
b. What kind of book did Viola write? When did she write it? a) Viola wrote a novel about her life experiences during the pandemic. b) Viola wrote...

b. What kind of book did Viola write? When did she write it?

a) Viola wrote a novel about her life experiences during the pandemic.
b) Viola wrote a memoir called Finding Me, during the pandemic.
c) Viola wrote a biography about Oprah Winfrey, during the pandemic.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Manual de Inglês para o Ensino Fundamental
324 pág.

Inglês Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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Para responder à pergunta, é necessário analisar as opções fornecidas: a) Viola wrote a novel about her life experiences during the pandemic. b) Viola wrote a memoir called Finding Me, during the pandemic. c) Viola wrote a biography about Oprah Winfrey, during the pandemic. A opção correta é a alternativa b) Viola wrote a memoir called Finding Me, during the pandemic.


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