
Core Course Innovation Session 1 PPT 1a

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RCM Corinne Grenier 
Professeur RCM : Corinne Grenier
Track One – What innovation is – the Innovation strategies 
of the organizations
PPT 1a – General presentation of the track
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the 
unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.
RCM Corinne Grenier 
Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man”
George Bernard Shaw
‘Business has only two basic functions – marketing and 
Peter Drucker
RCM Corinne Grenier 
Objectives of the Session 1
It presents the notion of Innovation and of companies' innovation 
strategy. We learn the main reasons companies are to innovate.
What is Innovation?
 Innovation and innovative strategy of firm
 Innovation and Partnership 
Main contents/ideas of the Session 1
 Innovation is both a complex and vague term that need to be précised clearly.
Role of innovation in the leadership and the development of firms and of the 
But firm can be successful and competitive by leading an imitation strategy!
Innovation may by radical or incremental 
Innovation may concern product or process
Innovation is more or less technology –based oriented 
Innovation is generally conducted with a network of partnership 
RCM Corinne Grenier 
Main concepts of the Session One: 
 Distinguishing from Invention and other concepts
 Innovation in organizations
 Goals of Innovation 
 Strategic Alliance
 Innovation, Network
RCM Corinne Grenier 
The structure of the Session 1
= Notion of Innovation and of companies' innovation strategy
= The main reasons companies are to innovate.
What is Innovation? (see PPT 1b)
Why innovation is critical – strategy, risks and obstacles (see PPT 1c)
Innovation and Time-to-market (see PPT 1d)
 Open Innovation and Partnerships (see PPT 1e)
RCM Corinne Grenier 
Some introductory readings
 Compulsory readings 
In the text book : chapter 1 - § 1.1

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