151,154-155, 
157-158, 161-166, 184-188 
Index 391 
Wernicke-Geschwind model, 255-256, 269, 278 
Wernicke's area, 256-258, 267-269, 293, 307, 
Western aphasia battery (WAB), 264 
What vs. where pathways, 266, 336 
Whole-object assumption, 219-221 
Winner-take-all paradigm, 79, 176 
Word form subsystem, 346, 354 
Work space, 2, 9, 15-18, 23 
Working memory, 45-47, 56-57, 68-72, 
81,152-153, 156-157, 159-160, 180, 
216, 261-266, 272, 309-311,337-338, 
Zero-torsion coordinate system, 2 8