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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 02 – Articles and Nouns 
A ( ) os realistas são mais felizes porque possuem melhor condição financeira. 
B ( ) o vencedor do prêmio Nobel Daniel Kahneman é um fervoroso otimista. 
C ( ) A vida se torna uma brincadeira de criança para pessimistas quando o melhor acontece. 
D ( ) o texto dá razão a coaches e oradores motivacionais, pois pensamento positivo traz 
E ( ) 80% da população é mais feliz justamente pelo fato de serem otimistas. 
29. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) De acordo com o texto, 
A ( ) os pessimistas acham que o sentimento de perda é muito mais forte que o de ganho. 
B ( ) o realismo é um traço intrínseco ao ser humano. 
C ( ) os realistas jogam um jogo onde não é possível perder, um jogo de certeza. 
D ( ) os pessimistas acham ruim receber um aumento, pois sempre esperam que o aumento seja 
maior do que o valor real. 
E ( ) foram pesquisadas 1.601 pessoas com mais de 18 anos para ver quem tem maior bem estar 
a longo prazo. 
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que 
A ( ) a percepção de um ganho ou uma perda depende da expectativa criada. 
B ( ) as visões comportamentais do otimismo e do pessimismo coincidem com a visão da economia 
C ( ) são necessárias informações precisas e sem viés para que se tome boas decisões sendo 
D ( ) o otimismo é a tendência de se estimar precisamente a possibilidade de algo bom acontecer. 
E ( ) a ideia do pessimismo é que pensar dessa forma pode afastar a melancolia do presente. 
31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Assinale a alternativa que pode substituir ‘gloom na 
sentença “The idea is not merely that optimistic thinking dispels present gloom” (parágrafo 
2) mantendo o mesmo sentido do texto e a correção gramatical. 
A ( ) happiness 
Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 02 – Articles and Nouns 
B ( ) sorrow 
C ( ) light 
D ( ) withdraw 
E ( ) bliss 
32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read and complete the sentence below 
Reuters reports that ___ Spanish health ministry on Monday announced 1,833 new 
coronavirus infections diagnosed in ___ past 24 hours, below Friday’s post-lockdown record 
of 2,987 but more than three times ___ average seen in July. 
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/aug/17/coronavirus-live-news-new-zealand-postpones-election-italy-
a) The / X / the 
b) X / the / the 
c) X / X / the 
d) The / the / the 
e) X / the / X 
New York's hungry rats torment alfresco diners after lockdown famine 
New York City is starting to tentatively emerge from the ravages of the coronavirus 
pandemic but a revival in outdoor restaurant dining is facing a new hazard – a plague of rats. 
Diners are facing a surge in rat activity following a lockdown period where the rodents 
were cut off from key food sources as businesses including restaurants and grocery stores shut 
down, forcing rats to battle for snacks and even eat each other. 
Since 22 June, New York City restaurants have been allowed to serve people again in 
outdoor settings, prompting sidewalks and car parking spaces to be dotted with tables and chairs. 
But the resumption of alfresco dining has led to people having unexpected rodent companions 
for their meals. 
Giacomo Romano, who owns Ciccio, an Italian restaurant in Manhattan’s Soho, said rats 
from a nearby park have been harassing diners since the outdoor meals were permitted. “Last 
night, a customer had a baby rat running on his shoe, and I let you just imagine his reaction,” 
Romano told NBC. 
Romano and other business owners have called on the city to do more to reduce rat 
populations, as the city hauls itself out of a pandemic crisis that has claimed more than 20,000 
Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 02 – Articles and Nouns 
lives. New infections and deaths have dropped sharply since April but New York City has 
postponed plans to allow indoor dining due to concerns over surging Covid-19 cases in other 
states, such as Florida, Texas and Arizona. 
New York City has waged a long and often fruitless war against rats, with the rodents 
adapting adroitly to the city’s haphazard waste collection and disposal practices. Rats are a 
common sight in streets and in the subway, where the rodents have proven themselves adept at 
spiriting away slices of pizza. 
The resumption of dining activity is likely to stir a wave of activity among rats following a 
period of relative famine, meaning interactions with people are set to continue. 
“Rats are designed to smell molecules of anything that’s food-related,” Bobby Corrigan, an 
urban rodentologist, told NBC. “They follow those food molecules like heat-seeking missiles – and 
eventually you know they end up where those molecules are originating.” 
(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/10/new-york-rats-diners-outdoor-restaurants) 
33. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the extract from the text. 
“New York City is starting to tentatively emerge from the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic”. 
Mark the option that can replace the word ravages. 
a) riot 
b) savages 
c) devastation 
d) sewer 
e) rats 
34. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the sentence below. 
“a revival in outdoor restaurant dining is facing a new hazard” 
What’s the plural form of the sentence? 
a) a revival in outdoor restaurant dining are facing a new hazard. 
b) the revivals in outdoor restaurant dining are facing new hazards. 
c) revivals in outdoor restaurant dining are facing new hazards. 
d) some revivals in outdoor restaurant dining is facing the new hazards. 
e) revivals in outdoor restaurant dining are facing the new hazard.

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