
Which is the most correct grammatical form? I promise I will be on time in our next appointment. I promise to be on time in our next appointment. I...

Which is the most correct grammatical form?
I promise I will be on time in our next appointment.
I promise to be on time in our next appointment.
I promise I am on time in our next appointment.
I promise I would be on time in our next appointment.
I promise I will be on time in our next appointment.
I promise I am being on time in our next appointment.


Essa pergunta também está no material:

Língua Inglesa- Aspectos discursivos QUESTIONÁRIO 3
5 pág.

Contabilidade / Ciências Contábeis Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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Analisando as opções fornecidas: a) b) c) d) e) A forma gramaticalmente correta da frase é: "I promise to be on time in our next appointment." Portanto, a opção correta é a letra b).


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