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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

Prof. Eduardo Folks
MUCH – Muito(a)
LITTLE – Pouco (a)
A LITTLE – Algum(a)
LESS - Menos
Aplicáveis a substantivos INCONTÁVEIS (singular).
Uncountable nouns do not have a distinction between singular and plural and cannot be counted. This means that they are not used with the articles a or an or numbers. Uncountable nouns are used only in the singular.
Advice, bread, equipment, furniture, information, luggage, news, progress are UNCOUNTABLE nouns.
I found a lot of information about Ecuador on the Internet.
Not: I found a lot of informations about Ecuador …
She told me an interesting piece of information about him.
Not: She told me an interesting information …
MUCH (muito, muita)
We use much with a noun (as a determiner)
 or without a noun (as a pronoun).
I haven’t got much cash. I’ve only got a ten-pound note.
Is there much unemployment in that area?
It was pouring with rain but there wasn’t much wind.
How much money do we have?
I don't have as much time as (= I have less time than) I would like for visiting my friends.
A: “Would you like some cheese?”
B: “Yes please but not much.” (not much cheese)
If I drink too much coffee, I can't sleep.
As expressões plenty of, a good deal of / a great deal of , a lot of / lots of” também expressam abundância e podem substituir ‘much’ em sentenças AFIRMATIVAS.
They have a good deal of/ a great deal of money in the savings account.
Eat healthily and drink plenty of water.
That’s a lot of luggage!
No need to hurry up. I have lots of time.
Para enfatizar um comparativo de superioridade 
usaremos MUCH (e não VERY).
Curitiba is much colder than Rio. 
He is much older than my father.
Rio is much more beautiful than Dubai.
Those animals are much more aggressive than lions.
LITTLE (pouco, pouca)
We use little with a noun (as a determiner)
 or without a noun (as a pronoun).
They had little money to spend.
This sauce needs little salt.
Little is known about his education.
ADJECTIVE - Small in size
The plants will grow into little bushes.
A little puppy dog.
A boring little man.
“Little” pouco(a) – indica quantidade pequena, insuficiente. 
“A little” algum(a) - quantidade suficiente. Transmite uma ideia positiva. 
A: Have you got any money for a taxi?
B: Yes, a little. (some amount). Let’s get one!
A: Have you got any money for a taxi?
B: Little. (almost nothing). Let’s go on foot.
We have little time before the departure of the train. Com’on, hurry up!
We have a little time before the departure of the train. Let’s drink a cup of coffee.
“Less” significa “menos” e é aplicável a substantivos INCONTÁVEIS.
They have less time than you to finish the task.
This model consumes less fuel.
People are spending less money these days.
MANY - Muitos (as)
FEW – Poucos (as)
A FEW – Alguns(as)
FEWER - Menos
Aplicáveis a substantivos no plural. (CONTÁVEIS)
Countable nouns
Nouns which can be counted. 
a car, three cars
my cousin, my two cousins
a book, a box full of books
a city, several big cities
MANY – muitos, muitas
We use many with a noun (as a determiner)
 or without a noun (as a pronoun).
Do you have many students?
He doesn’t have many Dollars to spend.
Many people agreed with her.
Many think bungee jumping is extremely dangerous.
“Many” pode ser substituído pelas expressões “a large number of / a great number of”, “plenty of” e “a lot of / lots of” (um grande número de, “muitos”, “muitas”) em sentenças AFIRMATIVAS. 
Tom has a large number of / a great number of properties.
From here, a large number of roads lead to various parts of the city.
We’ve got lots of things to do.
There were plenty of choices.
There are a lot of good players at your tennis club.
FEW – poucos, poucas
We use few with a noun (as a determiner)
 or without a noun (as a pronoun).
I brought few bottles of water.
Few cities in Europe can match the cultural richness of Berlin.
He had few friends.
Few challenge these beliefs.
Observa-se o mesmo princípio de “a little” à expressão “a few” (ideia positiva).
 Não esqueça, porém, que “a few” (alguns, algumas) deverá ser empregado diante de substantivos no plural.
She had a few moments on her own. (some, she is fine now.)
She had few moments on her own. (not many/almost none, she is still tired.)
There are a few slices of cake left over from the party. Help yourself! +
Mary’s worried. She has few minutes to finish. 	 	-
Fewer também significa menos, mas é usado para substantivos no plural.
I purchased fewer products than you.
Better cycle routes would mean fewer cars and fewer accidents.
Every year in Britain about 5,000 people die on the roads. Fewer are killed at work. (fewer people)
(a) Bit (n) = a small piece or amount of something; a short distance or period.
Would you like a bit of chocolate?
She tries to do a bit of exercise every day.
Maria's put on a bit of weight, hasn't she?
It's a bit of a nuisance.
I'm just going out for a bit. See you later.
Can you move up a bit?
BOTH - two people or things together:
My parents visited Cambridge yesterday. Both are professors.
I love them both. = I love both of them.
He embraced her, kissing her on both cheeks.
SEVERAL - some; an amount that is not exact but is fewer than many:
Several have complained about the drought.
The landslide hit a lot of houses. Several were damaged. 
They used the grant in several ways.
A handful of = a few
She invited all her friends to her party, but only a handful of them turned up.
He knows a handful of different recipes.
There were only a handful of guests at the reception.
In the sentence of the text 
“Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card”, 
the quantifier plenty of can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by 
(B) few 
(C) a few 
(D) a little 
(E) lots of 
In the sentence of the text 
“Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card”, 
the quantifier plenty of can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by 
(B) few 
(C) a few 
(D) a little 
(E) lots of 
The expression “a few” is used incorrectly in
a)	Unfortunately there were a few seats left when we arrived at the theatre.
b)	Help yourself, there are a few sandwiches and cookies left.
c)	These journal articles always have a few ideas worth discussing.
d)	They managed to find a few clues of what the theatre looked like.
e)	A few of his marvellous engravings have survived.
The expression “a few” is used incorrectly in
a)	Unfortunately there were a few seats left when we arrived at the theatre.
b)	Help yourself, there are a few sandwiches and cookies left.
c)	These journal articles always have a few ideas worth discussing.
d)	They managed to find a few clues of what the theatre looked like.
e)	A few of his marvellous engravings have survived.
A expressão “a few” completa corretamente a frase
 Could you spare __________ moments?
 It’s a pity they have _________ friends.
 It will taste better with __________ bacon.
 His ideas are difficult and ________ understand them.
 He’s asked me for _________ money.
A expressão “a few” completa corretamente a frase
 Could you spare __________ moments?
 It’s a pity they have _________ friends.
 It will taste better with __________ bacon.
 His ideas are difficult and ________ understand them.
 He’s asked me for _________ money.
Living in São Paulo is sometimes ______ harder than living in any other place in the world.
a) very	b) much	 c) many	 d) so	 e) a few
Living in São Paulo is sometimes ______ harder than living in any other place in the world.
a) very	b) much	 c) many	 d) so	 e) a few
Do you think that too ______ books won’t help ______ ?
a) many / much				d) much / a few
b) much / many				e) much / a little
c) very / much
Do you think that too ______ bookswon’t help ______ ?
a) many / much				d) much / a few
b) much / many				e) much / a little
c) very / much
Pollution is a serious problem. There are ______ trees and ______ fresh air nowadays.
a) lots / few					d) many / fewer
b) much / less					e) fewer / less
c) few / many
Pollution is a serious problem. There are ______ trees and ______ fresh air nowadays.
a) lots / few					d) many / fewer
b) much / less					e) fewer / less
c) few / many

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