
Prueba 6

Prévia do material em texto

What is the process of reading and writing called?
✗ - Ciencias
✗ - Matemáticas
✓ - Lecto-Escritura
✗ - Historia
Which skill involves understanding written text?
✗ - Escuchar
✗ - Hablar
✓ - Lectura
✗ - Escritura
What is the process of putting thoughts into written words called?
✓ - Escritura
✗ - Lectura
✗ - Hablar
✗ - Escuchar
What is the ability to understand spoken language called?
✗ - Escritura
✗ - Lectura
✗ - Hablar
✓ - Escuchar
What is the ability to produce spoken language called?
✗ - Lectura
✓ - Hablar
✗ - Escuchar
✗ - Escritura
Which subject focuses on the study of numbers and their operations?
✗ - Ciencias
✓ - Matemáticas
✗ - Historia
✗ - Lecto-Escritura
Which subject focuses on the study of the natural world?
✗ - Lecto-Escritura
✗ - Historia
✗ - Matemáticas
✓ - Ciencias
Which subject focuses on the study of past events?
✓ - Historia
✗ - Matemáticas
✗ - Lecto-Escritura
✗ - Ciencias
What is the process of understanding and interpreting information called?
✓ - Comprensión
✗ - Análisis
✗ - Síntesis
✗ - Memorización
What is the process of remembering and recalling information called?
✓ - Memorización
✗ - Comprensión
✗ - Síntesis
✗ - Análisis

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