
Kotler (1998) proposed a classification of the different moments that Marketing went through, highlighting the economic moments, objectives of each...

Kotler (1998) proposed a classification of the different moments that Marketing went through, highlighting the economic moments, objectives of each period, guidelines, etc. This classification proposes the division of moments into Marketing 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. About these classifications, analyze the following sentences: I- Marketing 1.0 has as its central objective the construction of lasting relationships with consumers. II- Marketing 2.0 has as its central objective the satisfaction and retention of customers. III- Marketing 3.0 has as its central objective the contribution to a better world. Choose the CORRECT alternative:

I- Marketing 1.0 has as its central objective the construction of lasting relationships with consumers.
II- Marketing 2.0 has as its central objective the satisfaction and retention of customers.
III- Marketing 3.0 has as its central objective the contribution to a better world.
A) Only sentence III is correct.
B) Sentences II and III are correct.
C) All sentences are correct.
D) The sentence is correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra B) Sentences II and III are correct. A primeira sentença está incorreta, pois o objetivo central do Marketing 1.0 é a transação, não a construção de relacionamentos duradouros com os consumidores. Já a segunda sentença está correta, pois o Marketing 2.0 busca a satisfação e retenção dos clientes. E a terceira sentença também está correta, pois o Marketing 3.0 tem como objetivo central contribuir para um mundo melhor.


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