
Taking the text above into account, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them: I- The text depicts a situation in which a ...

Taking the text above into account, analyze the following statements and the relationship between them:
I- The text depicts a situation in which a speaker of a non-British variation of the English language is criticized for using his own language when it was expected from him to speak with a British accent.
II- The British producer acted as a 'guardian' of the English language according to a false belief in one unique correct linguistic variation.
Considering these statements, choose the correct option.
A Statement I is a true proposition, and II is a false proposition.
B Statement I is a false proposition, and I is a true proposition.
C Statements I and II are true propositions, but II is not a correct justification of I.
D Statements I and II are true propositions, and II is a correct justification of I.

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