
What is the distribution of questions in the Pau dos Ferros City Hall public tender exam? a) 10 questions of Portuguese Language, 5 questions of ...

What is the distribution of questions in the Pau dos Ferros City Hall public tender exam?

a) 10 questions of Portuguese Language, 5 questions of Municipal RJU, and 25 questions of Specific Knowledge.
b) 15 questions of Portuguese Language, 5 questions of Municipal RJU, and 20 questions of Specific Knowledge.
c) 20 questions of Portuguese Language, 5 questions of Municipal RJU, and 15 questions of Specific Knowledge.
d) 25 questions of Portuguese Language, 5 questions of Municipal RJU, and 10 questions of Specific Knowledge.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

prova 2023 PDF Psicologo social
17 pág.

Psicologia Social Universidade PotiguarUniversidade Potiguar


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A distribuição de questões no concurso público da Prefeitura Municipal de Pau dos Ferros é a seguinte: a) 10 questões de Língua Portuguesa, 5 questões de RJU Municipal e 25 questões de Conhecimentos Específicos.


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