
Prévia do material em texto

1) O objetivo do texto a seguir é: 
A. to make a wedding invitation.
B. to ask to a 50th wedding anniversary  party.
C. to announce a birthday party.
D. to invite to a graduation dinner party.
2) Circle the correct alternative : 
a) Carol is from Italy and (her/hers) Husband is from Brazil.
b) My father bought a car. (He/ his) new car is big and red.
c) (My/ mine) laptop is modern and fast.
d) We have a beautiful rabbit. (It/ His) name is Jeremy.
e) (Her/ hers) beach house is very big.
3) Underline the correct alternative: 
a) Ted borrowed my (husband’/ husband’s) calculator.
b) The (women’s/ women’) restroom is on the left.
c) Mr. Taylor is (Cynthia’s/ Cynthia’) teacher.
d) Those are the (girls’s/ girls’) uniforms.
e) Are those your (sisters’s/ sisters’) schoolmates?
 Check the correct alternative: 
4) Mr. Dean's secretary was ill yesterday, so he had to type the letters __________. 
a) yourself 
b) themself
 c) himself
 d) herself
 e) itself
5) As a tool, the computer assists __________ to perform a lot of activities. 
 a) we
 b) us 
c) ourselves 
d) they
 e) to us
6) UNESP 1988 Assinale a alternativa correta: 
People should know about __________.
a) yourself
 b) herself
 c) himself 
d) themselves 
e) your
7) I painted my house by ______________.
a) Herslf
b) Yourself
c) Our
d) Him
e) myself
8) Check the correct alternative: (1,0)
a) I haven’t (seen/ see) Jane recently
b) (Have/ has) you ever studied French?
c)The students (haven’t/ hasn’t) asked that question many times.
d) That girl (Has sold/ have sell) her bike.
e) I (have thought/ am think) about you a lot.
9) Change the senteces into the required form: (1,0)
a) I worked last night.
Neg: ______________________________
b) My father traveled last year.
Int: _______________________________
10) Passe os verbos abaixo para os passado simples: (1,0)
a) Do: ___________________
b) Watch: ________________
c) Clean: _________________
d) Sleep: _________________
e) Make: _________________

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