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form the subtle changes in the balance of chi energies they observed
in themselves, others, and nature. The proper approach to under-
standing the I Ching at its deepest level is to train oneself using
Taoist esoteric yoga to read the changing elements within oneself.
In the higher levels of Taoist meditation the practitioner grounds
him/herself in the body by channeling higher energies into the acu-
puncture meridian system, and circulating them throughout the
entire body after refining the energies into a digestible form. The
practitioner has a detailed map of the body’s subtle nerve system
into which he guides the released energy. He also is given precise
methods for transforming his physical, emotional, and mental make-
up at different stages of growth using this new energy. Each indi-
vidual must tailor this “internal technology” to his specific needs
and problems. Esoteric Taoism doesn’t solve ego-created prob-
lems by demanding the surrendering of one’s individuality to a larger
group of guru.
The only devotion it demands is a disciplined committment to
leading a healthy and harmonious life. Taoist Esoteric yoga is com-
patible with any religious belief. The language of Taoism is not de-
fined by any set of mental “beliefs”, but by the “experience” of in-
creasingly subtle and powerful forms of chi energy. No mythologi-
cal entities or divine symbols are evoked. But if someone chooses
to identify this chi with the Christian notion of the Holy Spirit, it will
not adversely affect the Taoist method of chi transformation. This
holds true at the very highest levels of practice. This same Chris-
tian could draw accurate parallels between the Biblical ascent of
Elijah on a flaming chariot into Heaven with the Taoist formula for
the seventh stage meditation, “Reunion of Man and Heaven”. Simi-
lar parallels could be drawn with Buddhist Hindu, or Qabalist sym-
bols of spiritual advancement. The point the Taoist masters were
making is that the pattern of chi flow and balance is similar in all
men, regardless of interpretive belief about their religious experi-
Taoist yoga is a theologically neutral method for preparing the
dense physical and mental body to consciously receive a more
powerful dose of cosmic yin and yang energies. Imagine the aver-
age human being is accustomed to functioning on 110 volts. He
cannot suddenly absorb into his conscious mind the kundalini en-
ergy, which is powered by the subatomic nuclear energy that binds
the universe together and is made visible in the radiant heat and
Observations on Higher Taoist Practices