
9 ano -2bim ingles- forma b atualizada

Prévia do material em texto

Course: Ensino Fundamental Subject: English Teacher: Juliano 
Student: ___________________________________Number: ____ Grade/class: 9°____ 
English test
Dr. John Stith Pemberton (1830-1888) was an American pharmacist, soldier, and inventor. He invented Coca-Cola on May 8th, 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. He had invented many syrups, medicines, and elixirs before, including a very popular drink called French Wine of Coca, which contained French Bordeaux wine, coca leaves, and caffeine (from the kola nut).
When Atlanta banned alcohol consumption in 1885, Pemberton had to change the formula of his French Wine of Coca, omitting the French wine. He added sugar, citric acid and essential oils of many fruits to the drink, and the original Coca-Cola was created. It was named for its main ingredients, coca leaves and the kola nut. Coca-Cola quickly became a very popular soda fountain drink.
Pemberton became partners with Frank Robinson and David Roe, but the partners soon began to quarrel and Pemberton soon sold his interest in Coca-Cola. The formula for Coca-Cola is a closely-guarded secret.
1) Onde encontramos esse tipo de texto?
 (A) enciclopédia 
 (B) gibi
 (C) jornal
 (D) dicionário bilíngüe
2) Quando a Coca-cola foi inventada?
 (A) 1930
 (B) 1888
 (C) 1885
 (D) 1886
 3) Qual é o nome do inventor da Coca-Cola?
 (A) John Stith Pemberton
 (B) Frank Robinson
 (C) David Roe
 (D) Atlanta
4)Onde a Coca -Cola foi inventada?
 (A) China
 (B) Inglaterra
 (C) França
 (D) Estados Unidos
5) Na frase: “The formula for Coca-Cola is a closely-guarded secret” podemos entender que:
 (A) Somente os americanos sabem a sua fórmula
 (B) A fórmula da Coca-cola é guardada secretamente
 (C) Só as pessoas que trabalham nas fábricas da Coca-Cola sabem o seu segredo
 (D) Muitas pessoas no mundo sabem o segredo da sua fórmula
Observe a propaganda para responder as questões 6, 7, 8 e 9:
6) Que tipo de texto é este e qual sua função social?
(A) jornalístico - informar
(B) anúncio - divulgar
(C) propaganda - vender 
(D) carta- contar sobre a vida de alguém
7) Why was it written?
 (A) To sell a machine 
 (B) To describe the history of an invention 
 (C) To give instruction
 (D) To rent a machine
8/9)Preencha as lacunas com o passado dos verbos regulares.
a) I _________________ lost of interesting places in Cuba.(visit) 
b) We __________________ to a new house on Saturday afternoon( move)
c) Bill _____________________ the bus last night.(miss)
d) I __________________ around by car with some friends.( travel)
e) He _________________ in a bank for few years.(work)
f) She ___________________ ice cream when I was a child.(love)
g) Leonardo da Vinci __________________Monalisa. (paint)
h) You _________________a lot yesterday.(study)
10) observe a tirinha
Bath time – hora do banho
 Explique a tirinha:

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