
Oficina De Red. em Líng. Inglesa Textos Técnicos - Aula 7

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Teste do Conhecimento - Ofic. de Redação. em Líng. Inglesa Textos Técnicos - 2018-1
	Ref.: 201502907187
	 1a Questão
	The following items should be present in a SCIENTIFIC SUMMARY, EXCEPT:
	brief information on experiments
	key research question
	strong personal opinion
A scientific summary is not about the writer's opinion, but about the results of the research.
	Ref.: 201502907177
	 2a Questão
	The TEXT below is a good example of a specific type of text. Which one?
An analytical approach to light scattering from small cubic and rectangular cuboidal nanoantennas?
Introduction and background. Antenna technology, which was developed for radio and micro-wave frequencies, manipulates the electromagnetic field on a sub-wavelength scale, providing a means to interface propagating and localized fields. Recently, advances in nano-optics and plasmonics have enabled the creation of nanoscale antennas that work at optical frequencies, with the aim to create analogous devices to those that work at larger wavelengths. At optical frequencies metals behave as an electron plasma and conventional antenna designs need modifications when transferred to this regime. This gives rise to coherent oscillations of the free-electron gas, i.e. to a plasmon resonance.
Main results. In this text, we provide general analytical formulae for the calculation of the scattering properties of a rectangular cuboid inside a medium, in the assumption that the field inside the cuboid is constant, corrected for the charges at the vertices. In contrast to antenna theory and to the effective wavelength picture, the position and width of the dipolar resonance of a rectangular cuboidal plasmonic nanoantenna scales non- linearly with its length, width and height. Moreover we show that the quality factor calculated for different sizes varies significantly with size, in contrast to the quasi-static approximation which predicts invariance.
Wider implications. These expressions enable both physical insight and the quick exploration of a wide range of parameters to tailor the plasmon resonance response or scattering by nanoparticles, for either metals or dielectrics, for numerous promising applications in optical sensor, photovoltaic and light emitting device design.
	book summary
	scientific summary
	mission statement
	magazine article
The aim of the general scientific summary in is for an author to explain to a general reader (with an assumed graduate physics background) why their research was done and why the results are important.
	Ref.: 201502907156
	 3a Questão
What TYPE of text does the following exemplify?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Are you a chocoholic? Have you ever dreamed about a place where you could enjoy tons and tons of chocolate and the latest candies invented? If you are, Wonka's chocolate factory, from the following book I'm introducing, is exactly what you are looking for.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, one of my favourite novels, is an interesting children's fantasy written by Roald Dahl in 1964. It is about the special adventure of an ordinary boy, Charlie Bucket, inside Willy Wonka's large chocolate factory. The book has also won the Blue Peter Book Award in 2000 and is known as a children's classic.
As the story opens, the factory has been shut for almost fifteen years, so it is very mysterious to the public. One day, Mr. Willy Wonka, the owner, decides to allow five children to visit the factory in order to choose one of them to take over his business some day. To win the chance, children needed to find one of the five "golden tickets" hidden in random Wonka bars. People then start to shop for Wonka bars, crazily searching for "golden tickets". Augustus, Veruca, Violet and Mike, four kids from wealthy families, find the tickets easily with great help from the parents' "power", and Charlie, who was born in an extremely poor family, also got a chance, perhaps because of his destiny, perhaps because of luck.
During the guided tour, the kids got into trouble: Augustus falls into a big chocolate lake and was sucked into a pipe. In the end, becomes very thin and is still covered in chocolate; Violet tries some of Wonka's experimental gum without Wonka's permission, turning her into a large blueberry. Although the juice is drained later, her face will forever remain purple. At last, all the kids, except Charlie, fail to win the ownership of the factory because of their gluttony, self-righteousness, greed or addiction to television.
Charlie, being the only one who wasn¿t tempted by any enticement, is chosen, and gets the ultimate prize - to one day take over Willy Wonka's huge grand chocolate factory. As for the other four, they still get a lifetime supply of chocolate and sweets from Wonka, though they all paid a price.
You may think that it is just another typical children book (and wondering why I love it so much). But if you do think so, you're totally wrong.
Although, in real life, things may not be as straightforward as stories, the story is still inspiring and worth thinking over. Sometimes when we make wrong choices in our lives, bad consequence may not be seen immediately, but that doesn't mean that it will our actions will not come back to haunt us. Life is so unexpected and we never know what will happen next. Look at Charlie, do you think he ever imagined that he could could get the chance of visiting the world's biggest chocolate factory, not to mention even winning the ownership of it? No! However, he didn't get all of these because of luck, but because of his good behaviour. What he gets in the end is what he deserves.
Dahl's story is very well-written. It's simple, but deep in meaning. The messages are very clear. Even small kids can get what Dahl wants to tell. To me, the book is not only something to read as a story, but something to learn as a lesson.
Above all, I sincerely recommend all of you to take time and read this wonderful inspiring novel, and I'm sure that you won't regret it if you do so!
	critical assessment
	book summary
	press release
	magazine article
	mission statement
A book summary consists of the most important elements of a work. It retells (in condensed wording) a book¿s beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, and ending. Good book summaries also capture essential elements about the central characters and the setting or settings in which the action unfolds.
When summarizing a piece of literature it is best to start with (1) a paragraph on the mise-en-scene ¿ where and when in space and time the piece takes place. (2) Then address the main characters ¿ the protagonist first. (3) Then state what the conflict is, what moves the plot forward. (4) Give some but not too many details of the highlights of the plot ¿ where impediments stop the protagonist as he/she struggles with the conflict. If the summary is long enough, (5) finish with a short paragraph on the ¿meaning¿ or ¿lesson¿ built into the action. (6) In many cases, you can finish with a broad statement about the importance of the philosophical point of view this piece represents.
	Ref.: 201502907134
	 4a Questão
	 What TYPE of text does the following exemplify?
"National Security Justifies Censorship"  
by Roger S. Thomas
        The article "National Security Justifies Censorship" by Elmo R. Zumwalt and James G. Zumwalt, appears in Censorship, a book in the Opposing Viewpoints Series.  The article asserts that information that is secret and vital to the security of thenation should not be released to the press.  The arguments made by Zumwalt Senior and Junior are summarized below.
Brief analysis
        Although many journalists contend that the First Amendment guarantees unrestricted printing freedom, the authors believe the press has gained more power than the framers of the Constitution foresaw and therefore neglected to install safe guards that would protect national security.   According to the authors, the power of the media has gone far past what the constitutional framers expected; consequently, several acts since the writing of the Constitution have been implemented to deal with the lack of protection regarding national security.  The authors continue to affirm that even though significant risk exists when confidential information is released to the press, this danger has remained unresolved by the courts.
          The authors cite an example to prove this point. The CIA during the Reagan administration recognized Muhamar Quadaffi as a known terrorist and a potential threat to national security in a classified document.  The Washington Post somehow had the document disclosed to them, and they soon published the information.  Several months after the operation had been abandoned, the CIA found Quadaffi responsible for the bombing of a West Berlin discotheque. Military action had to be taken because of the earlier release of the classified document.  The operation incurred military casualties.
        The authors then offer a two-part solution: (1) make the publication of classified information a punishable offense, and (2) incorporate a "code of ethics" into media guidelines that safeguards national security.  The paper ends by discussing how ethics are the responsibility of good journalism.
            Elmo R. Zumwalt and James G. Zumwalt assert that the media are overpowered and the national security is underprotected.  They believe that the government and the media must take steps to assure a disaster does not occur.
	press release
	mission statement
A summary is condensed version of a larger reading.  A summary is not a rewrite of the original piece and does not have to be long nor should it be long.  To write a summary, use your own words to express briefly  the main idea and relevant details of the piece you have read.   Your purpose in writing the summary is to give the basic ideas of the original reading. 
	Ref.: 201502997144
	 5a Questão
	Which one of alternatives below you should not take into consideration when writing a summary:
	Make sure your opinion on the issue or topic discussed is clearly presented.
	Do not rewrite the original piece;
	Use your own wording;
	Refer to the central and main ideas of the original piece.
	Keep your summary short;
Explicação: When writing a summary the author should focus on the text and its elements. A summary does not require the author's opinion to be exposed.
	Ref.: 201502997134
	 6a Questão
	When summarizing a piece of literature it is best to start with:
	a narrow statement about the importance of the philosophical point of view to the structure of the text.
	the main characters ¿ the protagonist first;
	a paragraph on the scenary ¿ where and when in space and time the piece takes place;
	the details of the highlights of the plot ¿ where impediments stop the protagonist as he/she struggles with the conflict;
	the conflict is, what moves the plot forward;
Explicação: It is interesting to begin summarizing a piece of literature by exposing the conflict because it is the main point of interest in a shorter text. It gives the authir the chance to move towards the characters and all the other elements that compose a literary piece.