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Espero que essas questões sejam úteis para você! 
Entendi, você quer 100 questões de multiplicação avançadas em inglês, cada uma com 
resposta e explicação. Vamos lá: 
1. What is the product of 34 and 56? 
 Answer: 1904 
 Explanation: Multiply 34 by 56 to get the result. 
2. Calculate the multiplication of 78 and 92. 
 Answer: 7176 
 Explanation: Multiply 78 by 92 to find the product. 
3. What is the result of multiplying 123 by 45? 
 Answer: 5535 
 Explanation: Multiply 123 by 45 to get the answer. 
4. Determine the product of 567 and 89. 
 Answer: 50463 
 Explanation: Multiply 567 by 89 to find the result. 
5. Calculate the multiplication of 234 and 67. 
 Answer: 15678 
 Explanation: Multiply 234 by 67 to obtain the product. 
6. What is the product of 789 and 12? 
 Answer: 9468 
 Explanation: Multiply 789 by 12 to get the result. 
7. Find the result of multiplying 321 by 98. 
 Answer: 31458 
 Explanation: Multiply 321 by 98 to find the product.