
TC Aula 3 Fundamentos Culturais Da Literatura Em Lingua Inglesa

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06/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
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Exercício: CEL0554_EX_A3_201708445498_V1 16/09/2018 20:14:26 (Finalizada)
 1a Questão
The fact that the sword came from water and returned to it after Arthur´s death comes from a habit of the first Celtic communities. Which one
are we talking about?
 The habit of throwing into water swords, shields and objects from the dead warriors.
 The habit of praying to the Lady of the Lake whenever somebody died.
The habit of offering the Lady of the Lake valuable jewels. This was done by throwing the objects into water when the warrior died.
The habit of sending the body of warriors back to the lake. They believed they might wake up from death if their bodies were sent to
the lake.
The habit of associating water with the spirit of dead warriors.
 In the story of King Arthur, we can notice the importance which was given to certain traditions. One of them suggests that
swords, shields and other objects which belonged to warriors were thrown into rivers, lakes or the ocean. In this case, Arthur´s
sword was given to him by the Lady of the Lake and that, when the old king lay mortally wounded after his last battle, he
ordered the faithful Sir Bedivere to go to the water and throw the sword into it. An arm rose to catch it, brandished the sword
three times, and then disappeared.
 2a Questão
Mark the option that presents the characteristics which describe Chivalry: I. It was a social class II. It was an order III. It was a gentry
movement IV. It had a code of values V. It was formed by poets
Sentences I, IV and V are right.
 Only sentence IV is right
All sentences are wrong
All sentences are right
 Sentences I, II and IV are right.
Chivalry in the Middle Ages was a moral, religious and social code of knightly and courtly conduct. The code varied, but it often emphasized
honor, courage and service. Chivalry in the Middle Ages may also refer to an idealized life and a knight¿s manners while among his court.
Gabarito Coment.
 3a Questão
Medieval Chivalry represented a very good well designed behaviour code in relation to moral principles and conduct. Which of the following
contradicts the ideal of Medieval Chivalry?
According to code of chivalry, defended any lady in need.
According to code of chivalry, a honorable knight served God and the King.
 According to code of chivalry, a knight's word was not something to be valued, because they didn't worry about honor.
According to code of chivalry, the perfect knight fought for his good name if insulted
According to code of chivalry, to serve the king and the people was a major issue.
According to code of chivalry, a knight's word was something to be valued, because honor was of great value to them.
 4a Questão
The origin of the Holy Grail comes probably from the word gradalis
which means grail or dish. Indeed, a theme always mentioned in the
Celtic legends is the search for
 a sword
 a magical pot
06/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793130&shwmdl=1 2/3
a weapon
a magic island
an enchanted prince
The Holy Grail is traditionally thought to be the cup that Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper and that Joseph of Arimathea used to
collect Jesus's blood at his crucifixion. From ancient legends to contemporary movies, the Holy Grail has been an object of mystery and
fascination for centuries. 
 5a Questão
What was William Caxton´s contribution mainly to English literature? Why was it relevant?
He translated Milton´s literary work into the English language. Because if it was not for his translation we would not have the chance
of reading Milton´s famous poems.
He spread the alphabet we still use nowadays to nearly every country in Europe. Because it was only after his attitude that English
became an important language.
William Caxton was responsible for the invention of the QUILL PEN, which was the primary writing utensil in the Western World. It
could be used in all sorts of parchment or vellum and it made writing easier.
William Caxton was skilled in metalworking. For a short time, he was involved in producing special mirrors that were supposedly
designed to capture ´holy light´ shining from religious relics. Later on , he was able to invent the electric lamps which were very
helpful in allowing readers to study literary productions even at night.
 He established the first English press at Westminster in 1476. Gutemberg´s printing press has been widely considered the most
important invention of the modern era because it profoundly impacted the transmission of knowledge.
Caxton´s role as the first English printer cannot be overlooked. He established the first English press at Westminster in 1476. Gutemberg
´s printing press has been widely considered the most important invention of the modern era because it profoundly impacted the transmission
of knowledge.
 6a Questão
What was the importance of the printing press for the study of literature? It was important because...
The Church members were only interested in publishing books about saints.
 Before its invention, books were written by hand and , sometimes, it would take a writer a whole year to put down into words a
single copy of a book
The process of printing a book before the printing press was not only very sophisticated but also very expensive.
The writers did not show any interest in having their books published.
Books, which were not religious ones, were seen as products of the demon. 
Five hundred years ago when the printing press was invented there was a shift from laborious manuscript making to a print technology
allowing large numbers of copies of written work to be created quickly, giving greater access to information and setting the stage for a slow
but importanttransformation of societal literacy.
 7a Questão
Think about the characters and elements belonging to the stories of King Arthur. Then, match the names innumbered colum to the
observation preceed by letters:
1- Lancelot ( ) the name of the legendary headquarter of Arthur's government
2- The Graal ( ) King Arthur's famous sword.
3- Caladfwick ( ) the most famous knight from the Round Table.
4- Camelot ( ) a magical pot whose theme dates from the Celtic legends.
1 - 2- 3- 4
 4 - 3- 1 - 2
2- 1 - 3 - 4
4- 3- 2- 1
3 - 4- 2- 1
This is a simple item. All you were supposed to do was to associate the names on the left with the rest of the sentences on the right. So:
Lancelot was the most famous knight in the Arthurian legend. The Graal was a magical pot whose theme dates from the Celtic legends.
Caladfwick was King Arthur's famous sword and Camelot was the the name of the legendary headquarter of Arthur's government
 8a Questão
In the year 1998, archeologists found, in Cadbury Hill, British military chiefs buried in coffins in the shape of boats.
What did ancient people, who lived in England, believe?
Ancient people regarded boats as a mystical thing.
Military chiefs were considered important people, that´s why they were placed in speacially designed coffins.
They believed that the dead people would rather be buried in coffins in the shape of boats because they were
Ancient peopleassociated boats with Jesus Christ.
 Ancient people believed that the soul traveled from one world to another which was found in lakes and seas. Dead people
were placed in coffins in the shape of boats because boats were normally placed in seas or lakes.
" Death was at the centre of life in the Middle Ages in a way that might seem shocking to us today. With high rates of infant
mortality, disease, famine, the constant presence of war, and the inability of medicine to deal with common injuries, death was a
brutal part of most people´s everyday experience. As a result, attitudes towards life were very much shaped by beliefs about
death: indeed, according to Christian tradition, the very purpose of life was to prepare for the afterlife by avoiding sin,
performing good works, taking part in the sacraments, and keeping to the teachings of the church. "
06/12/2018 Student: Francisco Jose Oliveira Gomes •
http://estacio.webaula.com.br/salaframe.asp?curso=1494&turma=979549&topico=793130&shwmdl=1 3/3
Ancient people believed that the soul traveled from one world to another which was found in lakes and seas. Dead people were
placed in coffins in the shape of boats because boats were normally placed in seas or lakes.

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