
Look at the following activity. What the student's purpose for writing will be? Imagine you bought a language course. Think of at least four thing...

Look at the following activity. What the student's purpose for writing will be? Imagine you bought a language course. Think of at least four things that went wrong. Write a letter to the company asking for your money back. Adapted from New Cutting Edge Upper Intermediate (Cunningham and Moor, 2007: 46) Select one: a. Complaining. b. Sharing ideas. c. Giving an opinion.


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A finalidade da atividade é reclamar, portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a. Complaining". O aluno deve escrever uma carta para a empresa pedindo o reembolso do dinheiro gasto no curso de idiomas, descrevendo pelo menos quatro coisas que não funcionaram bem.


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