
Complete with a future (will, be going to,present continuous)

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Complete with a future (will, be going to,present continuous)
1. Tony a friend tomorrow.(meet) 
2. I think it soon.(snow) 
3. Perhaps I New York one day.(visit) 
4. What time tomorrow?(leave/you) 
5. Who the next World Cup? (win) 
6. I'm sure you the exam next week. (not fail) 
7. I my parents at the week-end. (visit) 
8. Don't touch that dog. It you. (bite) 
9. They for a meal tonight.(come) 
10. Look at those clouds, it .(rain) 
1. Tony [No answer] is meeting a friend tomorrow.(meet)
2. I think it [No answer] will snow soon.(snow)
3. Perhaps I [No answer] will visit New York one day.(visit)
4. What time [No answer] are you leaving tomorrow?(leave/you)
5. Who [No answer] will win the next World Cup? (win)
6. I'm sure you [No answer] will not fail the exam next week. (not fail)
7. I [No answer] am visiting my parents at the week-end. (visit)
8. Don't touch that dog. It [No answer] will bite you. (bite)
9. They [No answer] are coming for a meal tonight.(come)
10. Look at those clouds, it [No answer] is going to rain .(rain)
	1. Tony [No answer] is meeting a friend tomorrow.(meet)

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