
Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Test Your Healthy Eating Knowledge 
It’s important that our bodies get fed healthy food, like fruit and vegetables, every 
single day so that we can grow big and strong. Did you know that without healthy 
food we can’t run as far, jump as high or swim as fast? How much you know about 
healthy eating! 
1) Which one of the following after-school snacks is healthy? 
( )A bag of salt and vinegar crisps 
( )A packet of sweets 
( )An apple cut into slices 
( )A chocolate bar 
2) Protein is found in meat and we need it for healthy muscles. Which of these 
foods typically contains the most protein? 
Atividade de Inglês 
 Healthy Food 
Série: ________________ 
data: ________________ 
PROFª: Lucas Elias R. de Araújo 
( )Breakfast cereal 
( )A chicken sandwich 
( )Chips 
( )Lettuce and tomato 
3) Flavoured drinks are filled with sugar which is bad for our teeth. Which drink 
should you choose to have instead? 
( )A glass of water 
( )A can of cola 
( )A bottle of lemonade 
( )Fizzy cherryade 
4) What is the minimum number of portions of fruit and vegetables you should 
try to eat each day? 
( )1 
( )2 
( )4 
( )5 
5) Which of these foods contains the most vitamins and is good for your 
( )A slice of cake 
( )A fruit salad 
( )A cheese and tomato pizza 
( )A cheeseburger 
6) What food is rich in vitamin C? 
( )Oily fish 
( )Peppers and broccoli 
( )Cereals and milk 
( )Eggs 
7) What do general nutritional recommendations state that all adults should 
( )Avoid oily fish 
( )Minimise their intake of high fibre foods 
( )Eat foods that are fortified with vitamins A and D 
( )Increase their intake of free sugars 
8) Older people should aim to increase their intake of B vitamins, which can be 
found in what types of food? 
( )Goats milk 
( )Chocolate and raisins 
( )Mackerel and liver 
( )Dates 
9) What is NOT a common symptom of zinc deficiency? 
( )Slow-healing wounds 
( )Excessive levels of energy 
( )High or low blood pressure 
( )Chronic fatigue 
10)Every 24 hours, how much should people aged 60 and over aim to drink? 
( )2L of fluid per KG of body weight 
( )30ml of fluid per KG of body weight 
( )65ml of fluid per KG of body weight 
( )1.8L of fluid per KG of body weight 
	Test Your Healthy Eating Knowledge
	1) Which one of the following after-school snacks is healthy?
	2) Protein is found in meat and we need it for healthy muscles. Which of these foods typically contains the most protein?
	3) Flavoured drinks are filled with sugar which is bad for our teeth. Which drink should you choose to have instead?
	4) What is the minimum number of portions of fruit and vegetables you should try to eat each day?
	5) Which of these foods contains the most vitamins and is good for your health?
	6) What food is rich in vitamin C?
	7) What do general nutritional recommendations state that all adults should do?
	8) Older people should aim to increase their intake of B vitamins, which can be found in what types of food?
	9) What is NOT a common symptom of zinc deficiency?
	10)Every 24 hours, how much should people aged 60 and over aim to drink?

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