
the-weekend-british-english S Past (1)

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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At the weekend1
In pairs read the dialogue below.
Patrick: So, what did you do at the weekend? Claire:	Well, on Saturday I went shopping. Patrick: Really? What did you buy?
Claire:	I bought this new dress. Do you like it?
Patrick: Nice. How much did it cost?
Claire:	It cost 30 pounds.
Patrick: And what did you do in the evening?
Claire:	In the evening, I met my friends Nicole and Kate. We went to the cinema.
Patrick: What did you see?
Claire:	We saw a romantic comedy. After that, my friends went dancing. But I was tired so I didn’t go with them. I went back home and read a book. And you? What did you do?
Patrick: I went to an Italian restaurant with my friends. We ate pizza and drank wine. Then we went to a club together.
Claire:	Really? Did you have a good time?
Patrick: Yes, we did. We had a great time. We drank a lot and listened to music.
Claire:	I hope you didn’t drive.
Patrick: No, I didn’t. My friend drove.
Claire:	What time did you get up on Sunday?
Patrick: I got up very late on Sunday. About midday.
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Past simple - Irregular verbs2
Look at the dialogue again and find the past tense of these irregular verbs:
1. go	 went	
2. eat	 	ate
3. see	 	saw
4. drink	 drank	
5. drive	 drove	
6. get up got up 	
7. cost	 	cost 
8. read	 	read
9. meet	 met	
10. buy	 	bought
11. have	 	had
Now answer the questions below using the past forms above.
1. What did Claire buy on Saturday?
2. Who did she meet in the evening?
3. Where did they go?
4. What did they see?
5. What did she do at home later?
6. Where did Patrick go with his friends?
7. What did they eat?
8. Where did they go after that?
9. What time did he get up on Sunday?
1.	What did Claire buy on Saturday?
Claire bought one dress 
2.	Who did she meet in the evening?
She met Nicole and Kate
3.	Where did they go?
they went to the cinema.
4.	What did they see?
They saw a romantic comedy
5.	What did she do at home later?
She read a book
6.	Where did Patrick go with his friends?
He went to an Italian restaurant 
7.	What did they eat?
They ate pizza and drank wine
8.	Where did they go after that?
They went to a club 
9.	What time did he get up on Sunday?
He got up very late on Sunday. About midday.
Find someone who ...3
Find out what your classmates did at the weekend. Use the ideas below and ask for more information (when, where, with who, etc.)
meet friends	go out	see a film/movie	watch TV	go to a club go shopping		go for a walk	go on a trip	read a book
When did you go to a club?
When did you go to shopping?
who did go see watching tv yesterday in your home? 
Who did go out working yesterday? 
where did go meet friends?
when go for a walk in Beira mar de São José?
Who did go on a trip with you last year?
when did read a book about healthy?
Quando você foi a um clube?
Quando você foi fazer compras?
quem foi assistir tv ontem em sua casa?
Quem saiu para trabalhar ontem?
onde foi encontrar amigos?
quando passear na Beira mar de São José?
Quem fez uma viagem com você no ano passado?
quando leu um livro sobre saúde?
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© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in debora soares's lessons.
Learn without forgetting!
Scan the QR at the top of Page 1 to review the lesson flashcards with Expemo.
© Linguahouse.com. Photocopiable and licensed for use in debora soares's lessons.
1.	At the weekend
Have the students read the dialogue in pairs, in preparation for Ex2. Alternatively, read the dialogue with a strong student. Although students may be unfamiliar with the past forms of irregular verbs, the meaning of the verbs in bold can be inferred from the context.2.	Past simple - Irregular verbs
Model pronunciation of the past forms. Point out that only the affirmative forms of the past simple are irregular. The negative and question forms are the same for all verbs.
	2. ate
	3. saw
	4. drank
	5. drove
	6. got up
	8. read
	9. met
	10. bought
	11. had
1. She bought a dress.
2. She met her friends Nicole and Kate.
3. They went to the cinema.
4. They saw a romantic comedy.
5. She read a book.
6. They went to an Italian restaurant.
7. They ate pizza.
8. They went to a club.
9. He got up at midday.
3.	Find someone who ...
Have the students ask each other what they did at the weekend (or last weekend). Demonstrate the exercise with a strong student. Encourage short/long answers and follow-up questions, e.g. ‘Did you meet friends at the weekend?’ ‘Yes, I did.’ ‘Who did you meet?’ ‘I met my friends Jacob and Sarah.’ etc. Students should make notes of who did what together with the follow-up information. They can compare findings in small groups or report to the class individually.
One-to-one: ask your student if he/she did any of the activities at the weekend and have the student ask about your weekend.

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