
What is the main topic of the text? a) A review of studies on the prevalence of postural alterations in Brazilian schoolchildren. b) A discussion...

What is the main topic of the text?

a) A review of studies on the prevalence of postural alterations in Brazilian schoolchildren.
b) A discussion of the growth patterns of Brazilian schoolchildren and their relationship to postural alterations.
c) An analysis of the methodology used in studies on postural alterations in Brazilian schoolchildren.
d) A comparison of the prevalence of postural alterations in Brazilian schoolchildren to that of children in other countries.

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8 pág.

Terapia Ocupacional Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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O tema principal do texto é "a) Uma revisão de estudos sobre a prevalência de alterações posturais em escolares brasileiros".


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