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AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
AULA 04 
Pronouns and Prepositions 
Prof. Leonardo Pontes 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Personal pronouns 4 
Possessive Pronouns 6 
Reflexive Pronouns 11 
Demonstrative Pronouns 14 
Indefinite Pronouns 15 
Relative Pronouns 18 
Interrogative Pronouns 20 
Prepositions of place 22 
In 22 
On 23 
At 25 
To 26 
For 26 
6.1 GABARITO 83 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
1. Introdução 
 Vamos, então, à nossa aula sobre outros dois importantes tópicos gramaticais: os 
pronomes e suas classes; os determinantes e suas propriedades; as preposições e suas 
variedades e, também, as conjunções e suas famosas orações coordenadas e subordinadas, 
entre outras. 
 Na língua inglesa, existem muitas classes gramaticais, as quais estamos estudando no 
decorrer das nossas aulas. Mas, a que substitui e determina os substantivos é a classe dos 
pronomes (pronouns). Veremos muitos tipos de pronomes nessa aula. 
Quantifiers – os determinantes, são expressões usadas para indicar informações a respeito 
da quantidade de algo. Veremos muitos tipos deles. 
Prepositions – as famosas preposições – as muitas preposições que existem em Inglês são 
palavras que ligam termos e estabelecem relação entre eles. Vamos estudar as principais 
preposições que podem aparecer na sua prova. 
As Conjunctions – conjunções – são palavras que são usadas para fazer a conexão entre 
palavras ou frases. Veremos muitas e inúmeros exemplos para que fique claro o uso delas nas 
muitas orações em que aparecem. 
As línguas, de forma geral, são sistemas que devemos internalizar naturalmente, mas, 
como o conhecimento da língua consiste em uma fragmentação de conteúdos em regras (com 
muitas exceções), fica complicado aprender e usar bem todos esses tópicos gramaticais, todo esse 
conteúdo proposto em nossas aulas, eu sei disso. Até porque uma língua é parte integrante de 
uma cultura e de suas relações sociais e, como brasileiro, você estuda a língua estrangeira como 
um elemento externo, para capacitar você a conseguir ler e responder as questões no dia da 
Vou fornecer ferramentas específicas para simplificar o estudo de pronomes, de 
determinantes, de preposições, de conjunções, assim como de todos os assuntos que abrangem 
o conteúdo programático, e, uma vez preparado para a prova, o caminho para a aprovação será 
mais facilmente percorrido. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
2. Pronouns 
Os prounouns – pronomes – são palavras que acompanham os substantivos e podem 
substituí-los (direta ou indiretamente), retomá-los ou fazer referência a eles. 
Sem os pronomes, as orações ficariam confusas e longas demais, como por exemplo, ao 
citar os nomes de 3 pessoas em uma frase, podemos usar o pronome sujeito they (eles/elas), 
remetendo àquelas pessoas, veja: 
Elizabeth, Lourdes and Alexander play golf together. – They play golf together. 
Os pronomes em Inglês, de acordo com a função que exercem, são classificados em: 
v pronomes pessoais (personal pronouns: subject e object pronouns) 
v pronomes possessivos (possessive pronouns: possessive adjectives and possessive 
v pronomes demonstrativos (demonstrative pronouns) 
v pronomes reflexivos (reflexive pronouns) 
v pronomes indefinidos (indefinite pronouns) 
v pronomes relativos (relative pronouns) 
v pronomes interrogativos (interrogative pronouns) 
Personal pronouns 
Os personal pronouns – pronomes pessoais, podem indicar pessoas, lugares e objetos. São 
classificados em: 
v Subject Pronouns: os pronomes que funcionam como sujeitos, como por exemplo: 
Lavinia is beautiful – She is beautiful. (Lavinia é o substantivo da frase, que está sendo 
substituído pelo Subject Pronoun She) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
v Object Pronouns: os pronomes que funcionam como objetos, por exemplo: 
I want to go to the park with Lavinia – I want to go to the park with her. (Lavinia é o 
substantivo da frase, que está sendo substituído pelo Object Pronoun her) 
 Os pronomes sujeitos, subject prounouns – vêm no início das frases, na maioria das vezes. 
Isso porque, o sujeito de uma frase é a pessoa que realiza a ação, certo? Pode até ser que o subject 
pronoun apareça no meio de uma frase, mas têm a função de sujeito, de quem realiza a ação, 
como por exemplo: 
 He works at the office every day – Every day, he works at the office. 
 (Ele trabalha no escritório todos os dias.) (Todos os dias, ele trabalha no escritório.) 
 Já os object pronouns, quase sempre aparecem no fim das frases, na função de objeto 
mesmo, que seriam os objetos direto e indireto. 
 O que você precisa saber (e que nenhum livro diz) é que os pronomes sujeitos e objetos 
têm o mesmo significado, porém colocados em lugares diferentes da frase. 
 Se eu falar “Ela estuda” é “She studies” mas, “Eu estudo com ela”, com a palavra ela no 
final da frase, ela vira um pronome objeto e fica: “I study with her”, entendeu o bizu? 
 Como esses pronomes estão correlacionados, fiz uma tabela para você. Veja qual pronome 
sujeito se refere a cada pronome objeto abaixo, veja os dois tipos de personal pronouns: 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 I am the person. It’s me. (Eu sou a pessoa. Sou eu). 
 You are the person. It’s you. (Você é a pessoa. É você). 
 He is the person. It’s him. (Ele é a pessoa. É ele). 
 She is the person. It’s her. (Ela é a pessoa. É ela). 
 It is the object. It’s it. (Ele é o objeto. É ele). 
 We are the people. It’s us. (Nós somos as pessoas. Somos nós). 
 You are the person. It’s you. (Vocês são as pessoas. São vocês). 
 They are the people. It’s them. (Eles são as pessoas. São eles). 
Possessive Pronouns 
Os possessive pronouns são aqueles que indicam que algo pertence a alguém. São 
classificados em possessive adjectives e possessive pronouns (pronomes adjetivos e pronomes 
Possessive Adjectives: Esses possessivos são sempre são acompanhados por substantivos, 
modificando-os. E eles não têm singular e plural, por exemplo: my significa meu, minha, meus e 
minhas, assim como your significa seu, sua, seus, suas e assim por diante, veja: 
 Before leaving, I got my wallet, my keys, my laptop and my books. 
 (Antes de sair, eu peguei minha carteira, minhas chaves, meu laptop e meus livros.)7 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 My car is black. (Meu carro é preto). 
 Where is your car? (Onde está o seu carro?) 
 His car is black. (O carro dele é preto). 
 Where is her car? (Onde está o carro dela?) 
 Where is its car? (Onde está o carro dela (loja/concessionária?) 
 Where is our car? (Onde está o nosso carro?) 
 Your car is black. (Seu carro é preto). 
 Their car is black. (O carro deles/delas é preto). 
Possessive Pronouns: esses pronomes têm a função de substituir o substantivo, 
diferentemente dos pronomes adjetivos, que sempre estão ligados a ele. Eles também não sofrem 
flexão de grau - singular e plural. Esses pronomes sempre estarão, na maioria das vezes, no final 
das frases! Assim fica mais fácil de encontrá-los. 
Na hora da sua prova, em sua análise das alternativas de cada pergunta, você precisa usar 
as técnicas certas – inclusive aquelas aprendidas em nossa primeira aula – para ler os textos com 
maior agilidade e compreender termos que levarão à resolução com segurança. Veja um exemplo 
e o quadro ilustrativo: 
 Whose umbrella is this? It’s mine. And the keys? They are mine. 
 (De quem é esse guarda-chuva? É meu. E as chaves? São minhas.) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are mine. (São meus). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are yours. (São seus). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are his. (São dele). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are hers. (São dela). 
 Whose books are these? De quem...livros? They are its. (São dela - loja/biblioteca). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are ours. (São nossos). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are yours. (São seus). 
 Whose books are these? De quem são esses livros? They are theirs. (São meus). 
Agora, depois de tantos pronomes, vamos visualizá-los em textos de exercícios cobrados 
em provas anteriores. Vou mostrar os textos e explicar a que se referem, para comprovar nossos 
estudos. E logo, mais pronomes de outras categorias. Let’s go! 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Nesse texto, da prova IME/2018, sobre os pronomes sublinhados, os dois primeiros são 
object pronouns, them e se referem, respectivamente às minhocas – waxworms: elas, pronome 
them e às larvas – caterpillars, também elas, pronome them. 
O terceiro, her, é um possessive adjective, que se refere à Federica Bertocchini, portanto, 
O último sublinhado – their – é outro possessive adjective, que se refere às waxworms, 
portanto, delas. 
Você não precisa decorar esses nomes para o dia da prova. Porém, precisa saber onde cada 
pronome se encaixa, entendê-los e identificar como são usados nas frases. Veja também, por 
curiosidade, uma questão ITA/2018: 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Nessa charge, da prova ITA/2018, sobre os pronomes sublinhados, os dois primeiros são 
possessive adjectives, your se refere à Helga (your husband – seu marido), em uma frase sobre o 
marido ser preguiçoso (lazy). Ela responde que o trabalho dele (his job) é difícil (hard). 
Depois, um object pronoun: é dito que todos servem a ele (him), significando ele. 
E o último é também um possessive adjective: ... a pilllow for my back (um travesseiro para 
minhas costas). 
E agora, um quadro só, com os dois tipos de possessive pronouns, para ficar mais fácil ainda 
de memorizar e comparar ambos os tipos de possessivos. E, não se esqueça dos bizus de como 
memorizá-los com mais facilidade. Vamos lá! 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Reflexive Pronouns 
Os reflexive pronouns – pronomes reflexivos são aqueles que praticam a ação sobre si 
mesmo (eu mesmo, você mesmo etc). São usados de acordo com o sujeito da oração, sempre. 
São palavras que têm os sufixos “-self” (singular) e “-selves” (plural). 
Os reflexive pronouns possuem 3 funções: 
v Função reflexiva: é quando o pronome concorda com o sujeito e aparece 
depois dele: 
Lisa was looking herself in the mirror. (Lisa estava se olhando no espelho). 
v Função enfática: é quando o pronome concorda com o sujeito e se posiciona 
depois desse sujeito ou então do objeto. 
Lisa herself prepared the sandwich. (Lisa mesma preparou o sanduíche). 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
v Função idiomática: é quando o pronome vem precedido da preposição by, 
para indicar que o sujeito praticou a ação sozinho. 
 Lisa likes studying by herself. (Lisa gosta de estudar sozinha. – só ela.) 
Veja um exemplo e o quadro ilustrativo: 
 I cut myself with a knife. Eu me cortei com a faca. 
 You cut yourself with a knife. Você se cortou com a faca. 
 He cut himself with a knife. Ele se cortou com a faca. 
 She cut herself with a knife. Ela se cortou com a faca. 
 It cut itself with a knife. Ele se cortou com a faca. (um animal, por exemplo) 
 We cut ourselves with a knife. Nós nos cortamos com a faca. 
 You cut yourselves with a knife. Vocês se cortaram com a faca. 
 They cut themselves with a knife. Eles se cortaram com a faca. 
Vejamos uma tabela dos pronomes que estudamos até agora, com as devidas 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Se analisarmos a própria palavra pronome, “pro” significa “em função de”.Logo, é possível 
concluir que “pronome” é sinônimo de algo que está “em função do nome”. Por isso, os pronomes 
existem para remeter, retomar ou qualificar outras palavras expressas nos textos. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Demonstrative Pronouns 
Os demonstrative pronouns – pronomes demonstrativos, são apenas 4 e são simples de 
entender. São usados para situar a posição de algo no espaço em que se encontra. São aqueles 
pronomes que mostram, indicam algo que pode estar perto ou longe. Veja uma tabela e uma 
ilustração com esses pronomes. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Indefinite Pronouns 
Os indefinite pronouns – pronomes indefinidos, recebem esse nome porque substituem ou 
acompanham o substantivo, porém, de forma indeterminada. Eles oferecem a ideia, por exemplo, 
de algum lugar, alguma coisa, alguém, qualquer lugar, qualquer pessoa, entre outros nomes 
imprecisos dentro das orações. 
Os pronomes indefinidos começam com as palavras some, any, no e every. E terminam com 
os sufixos -body, -one, -thing, -where, entre outros, a depender do contexto. 
Em geral, usa-se -some, -every e -no em frases afirmativas, -any em frases negativas e 
Aqui, vale lembrar algumas diferenças entre some e any, só para ilustrar: some para frases 
afirmativas e any para negativas e interrogativas, ambas as palavras significam algum, alguma, 
alguns, algumas e, dependendo do contexto, nas negativas, significam nenhum/nenhuma, ok? 
Vejamos alguns exemplos para ilustrar: 
São muitos os pronomes indefinidos e, por isso, precisamos analisar diferentes exemplos 
que podem estar presentes nos textos de forma geral. Vou mostrar variados exemplos abaixo, 
nos quadros que seguem: 
 I think somebody has arrived. Eu acho que alguém chegou. 
 I believe someone forgot the book. Eu acredito que alguém esqueceu o livro. 
 She said something is wrong. Ela disse que alguma coisa está errada. 
 He is somewhere in Europe. Ele está em algum lugar na Europa. 
 I have to get there someway. Eu tenho que chegar lá de alguma maneira. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 I can’t see anybody in the room. Não consigo ver ninguém na sala. 
 He didn’t see anyone there. Ele não viu ninguém lá. 
 I won’t do anything at the moment. Não consigo fazer nada nesse momento. 
 I can’t go anywhere. Não posso ir em lugar nenhum/qualquer lugar. 
 She is going home anyway. Ela está indo para casa de qualquer forma/jeito. 
 She said nobody won the medal. Ela disse que ninguém ganhou a medalha. 
 No one came to college yesterday. Ninguém veio à faculdade ontem. 
 None of the exercises are right. Nenhum dos exercícios está certo. 
 There is nothing I can do. Não há nada que eu possa fazer. 
 She is going nowhere. Ela não está indo para lugar nenhum. 
 She is going home anyway. Ela está indo para de qualquer forma/jeito. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 Everybody is going to the party. Todos vão para a festa. 
I talked to everyone at the party. Eu falei com todos da festa. 
She is doing everything she can. Ela está fazendo tudo o que pode. 
I’ve been everywhere in this city. Já estive em todos os lugares dessa cidade. 
He drove every way at the race. Ele dirigiu em todos os sentidos na corrida. 
Uma vez dominadas essas palavras, a compreensão e busca pelas respostas fica mais 
acessível, não é mesmo? Por isso, eu sempre gosto de enfatizar a importância de se conhecer os 
termos gramaticais, sejam eles pronomes, verbos, preposições, artigos. 
Basta estudar! Conte comigo. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Relative Pronouns 
Os relative pronouns – pronomes relativos, são palavras que exercem a função de sujeito 
ou de objeto nas frases. Quando for sujeito, haverá um substantivo antes desse pronome. Mas, 
quando aparecer após um verbo, com ou sem preposição, então, estamos falando de um 
pronome relativo com função de objeto. 
Em ambas as situações, o que importa é saber a estrutura e entender para que e onde são 
usados tais pronomes nos textos, independentemente da função que exercem. 
Vejamos um quadro com os nomes dos pronomes e vamos falar dos detalhes de cada um 
deles para compreender melhor. 
Na função de sujeito, os pronomes relativos são: who (para pessoas), which (para 
objetos/animais) e that (para pessoas e objetos: neutro). 
The man who arrived is charming. (O homem que chegou é charmoso). 
O pronome se refere ao homem que chegou: o sujeito 
Na função de objeto, temos os pronomes relativos who/whom (para pessoas) e também 
which (para objetos/animais) e that (para pessoas e objetos: neutro). 
She didn’t say who arrived. (Ela não disse quem chegou). 
O pronome se refere ao homem que chegou (objeto) e não a ela (sujeito) 
Vejamos outros exemplos com o uso de diferentes pronomes relativos: 
The girl who disappeared studied with me. (A garota que desapareceu estudava comigo). 
O pronome se refere à garota que desapareceu: o sujeito 
They didn’t show who the magician was. (Eles não mostraram quem era o mágico). 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
O pronome se refere ao mágico que chegou: o sujeito 
Veja o quadro ilustrativo: 
 Os pronomes vistos acima, com os respectivos exemplos, também são muito cobrados nas 
provas. Independentemente da maneira como esses pronomes aparecerem nos textos, se você 
entender o funcionamento de cada um deles dentro do contexto, saberá responder as questões 
da prova. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Interrogative Pronouns 
Os interrogative pronouns – pronomes interrogativos, também chamados de Question 
Words, são aquelas palavras utilizadas para fazer perguntas, termos que representam aquilo que 
queremos saber: o lugar, o motivo, a hora, o dia, entre outros. Vejamos alguns exemplos: 
o What is your favorite fruit? Grapes. (Qual é a sua fruta favorita?) Uvas. 
o Which fruit do you prefer, apple or pear? Pear. (Qual fruta você prefere, maçã 
ou pera?) Pera. 
o Where do you go on the weekends? To the club. (Onde você vai nos fins de 
semana?) Ao clube. 
o When is Christmas? It’s on December 24th. (Quando é o Natal? É 24 de 
o How do you go to work? By bus. (Como você vai para o trabalho?) De ônibus. 
o Who is that boy over there? It’s my brother. (Quem é aquele garoto lá?) É 
meu irmão. 
o To whom did he give the present? To me. (Para quem ele deu o presente?) 
Para mim. 
o Whose house is that ? It’s mine. (De quem é aquela casa?) Minha. 
o Why do you study English? Because I need. (Por que você estuda alemão?)Porque eu preciso. 
 Observação: Você percebeu que usamos dois pronomes interrogativos para fazer 
perguntas com a palavra qual – WHAT/WHICH – sendo What para perguntas gerais “O quê/Qual”. 
Mas, se for uma escolha – “Qual você prefere, esse ou aquele?”, usamos “Which”. 
 ‘What’ e ‘Which’ têm a mesma tradução, mas o momento em que se usa cada um é 
diferente, já que ‘what’ não apresenta restrições como o pronome interrogativo ‘which’ é usado 
somente quando há um número limitado de opções. Vejamos o quadro ilustrativo: 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Os pronomes interrogativos, nos textos, são usados quando há perguntas dentro de um 
contexto e, na maioria das vezes, a resposta vem logo em seguida. 
Ou, às vezes, são leituras mais técnicas, reflexivas, artigos científicos, entre outros, em que 
há perguntas sem resposta dentro dos textos. E precisam de respostas mais amplas do que um 
“sim” ou um “não”. Por isso aparecem, nas alternativas de resposta, algumas opções como um 
lugar ou horário e, se você souber qual é o pronome, acerta a questão.Veremos questões com 
esses pronomes adiante para praticar. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
3. Prepositions 
As prepositions (preposições) são palavras ou grupos de palavras que ligam e 
estabelecem relações dentro das frases. Nessas relações, um termo explica ou completa o 
sentido do outro. As preposições mais importantes e mais usadas nas provas são as preposições 
de lugar e de tempo. 
Prepositions of place 
 As preposições de lugar são muito importantes, pois elas são responsáveis por fazer com 
que o falante possa expressar com precisão a posição exata de alguém ou alguma coisa. Algumas 
das mais utilizadas são: 
ü In - dependendo do contexto pode significar: dentro de; em; de; no e na. 
ü On - dependendo do contexto pode significar: sobre a; em cima de; acima de; em; no; na. 
ü At - dependendo do contexto pode significar: à; em; na; no. 
ü To - dependendo do contexto pode significar: para; a. 
ü For - dependendo do contexto pode significar: para; durante; por. 
 A preposição in é utilizada no seguintes casos: 
1) Para indicar tempo, seja o ano, o mês, as estações do ano ou uma parte do dia. 
• I study in the evening. (Eu estudo a noite.) 
• He plays volleyball in the afternoon. (Ele joga vôlei de tarde.) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
• My birthday is in April. (Meu aniversário dela é em abril.) 
• My brother was born in 2012. (Meu irmão nasceu em 2012.) 
• We always visit New York in the summer. ( Nós sempre visitamos Nova Iorque no verão). 
 Nessa regra existe uma exceção em relação ao termo “night”. Nesse caso, a preposição 
utilizada é o “at”, por exemplo: at night (à noite – madrugada, após dormir). 
2) Para indicar lugar, seja uma cidade, um país ou qualquer local específico. 
• She lives in Italy. (Ela mora na Itália.) 
• He works in São Paulo. (Ele trabalha em São Paulo.) 
• Some people like to have a TV in the bedroom. (Algumas pessoas gostam de ter uma TV no 
• They left the dog in the house. (Eles deixaram o cachorro na casa.) 
• He is waiting for me in the living room. (Ele está me esperando na sala.) 
 A preposição on é utilizada nos seguintes casos: 
1) Para indicar tempo. No entanto, diferentemente do “in” ela é usada para datas específicas. 
• I was born on March 10th. (Eu nasci no em 10 de março.) 
• He studies English on Tuesdays and Thursdays .(Ele estuda Inglês às terças e quintas.) 
• Joanne bought a new car on November 17th. (Joanne comprou um carro novo dia 17 de 
• They always go out on Saturdays. (Eles sempre saem aos sábados.) 
• I will travel on December 18th. ( Vou viajar dia 18 de dezembro.) 
• She will go to the park on Sunday. (Ela vai ao parque no domingo.) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
2) Para indicar lugares e objetos. Todavia, diferentemente do “in” ela é usada para locais e objetos 
que possuem uma superfície. Nesse caso, ela significa em cima de. 
• The book is on the bed. (O livro está em cima da cama). 
• The cushion is on the floor. (A almofada está no chão.) 
• My dog sleeps on the couch. (Meu cachorro dorme em cima do/no sofá). 
• I will put the paper on my desk. (Vou colocar o papel em cima da/na mesinha.) 
• She left her blouse on that chair. (Ela deixou a blusa dela em cima daquela/naquela 
3) Para referir meios eletrônicos onde informações são disponibilizadas. 
• I checked that information on the company’s website. (Eu chequei aquela informação no 
site da empresa.) 
• Don’t believe everything you see on the Internet. (Não acredite em tudo que você lê na 
• The principal can’t talk to you now because he is on the phone. (O diretor não pode falar 
com você agora pois está ao telefone.) 
• They watched the concert live on TV. (Eles assistiram o show ao vivo na TV.) 
4) Para indicar nomes de ruas ou avenidas. 
• I live on Alvaro Luiz Street. (Eu moro na rua Álvaro Luiz.) 
• She wrote a book about a guy who lived on Seventh Street. (Ela escreveu um livro sobre 
um cara que morava na Seventh Street.) 
• There are many famous places on Oxford Street. (Há muitos lugares famosos na rua 
• There is a bull statue on Wall Street, in New York. (Há uma estátua de um touro na Wall 
• They've got a company on Madison Avenue. (Eles têm uma empresa na Madison Avenue). 
 Entretanto, se ao endereço for acrescido o número, utiliza-se o "at": 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
• I live at 300 Karl Street. (Eu moro na rua Karl, nº 300.) 
• He wrote a book about a man who lived at 25 Baker Street. (Ele escreveu um livro sobre 
um homem que morava na Baker Street, nº 25.) 
 A preposição at é utilizada nos seguintes casos: 
1) Para indicar horários 
• I woke up at 6 am. (Acordei às 06:00h.) 
• The concert is at 8 pm. (O show é às 20h.) 
• Our flight will leave at 3 o'clock. (Nosso voo sairá às três horas.) 
• My friends usually eat dinner at 10 pm. (Meus amigos geralmente jantam às 10h.) 
• She finished the exam at 2 pm. (Ela terminou a prova às 14h.) 
2) Para indicar locais específicos. 
• She has snacks at work every day. (Ela lancha no trabalho todos os dias.) 
• I saw him reading the newspaper at the café. (Eu o vi lendo o jornal no café.) 
• She is at the hospital to visit her mom. (Ela está no hospital para visitar sua mãe.) 
• She is waiting for her dad at the airport. (Ela está esperando o pai no aeroporto.) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 A preposição to é utilizada nos seguintes casos: 
1) Para indicar movimento, posição, destino ou direção. 
We are going to Greece. (Nós vamos para a Grécia). 
2) Para indicar duração de tempo (início e fim de um período). 
I studied English from 2015 to 2018. (Eu estudei Inglês de 2015 a 2018). 
3) Para indicar distância. 
It’s about 2 blocks from the supermarket to my house. (São cerca de 2 quarteirões do 
supermercado até minha casa). 
4) Para indicar comparação entre coisas. 
I prefer going to the movies to watch TV (Eu prefiro ir ao cinema a assistir TV). 
5) Para indicar o motivo ou propósito. Nesse caso, a preposição é seguida de verbo. 
We go out to relax and have fun. (Nós saímos para relaxar e nos divertir). 
 A preposição for é utilizada nos seguintes casos: 
1) Para indicar duração de tempo. 
I’ve worked at school for six years. (Trabalhei na escola por seis anos). 
AULA04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
2) Para indicar finalidade. Nesse caso, é seguido de gerúndio. 
A tape is used for fixing things. (Uma fita é usada para consertar as coisas). 
3) Para indicar benefício ou favor. 
Working out is very good for the health. (Fazer exercícios é muito bom para a saúde). 
4) Para indicar motivo ou propósito. No entanto, diferentemente do “to” ele é seguido de 
This space is for guests only. (Este espaço é só para convidados). 
 Vimos que as preposições são palavras curtas, que geralmente vem depois de um 
substantivo. As preposições são muito cobradas nas provas. Pelo fato de haver muitas 
preposições com vários significados e, como não há uma regra específica de como e quando 
devemos usá-las, o melhor jeito para aprender as preposições é lendo muito, fazendo muitos 
exercícios de provas anteriores para aprender aos poucos. 
 Vou mostrar a você um quadro ilustrativo com as preposições que mais apareceram em 
exercícios de variados vestibulares e que, são realmente mais comuns de forma geral. Conte 
comigo! Vamos lá! 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
1. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA) 
In “The next November, after the crops were harvested, the Pilgrims gave thanks to God at a feast 
to which they invited the Indians.” (lines 9, 10 and 11), the underlined word refers to 
No trecho, a expressão to which tem o sentido de “para o qual”, referindo-se o termo which a 
“feast”, o banquete, veja: no novembro seguinte, após a colheita, os peregrinos deram graças a 
Deus em um banquete para o qual convidaram os índios. (convidaram os índios para o banquete). 
a) they 
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não a eles, they. ERRADA. 
b) feast 
Alternativa CORRETA, conforme explicado acima. 
c) God 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não a Deus, God. ERRADA. 
d) the Indians 
Como vimos, o termo se refere a feast, banquete, não aos índios, the Indians. ERRADA. 
2. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2015) 
Fill in the blanks with the suitable option 
Nessa questão, se você lembrasse que para datas com o dia a preposição é sempre ON, já seria 
possível acertá-la, pois só há uma alternativa começando com ON. 
___ the 31st of October = datas com o dia → preposition ON many people ___ England, in the 
United States and even in Brazil prepare to celebrate Halloween, or the Witches Day. = lugares 
como bairros, cidades, estados, países, continentes → preposition IN 
Many years later in England, farmers used to go _____house _____house to ask for food. = 
expressão de casa em casa → de – origem = FROM / em – para onde está indo = TO. 
ü on – in – from – to 
a) for – to – on – in 
b) on – in – from – to 
c) to – from – in – for 
d) since – for – from – to 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
3. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA) 
In “... and it will be lit every night until 6 January.” (line 11), “6 January” 
O “pulo do gato” aqui era perceber que until significa até, indicando que seis de janeiro é até 
quando o evento de Natal vai acontecer, ou seja, estabelecendo um prazo final. 
a) represents when the action will begin. 
representa quando a ação começará- na verdade, representa quando a ação vai terminar. 
b) indicates the deadline for the event. 
indica a data limite para o evento- CORRETA, conforme explicado acima. A árvore de natal 
será acesa até dia 6 de janeiro. 
c) refers to a past date. 
refere-se a uma data passada- como vimos, refere-se a uma data futura em relação ao 
momento em que o texto foi escrito. ERRADA. 
d) shows the date the text was written- 
mostra a data em que o texto foi escrito- o texto foi escrito antes de 6 de janeiro, pois 
projeta nessa data o fim do evento de Natal que notícia. ERRADA. 
Read the extract and answer question 4 
“Miss Emlyn read us some of it. I asked Mummy to 
read some more. I liked it. It has a wonderful sound. A 
brave new world. There isn’t anything really like that, 
is there?” 
“You don’t believe in it?” 
“Do you?” 
“There is always a brave new world”, said Poirot, “but 
only, you know, for very special people. The lucky 
ones. The ones who carry the making of that world 
within ________.” 
(Adapted from Agatha Christie, Hallowe’em Party) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
4. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) 
Fill in the blank, in the text, with the appropriate reflexive pronoun. 
a) yourselves 
b) yourself 
c) ourselves 
d) themselves 
5. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) 
Choose another way of saying “There isn’t anything really like that.” 
a) There is nothing really like that. 
b) There is anything really like that. 
c) There aren’t no things really like that. 
d) There are much things really like that. 
Read the text and answer question 6. 
Dear Sam, 
I’m having a wonderful time in Paris. I didn’t have _____ time to write last week because I took a 
tour of some flea markets. I bought ______ beautiful vintage clothes. I also got some interesting 
old books for you. 
(Adapted from: BONNER, M; FUCHS, M. Grammar Express Basic – For Self-Study and Classroom 
Use. 1 ed. New York: Longman, 2001. p. 99). 
6. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) 
Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate quantifiers: 
a) any – a 
b) any – some 
c) some – any 
d) some – some 
Read the text and answer question 7. 
Plane crashed in France 
A plane which was flying ______ Barcelona ______ 
Dusseldorf crashed in the French Alps last Tuesday. 
Nobody survived of the 144 passengers and 6 crew on 
Among the passengers were 16 school children and two 
teachers from a German school. It is also thought that 
two babies were on board the aeroplane. 
The German airline says that it believes that the crash 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
was an accident, but it’s still working to establish the 
exact cause. 
Crew - um grupo de pessoas que trabalham na aeronave. 
7. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) 
Fill in the blanks, in the text, with the appropriate preposition, respectively: 
a) of / from 
b) from / to 
c) of / for 
d) at / of 
8. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) Choose the alternative that best completes the 
dialogue below. 
Mary: Whose pencil is that? Is it yours, Paul? 
Paul: No, it’s not ____. I saw Susan using it. I think it’s ____. 
a) mine - him 
b) mine - hers 
c) my - hers 
d) my – her 
Read the text and answer question 9. 
Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials in search of a filament for the light bulb. 
When none worked satisfactorily, his assistant complained, “All our work is in vain. We have 
learned nothing.” 
Edison replied very confidently, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot. We 
know that there are two thousand elements which we cannot use to make a good light bulb.” 
(Adapted from academictips.org) 
9. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The sentence “We have learned nothing”, in the text, 
can be replaced by 
a) We have learned anything. 
b) We haven’t learned anything. 
c) We haven’t learned something. 
d) We haven’t learned everything. 
Read the text and answer question 10. 
Will’s experience at the airport 
After his return _____ Rome, Will couldn’t find his luggage in the airport baggage area. He wentto the lost luggage office and told the woman there that his bags hadn’t arrived on the carousel. 
She smiled and told him not to worry because they were trained professionals and he was in good 
Then she asked Will, “Has your plane arrived yet?” 
(Adapted from academictips.org) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
10. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016) The correct preposition that fills in the blank in the 
text is 
a) at 
b) by 
c) for 
d) from 
11. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA) 
The correct prepositions to respectively fill in the blanks in the text are 
a) of / to 
b) from / too 
c) from / to 
d) of / in 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
12. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2011) 
Choose the right alternative to have the blanks filled, respectively 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
a) who / who 
b) which / that 
c) that / which 
d) which / who 
13. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010) 
Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition. 
a) On 
b) At 
c) In 
d) From 
14. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA) 
In “his digestion in another” (lines 8 and 9), the word “his” is ____________ . 
a) a possessive adverb. 
b) the genitive case. 
c) a reflexive pronoun. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
d) a possessive adjective. 
15. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010) 
“They”, in bold in the text, is related to 
a) people. 
b) scientists. 
c) some smells. 
d) wood and leaves. 
16. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2010) 
In “They are more interesting than lions and tigers ...”, (lines 2 and 3), it means that 
a) dolphins, lions and tigers are equal in some way. 
b) tigers and lions are less interesting than dolphins. 
c) there are no circus animals so interesting as dolphins. 
d) dolphins compared with lions and tigers are less interesting. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Read the text and answer question 17. 
Hijacked jets destroy Twin Towers: a creeping horror 
The horror arrived in epsodic bursts of chilling disbelief, signified first by trembling floors, sharp 
eruptions, cracked windows. There was the cruel sight of bodies helplessly tumbling out, some 
of _____ in flames. 
Finally, the high and impressive towers themselves were reduced to nothing. Dense plumes of 
smoke raced through the downtown avenues, coursing between the buildings, shaped like 
tornadoes on their sides. 
Every sound was cause for alarm. A plane appeared overhead. Was another one coming? No, it 
was a fighter jet. But was it friend or enemy? People scrambled for _____ lives, but _____ didn’t 
know where to go. Should people go north, south, east, west? Stay outside, go indoors? People 
hid beneath cars and each other. Some contemplated jumping into the river (…). 
Fonte:The New York Times, Sep. 12, 2001. 
chilling disbelief – incredulidade assustadora 
trembling floors – o tremor dos andares 
to scramble – lutar 
17. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2017) 
 Choose the best pronouns to have the text completed, respectively: 
a) them – their – they 
b) they – them – their 
c) their – they – them 
d) them – they – their 
Read the text and answer question 18. 
My neighbors love Christmas, but I don’t. In fact, if I can be completely honest, I hate Christmas. 
Maybe it’s because Christmas was always a little depressing when I was a young boy. Anyway, 
my neighbors really love Christmas and every year they decorate the inside and outside of their 
house with big, bright lights. This year, however, they really exaggerated: their lights are so 
bright that I can’t sleep at night! Tomorrow I am going to speak to my neighbors and ask that 
the lights __________ reduced or removed. 
18. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018) 
The word “anyway”, underlined in the text, was used to __________. 
a) indicate a place that does not exist 
b) return to a previous topic in the text 
c) state the good or bad quality of something 
d) mention the time at which something happened 
Read the text and answer question 19. 
The pilot of a Beech Baron airplane noticed that one of his engines was on fire. He contacted the 
nearest air traffic control center to ask for help. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
The voice __________ the radio answered, “This is the Control Tower. “Please inform your 
The pilot replied, “We are at 30,000 feet”. 
19. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018) 
 Choose the best alternative to complete the blank in the text. 
a) on 
b) for 
c) into 
d) until 
Read the text and answer question 20. 
Economic crisis increases consumption of rice and beans in Brazil 
The economic crisis is making the Brazilian consumer exchange meat for the traditional dish of 
rice and beans. High unemployment and falling incomes, together with the low prices of these 
products, caused by good harvest, are responsible for the increase in demand, __________ will 
be 15% to 20% this month, compared to the prediction for the year. The average consumption 
per capita is around 3, 5 kilos of rice and 1, 5 kilo of beans. 
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional -10/05/2017 
harvest = colheita 
average consumption = consumo médio 
20. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018) 
 Choose the alternative that best completes the blank in the text: 
a) who 
b) which 
c) whom 
d) whose 
Read the text and answer question 21. 
It’s never too late to make changes to prevent diseases that may end your flying career. And 
becoming healthier doesn’t mean you have to make major changes. Here are some tips on what 
you can do today to keep yourself in the air for years to come. 
- take the stairs instead of riding the elevator; 
- limit red meat; 
- consume more vegetables; 
- wear UV-blocking sunglasses; 
- walk more; 
- try a yoga class; 
- don’t smoke; 
- drink a lot of water; 
- find an activity that you love after retirement. 
Fonte:http://goo.gl/W3uCrU Acess 30/05/2017 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
21. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018) 
 The word “yourself”, in bold in the text, is a __________ pronoun. 
a) personal 
b) reflexive 
c) possessive 
d) demonstrative 
Read the text and answer question 22. 
“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São Paulo 
Five days after a police operation in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug 
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space 
underneath the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão. 
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the movement of 
those who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe outdoor areas where people 
negotiate and consume drugs. 
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017 
overpass = viaduto, elevado 
22. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018) 
 The words “after”, “in”, “of” and “from”, in bold in the text, are __________. 
a) articles 
b) adverbs 
c) pronouns 
d) prepositions 
Read the text and answer question 23. 
Kenosha shooting: National Guard deployed after black man shot 
The governor of the US state of Wisconsin has deployed the National Guard to maintain 
"public safety" after police shot a black man on Sunday. 
Jacob Blake is reportedly in a stable condition after officers shot him multiple times as he tried 
to get into a car in the city of Kenosha. Protests erupted in the city soon after, and authorities 
imposed an emergency overnight curfew. Governor Tony Evers has now called up the National 
Guard to aid local police. 
In a press release, Governor Evers said the "limited mobilisation" - made at the request of local 
officials - was to help law enforcement "protect critical infrastructure"and make sure people 
can demonstrate safely. 
"Every person should be able to express their anger and frustration by exercising their First 
Amendment rights and report on these calls to action without any fear of being unsafe," he said. 
A curfew will also come into effect at 20:00 local time (01:00 GMT) until 07:00 on Tuesday. 
The governor also called a special session of the state legislature on 31 August to discuss a 
package of laws announced earlier this year on accountability and transparency of the police. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Mr Evers announced the legislation in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd in the 
neighbouring state of Minnesota. His death in May highlighted police brutality and racism in the 
US and sparked protests around the world. 
What's the latest from Kenosha? 
Hundreds of people marched on police headquarters on Sunday night to demonstrate against 
the shooting. Vehicles were set on fire and protesters shouted "we won't back down" as officers 
used tear gas to try to disperse the crowds. Organisers have called for further demonstrations in 
the Wisconsin city on Monday. 
Clyde McLemore, a member of a nearby chapter of the Black Lives Matter movement, issued a 
call on Facebook for a march through the city starting at midday. 
Reports suggest up to 200 members of the National Guard will be deployed on Monday. 
Lawmakers "have failed to act" in the two months since he announced the "commonsense 
policies", the governor tweeted. "I am urging the Legislature to rise to this occasion and give this 
special session the urgent and productive effort this moment demands and that the people of 
Wisconsin deserve," he wrote. 
Adapted from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53897641. 
23. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) 
The underlined words in the text in paragraphs 1 and 5 refer, respectively, to: 
a) Officers / George Floyd 
b) Officers / neighbouring state of Minnesota 
c) Jacob Blake / George Floyd 
d) Jacob Blake / neighbouring state of Minnesota 
Read the text and answer question 24. 
Want an Uber? You may have to send a masked selfie first 
 Since mid-May, Uber has required drivers to take selfies to verify they are wearing a mask or 
face covering before they are able to pick up riders. Soon, certain riders will also be required to 
take a selfie prior to ordering a ride. 
 The company said Tuesday that passengers who have previously been reported by a driver for 
not wearing a mask will be required to take a selfie for mask verification purposes when 
requesting their next ride. 
 The passenger mask verification feature is slated to roll out in the US and Canada by the end of 
the month, and will expand to Latin America and other countries thereafter, the company said 
in a blog post Tuesday. 
 Enforcement of mask use, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, has proven to be difficult, in both public and private 
spaces. In Ubers and Lyfts, riders have had to confirm they are wearing a mask or face covering 
before hailing a ride for several months now, but enforcement has come down to being 
reported by a driver. 
 Now, there will be an added layer once a rider violates the policy. 
 "We firmly believe that accountability is a two-way street," wrote Sachin Kansal, Uber's global 
head of safety product, in the blog post. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 If a passenger's next ride goes off without a hitch, they will not have to take a selfie again the 
next time they go to request a ride. 
 The mask verification selfie, for both drivers and riders, uses object detection technology to 
determine whether a person is wearing a mask. 
 Kansal told CNN Business that the company has done "a lot of optimizations" to detect things 
like if someone is trying to cover their mouth with their hand, for instance, instead of a mask. "It 
has to be a real-time picture of a face wearing a mask." In the instances where a person orders 
an Uber for a friend or family member with their account, "the person who is actually requesting 
the ride is the person who will have to go through the face verification process." 
 For both riders and drivers, repeated violations of Uber's policies could lead to deactivation, 
but the company declined to go into detail regarding how many violations contribute to a 
 "We have definitely taken action, including taking people off the platform, both from the rider 
and driver side," Kansal said, referring to mask-related violations. 
 The company said on July 1 that its mask requirement in the US and Canada would be in effect 
(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com/2020/09/01/tech/uber-rider-mask-selfie/index.html) 
24. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The underlined word in the text in paragraph 2, refers 
a) Drivers 
b) Riders 
c) Uber employees 
d) Drivers and passengers 
Read the comic strip and answer question 25. 
25. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) The word “my” in the comic is a ______ pronoun 
a) Possessive 
b) Reflexive 
c) Subject 
d) Relative 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
26. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) 
Which sentence is grammatically correct? 
a) They want an information. 
b) We watch many movies every weekend. 
c) Those woman feels attracted by me. 
d) I bought an new car last week. 
e) This car is faster than mine car. 
Directions: Answer questions 27 and 28 according to TEXT I. 
Many COVID-19 patients lost their sense of smell. Will they get it back? 
 IN EARLY MARCH, Peter Quagge began experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, such as chills and a 
low-grade fever. As he cut pieces of raw chicken to cook for dinner one night, he noticed he 
couldn’t smell the meat. “Must be really fresh,” he remembers thinking. But the next morning 
he couldn’t smell the Dial soap in the shower or the bleach he used to clean the house. “It 
sounds crazy, but I thought the bleach had gone bad,” he says. When Quagge stuck his head into 
the bottle and took a long whiff, the bleach burned his eyes and nose, but he couldn’t smell a 
 The inability to smell, or anosmia, has emerged as a common symptom of COVID-19. Quagge 
was diagnosed with COVID-19, though he was not tested, since tests were not widely available 
at the time. He sought anosmia treatment with multiple specialists and still has not fully 
recovered his sense of smell. 
 Case reports suggest that anywhere between 34 and 98 percent of hospitalized patients with 
COVID-19 will experience anosmia. One study found that COVID-19 patients are 27 times more 
likely than others to lose their sense of smell, making anosmia a better predictor of the illness 
than fever. 
 For most COVID-19 patients who suffer anosmia, the sense returns within a few weeks, and 
doctors don’t yet know if the virus causes long-term smell loss. While not being able to smell 
may sound like a small side effect, the results can be devastating. The sense is intricately tied up 
in self-preservation—the ability to smell fire, chemical leaks, or spoiled food—and in our ability 
to pick up on complex tastes and enjoy food. 
 “So many of the ways we connect with each other is over meals or over drinks,” says Steven 
Munger, director of the Center for Smell and Taste at the University of Florida. “If you can’t fully 
participate in that, it creates a sort of social gap.” 
 Smell even plays a role in our emotional lives, connecting us to loved ones and memories. 
People without smell often report feeling isolated and depressed and losing their enjoyment in 
intimacy. Now scientists are starting to unravel how COVID-19 affects this critical sense, hoping 
those discoveries will help thousands of newly anosmic people looking for answers. 
What the nose knows 
 The olfactorysystem, which allows humans and other animals to smell, is essentially a way of 
decoding chemical information. When someone takes a big sniff, molecules travel up the nose 
to the olfactory epithelium, a small piece of tissue at the back of the nasal cavity. Those 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
molecules bind to olfactory sensory neurons, which then send a signal by way of an axon, a long 
tail that threads through the skull and delivers that message to the brain, which registers the 
molecules as, say, coffee, leather, or rotting lettuce. 
 Scientists still don’t fully understand this system, including exactly what happens when it stops 
working. And most people don't realize how common smell loss really is, Munger says. “That 
lack of public understanding means there’s less attention to try to understand the basic 
functions of the system.” 
 People can lose their sense of smell after suffering a viral infection, like influenza or the 
common cold, or after a traumatic brain injury. Some are born without any sense of smell at all 
or lose it because of cancer treatments or diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. It may also 
fade as people age. While smell disorders aren’t as apparent as hearing loss or vision 
impairment, data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) show that nearly 25 percent of 
Americans over the age of 40 report some kind of change in their sense of smell, and over 13 
million people have a measurable disorder like anosmia, the total loss of smell, or hyposmia, a 
partial loss. Such conditions can last for years or even be permanent. 
 It’s not clear if COVID-19 anosmia is different from other instances of smell loss caused by a 
virus, but those who experience anosmia due to COVID-19 appear to be unique in a few ways. 
First, they notice the loss of the sense immediately because it’s not accompanied by the 
congestion or stuffiness that generally characterizes the early stages of virally induced anosmia. 
 “It’s very dramatic,” says Danielle Reed, associate director of the Monell Chemical Senses 
Center in Philadelphia, which studies smell and taste loss. “People just cannot smell anything.” 
 Another notable difference is that many patients with COVID-19 who report losing their sense 
of smell get it back relatively quickly, in just a few weeks, unlike most people who experience 
anosmia from other viruses, which can last months or years. 
 Quagge estimates he’s recovered about 60 percent of his sense of smell so far, but he says in 
the early days, without any information about when or if he’d ever get it back, he was scared. 
An avid amateur chef, he had to rely on his family to tell him if the milk was bad, and he couldn’t 
smell his wife’s perfume. “Stuff that gets to your soul,” he says. “It bummed me out.” 
(Adapted from https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/08/thousands-covid-19-patients-lost-sense-smell-will-get-back-cvd/) 
27. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Mark the option that can replace the word "very" in 
the eleventh paragraph without changing its meaning. 
a) a lot. 
b) really. 
c) also. 
d) to. 
28. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Considering the use of the verb tense, mark the 
alternative that completes the sentence below correctly: 
 At first, Peter 
a) has the common symptoms. 
b) was having the common symptoms. 
c) have the common symptoms. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
d) had the common symptoms. 
29. (Estratégia Militares – Inédita – 2020) Read and complete the sentence below. 
“___ four years, Trump has been ___ dominant force and inescapable fact not only 
___ national politics but also ___ American life.” 
(Adapted from https://time.com/5876599/election-2020-coronavirus/) 
Mark the alternative which completes the blanks respectively. 
a) At / the / in / in. 
b) For / the / in / on. 
c) For / the / of / in. 
d) For / the / of / of. 
e) At / the / on / of. 
Directions: answer question 30 according to TEXT I 
The World Health Organization Declares Africa Polio-Free 
 Nobody will ever know the identity of the thousands of African children who 
were not killed or paralyzed by polio this year. They would have been hard to keep track 
of no matter what because in ordinary times, they would have followed thousands last year 
and thousands the year before and on back in a generations-long trail of suffering and 
 Instead, no African children were claimed by polio this year or last year or the year 
before. It was in 2016 that the last case of wild, circulating polio was reported in Nigeria—
the final country on the 54-nation African continent where the disease was endemic. And 
with a required multi-year waiting period now having passed with no more cases, the World 
Health Organization today officially declared the entirety of Africa polio-free. A disease 
that as recently as the late 1980s was endemic in 125 countries, claiming 350,000 children 
per year, has now been run to ground in just two remaining places, Pakistan and 
Afghanistan, where there have been a collective 102 cases so far in 2020. That’s 102 too 
many, but there is no denying the scope of the WHO announcement. 
 “Today’s victory over the wild poliovirus in the African region is a testament to what 
can happen when partners from a variety of sectors join forces to accomplish a major global 
health goal,” says John Hewko, general secretary and CEO of Rotary International. “[It is] 
something the world can and should aspire to during these turbulent times.” 
 It was Rotary, an international nonprofit service organization, that kicked off the 
polio endgame in 1988 with the launch of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). 
That program aimed to leverage the power of Rotary’s 35,000 clubs and 1.22 million 
members in 200 countries and territories worldwide to make polio only the second human 
disease—after smallpox—to be pushed over the brink of extinction. The job was made 
easier by the partners Rotary immediately attracted: the WHO, the U.S. Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined 
in 2007, followed by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, just last year. The 32-year initiative has 
depended on volunteer workers and charitable donations, which together have produced 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
an army of 20 million field workers administering vaccines to over 2.5 billion children at a 
cost of $17 billion. 
 Some countries were a lighter lift than others. In the U.S. the disease was 
eradicated in 1979, well before the GPEI even began its work. Other nations followed: In 
1994 the Americas were declared polio-free. Europe as a whole got a clean bill of health in 
2002, when all 53 countries in the WHO’s designated European region were declared free 
of the virus. Massive vaccination efforts began in India in 1997, which eradicated the virus 
in 2014. 
How Polio Was Eradicated from the African Continent 
 But Africa, with its vast sprawl of village populations, long distances to urban 
hospitals, spotty infrastructure like adequate roads and reliable “cold chains”—
refrigerated transport networks to keep vaccines viable—was always going to present 
special challenges. In 1996, when the case count on the continent regularly reached 75,000 
victims every year, South African President Nelson Mandela partnered with Rotary to 
launch the “Kick Polio Out of Africa” Campaign, and the group scrambled fast—or as fast 
as was possible with so many children to vaccinate on so vast a land mass. In 2000, the first 
synchronized campaigns began in 17 countries, with 76 million children being vaccinated 
by tens of thousands of volunteers. The work fanned out across the continent from there, 
including an especially heavy push from 2008 to 2010, when an outbreak in 24 countries in 
western and central Africa was met by a large-scale,multi-national vaccination of 85 
million children. 
 Finally, Nigeria stood alone as the only African nation where the disease was still 
endemic, in part because of resistance by religious leaders in the northern part of the 
country who objected western interference in local affairs and claimed that the vaccine 
was unsafe. That opposition broke down, partly thanks to Muhammad Sanusi II, the Emir 
of the city of Kano—a hereditary leader descended from a ruling family—who appeared at 
a public ceremony before the kick off of a seasonal vaccination campaign in 2016, called 
for a vial of polio vaccine to be brought to the stage, and with the audience watching, broke 
its seal and drank down its entire contents. That year, the country recorded its last case of 
polio, and this year, Nigeria’s WHO certification is the reward for its efforts. 
 “The polio eradication program in Nigeria has gone through some difficult times, 
but I never once doubted that this day would come,” says Dr. Tunji Funsho, a former 
cardiologist who is the chair of Rotary International’s Polio-Plus Committee in Nigeria. “Any 
time that we’ve experienced a setback, Rotary and our partners have been able to find 
solutions and develop new strategies for reaching vulnerable children.” 
(Adapted from https://time.com/5883233/africa-declared-polio-free/) 
30. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) “The 32-year initiative has depended on volunteer 
workers and charitable donations…” (paragraph 4) 
Mark the alternative that rewrites the sentence above correctly 
a) The 32-year old initiative counts on paid work and charitable donations 
b) The 32-year old initiative depended on donations and volunteer workers 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
c) The 32-year old initiative is built upon charity and volunteer workers 
d) The 32-year initiative no longer depends on volunteer workers and charitable 
Read Text II to do questions 31 and 32 based on it 
Does Wearing Glasses Protect You From Coronavirus? 
 When researchers in China were analyzing hospital data of patients with Covid-19, ___(I)___ 
noticed an odd trend: Very few of the sick patients regularly wore glasses. 
 In one hospital in Suizhou, China, 276 patients were admitted over a 47-day period, but only 16 
patients — less than 6 percent — had myopia or nearsightedness that required them to wear 
glasses for more than eight hours a day. By comparison, more than 30 percent of similarly aged 
people in the region needed glasses for nearsightedness, earlier research had shown. 
 Given that the rate of nearsightedness appeared to be so much higher in the general 
population than in the Covid ward, the scientists wondered: Could wearing glasses protect a 
person from becoming infected with coronavirus? 
 “Wearing of eyeglasses is common among Chinese individuals of all ages,” wrote the study 
authors. “However, since the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan in December 2019, ___(II)___ 
observed that few patients with eyeglasses were admitted in the hospital ward.” 
 The observation “could be preliminary evidence that daily wearers of eyeglasses are less 
susceptible to Covid-19,” the authors speculated. 
 Experts say it’s too soon to draw conclusions from the research — or recommend that people 
start wearing eye protection in addition to masks in hopes of lowering their risk for infection. 
 It may be that eyeglasses act as a partial barrier, protecting eyes from the splatter of a cough 
or sneeze. Another explanation for the finding could be that people who wear glasses are less 
likely to rub their eyes with contaminated hands. 
 The current study, published in JAMA Ophthalmology, was accompanied by a 
commentary from Dr. Lisa Maragakis, an infectious disease specialist and associate professor of 
medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, who urged caution in interpreting the results. 
 The study was small, involving fewer than 300 cases of Covid-19, a tiny fraction of the nearly 30 
million reported cases of coronavirus infection around the world. Another concern is that the 
data on nearsightedness in the comparison group were gleaned from a study that took place 
decades earlier. 
 And Dr. Maragakis noted that any number of factors could confound the data, and it may be 
that wearing glasses is simply associated with another variable that affects risk for Covid-19. For 
example, it could be that people who wear glasses tend to be older, and more careful and more 
likely to stay home during a viral outbreak, than those who do not wear glasses. Or perhaps 
people who can afford glasses are less likely to contract the virus for other reasons, like having 
the means to live in less crowded spaces. 
 “It’s one study,” Dr. Maragakis said. “It does have some biological plausibility, given that in 
health care facilities, we use eye protection,” such as face shields or goggles. “But what remains 
to be investigated is whether eye protection in a public setting would add any protection over 
and above masks and physical distancing. I think it’s still unclear.” 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
 Health care workers wear protective equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets 
that can fly from coughs and sneezes, as well as aerosolized particles that form when patients 
undergo medical procedures, such as intubation. But for the vast majority of people, that extra 
level of protection probably isn’t needed if a person is wearing a mask and keeping physical 
distance in public spaces. There’s also the possibility of introducing risk by wearing glasses — 
some people might touch their faces more when they put on glasses, rather than less, noted Dr. 
 That said, more study is needed to see if the trend holds up in other study populations, said Dr. 
Thomas Steinemann, a spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology and professor 
of ophthalmology at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland. 
 “I think it’s provocative, and it’s extremely interesting,” Dr. Steinemann said. 
(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/16/well/live/does-wearing-glasses-protect-you-from-coronavirus.html?surface=home-
31. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read the extract from the text 
“…equipment over their eyes to protect them from droplets that can fly from coughs and 
sneezes…” (paragraph 12) 
The word “them” refers to 
a) Health care workers 
b) Covid-19 patients 
c) The whole population 
d) Daily wearers of eyeglasses 
e) The vast majority of people 
32. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the option that fills in blanks I and II, 
a) We / we 
b) They / we 
c) Us / we 
d) They / us 
e) Us / us 
33. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Read and complete the sentence below 
An envelope containing ___ poison ricin was sent to the White House, the New York 
Times reported on Saturday. The newspaper said law enforcement believed the 
envelope, which was intercepted before reaching ___ White House mail room, was sent 
from Canada. 
(Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/19/ricin-sent-to-white-house-envelope-report) 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
a) A / the 
b) X / the 
c) The / X 
d) A / X 
e) The / the 
34. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Match the questions and answers 
I. How many clothes do you have at your closet? 
II. How is Erica? 
III. How much water do you have in a day? 
IV. Whose son is Daniel? 
V. What does Jennifer do? 
( ) A few 
( ) He’s hers 
( ) A little 
( ) She is a firefighter 
( ) She’s fine 
a) III – IV – I – V – II 
b) I – IV – III – V – II 
c) I – II – IV – V – III 
d) III – II – IV – I – V 
e) I – IV – II – III – V 
Observe the city mapto do item 35 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
35. (2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) It’s correct to say that the 
a) Bookstore is across from the bus stop 
b) Music store is near to the travel agent 
c) Movie theater is far from the newsstand 
d) Chinese restaurant is close to the drugstore 
e) Parking lot is next to the mailbox 
Read text I to do items 36 to 38. 
Some of America's biggest tech firms on Monday backed a challenge to President Donald 
Trump's restrictions on foreign workers. 
Amazon, Apple and Facebook are among the companies arguing that the temporary visa 
bans will damage US firms. 
Mr Trump imposed restrictions on some foreign workers to safeguard jobs for Americans 
during the virus pandemic. 
Many of those affected by the measures are technology workers from India. 
Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter and other big technology companies also backed the lawsuit, 
which was filed last month by major US business associations. 
Those industry groups included the National Association of Manufacturers, which 
represents 14,000 firms, and America's biggest business association, the US Chamber of 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
The brief argued that the visa restrictions, which were announced in June, will hurt US 
The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption” that it 
would protect American jobs as it would mean they may now have to employ people in other 
The brief said: “Global competitors in Canada, China, and India, among others, are 
pouncing at the opportunity to attract well-trained, innovative individuals. 
“And American businesses are scrambling to adjust, hiring needed talent to work in 
locations outside our nation’s borders,” it continued. 
They also contended that it could do irreparable damage to American businesses, 
workers and further hurt the already struggling US economy. 
Mr Trump's proclamation suspended the entry of a range of foreign workers until the end 
of this year. 
Adapted from <https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53732395> 
36. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) 
According to the text, Facebook is being affected by President’s restrictions because 
a) its users are abandoning their accounts. 
b) tech companies prefer to hire foreign workers. 
c) now they have no solution to hire foreign workers. 
d) now they have to employ foreign workers outside U.S.. 
e) its image is being destroyed by these restrictions. 
37. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Read the extract from the text. 
“The companies said Mr Trump’s proclamation was based on a “false assumption”...” 
What’s the correct question referring to the underlined information? 
a) Who said the proclamation was based on a “false assumption”? 
b) What did companies say about Mr. Trump’s proclamation? 
c) What was Mr. Trump’s proclamation based on? 
d) Who proclamation was based on a “false assumption”? 
e) Whose proclamation was based on a “false assumption”? 
38. (Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Read the extract from the text. 
“which was filed last month by major US business associations” 
The relative pronoun “which” refers to: 
a) companies. 
b) Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter. 
c) lawsuit. 
d) US business associations. 
e) big technology. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Read the cartoon to do item 39. 
https://comics.azcentral.com/ Adapted. 
39. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Read the sentence below. 
 “What does that even mean?”, 
What does even indicate in the sentence? 
a) a question. 
b) spontaneity. 
c) ambition. 
d) emphasis. 
e) smoothness. 
40. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Match the questions and answers. 
I. How is it going? 
II. How do you like your job? 
III. How do I go about getting to the meat shop? 
IV. How do you like your coffee? 
( ) I love it! 
( ) just great! 
( ) I like really sweet. 
( ) You’re just in front of it. 
a) (II) (I) (III) (IV) 
b) (I) (II) (III) (IV) 
c) (II) (I) (IV) (III) 
d) (I) (II) (IV) (III) 
e) (II) (IV) (I) (III) 
41. (Estratégia Militares 2020 - Inédita) Which sentence is correct? 
a) The more you practice, the worse you get. 
b) She is used to doing the dishes twice a day. 
c) He wants to getting well soon. 
d) They like party together. 
e) The supermaket is across the drugstore. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
Read the text to do item 42. 
Biden's VP pick: Why Kamala Harris embraces her biracial roots 
US Senator Kamala Harris - a potential Democratic vice-presidential candidate - is known as a 
prominent African-American politician. But she has also embraced her Indian roots. 
"My name is pronounced "Comma-la", like the punctuation mark," Kamala Harris writes in her 
2018 autobiography, The Truths We Hold. 
The California senator, daughter of an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father, then 
explains the meaning of her Indian name. 
"It means 'lotus flower', which is a symbol of significance in Indian culture. A lotus grows 
underwater, its flowers rising above the surface while the roots are planted firmly in the river 
Early in life, young Kamala and her sister Maya grew up in a house filled with music by black 
American artists. Her mother would sing along to Aretha Franklin's early gospel, and her jazz-
loving father, who taught economics at Stanford University, would play Thelonius Monk and 
John Coltrane on the turntable. 
Shyamala Gopalan and Donald Harris separated when Ms Harris was five. Raised primarily by 
her Hindu single mother, a cancer researcher and a civil rights activist, Kamala, Maya and 
Shyamala were known as 'Shyamala and the girls'. 
Her mother made sure her two daughters were aware of their African-American background. 
"My mother understood very well she was raising two black daughters. She knew that her 
adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure 
we would grow into confident black women," she wrote. 
"Harris grew up embracing her Indian culture, but living a proudly African-American life," wrote 
the Washington Post last year. 
When she ran for a senate seat in 2015, the Economist magazine described her as the "daughter 
of an Indian cancer researcher and a Jamaican economics professor, she is the first woman, first 
African-American and first Asian attorney general of California". 
The 55-year-old senator says she has not grappled with her identity and describes herself simply 
as "an American". 
Ms Harris writes her mother kept working right up to the moment of delivery of both her 
daughters - "in the first case her water broke when she was at the lab; and the other while she 
was making apple strudel". Back in India, Gopalan had been raised in a household of "political 
activism and civic leadership". 
Her grandmother never attended high school, but was a community organiser taking in victims 
of domestic violence and educating women about contraception. Her grandfather, PV Gopalan, 
was a senior diplomat in the Indian government who lived in Zambia after it gained 
independence, and he helped settle refugees. 
In her book, she doesn't say too much about her trips to India. But she writes she is close to her 
mother's brother and two sisters, with whom she kept in touch through long distance calls and 
letters and periodic trips. Ms Harris's mother died in 2009, at age 70. 
AULA 04 – Pronouns and Prepositions 
US Democratic Party activists like Shekar Narasimhan says her candidacy would be "seismic" for 
the Indian-American community. "She's a woman, she biracial, she will help win the election for 
Biden, she appeals to various communities and she's really smart." 
"Why should Indian-Americans not be proud of her? It's a signal that we are

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