
Classify the following statements as true (V) or false (F) regarding the inherent qualities of character and profile of a sign language interpreter...

Classify the following statements as true (V) or false (F) regarding the inherent qualities of character and profile of a sign language interpreter, according to the author cited above: Self-discipline, Self-control and Dedication are required qualities for a sign language interpreter. In addition to the formal process of becoming a certified sign language interpreter, which includes attending courses duly recognized by the Ministry of Education.

A) V-F-V-V
B) V-V-F-F
C) F-V-V-F
D) V-V-F-V

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História da Educação e Cultura das Pessoas Surdas Centro Universitário Leonardo da VinciCentro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci


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A alternativa correta é a letra D) V-V-F-V. Explicação: - A primeira afirmação "Self-discipline, Self-control and Dedication are required qualities for a sign language interpreter" é verdadeira, portanto a primeira e a quarta alternativas são verdadeiras (V-V). - A segunda afirmação "In addition to the formal process of becoming a certified sign language interpreter, which includes attending courses duly recognized by the Ministry of Education" é falsa, portanto a terceira e a segunda alternativas são falsas (F-F).


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