
Prévia do material em texto

1 – Circle the correct form of the verb:
a. Do they know / Are they knowing the answers?
b. Has she wrote / Has she written to him yet?
c. His family lived / lives in São Paulo for forty years.
d. How long have you waited / have you been waiting for the train?
e. John Lennon is remembered / remembered everywhere.
f. The quiz was wrote / was written by our teacher.
g. There was a contest and she is winning / won it.
h. Was / Is she your teacher last year?
i. John F. Kennedy assassinated / was assassinated in the 1960s.
2 – Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.
a. We (not enjoy) ____________________ the movie last night.
b. (speak) ____________________ people in the US __________________ foreign languages?
c. We (have) _______________________ some extra classes this week.
d. She (not tell) ________________________ her friends about the baby yet.
e. I think one of the Williams sisters (win) _________________________ Wimbledon last year.
f. He usually (leave) _______________ home at 7:45 a.m.
g. Be quiet. I (listen) ___________________ !
h. (stand) ____________________ you ___________________ here when the accident happened?
i. The movie (not finish) ____________________________ until midnight so we missed the last train home.
3 – Read the text.
The readers of an American TV guide have voted Anne Robinson the Rudest Woman on American TV. She has won the title because of the unkind way she speaks to contestants in the game show. The Wakest Link. Most people wouldn’t want this honor but Ms. Robinson is proud of it because it makes her different from the friendly hosts on other game shows.
The game is simple: a group of contestants answer general knowledge questions and “bank” money if they answer correctly. During the game, the contestants vote off other players. As each person leaves the TV studios, Anne Robinson says her famous catch-phrase, “You are the Weakest Link, good-bye”. At the end, there is one person left and he or she wins all the money.
More than six million viewers watch the Weakest Link. Some of them are interested in the game but a lot of them watch the program because they enjoy seeing the host insult the contestants.
Find words in the text that means:
a. People in a competition (paragraph 2): ___________________________
b. A sentence or phrase that is famous because a famous person says it a lot (paragraph 2): ____________________________________________
c. People who watch TV (paragraph 3): ____________________________
d. Say rude things to (paragraph 3): _______________________________
4 - Use the suffixes from the box to write words.
a. He was a great perform ________.
b. His last perform ______________ was incredible.
c. She is perform ____________ at the Lyric Theater in London.
d. Nobody likes crit _______________ but it´s sometimes useful.
e. She´s a crit _________ so she sees all the latest movies.
f. Stop being so crit _____________ and say something nice.
1 – Are the sentences correct (√) or incorrect (x)? Correct the mistakes.
a. _X__ I usually working from 7:30 – 3:30 work
b. _____ Where do they live? ________
c. _____ She never answer my phone calls. _________
d. _____ He rarely buys any new clothes. __________
e. _____ I often staying with them for the weekend. ___________
f. _____ Does she has her own business? _________
g. _____ He doesn’t sees his family very often. ___________
h. _____ We don’t live in London now. __________
i. _____ She usually flys to Italy in the summer. ______
j. _____ Is he work this week? _______________
2 – Circle the correct letter.
2.1 Can I borrow your car? Mine ____ at the moment.
	A – is be fixes
	B – is being fixed
	C – is fixed
 2.2 He ____ extra homework every Friday because he is so badly behaved.
	A – is given
	B - gives
	C - given
2.3 We ____ enough time to answer all the questions.
	A – aren´t given
	B – be given
	C – being given
2.4 The children ____ by the clown doctors.
	A – are visiting
	B – is visited
	C – are visited
2.5 You can´t visit her now. She ______ by the doctor.
	A – is being seen
	B – is seen
	C - sees
2.6 The people ______ the result of their interview right away – they get a letter from the company a few days later.
	A – aren´t told
	B – aren´t be told
	C – aren´t telling
3 – Read the text. Circle the correct letter.
A recent survey of American car – owners shows that money can buy happiness. The owner of a marketing company paid for the report which asked Are people happy in their cars? What makes them happy? and In which areas of the country are people happiest? Respondents graded their happiness from one to ten, with one being extremely miserable, and ten being extremely happy. Surprisingly, more than a third – an astonishing nine million people – gave themselves 10/10 for happiness.
The research shows that people become happier as they get older and that those with expensive cars are happier than those with cheaper ones. The happiest people are retired and have plenty of money. Geography also plays a part; on the West Coast 50% of car–owners gave the maximum score and in the south 43% are really smiling. Only 26% of people in the northeast gave themselves 10/10 while in New York the figure was about 30%. In general, people in the country are happier than people in cities and towns.
Professor Mark Jones who specializes in the economics of happiness commented on the research and said that the results are not surprising: driving is central to people´s happiness and quality of their car makes a real difference in how they feel. He also commented that the fact that people are happier when they are older is good news for people over forty.
3.1 - This text is about…
a. buying a car in the US
b. American car – owners being happy
c. American people being happy
3.2 – Can (paragraph 1) is in italics because the information is…
a. Boring
b. Unexpected
c. normal
3.3 – The money for the survey was from…
a. car–owners
b. Professor Jones
c. one person
3.4 – The survey asked…questions.
a. One
b. two 
c. three
3.5 – Before the writer saw the results, he / she thought…people would say they are 100% happy.
a. fewer people
b. more people
c. most people
3,6 – The happiest people in the US are…
a. Older people with enough money
b. Rich young people in New York
c. People with happy families.
1 – Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb, Past Simple or Past Perfect:
a. I (recognize) ______________________________ him because I (meet) ___________________________ him at the meeting earlier in the year.
b. It (be) ____________________________ hot in September but August (be) ______________________ even hotter.
c. When I (see) ______________________ her this morning her hair was wet because she (go) ______________________ swimming before work.
d. I´m sure they (have) ___________________________ an argument before they (arrive) __________________.
e. When I (get) _______________________ home, he (tidy up) ____________________ the whole house.
f. My boss (not tell) ________________________ me to finish the report so I (not do) ___________________ it.
2 – Circle the correct forms of the verbs.
Conversation 1
A – Why are you here? Suzy called to say she waited / was waiting for you at the airport.
B – I was going / went to the airport but I didn´t find / hadn´t found her.
A – She said she was standing / stood outside the main building. Hadn´t she told / wasn´t she telling you where to meet her?
B – Yes, she had / was but I´d forgotten / I´ve forgotten what she said.
Conversation 2
A – Were you going / did you go on vacation recently?
B – Yes, we were going / went to Bangkok a couple of weeks ago.
A – Did you go / had you been to the water market?
B – No, we didn´t go / hadn´t gone because we´d gone / we´d went there a few years ago. Why?
A – I read an article about it in last week´s paper.
3 – Read the text. Are statements true (v) or false (f)?
Gertrude Stein was an unconventional woman.Born in the US in 1874, she spent her early childhood in Europe but her family later returned to live in California. As a young woman, she studied psychology and medicine before returning to Paris to become a writer. Her Paris home soon became a center for creative people in the 1920s and 30s.
Although Gertrude Stein had her own career as a modernist writer she is better known for being the friend of some of the 20th century´s most famous artists and writers. She bought paintings from artists like Picasso and Matisse before they were famous. Her opinions on art and literature were respected so a word from her could make or break a career.
Gertrude Stein´s writing was sometimes so difficult and complicated that it was almost impossible to understand. However, she did write some simpler books and Three Lives (1909) is thought to be her masterpiece. Her best-known book is The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, which is mainly about herself and not really about Alice B. Toklas, her life-long partner.
Gertrude Stein died in Paris in 1946.
a. All of Gertrude Stein´s life was spent in Europe.
b. She was a writer before she studied medicine.
c. She only liked people who were famous.
d. She influenced people´s careers.
e. People didn´t listen to her opinions on artists.
f. Most of her books are interesting and easy to read.
g. Three Lives is her best book.
h. The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas is her most popular book.
i. She knew Alice B. Toklas for a short time.
1 – Circle the correct verb:
a. The baby is extremely sick. We must / should call the doctor.
b. If there is a fire, you must / can leave the building quickly.
c. You must not / shouldn´t open the door on an airplane when it is in the air.
d. You must / should drive on the left in England.
e. You must not / shouldn´t spend all evening playing computer games.
f. I must / should finish this work now – I´ve got to email it to my boss before 4:00.
g. Can / Should I buy a new computer? What do you think? 
h. I know you´re not going to the wedding but I think you must / should send a present.
i. When you are traveling, you should / can have a photocopy of your passport in a safe place.
j. The meat smells bad – you must not / don´t have to eat it.
2 – Complete the text with the modal verbs in the box:
	Must (2x)
To apply for the new photo driver´s license you _______________ send either your passport or birth certificate for identification. If you are planning to travel abroad within four weeks, you _________________ send us your passport. You ______________________ keep a photocopy of the documents you send in. While your application is being processed, you ________________________ still drive.
Please note: your photograph __________________ be in color. The department ____________________________ accept black and white photographs. Black and white photographs will be returned to the applicant.
3 – Read the text. Are the statement true (v) or false (f)?
Although going to live in another country can be an exciting adventure it is sometimes a difficult experience. Everything is new and different: big things like the language and culture and smaller things like where to buy stamps or when banks are open. For adults who are used to being in control of their world all this can make them feel helpless, confused, and frustrated.
There are usually several stages that newcomers have to go through before they can feel at home in their new environment. After the initial excitement of arriving, the reality of living there can make people feel angry and impatient – and they may even blame their new home for these feelings. As the new arrivals begin to understand their new home better, they start to feel less confused and anxious and eventually they settle in.
Ironically, when the people return to their own culture, they may go through the experience in reverse and find that they don´t feel at home in their own country.
a. Living in another country is always difficult.
b. Living in a strange place can make people feel bad.
c. It is normal to go through different stages before feeling comfortable in the new country.
d. It is impossible to be happy living in another country.
e. When a person has lived in another country, it may be difficult to go home again.
4 – Find words or phrases in the text that mean:
a. Traditions, customs, and beliefs (paragraph 1)________________________
b. A person who has recently arrived somewhere (paragraph 2)_____________________
c. To say someone / something is responsible for something bad (paragraph 2)_________________________
d. To get used to a new home (2 phrases, paragraph 2 and 3)___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
1 – Circle the correct future form of the verb:
a. Bob told me that he definitely isn´t working / won´t work next week
b. She´ll come / She might come with us – she is going to call / she´ll call on Sunday to tell me.
c. I´m talking / I´ll take the bus so I might be / I´ll be late.
d. I don´t think people will ever live / are ever going to live in space.
e. You´re dressed nicely. Are you going / will you go to a job interview?
f. I´m leaving / I´ll leave work early today so I´ll go / I´m going shopping on my way home.
g. I´m seeing / I´ll see her later so I´m telling / I´ll tell her.
h. Do you think you will know / are knowing any of the answers?
2 – Circle the correct words:
Here´s today´s forecast / temperature for New York and New Jersey: the rain / raining will continue all over New York. In the north freeze / freezing temperatures overnight have resulted in ice / icy on the roads and there may be snow / snowing later in the day.
New Jersey is experiencing serious storms / stormy with strong winds / windy and light / heavy rain is delaying road and rail traffic. Southern Jersey isn´t much better with cloudy / sunny skies and chilly / high temperatures at the beaches. Fog / foggy is causing long delays at Newark airport.
1 – Complete the sentences with the words in the box:
a. He´s the man ____________________ told me about the restaurant.
b. There´s a fantastic Italian restaurant _________________ you can get real Chicago – style pizzas.
c. It´s the movie _______________________ everyone wants to see.
d. I spoke to a woman _____________________ sister works for the UN.
e. It´s really boring book __________________________ tells the story of a 19th century artist´s life.
f. Her family is the one ______________________________ opened the first Mexican restaurant in Tokyo.
g. We will never know ___________________________ hit my car.
2 – Circle the correct letter:
2.1 – a) what´s your teacher like? B) what does your new teacher look like?
She a good teacher but she isn´t very friendly.
2.2 – a) Do you like field hockey? B) what´s field hockey like?
It´s a bit like ice hockey but on grass.
2.3 – a) What do you like doing on Sundays? B) What was your Sunday like?
It was terrible. It was too wet to go out and the kids argued all day.
2.4 – a) What´s the food like in Korea? B) Do you like Korean food?
Yes, I do. It´s delicious.
2.5 – a) What do they like doing? B) What are they like?
They both enjoy playing cards.
2.6 – a)What would you like? B) What do you like?
I´ll have a sandwich and mineral water, please.
2.7 – a) How´s Holly? B) What does Holly like?
She was feeling sick but she´s better now.
3 – Circle the correct verb form:
a. We agreed to help / helping clean up after the party.
b. He advised me take / to take the exam next year.
c. They enjoy to cook / cooking for their friends.
d. I remember to meet / meeting you for the first time.
e. I prefer traveling / to traveling by train.
f. She can´t stand swim / swimming when the weather´s cold.
g. I think you should let us going / go home early.
h. Please continue read / reading.
i. She agreed to teach / teaching her son todrive.
4 – Complete the sentences with the adjective in the box:
	Boring crowded
a. She´s unhealthy because she eats so much _____________________ food.
b. The shops are always __________________________ on Saturday afternoon.
c. She´s not very ___________________________ she doesn´t like parties and never invites people to her home.
d. Jon is very _____________________ and hates speaking in meetings.
e. I love big, cosmopolitan cities, I think they are really ______________________.
f. I could see she was _____________________- she kept falling asleep.
g. It is one the most _____________________ cities I´ve visited – there was nothing to do.
h. This pizza is ___________________ - it´s like eating cardboard.
i. Only _____________________ people have enough money to live in central London.
j. I think he´s _____________________ about getting his new car.
k. Mmm, this is delicious. Are the vegetables ________________________?
1 – Circle the correct for of the verb:
a. I´ve worked / I worked here since 2001.
b. We´ve lived / we lived in Rio when I was a child.
c. She hasn´t learned / didn´t learn a foreign language when she was at school.
d. My grandmother hasn´t retired / didn´t retire until she was 70.
e. Have you heard / did you hear the latest news?
f. Jane´s been / Jane´s a journalist for several years.
g. Has he been / was he famous when he was alive?
h. They´ve finished / They finished eating hours ago.
i. Have you seen / Did you see my car keys? I put them down a minute ago.
2 – Complete the text with the Present Perfect active or passive form of the verbs in the box:
Here is the evening´s news. … Fran Aston, one of Britain´s longest serving prisoners, _____________________ in Cambridge Hospital. Her body ___________________ to a secret location for burial. …The Nobel Prize for science ________________________ to a French team for their research into genetics and intelligence. The postal workers _____________________ to continue their strike in protest against the changes in their working conditions. …The World Cup _______________________ by the Brazilian team. Finally, severe storms ______________________ the south coast. Local residents _________________________ to stay indoors.
1 – Match A and B to make conditional sentences:
1. ______ if you hurt yourself.
2. ______ if you drop glass.
3. ______ she´d help you.
4. ______ I´d apply for the job.
5. ______ if you call now, I´m sure.
6. ______ if you think it´s a good idea.
7. ______ if you look at the sun.
8. ______ if you look on the kitchen table.
9. ______ you´ll find your birthday present.
a. You hurt your eyes.
b. If I were you.
c. I´ll apply for the job.
d. You´ll find your car keys.
e. You should see a doctor.
f. If you look in the closet.
g. It breaks.
h. If you asked her too.
i. You´ll get tickets.
2 – Read the text. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)?
My name is Jack Evans and I am 31 years old. I come from Texas, where my Family still lives. However, in recent years, I have traveled the world working for Planete Sante. Planete Sante is an international aid organization that supplies emergency medical help to people who live in countries with poor health care. 
I have been with the organizations for almost three years and in that time I have worked in several places. My first job was in Africa, after that I spent a year in Afghanistan and recently I´ve come back to Africa to set up a health center in a refugee camp. In the camp, there are thousands of people who have been made homeless by the wars in the area. Many of the refugees have been living there for years and many of the children have never known another home. My work includes training staff, day-to-day health care, organizing a vaccination program and setting up a feeding program for malnourished children.
My work has sometimes been heartbreaking but it is rewarding as well. I realize that I am very lucky to have been born in a country that is comparatively safe. Would I give up my job? No, definitely not. I can´t imagine that anything else will ever be as challenging, interesting, or rewarding.
a. Jacky left home this year. ( )
b. She has just started working for Planete Sante. ( )
c. She started her Planete Sante work in Afghanistan. ( )
d. She has just returned to Africa. ( )
e. Many of the refugees have lived in the camp for a long time. ( )
f. Many of the children have grown up in the camp. ( )
g. Her daily work is with emergencies. ( )
h. She likes her job. ( )
3 – Find words in the text that mean:
a. Not good, below average (paragraph 1) ___________________
b. Without enough food or vitamins (paragraph 2) _________________
c. Really sad (paragraph 3) _______________________
1. Complete the sentences with must or can´t: 
a. It´s very unusual for her to be late. I think she ___________________ be stuck in traffic.
b. Jim ______________ be in Cairo. I saw him in Chicago this morning. 
c. Jane and Dora look completely different. They _____________________ be identical twins.
d. I just heard a car stop outside so that _______________ be Kathy at the door.
e. Joyce _______________ be over sixty if she´s retiring next month.
f. He _________________ be married. He´s only 15.
2 – Circle the correct modal verb in each sentence:
a. I can´t/might see them on Sunday if I have enough time.
b. She could/might be here – her car is parked outside.
c. He´s been sick so he can´t/might not pass his exams.
d. Give you U$1,000! You could/must be joking!
e. They could/ must be joking, but I think they will get married.
f. If Beth loses her job, we might not/must be able to afford to go on vacation.
3 – Complete the sentences with might, can, can´t, could or must in the past:
a. Gwen is very lazy but she (make) ______ _______________ lunch for us.
b. You (hear) _______ _____________ correctly. I think you should check again.
c. Their phone line is dead. They (forget) _________ _______________ to pay the bill. 
d. Their phone bill is U$400 this month. They (make) _________ ____________ many international calls.
e. I´m glad I brought my umbrella – the weather (change) _____________ _____________ very quickly.
f. They (go) _____________ ________________ out for evening. All the lights are off.
4 – Read the sentences and write short replies:
a. I really enjoyed that movie. _____________________
b. I have a car. _________________________
c. I don´t like novels. ______________________
d. I live in a house. __________________________
e. I can´t speak French. _____________________
f. I don´t have any sisters. _______________________
g. I really like Bond movies. _______________________
h. I went to an all-girls school. _____________________
i. I´ve never been on a plane. _____________________
j. I can play the piano. ________________________
k. I´m not going to offer to help. ________________
l. I´ll drive to the airport. ______________________
m. I don´t like classical music. ___________________
1 – Complete the sentences with the correct word:
a. They will be here ________ 10 minutes.
b. She learned to ski ____________ she was living in Switzerland.
c. The class ends ____________ 8:30.
d. There was a meeting ________ the afternoon.
e. I worked there ____________ three years.
f. The train left an hour ___________.
g. It´s been raining ____________ last week.
h. My grandmother was born ____________ the 1940s.
i. We arrive ___________ Tuesday.
j. They always go away ____________ Christmas.
k. We´re all going to have lunch together ______________ Christmas Day.
l. He left school ______ the age of fifteen.
m. I last saw them ________ 2001.
2 – Complete the compound nouns:
a. Look at her sun_________, she must have been away.
b. Don´t spend too much Money on your _________card.
c. The easiest way to book the hotel is through a ____________agent.d. Write a shopping_____________ or you´ll forget what we need.
e. I don´t want to use someone else´s tooth_____________!
f. Send by air____________ and it should be there in four days.
g. Let´s have fire_____________ at midnight on New Year´s Eve.
h. His __________cut is very old-fashioned.
i. I read the movie__________ and it sound terrible! Let´s watch TV instead.
1 – Complete the sentences with what, which, whose or how:
a. ___________ far is it to Boston?
b. ___________ long is the trip to the airport?
c. ___________ bag is that on the floor?
d. ___________ many people are there in your family?
e. ___________ size ski boots do you need?
f. ___________ kind of flowers does she like?
2 – Write indirect questions:
a. When´s my appointment? Could you tell me _______________________________________?
b. Will you be doing the interview? Do you know if _______________________________________?
c. How long is the interview? I don´t know ______________________________________?
d. Are you interviewing many people? Could you tell me ______________________________________?
e. When will you make a decision? Do you have any idea ______________________________________?
f. What´s the salary? Do you happen to know ______________________________________?
g. Am I a strong candidate? Can you tell me ______________________________________?
3 – Complete the questions and answers:
a. You like sailing, ________ you? __________ I don´t.
b. She´s very friendly, ___________ she? Yes, she __________.
c. They _____________ have any children, do they? Yes, they ___________.
d. You _____________ lived in London, haven´t you? _________, I haven´t.
e. I´m in this class, __________ __________ I? No, you _______________.
f. You _________________ babysit, can you? Yes, I ____________.
g. He won´t be late again, ____________ he? No, he ____________.
1 – Complete the reported speech:
a. “I´d like you to come to my wedding.”
He said that ____________________________________________________________.
b. “My father is too sick to be there.”
He told me _____________________________________________________________.
c. “Are your sisters being bridesmaids?”
I asked if ______________________________________________________________.
d. “Would you sing in church?”
He asked if ____________________________________________________________.
e. “Where are you having the reception?”
I asked where __________________________________________________________.
f. “The reception is at the hotel next to the church.”
He told me ____________________________________________________________.
g. “We are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon.”
He said _______________________________________________________________.
2 – Complete the sentences with the words:
a. Eleanor May was __________ at 3:45 a.m. at the hospital.
b. The baby was safely delivered by a __________________ Julie Dean.
c. Eric Marshall, 96, ___________ peacefully on Sunday.
d. The bride´s ________________ contained red and white roses from her parent´s garden.
e. The widow´s wreath was on the _____________, which was lowered into the ground during the _______________.
f. The baby wore _______________ for the first few years.
g. I don´t think there should be a _______________ - they have argued all through their engagement.
h. The bride and groom left the _______________ and went away on their __________________ to Hawaii.
3 – Read the situations. Write apologies.
a. You remember your friend´s birthday was last week.
b. You drop a glass of red wine on a friend´s floor.
c. A friend tells you that you upset them.
d. You think the sales assistant said a newspaper was U$5.
e. You want to sit down on the train. Someone´s bag is on the seat.
f. Your boss asks why you are an hour late for an important meeting.