
Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

1. It took some time for me to catch on to how they greeted one another. (responded to
2. She’s got to learn how to live within her means. (He / They)
3. What does it take to raise a child with good interpersonal skills? (principles)
4. You can’t go on buying stuff just to keep up with the Joneses. (things)
5. The shareholders were gathered to do something about the ailing company. (stockholders /
6. Some behaviors are ingrained in people and are hard to change. (attitudes / convictions)
7. They unwittingly spilled the beans. (let out the secret / disclosed the information)
8. For better or worse, I gave it a try. (shot / go)
9. What do you grow in your vegetable garden? (Flower bed / land)
10. In a nutshell it was a complete success (Amazing / runaway)
11. It's hard to live under the same roof with somebody so cranky (Grouchy / Bill tempered)
12.They raise the kids in the countryside (Small town / big city)
1. How traditional do you think your own culture is? - Quão tradicional você acha que é sua
própria cultura?
2. To what extent do you think that is changing? - Quão tradicional você acha que é sua
própria cultura?
3. In your opinion, in what ways have traditions changed in India? - Na sua opinião, de que
forma as tradições mudaram na Índia?
4. To your mind, is the Indian country a very traditional one? - Na sua opinião, o país indiano é
muito tradicional?

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