
What were the consequences of Italy's defeat in its African possessions? Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia achieved their independence during the war. ...

What were the consequences of Italy's defeat in its African possessions?

Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia achieved their independence during the war.
Italy managed to maintain its colonies after the war, but this led to enormous indebtedness aggravating the Italian crisis.
Its possessions were invaded by the United States.
As a way of cutting French and English supplies, Italy used its colonies to dominate Italian territories in Africa.
Italy managed to maintain its colonies during the war, but lost control over them in the Treaty of Versailles.

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Licenciatura em História Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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As consequências da derrota da Itália em suas possessões africanas foram a independência da Líbia, Eritreia e Somália durante a guerra. A Itália conseguiu manter suas colônias após a guerra, mas isso levou a uma enorme dívida, agravando a crise italiana. A última alternativa apresentada na descrição da pergunta ("Italy managed to maintain its colonies during the war, but lost control over them in the Treaty of Versailles") está incorreta, pois a Itália não perdeu suas colônias na África no Tratado de Versalhes, mas sim no período posterior à Segunda Guerra Mundial.


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