
plano de aula bimestral que ensina frases interrogativas em inglês 2

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Claro, aqui estão algumas frases interrogativas que você pode usar em um plano de aula bimestral em inglês:
1. What topics will we cover this bimester?
2. Where can we find additional resources for our lessons?
3. How will our progress be assessed throughout the bimester?
4. When are the deadlines for assignments and projects?
5. Why is understanding this concept important?
6. Who will be responsible for leading discussions in class?
7. Whose turn is it to present their project next week?
8. Which activities do you find most engaging in our lessons?
9. How much time should we dedicate to studying each week?
10. How many quizzes or tests will we have during this bimester?
Espero que essas frases ajudem a planejar suas aulas! Se precisar de mais alguma coisa, é só avisar.

Mais conteúdos dessa disciplina