
Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

Read text and answer questions 1 to 6. 
Mother's Day History 
Mother's Day is a celebration that 
honors motherhood and maternal bonds. It 
originated in the United States in the early 20th 
century, when Anna Jarvis, an American 
activist, campaigned for a day to honor 
mothers in memory of her own mother, who 
had passed away. The first official Mother's 
Day was celebrated on May 10, 1908, in West 
The idea quickly spread throughout the 
United States, and in 1914, President 
Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation 
designating Mother's Day as a national 
holiday, to be held on the second Sunday in 
The tradition of celebrating Mother's 
Day has since spread to many other countries 
around the world, with different dates and 
customs. The first country to adopt the holiday 
after the United States was Mexico, in 1922. 
In Brazil, Mother's Day is celebrated on 
the second Sunday in May, just like in the 
United States. The holiday is a major event in 
Brazil, with many people giving gifts, flowers, 
and cards to their mothers and expressing 
their gratitude for all that they do. It is also a 
popular day for family gatherings and special 
1. Who campaigned for a day to honor 
mothers in memory of her own mother? 
a) Anna Jarvis. 
b) J.K. Rowling. 
c) Woodrow Wilson. 
d) Stephenie Meyer. 
2. When was the first official Mother's Day 
a) April 22, 1934. 
b) May 11, 1914. 
C) June 18, 1922 
d) May 10, 1908. 
3. Which US president signed a proclamation 
designating Mother's Day as a national 
a) Abraham Lincoln. 
b) Franklin D. Roosevelt. 
c) Woodrow Wilson. 
d) John F. Kennedy. 
4. Which country was the first to adopt 
Mother's Day after the United States? 
a) Canada. 
b) Mexico. 
c) Australia. 
d) France. 
5. In which month is Mother's Day celebrated 
in Brazil? 
a) January. 
b) April. 
c) May. 
d) December. 
6. What types of gifts are commonly given on 
Mother's Day? 
a) Flowers. 
b) Books. 
c) Clothing. 
d) Electronics. 
7. Look at the image below and mark where 
there is an implicit imperative 
a) Friday. b) Sale. 
c) Mother’s Day. d) Saturday. 
8. In the ad campaign below, what does the 
verb "make" express? 
a) Obriga ou força a mãe a fazer algo. 
b) Realiza algo para a mãe. 
c) Expressa uma ordem ou instrução 
específica para a mãe. 
d) Expressa uma ação que a mãe pode 
tomar em relação aos filhos. 
Read the comic strip below and answer 
questions 9 and 10. 
9. O que Luann fez para sua mãe no Dia das 
a) Lavou a louça. 
b) Limpou a casa. 
c) Lavou a roupa. 
d) Cozinhou uma refeição. 
10. Qual a reação da mãe ao gesto de Luann? 
a) Ela está com raiva. 
b) Ela está decepcionada. 
c) Ela está surpresa. 
d) Ela está comovida.

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