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The following questions have four options each. You are required to choose the most correct answer.
 1. The inferior layer of the urogenital diaphragm is the
a. central perineal tendon
b. perineal membrane
c. Colles’ fascia
d. Scarpa’s fascia
 2. In the female, the base of the urinary bladder is directly related to the
a. cervix of the uterus
b. body of the uterus
c. rectum
d. anal canal
 3. Which one of the following is NOT true regarding the ejaculatory duct?
a. formed by the union of the duct of the seminal vesicle and the vas deferens
b. formed posterior to the neck of the bladder
c. opens into the prostatic urethra
d. passes between the anterior and median lobes of the prostate
 4. The inferior aperture of the pelvis is bounded by the following, EXCEPT the
a. ischiopubic ramus
b. sacrotuberous ligament
c. coccyx
d. pecten pubis
 5. The following statements are true regarding the iliolumbar ligament, EXCEPT
a. it unites the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra and the iliac crest
b. it plays an important part in maintaining the fifth lumbar vertebra in position
c. it gives attachment to the psoas major
d. it is related to the erector spinae muscle posteriorly
MCQs for part 4: 
The pelvis and perineum
	PART 4 The pelvis and perineum
	19 MCQs for part 4: The pelvis and perineum