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What would happen if evolution started again?
All species need to adapt to their environment, develop skills that meet their needs to survive or else find anoter home.
Today each of them has evolved to achieve what they are now, but, what would happen if the evolution started again? I mean, if the species forgot everything they already learned through time, what would happen?
Let's look at the Hawaiian cricket an example of basic evolution. 
The Ormia ochracea is a parasitic worm that has invaded Hawaii and takes the crickets as a victim to reproduce. The crickets make sounds to mate and the Ormia takes advantage of these chirps to locate them and deposit their larvae on the crickets. The worms enter the crickets and a week later they kill it to be able to leave.
Surprisingly, this species evolved not to die. The crickets generated a mutation in their wings, making them like female wings. This prevents crickets from dying, but they do not reproduce, possibly later they generate a new pairing method.
In conclusion, the species are in constant change and always seek to survive, if they forget all their survival methods, they will possibly die, but they will not disappear because they will develop skills again and they will surely be better because they will live situations different from those of antiquity.
· Noemí Guadalupe Policarpo Torres 		A01658739

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