
international business operations and failures in translation and delivery of products

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Gutiérrez Mansilla, Cintya Lorena – 1113250U
Estrella Condori, Jennifer Estefania - 221020286U
Huamani Urbano, María Angélica – 221010400U
Berrospi Rodríguez, Roxana María
Ingles III
SEMESTRE: 2023- 1
We dedicate it to our parents, who accompanied us and always helps us get up from our continuous stumbling blocks, to the teacher, to our classmates and to the people I love the most.
1.1.	What are international business operations?	6
1.2.	Importance of international business	6
1.3.	Foreign trade	6
1.3.1.	characteristics of foreign trade:	6
1.3.2.	Types of foreign trade	7	Import trade:	7	Export trade:	7	Entrepot trade	7
1.3.3. Importance of Foreign Trade	8 Promote specialization	8 Better living standards	8 improve competition	8 Creation of employment opportunities	8
1.4.	Difference between Foreign Trade and International Trade	8
3.1.1.	Certificación ISO 9001	18
3.2.1.	Delivery date failures	19
3.2.2.	The customer was not present at the time of delivery	19
3.2.3.	Errors in completeness, quantity or quality of products ordered	19
3.2.4.	Very high shipping costs	20
3.2.5.	Lack of receipt check	20
3.2.6.	Lack of information for the customer, regarding a more accurate delivery time	20
3.3.	Types of failures according to product or process characteristics	21
3.3.1.	Product Failures	21
3.3.2.	Process failures	22
3.4.	Failure analysis	22
3.4.1.	Steps for failure analysis	22
3.4.2.	Benefits of Failure Analysis	24
In this regard, in relation to this work, different consultations have been made
At the level of the Faculty of Communications and Administrative Sciences of
The Professional School of Accounting and with the information provided by
the professor in classes, to understand and internalize the fundamentals
Presented by the language of English, in order to develop it being aware of
Each activity that is carried out and not in an automaton way. From the
Information reviewed we can establish:
Nowadays it is essential to learn a second language since every day other
Languages are used in almost all areas of knowledge and human
Development. In the framework of education, the learning of other languages
is a primary need for students, in such a way that learning a second language
is not luxury, but a necessity. Even outside the academic environment.
Language learning makes it possible to enrich life, experience new ideas,
Exercise the mind, benefit from the world's cultural diversity, as well as
Considerably improve career prospects.
In this work, we will explain about the concept and shapes of the operations of international business. 
Also, we did put in a formal conversation, on this subject of three people who are talking about the exportacion of products to other countries.
1.1. What are international business operations?
These are commercial transactions involving private or government participants from two or more countries. They include sales of goods and services, investments, logistics and transportation. These operations involve different types of resources and occur between different types of individuals, organizations, or groups.
1.2. Importance of international business
International business is essential for the growth of nations and the international expansion of organizations. In this sense, foreign trade has allowed companies from all over the world to achieve greater reach and penetration in global markets, especially through the exchange of commodities.
 Most of the countries are part of the globalization process, a phenomenon that promotes the commercialization of goods and services, the diversification of financial capital and direct investment. It also favors the mobilization of human talent to work in unknown environments.
1.3. Foreign trade
In a basic way, and perhaps too simplified, it is an economic activity that refers to the exchange of goods and services between all the countries of the world. Originated by the inability of the states to produce everything an economy needs to develop, and based on the theories of comparative advantage, through which each country will specialize in the most efficient and absolute advantage, which suggests that it is capable of offering better quality. At a lower cost, it is governed by multilateral organizations and regulations such as those of the World Trade Organization.
1.3.1. characteristics of foreign trade:
· Promotes the exchange of different goods and services from one country to another.
· The commercialization process is not subject to the variations of the world market.
· It is governed by regulations and necessary measures that delimit commercialization. Laws and agreements are stipulated to guarantee commercial relations in legality and diplomacy.
· Promotes the flow of foreign currency in the country, reflected in the exchange rate.
· Create mechanisms to encourage national production.
· Wide offers in the international market.
1.3.2. Types of foreign trade Import trade:
It is one where an organization from a certain country buys goods from another originating from another nation. Consider the case of Mexico, where petroleum products, automobiles, electronics, spare parts, machinery, etc. are imported. Export trade:
In this case, one organization sells goods to another, which is from a different country. For example, Mexico exports some fruits and vegetables such as avocado, tomato, corn, mango and lemon, in addition to other branches, such as the export of auto parts. Entrepot trade:
Entrepot trade is when one organization imports products from another, in order to export them to a different one. And surely you are wondering why this happens, if the most logical thing would be for a country to import the products directly with the exporting country.
However, there are several reasons for this to happen, for example, there are times when the exporting country does not have accessible trade routes.
Another important reason is usually that there is no trade agreement between the two countries, so they need a third party to be able to transport merchandise.
1.3.3. Importance of Foreign Trade
It is important for many reasons; beginning by pointing out that it is an excellent indicator of the health of the country's economy.
 Both exporting and importing countries benefit from foreign trade, as exporting countries earn foreign exchange and importing countries have access to better products that improve the standard of living of their citizens. Promote specialization
 As the demand for a particular product increases, producing countries tend to specialize and improve their manufacturing.
 An infamous example is the current demand for electronics. Countries like Japan lead the market due to their high competitiveness in production. Better living standards
 As mentioned above, foreign trade is beneficial for both parties in the negotiations, but it is important to note that: Countries that cannot produce a particular good can purchase it and use it to meet demand. In addition, the country earns foreign exchange through export trade, which contributes particularly to improving the quality of life of its inhabitants. improve competition
When it comes to the best competitiveness in the market, SOEs are encouraged to improve various aspects such asproduction technology, production process, and product quality. This is actually a good thing for consumers as they can buy better quality at competitive prices. Creation of employment opportunities
 Promote growth in the agricultural, commercial and industrial sectors. This creates more work and increases efficiency.
1.4. Difference between Foreign Trade and International Trade
The difference is that international trade incorporates global transactions of products and services. While foreign trade refers to the exports and imports of a specific country or set of countries. The difference is that international trade is an economic term, and foreign trade is a legal and accounting term.
An example of this is the price of oil, which is subject to a change in its price due to international trade. So oil is affected by world economic and trade events.
While foreign trade is a specific country or a trade block that establishes trade relations with the rest of the world.
For example, Mexican foreign trade is made up of the actors, institutions, sectors that participate in exports and imports from a Mexican perspective.
A commoditie is a basic and interchamgiable product that its produced in large quantities and traded globally without distinctive branding. Examples of commodities include agricultural products such as wheat, corn, coffee, and soybeans, precious metals such as gold and silver, and energy products such as crude oil and natural gas. The prices of these commodities are very sensitive to global market conditions and are a useful tool for investment and risk management.
The investments are economic activities in which financial resources are used to acquire goods with the aim of obtaining long-term benefits. Investments can be made in different ways, such as the acquisition of shares, purchase of properties, bonds, mutual funds, among others. Its objective is to generate a return in the future, either through the profitability of the investment or the increase in its value. Investments may also have a different risk profile, so these should be carefully considered before making an investment decision.
A branch is a extension of a company that is established in a different location than its main headquarters, but is still part of the same company. Branch offices may be small or large and may have the same or a different type of business as the main office. The branch is controlled by the head office and follows the same policies, rules and procedures. Branches can be located in different cities, countries or even continents
Trade routes
The trade routes are the routes that is utilice for transport goods from their place of production to their final destination. These routes can be land, sea or air and have been used since ancient times to facilitate the exchange of goods between different regions. Trade routes have been and continue to be essential for economic development and globalization, as they allow countries and companies to access new markets and offer products and services around the world. Trade routes have also played an important role in the formation of cultures and societies, since they have allowed the exchange of ideas, technologies and ways of life between different communities
· The operactions of international business is it about of an estrategy of business expansion to global level that seeks to increase the earnings and consolidate the brand in diferent countries.But, for to have success in this operations is important consider aspects like the culture and the laws of every country in which you want to set the company, and also, we have to consider the type of product or service what do you want to offer, since, maybe, be neccesary fit it to the necessity and preferences of every market.
· The logistic and the transport also are importants factors to consider.
It must exist an efficient supply chain so that the products arrive at their destination in the time and form appropiate.
· And do not we can to forget the importance of build strong comercial relationships and realible with the proveders, international customers, since this contribute to the estability and success of the company.
Deffinitely, the operations of international businee require of a minucious planificacion and of an very defined estrategy for get better results.
And not only that, also needed a work team highly trained and comprometed for carry out this operations with success.
· In a world more and more globalized and competitive, the company that adapt to these trends and be willing to expand internationally, we will have higher opportunities of growth and success to long term.
E mail
Subject: Request to reschedule appointment
Dear Maria
I am writing to request a change in my appointment schedule. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it to my current appointment, and I would like to reschedule it for a later date.
I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some available dates and times so that I can choose one that works best for me. I am available on weekdays. Please let me know if any of the following dates work for you: 
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and I appreciate your help in rescheduling my appointment. Please let me know if there are any fees or penalties associated with canceling or rescheduling an appointment.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
Jennifer and Cintya
Conversation to change appointment
Jennifer: Hi, I need to reschedule my appointment for tomorrow.
Maria: Sure, what time works for you? 
Cintya: Can we do it in the afternoon around 3 pm? 
Maria: I'm sorry; we're fully booked at that time. How about 11 am? 
Cintya: Yes, that works for me. Sí, that´s sound me
Maria: Great, I've made the changes in our system. See you tomorrow at 11 am. 
Jennifer: Thank you, see you then. Gracias, 
In today's globalized market, the translation of products and technical documentation is crucial for their marketing and understanding by consumers. However, it is common to come across translation errors that can affect the quality, safety, and usability of products. 
I add that in ecommerce it is said that a satisfied customer is the one who receives his purchase in time and form. But this does not always happen. 
Every time one of the customers fails to deliver, the delivery person details the reason for the failure in the system.
In this paper, we will explore some product failures along with their respective relevant ISO standards, which provide guidelines for accurate translation and communication of information.
In addition, you will write about the reasons for product delivery problems, the various delivery failures and product features that can have a negative impact on your business and how they can be detected.
Incorrect translation of safety instructions ISO 3864: Safety colors and safety signs This standard establishes the colors and symbols used for safety signage on products. An wrong translation of these instructions can lead to misunderstandings or a lack of awareness regarding potential risks or necessary precautions.
Inappropriate translation of technical terms ISO 1087-1: Terminology work – Vocabulary – Part 1:Theory and application This standard provides guidelines for terminology management and the creation of technical vocabulary. An incorrect translation of technical terms can cause confusion and misinterpretation, negatively impacting the quality and usability of the product.
Ambiguous translation of usage instructions ISO 20607: Technical product documentation – Simplified representation This standard sets principles and guidelines for simplified representation of technical information in product documents. An ambiguous translation of usage instructions can result in misunderstandings, operational errors, or even hazardous situations.
Cultural localization errors ISO 17100: Translation services – Requirements for translation services This standard establishes requirements for translation services. Cultural localization errors occur when cultural differences between the source and target languages are not taken into account. These errors can affect brand image and consumers' understanding of the product.
Inaccurate translation of labels and warnings ISO 3864-2: Graphical symbols – Safety colors and safety signs – Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels This standard provides guidelines for the design of safety labels and signs on products. An inaccurate translation of these labels and warnings can compromise user safety and result in injuries or accidents.
3.1.1. Certificación ISO 9001
The certification is defined as the internationally recognized standard for quality management systems (QMS) of organizations, maintained after recertification audits every three years and follow-up audits every year.
The ISO 9001 standard is based on fundamental quality principles that seek to offer suitable and quality-assured products or services to users, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining a culture of continuous improvement at the institutional level.
3.2.1. Delivery date failures
When making online purchases, the date agreed upon for delivery is very important. This aspect is, together with the quality of the product, one of the variables that ecommerce customers take into account the most.
To satisfy buyers, every business needs to optimize delivery logistics. Meeting agreed deadlines means, for example, having an order calendar in order. It also helps to have a good delivery planning system.
Another factor to consider is the location of customers.
When we talk about delivery times, we also refer to transportation routes. In this aspect, route optimization is essential to minimize the risk of logistical problems that generate failures in product delivery.
3.2.2. The customer was not present at the time of delivery
If the distributor arrives at the address and there is no one to receive the package, this represents a problem for the business. In fact, a missing customer is the most recurrent reason for product delivery failures.
This problem accounts for 38.9% of delivery failures. It is very common for the delivery person to encounter closed premises, customers who have gone on vacation or are absent for unknown reasons.
The best way to reduce the proportion of these failures is to keep the buyer informed about delivery times. In addition, it is vital to have an efficient logistics system that respects the agreed date for each delivery.
3.2.3. Errors in completeness, quantity or quality of products ordered
The customer considers that its product has arrived damaged, in a quantity different from that purchased or with certain defects.
This type of problem accounts for 16.4% of product delivery failures. The characteristics of the items should be well specified on the sales site to avoid these inconveniences.
In addition, it is important that the logistics service ensures proper care during transportation. This will prevent products from being damaged during delivery.
3.2.4. Very high shipping costs
Buyers are very aware of shipping costs, and their importance in the final price of their purchase. Therefore, deliveries and all the logistics required should not have too great an impact on the value of the product.
Very high costs can negatively affect the purchase decision. 
In this sense, the solution is twofold: benefits for the customer and the business. The latter can decrease its logistics expenditure without increasing the price of its goods, this can be achieved through an optimal technological tool for companies that will lower their logistics costs. This service is called QuadMinds Flash, a platform that speeds up the time it takes to assemble and distribute deliveries.
3.2.5. Lack of receipt check
It is the last step, which allows to conclude a delivery, which is the certification of receipt. Distributors and deliverers cannot forget this action under any circumstances.
This is what will allow the business to confirm that its products were delivered on time and in the correct manner. If there are cases where the receipt check is missing, it should be considered as a failure to deliver the product and this affects the entire logistics.
3.2.6. Lack of information for the customer, regarding a more accurate delivery time
This point is complemented by the first failure.
It is very important to let the customer know the status of his order in real time. In this way, you will be able to make your time available and make sure that you are present when your purchase arrives. This reduces the chances of not meeting the customer at the destination.
¿Cómo afectan las fallas en el servicio de entregas en un negocio?
An efficient logistics service has a direct impact on customer loyalty. That is to say, it favors their continuity in the choice of a product or service. On the other hand, failures in the delivery of products diminish the competitiveness of companies.
Having an optimal delivery service results in concrete benefits. The first positive change or improvement index of the system will be the decrease in claims.
Other benefits will be an increase in sales and full customer satisfaction, in addition to cost reduction. Thus, logistics with optimized tools is an important competitive advantage for any business.
3.3. Types of failures according to product or process characteristics
Depending on where, how and when they occur, the following types can be distinguished:
3.3.1. Product Failures
Premature aging
On many occasions, products wear out earlier than expected. This problem may be related to the low quality of some of the raw materials. In this case, it is crucial to detect where the problem lies and either replace the material or improve it. An example is the use of polymer reducers or the reduction of additives.
Mechanical wear, loss of performance
In structural elements it is essential to make a correct selection of materials. The loss of mechanical properties or premature wear can affect the final quality of the product, so identifying the reason for the failure is very important in order to solve it. An example is the wear of materials that are subject to abrasion.
Appearance of aesthetic defects and loss of quality
In many products the aesthetic appearance is the most important thing, therefore, the appearance of any defect greatly reduces its value. In this case, determining the cause of the defects is the key to solving the failure. A clear example is the premature deterioration of a paint.
Discoloration due to low resistance to external agents
Discoloration of a material is one of the main problems we can find in a product. That is why finding the reason why it occurs is the first step to find a correct solution. An example is the premature discoloration of parts in the sun or ultraviolet exposure.
3.3.2. Process failures
In many production processes there is the possibility of contamination from one stage to another. This contamination can generate quality problems in the manufactured parts. To identify the origin of the contamination it is often necessary to characterizethe parts that have given problems. In fact, this problem is very typical in the painting or coating stages.
Surface adhesion and painting problems
One of the most common problems is the poor adhesion of paints and coatings during a production process. For this reason, detecting the origin of the failure is fundamental to find the right solution.
Poor selection of production parameters
Often the failure is not due to the materials used or cross contamination. The failure may be caused by poor selection of production parameters. This is very typical of injection molding processes, where it is necessary to reach certain working temperatures in all areas of the part.
3.4. Failure analysis
Thai tecnic focuses on the detailed study of any failure that has occurred in a material, product or industrial process. The objective of this analysis is to determine the origin of the failure, so that an appropriate solution to the problem can be proposed.
3.4.1. Steps for failure analysis
As a general rule, each failure is different and, therefore, must be studied or analyzed individually. However, to facilitate the work, the following methodology is used, 
First, all available information about the failure is studied: failure history, when it occurs, how it occurs, characterizations performed, etc. Therefore, this stage is fundamental, since it allows to correctly define the next steps of the project, not to repeat tests or even to propose a solution based on all the available information. In addition, whenever possible, we explore the process in situ to better analyze the situation.
In many cases, during the first stage of the project it is possible to determine the causes that are leading to a failure. Even so, an early solution can be proposed here, without the need for laboratory testing. If not all the necessary information is available, during the first stage of the project, the necessary tests are defined to characterize the failure or simulate it in the laboratory.
Then, in the laboratory stage, the necessary tests are performed to chemically and physically characterize the failure. 
If necessary, laboratory tests are also carried out to reproduce the failure and determine the specific phenomenon that causes it: heat, humidity, ultraviolet light, etc. For this purpose, accelerated aging equipment is used and customized tests are developed to simulate each type of failure.
Finally, after the laboratory stage, the results obtained are studied to determine the causes of the failure and, therefore, its origin. Thanks to this characterization, it will be possible to propose a solution adapted to each failure. Thus, depending on whether the failure occurs in the production process or in the product, different solutions will be proposed: redesign, change of raw material or modification of the production process, among other options.
Characterization tests
Chemical and physical characterization is one of the most important steps in failure analysis. At ATRIA we select the most appropriate characterization equipment for each case. These are some of them:
Simulation tests.
Sometimes, it is necessary to perform simulation or accelerated aging tests to determine the origin of a specific failure. For this purpose, we have several laboratory equipments that allow us to simulate life conditions to give rise to the failure.
3.4.2. Benefits of Failure Analysis
The following are the main benefits of failure analysis:
- Solve a real problem quickly and effectively, basing the solution on a technical study with expert personnel.
- Assure the quality of a product or process and avoid future similar problems.
- Improve the final quality and performance of a product.
- Reduce costs associated with the lack of product quality: returns, spare parts, repairs, claims, etc.
- Gain knowledge about critical parts of the process. Be able to make better process adjustments and redesigns.
Quality standards:
 are conditions put together with the intention that the characteristics of a product or service are capable of meeting the various quality expectations of a group of customers?
Refers to what goes on within a company, including purchasing and delivery of materials, packaging, shipping and transporting goods to distributors
Technical specifications:
 Document in which a geographic product is described, according to some needs, in order to be able to create, provide and use it in a standardized way by different users.
raw materials:
 Are those natural resources from which we obtain the materials that we use in the technical activity?
cross contamination:
 A food that does not contain gluten can be contaminated by being in contact with other foods that contain it or by using the same utensils for cooking or handling one or the other, without properly sanitizing them.
parameters of a production: 
They are calculated based on production behavior data, e.g., egg quantity, body weight, eggs produced per bird, production percentage.
Accurate translation of products is essential to ensure quality, safety, and consumer understanding. ISO standards related to translation and technical communication provide valuable guidelines to avoid translation failures and minimize associated risks. It is crucial for companies and professional translators to be familiar with these standards and apply them appropriately to prevent costly and potentially hazardous errors.
Product delivery failures are varied. The common point is their negative impact on the competitiveness of a business. Not finding the customer, very high costs or information failures are problems that can appear at the time of distribution.
To overcome these failures and improve the customer's buying experience and product reception, a technological leap must be made. Implementing specialized tools such as QuadMinds Flash generates concrete and quantifiable benefits.
And to detect any anomaly in the product, failure analysis can be used to identify possible errors and measure the risks associated with them in a given process or product.

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