
Prévia do material em texto

Read the text and choose the correct option. 
Hi! My name is Jessica and I am visiting Japan. I’m buying some clothes for my family. It’s difficult to choose because every person has a different style. My father likes simple, common clothes, he doesn’t like anything very edgy or elegant. He wears T-shirts and jeans all the time. My sister Kaya is the opposite: she only likes to wear clothes that no one else wears. She likes wearing interesting dresses and skirts in crazy colors. When we go out together, everybody looks at her. My other sister, Pietra, is more influenced by fashion. She wears everything that we see on magazines or on fashion shows. My mother is naturally elegant. She has her own style and everyone always comments on how impressive her style is. She doesn’t follow fashion trends. And me? Well, I love wearing relaxed, cool clothes that are comfortable. 
1) a. Her father’s style is preppy. 
b. Pietra’s style is trendy. 
c. Kaya’s style is casual. 
d. Jessica’s mother is laid-back. 
e. Jessica’s style is formal. 
2)  What’s the result? Write the numbers in full 
a)  32 + 17 =          _______________________
b) 29 – 12 =           _______________________
c)  18 x 3 =             _______________________
d) 23 + 15 =          _______________________
e)  47 – 24 =           _____________________
3) Complete with the name of the color. 
a)  My favorite color is_________________.
b)  The Argentinian flag is _________________ and white.
c)  My eyes are____________________.
d)  The Brazilian flag has four colors: __________, _____________, __________ and ____________.
e)  My pencil case is ________________.
4) Write the numbers in italics:
a)  My twin brother and I are 13 years old. ________________________________.
b)  The teacher has 20 pairs of scissors in the drawer.  ______________________.
c)  I know 19 minus two is 17. __________________________________________.
d)  My neighbor has 8 brothers and sisters.  _______________________________.
e)  A dozen is the same as 12.  ___________________
 Change the sentences into the interrogative and negative forms: 
5) My pen is blue.
Neg: _______________________
Int: ________________________
6) The board is white.
Neg: _________________________
Int: __________________________
7) Translate: 
a) Good afternoon: _______________________
b) What’s up? : __________________________
C) Good morning: _______________________
d) Good evening: ________________________
Check the correct alternative: 
8) This is john. ________ is my brother.
a) He
b) His
9) That is Carol. She is ______teacher.
a) I
b) My
10) Is Alex _________ friend?
a) You
b) Your
11) Who are ____________?
a) You
b) Your

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