
Perguntas sobre a Anatomia do Tórax

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The following questions have four options each. You are required to choose the most correct answer.
 1. The suprapleural membrane extends from the transverse process of the
a. seventh cervical vertebra to the inner margin of the first rib
b. seventh cervical vertebra to the outer margin of the first rib
c. first thoracic vertebra to the inner margin of the first rib
d. first thoracic vertebra to the outer margin of the first rib
 2. The muscle fibres present in the suprapleural membrane are the
a. scalenus anterior
b. scalenus posterior
c. scalenus medius
d. scalenus minimus
 3. Tributaries of the azygos vein include the
a. highest intercostal vein
b. internal thoracic vein
c. left superior intercostal vein
d. right superior intercostal vein
 4. Veins of the heart that do not enter the coronary sinus include the
a. anterior cardiac vein
b. great cardiac vein
c. middle cardiac vein
d. small cardiac vein
 5. The oesophagus is indented by the adjacent
a. right atrium
b. right principal bronchus
c. arch of the aorta
d. trachea
MCQs for part 2: The thorax
	PART 2 The thorax
	6 MCQs for part 2: The thorax