
What is the diagnosis for the patient in clinical case 28? The patient has multiple yellowish papules on the face, which is characteristic of Seba...

What is the diagnosis for the patient in clinical case 28?

The patient has multiple yellowish papules on the face, which is characteristic of Sebaceous Milium.
Sebaceous Milium can be treated with ambulatory extraction of the micropapules using a needle.
Daily use of anti-oiliness soap can also be helpful.
a) Only I is correct.
b) I and II are correct.
c) I, II, and III are correct.
d) Only II and III are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Manual de Dermatologia para Médicos da Atenção Primária no Amazonas
51 pág.

Psicologia Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra "a) Only I is correct.", pois apenas a primeira afirmação é verdadeira, enquanto as outras duas são falsas.


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