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Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Aula 08 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions
Prof. Leonardo Pontes
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
• Frases na ac(ve voice (voz a(va) são aquelas em que o sujeito que pra(ca alguma ação está
em evidência, enquanto na passive voice (voz passiva) o objeto que recebe a ação é que está
em evidência.
• Uma frase na voz a(va é composta por sujeito + verbo auxiliar + verbo principal + objeto.
• Pedro is washing the car – Pedro está lavando o carro.
• Na voz passiva, queremos dar ênfase ao objeto que está sofrendo a ação, e não para o
• The car is being washed by Pedro – O carro está sendo lavado por Pedro.
• Para formar a voz passiva em inglês, o objeto da voz a6va passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva, e o sujeito
da voz a6va passa a ser o agente da voz passiva.
Passive Voice
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
• A passive voice (voz passiva) é um (po de construção frasal onde se expressa o que acontece 
com o sujeito, sem obrigatoriamente enfa(zá-lo.
• VOZ ATIVA: I cleaned the garage this morning. - Eu limpei a garagem esta manhã. 
• VOZ PASSIVA: The garage was cleaned this morning by me – A garagem foi limpa esta manhã 
por mim.
• A voz passiva pode ser u-lizada em frases afirma-vas, nega-vas e interroga-vas. Sua
formação é expressa por um objeto (um substan-vo) + verbo to be + par-cípio passado do
verbo principal + complemento da frase.
Passive Voice
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Simple Present: am/is/are + par+cípio
Affirma+ve Form: The house is painted by Tom.
Nega+ve Form: The house isn’t painted by Tom.
Interroga+ve Form: Is the house painted by Tom?
Present Con)nuous: am/is/are being + par-cípio
Affirma-ve Form: The house is being painted by Tom.
Nega-ve Form: The house isn’t being painted by Tom.
Interroga-ve Form: Is the house being painted by Tom?
Present Perfect: has/have been + par-cípio
Affirma-ve Form: The house has been painted by Tom.
Nega-ve Form: The house hasn’t been painted by Tom.
Interroga-ve Form: Has the house been painted by Tom?
Passive Voice verb tenses transformation
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Simple Past: was/were + par6cípio
Affirma6ve Form: The house was painted by Tom.
Nega6ve Form: The house wasn’t painted by Tom.
Interroga6ve Form: Was the house painted by Tom?
Past Con(nuous: was/were being + par6cípio
Affirma6ve Form: The house was being painted by Tom.
Nega6ve Form: The house wasn’t being painted by Tom.
Interroga6ve Form: Was the house being painted by Tom?
Past Perfect: had been + par6cípio
Affirma6ve Form: The house had been painted by Tom.
Nega6ve Form: The house hadn’t been painted by Tom.
Interroga6ve Form: Had the house been painted by Tom?
Passive Voice verb tenses transformation
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Modal Verbs:
Modal verb + be + particípio
Simple Future: will be + particípio
Affirmative Form: The house will be painted by Tom.
Negative Form: The house won’t be painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Will the house be painted by Tom?
Future Perfect: will have been + particípio
Affirmative Form: By next week, the house will have been painted by Tom.
Negative Form: By next week, the house won’t have been painted by Tom.
Interrogative Form: Will the house have been painted by next week by Tom?
Passive Voice verb tenses transformation
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Passive Voice verb tenses transformation
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Passive Voice verb tenses transformation
Na frase “... the Red Cross produced a report…” na voz
passiva, seria “ A report was produced by the Red Cross” 
e poderia ser uma das perguntas da sua prova, veja:
Questão: A frase “the Red Cross produced a report …” na
posição de voz passiva, seria:
A ( ) A report had produced by the Red Cross.
B ( ) A report was producing by the Red Cross.
C ( ) A report will be produced by the Red Cross.
D ( ) A report were produced by the Red Cross.
E ( ) A report was produced by the Red Cross.
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
• É uma pergunta curta no fim de uma frase, feita para se cer(ficar de que o que foi dito está 
certo. Em Português, costumamos perguntar no fim da frase: “não é?”, “certo?” ou 
simplesmente “né?” para fazer essa confirmação. 
• A primeira coisa importante a se lembrar é que uma Tag Ques(on é formada com o mesmo
verbo auxiliar ou modal da frase principal e segue o mesmo tempo verbal dela.
• Então a estrutura das tag ques(ons é a seguinte:
Verbo auxiliar ou verbo modal + not (se for nega?va) + sujeito + ?
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Veja alguns exemplos para cada
She is intelligent, isn’t she?
Ela é inteligente, não é?
They are from Brazil, aren’t they?
Eles são do Brasil, não são?
You were in my house earlier, weren’t you?
Você estava na minha casa mais cedo, não 
He was a great father, wasn’t he?
Ele foi um ó(mo pai, não foi?
You have met her before, haven’t you?
Você já a encontrou antes, não encontrou?
It has been raining a lot since last 
month, hasn’t it?
Tem chovido muito desde mês passado, não 
He had gone to another city, hadn’t he?
Ele havia ido para outra cidade, não é?
We had been good friends, hadn’t we?
Nós havíamos sido bons amigos, não é?
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
You will study Medicine, won’t you?
Você vai estudar Medicina, não vai?
We will go to the beach on Sunday, won’t we?
Nós iremos à praia no domingo, não iremos?
She can speak Spanish, can’t she?
Ela consegue falar ESpanhol, não consegue?
The kids can play on the street, can’t they?
As crianças podem brincar na rua, não podem?
He should be an actor, shouldn’t he?
Ele deveria ser ator, não deveria?
We should go out more oVen, shouldn’t we?
Nós deveríamos sair mais vezes, não 
I could help you, couldn’t I?
Eu poderia te ajudar, não poderia?
Those guys could leave us alone, couldn’t they?
Aqueles caras poderiam nos deixar em paz, não 
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
She would be an excellent mother, wouldn’t she?
Ela seria uma mãe excelente, não seria?
You would like a cup of coffee, wouldn’t you?
Você gostaria de uma xícara de café, não gostaria?
Atenção: quando não houver nenhum verbo auxiliar
ou modal na frase e ela es6ver no presente,
use DO ou DOES. Se es6ver no passado, use DID, veja:
You work in a school, don’t you?
Você trabalha em uma escola, não trabalha?
He eats French fries, doesn’t he?
Ele come batata frita, não come?
I said I love you, didn’t I?
Eu disse que te amo, não disse?
They went to the cinema, didn’t they?
Eles foram ao cinema, não foram?
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
• Outro fator importante é que, assim como em Português, a tag question sempre será oposta à frase
principal. Então, se a primeira frase for positiva, a tag question será negativa. Mas se a primeira frase for
negativa, a tag question será positiva. Por exemplo:
You like chocolate, don’t you?
Você gosta de chocolate, não gosta? (Frase principal positiva / tag question negativa.)
You don’t like broccoli, do you?
Você não gosta de brócolis, gosta? (Frase principal negativa / tag question positiva.)
• Existe uma exceção para esta regra, referente ao pronome I. Quando a frase for na primeira pessoa do
singular, a tag question será feita com o verbo to be “are”, não com o “am”. Isto porque o am não pode
ser contraído com o not. Então fica assim, veja:
I’m your best friend, aren’t I?
Eu sou seu melhor amigo, não sou?
I am late, aren’t I?
Eu estou atrasado, não estou?
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
• Existem também as tag ques6ons impera6vas. Você deve se lembrar que uma frase no impera6vo é uma
ordem epode soar um tanto rude. Uma tag ques6on pode então ser adicionada ao fim da frase no
impera6vo para “amenizá-la”. O mais comum é usar WILL, não importando se a frase for posi6va ou
nega6va. Nesse caso, não exige uma resposta de fato, ela está ali só para deixar a frase mais “educada”,
mais polida. Veja exemplos:
Open the door, will you?
Abra a porta, sim?
Don’t forget to call me later, will you?
Não se esqueça de me ligar mais tarde, sim?
Turn off the lights, will you?
Apague as luzes, sim?
Don’t smoke in this room, will you?
Não fume neste local, sim?
Don’t tell anyone, will you?
Não conte para ninguém, sim?
Tag Questions
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2016)
Select the alterna(ve that contains the passive voice of the sentence below:
Somebody has hurt Ronaldo during the soccer match.
a) Ronaldo is hurt during the soccer match.
b) Ronaldo was hurt during the soccer match.
c) Ronaldo had been hurt during the soccer match.
d) Ronaldo has been hurt during the soccer match.
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/INÉDITA)
“I’m silly to trust a quack, __________ ? The correct QUESTION TAG to complete this sentence is:
am I not?
am I?
I’m not?
aren’t I?
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
“Cracolândia” drug addicts have already spread to more than 20 different areas in São Paulo
Five days aAer a police opera-on in Cracolândia (Crackland) in the center of São Paulo, drug addicts
have spread to various parts of the region, such as Paulista avenue, as well as the space underneath 
the João Goulart overpass, which is also known as the Minhocão.
The officers from the GCM (the Metropolitan Civil Guard) have accompanied the movement of those 
who belonged to the “flow” (fluxo) – a term used to describe outdoor areas where people nego-ate 
and consume drugs.
Fonte: Folha de São Paulo – Internacional – 26/05/2017
overpass = viaduto, elevado
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – EEAR/2018)
The sentence “People nego-ate and consume drugs”, in the Passive Voice is:
a) Drugs are nego-ated and consumed.
b) Drugs were nego-ated and consumed.
c) Drugs will be nego-ated and consumed.
d) Drugs had been nego-ated and consumed.
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Mark the op(on that shows the appropriate ques(on 
tag for the sentence
“President Donald Trump has also sent mixed messages on masks”, ___? (paragraph 4)
a) Isn’t he
b) Hasn’t he
c) Is he 
d) Isn’t there 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(2020 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Mark the op(on that shows the appropriate ques(on tag 
for the sentence 
“If safety concerns emerge aGer the vaccine has been approved, confidence in vaccines could be 
destroyed for a genera-on”, ___? (paragraph 4)
a) Can it 
b) Can’t it
c) Couldn’t it
d) Isn’t it 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(AFA – 2017) Mark the option which shows the appropriate question tag for the sentence “one 
unanticipated consequence has driven me to distraction”. 
a) Hasn’t driven it? 
b) Not has it?
c) Has it? 
d) Hasn’t it? 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which op(on completes the sentence below correctly?
He's done a great job, _____?
a) Hasn’t he
b) Has he
c) Isn’t he 
d) Didn’t he 
e) Haven’t he 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which op(on completes the sentence below correctly?
Great things have been done be corageous people in history, _______?
a) aren’t they
b) don’t they
c) haven’t they
d) hasn’t they
e) didn’t they
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which op(on completes the sentence below correctly?
Dreams might be made from the thoughts we have during the day, _______?
a) aren’t they
b) don’t they
c) mightn’t they
d) not might they
e) didn’t they
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(EFOMM – 2021) Which is the correct alterna6ve to complete the paragraph below?
Many of the same ques6ons that _________ about coal-powered propulsion _______ of the Internet of 
Things (IoT) today: What’s wrong with the tradi6onal way; how will this benefits my fleet: why do we need to 
make this change? They ______ all good ques6ons, and they _________ a very natural human interest in the 
three areas that should mafer most in deciding whether to use any mari6me technology: safety, 
effec6veness and cost. The biggest challenges to IoT adop6on _________. In large part, this is due to the 
ready availability of high-performance data collec6on. 
(Adapted from: Sea Technology, December 2018)
(A) have been asked / could be asked / were / show / have already overcome
(B) will be asked / are asked / were / are being / shown / already overcome
(C) had been asked / were asked / might be / showed / had already been overcome
(D) could be asked / were asked / will be / will show / have already overcome
(E) were asked / are being asked / are / show / have already been overcome 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(EFOMM - 2010) "The economic downturn has affected many households in the United States. 
U.S. homeowners have con(nued inves(ng their money in the stock market though". The 
underlined connec(ve expresses the idea of:
(A) conclusion
(B) (me
(C) emphasis
(D) contrast
(E) addi(on
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(2021 – Estratégia Militares – Inédita) Which op(on completes the dialogue below correctly?
Ana: What are you going to do today?
John: I have a lot of work to do. It needs to _____ by the end of the day.
a) Be done 
b) Have done 
c) Have been doing 
d) Do 
e) Does 
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita) Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph 
SUS ______ in 1988 by the Brazilian Federal Constitution, which states that it is the duty of the 
State to guarantee health to the entire Brazilian population. It ______ in the 70s and 80s, when 
several groups ______ in the health movement, with the objective of ______ about a public 
system to solve the problems found in the care of the population defending the universal right to 
a) has been created / has started / engaged / thought
b) has been created / had started / engage / thought 
c) was created / started / were engaged / thinking
d) was created / started / was engaged / thinking
e) has been created / has started / were engaged / think
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(AFA – 2017) Choose the best op(on to change the sentence “human capaci(es are represented 
in the brain” (4th paragraph) , into the ac(ve form. 
The brain _______________ human capaci(es. 
a) has represented 
b) represents 
c) has been represented 
d) represen(ng
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
(Estratégia Militares 2020 – Inédita)Read and complete the sentence below.
______ minister declared that ______ UK will be on an “irreversible path” to elimina(ng “high-
risk vendors” such as ______Huawei in 5G by ______ (me of ______ next general elec(on in 
2024, in axempt to placate some MPs.
Adapted from hxps://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jul/14/huawei-to-be-stripped-of-
Mark the op(on which best completes the blanks respec(vely.
a) the / X / the / X / X
b) the / the / the / X / the
c) the/ X / the / X / the
d) X / X / the / X / the
e) the / the / X / the / the
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes
Prof. Nome do Professor
Prof. Leonardo Pontes
Passive Voice / Tag Questions– Leonardo Pontes

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