
Inglês - Livro 1-105-108

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

Em geral, o Present Perfect Progressive é empregado nas seguintes situações:
Para indicar ações que tiveram início no passado e continuam em progresso no presente. 
He’s been cooking since 10 am.
I’ve been trying to study for my test, despite the noise.
Para indicar ações que tiveram início no passado e terminaram recentemente, mas que apresentam 
alguma conexão com o presente. 
I need to take a shower. I’ve been jogging.
You sound prepared for the exam. Have you been studying hard?
Para designar a duração de uma ação que teve início no passado e continua em progresso. 
How long have you been jogging?
I’ve been jogging for 30 minutes.
Com expressões temporais que indicam um período de tempo com início no passado e que con-
tinua em progresso até o momento da fala. 
What have you been doing all evening?
It’s been snowing for the last two weeks.
We’ve been going to the movies a lot recently.
Present Perfect Simple ou Progressive?
Com non-progressive verbs, o Present Perfect 
Progressive não é empregado, dando lugar ao Present 
Perfect Simple. Observe:
Mary’s known her friend Juliet for three years. (Não: Mary’s 
been knowning her friend Juliet for three years.)
I’ve had this car since 2010. (Não: I’ve been having this 
car since 2010.)
Também não se emprega o Present Perfect Progressive 
com expressões que indiquem quantas vezes ou com que 
frequência realizamos alguma atividade. Observe:
I’ve travelled abroad three times.
(Não: I’ve been travelling abroad three times.)
That singer has recorded an album so far.
(Não: That singer has been recording an album so far.)
Present Perfect ou Past Simple?
Empregamos o Past Simple, e não o Present Perfect, 
para indicar ações concluídas sem conexão com o pre-
sente. Observe:
We’ve cooked enough food for the family gathering. 
(Estamos preparados para o encontro de família, que 
acontecerá logo.)
We cooked enough food for the family gathering. 
(Estávamos preparados para o encontro de família, que 
já aconteceu.)
A intenção de expressar uma ação concluída com ou 
sem conexão com o presente está diretamente relacionada, 
em inglês, com o emprego de algumas expressões que 
marcam o tempo. O uso de palavras e expressões como 
two days ago, yesterday, last month, then, when something 
happened, in 2010 etc. é associado, em inglês, ao foco 
no passado, e não a uma conexão com o presente. Por 
essa razão, não empregamos o Present Perfect com esses 
We sold our car last month. (Não: We’ve sold our car last 
What did you do yesterday? (Não: What have you done 
Do mesmo modo, alguns marcadores temporais são 
associados a uma evidente conexão com foco no presente, 
sendo normalmente empregados com o Present Perfect: 
before (now), so far, recently, already, yet, ever/never (in a 
person’s life) etc.
Have you ever gone skiing?
He’s finished a new book recently.
I’ve never been abroad.
She’s seen her before, I guess.
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP11_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (18:15) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP11_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (18:15) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
LÍNGUA INGLESA Capítulo 11 O presente e o passado em conexão 106
last year × in the last year
Note que expressões temporais que iniciam com in the indicam um período de tempo distinto de suas expressões correspondentes. Se estamos 
em março de 2021 e falamos last year, isso indica que estamos nos referindo ao período de janeiro a dezembro de 2020. Porém, se estamos em 
março de 2021 e falamos in the last year, isso indica que estamos nos referindo aos últimos 12 meses, ou seja, o período entre março de 2020 
até março de 2021.
Em alguns contextos, emprega-se o Past Simple no lugar do Present Perfect no inglês dos Estados Unidos. Observe:
Inglês norte-americano Inglês britânico
Did you hear? I passed the exam! Have you heard? I’ve passed the exam!
I just watched a movie. I’ve just watched a movie.
Com marcadores temporais como yet, before, already e ever, é comum o emprego do Past Simple no inglês falado dos Estados Unidos.
Inglês norte-americano Inglês britânico
Did you have dinner yet? Have you had dinner yet?
Com o processo de globalização, algumas características de outras variedades do inglês, como a descrita anteriormente, estão se tornando gra-
dualmente presentes no inglês falado no Reino Unido.
Saiba mais
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 3 according 
to it.
Adora Svitak: tiny literary giant at 12
Adora started writing when she was four years old. 
She hasn’t stopped since. At six, Adora received a laptop 
computer from her mother, on which she quickly amassed 
a collection of hundreds of short stories and hundreds of 
thousands of words – typing at 70 words per minute.
At the age of seven, Adora achieved her dream of 
becoming a published author with the release of Flying 
Fingers: Master the Tools of Learning Through the Joy of 
Writing. The book featured several of Adora’s short stories, 
along with her writing tips, typing tips, and advice from 
her mother. At age 11, Adora published a second book, 
Dancing Fingers, with her older sister, Adrianna.
Today, Adora is 12 and she has transformed her 
writing success into speaking and teaching success. She 
has spoken at over 400 schools and presented at the annual 
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference. She’s 
also planning a conference of her own, for kids and by 
kids, called TEDx Redmond. She has been featured on 
Good Morning America and on CNN. Adora also maintains 
a blog and attends an online public school. She is in the 
eighth grade.
Disponível em: <http://juniorbiz.com/adora-svitak-interview>. 
Acesso em: 2 jun. 2011. (Adapt.).
1 UFPB 2012 According to the text, it is concluded that 
Adora is
A an indolent child.
b a famous prodigy.
c an unpublished writer.
d a frustrated kid.
E a limited speaker.
2 UFPB 2012 The text states that
A Adora’s mother obliges her to write.
b Adora presents a talk show on CNN.
c Adora prefers to teach young children.
d Adora’s sister becomes a writer at eleven.
E Adora intends to promote her own conference.
3 UFPB 2012 The title of the text “Adora Svitak: tiny 
literary giant at 12” says that Adora is
A a small girl who writes literary books about a giant 
named Tiny.
b a 12-year-old girl who has been successful in 
writing literature.
c a young kid who has written about twelve imaginary 
d a 12-year-old kid who prefers technology and 
design to writing.
E a great literary writer who has published 12 books 
until now.
Exercícios propostos
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP11_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (18:15) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP11_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (18:15) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
4 UFMS 2020 Located within the Indigenous Nations Park, 
the MARCO offers permanent and temporary works by 
modern and contemporary visual artists. Its collection 
originates in 1979, in the former State Pinacoteca, 
enriched later by spontaneous donations of artists, private 
collectors and cultural institutions. It currently consists of 
approximately 1,600 works in various artistic modalities, 
including a significant set of works that record the course 
of visual arts in Mato Grosso do Sul, from the beginning 
to the present day.
(FONTE: Disponível em: <http://www.visitms.com.br/en/atrativo/25>. 
Acesso em: 4 nov. 2019).
Read the text again and answer the question correctly: 
in which verb tense was it written? 
A Simple Present Tense. 
b Simple Past Tense. 
c Present Continuous Tense. 
d Past Continuous Tense. 
E Present Perfect Tense.
5 EEAR 2016 Economists have recognized that physical 
beauty affects wages, even in occupations where appearance 
does not seem relevant to job performance. It seems that 
attractive men and women are paid more than ordinary 
people for the same work. 
(Taken from The International Herald Tribune)
Choose the best alternative that presents the correctverb tense and the voice of the verbs underlined in 
the text, respectively.
A present perfect/active voice; simple present/
passive voice. 
b simple present/passive voice; present perfect/
active voice.
c simple past/passive voice; present perfect/active 
d past perfect/active voice; simple present/passive 
6 PUC-Minas 2013
Olympic Park sets gold standards for sustainability
With shiny new stadiums and visitor facilities among 
green landscaped grounds, every detail of the Olympic 
Park has taken into account environmental concerns, 
making 2012 the first sustainable Olympics. It’s hard 
to believe that this area of east London was once a 
dilapidated and neglected quarter of the UK capital. 
“There’s a huge emphasis on reuse and recycling,” 
says David Stubbs, head of sustainability for the London 
2012 Games. The River Lea and several canals which 
wend their way through the park used to be badly 
polluted, he says. Today, after an intensive program of 
clearing and widening, wildlife is being encouraged to 
return. Besides, organizers have planted more than 4,000 
trees and 130,000 plants and bulbs. 
London 2012 organizers are also proud of the park’s 
sporting arenas built for the Games. Stubbs and his team 
have used recycled materials wherever possible, which 
is not only cheaper but also cuts carbon emissions 
and energy costs. The complexities of the addressing 
sustainability have been a constant challenge Stubbs says, 
but his efforts appear to have paid off. He is hopeful the 
park will be attracting visitors long after the Olympics 
has left town. 
Disponível em: <http://edition.cnn.com/2012/07/10>. 
Acesso em: 20 jul. 2012. (Adapt.).
The use of recycled materials to build the sporting 
arenas was important because
A the park will attract visitors for a long time. 
b construction has been a constant challenge. 
c it was less expensive and more ecological. 
d the team’s efforts appear to have paid off.
7 Enem
Disponível em: <www.weblogcartoons.com>. Acesso em: 13 jul. 2010.
Os aparelhos eletrônicos contam com um número 
cada vez maior de recursos. O autor do desenho de-
talha os diferentes acessórios e características de um 
celular e, a julgar pela maneira como os descreve, ele
A prefere os aparelhos celulares com flip, mecanismo 
que se dobra, estando as teclas protegidas contra 
eventuais danos.
b apresenta uma opinião sarcástica com relação aos 
aparelhos celulares repletos de recursos adicionais.
c escolhe seus aparelhos celulares conforme o ta-
manho das teclas, facilitando o manuseio.
d acredita que o uso de aparelhos telefônicos portá-
teis seja essencial para que a comunicação se dê a 
qualquer instante.
E julga essencial a presença de editores de textos 
nos celulares, pois ele pode concluir seus traba-
lhos pendentes fora do escritório.
PV_2021_L1_ING_FU_CAP11_LA.INDD / 18-09-2020 (18:15) / LEONEL.MANESKUL / PROVA FINAL
LÍNGUA INGLESA Capítulo 11 O presente e o passado em conexão 108
Texto para as questões 1 e 2.
A wave of anger is sweeping the cities of the world
The protests have many different origins. In Brazil people rose up against bus fares, in Turkey against a building project. 
Indonesians have rejected higher fuel prices. In the euro zone they march against austerity, and the Arab spring has become 
a perma-protest against pretty much everything.
Yet just as in 1848, 1968 and 1989, when people also found a collective voice, the demonstrators have much in common. 
In one country after another, protesters have risen up with bewildering speed. They tend to be ordinary, middle-class people, 
not lobbies with lists of demands. Their mix of revelry and rage condemns the corruption, inefficiency and arrogance of the 
folk in charge.
Nobody can know how 2013 will change the world – if at all. In 1989 the Soviet empire teetered and fell. But Marx’s 
belief that 1848 was the first wave of a proletarian revolution was confounded by decades of flourishing capitalism and 1968 
did more to change sex than politics. Even now, though, the inchoate significance of 2013 is discernible. And for politicians 
who want to peddle the same old stuff, news is not good. 
The Economist, 29 jun. 2013. (Adapt.).
1 Fuvest 2014 Segundo o texto, os protestos de 2013, em diversos lugares do mundo,
A vêm perdendo força por falhas de organização.
b questionam a atuação dos lobbies nas reivindicações das diversas classes sociais.
c condenam a corrupção e outros comportamentos inadequados da classe política.
d resultam de motivações econômicas precisas.
E têm poucos aspectos em comum.
2 Fuvest 2014 Ao comparar os protestos de 2013 com movimentos políticos passados, afirma-se, no texto, que
A nem sempre esses movimentos expressam anseios coletivos.
b as crenças de Marx se confirmaram, mesmo após 1848.
c as revoltas de 1968 causaram grandes mudanças políticas.
d não se sabe se os protestos de 2013 mudarão o mundo.
E mudanças de costumes foram as principais consequências de movimentos passados.
Exercícios complementares
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