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Colégio Nota: 
Lista de Inglês P2 II Bimestre 
Conteúdo para prova: Está descrito no final da 
lista . 
Série: 8º Ano Valor: 1,0 
Aluno (a): Nº 
 Observações:  Responder a lista de forma organizada com letra legível;  Evite rasuras;  Não dobrar ou amassar a folha;  Preencher cabeçalho com nome completo e turma;  Essa lista deve ser entregue no dia da prova ao aplicador de sua sala;  A folha de respostas deve ser anexada junto a folha de questões da lista;  A prova só será realizada após a entrega da lista de exercícios; 
 Você já ouviu falar de “Quantifiers”, ou em Português, os “quantificadores”? São palavras ou expressões 
utilizadas para indicar quantidade, seja de pessoas, objetos, coisas em uma sentença. A tradução deles pode 
ser bem parecida e, isso, faz com que muitos tenham dificuldades em compreender seu uso. Por essa razão, 
é bastante interessante entendermos o contexto em que são empregadas e seu significado para que 
saibamos em que situações utilizá-las. Eles também são divididos em quantificadores contáveis e incontáveis 
(countable and uncountable). 
Alguns dos quantificadores mais comuns são: MUCH – MANY – A LOT – SOME – ANY – A FEW – FEW – A 
LITTLE – LITTLE. Vamos estudá-los e perceber suas colocações? Observe o quadro a : 
Vejamos alguns exemplos: 
Much – Muito/Grande, usado para substantivos INCONTÁVEIS. 
There is much sugar in my coffee.(Tem muito açúcar no meu café). 
 How much money do you have? (Quanto de dinheiro você tem?) 
Many – Muitos/Muitas, usado para substantivos CONTÁVEIS. 
I have many friends.(Eu tenho muitos amigos). 
How many kids do you have? – I have two: Luca and Ana. 
Quantas crianças você tem? – Eu tenho dois: Luca e Ana. 
A lot – Quantias grandes. 
Paula is eating a lot of candies now.Paula está comendo muitos doces agora. 
 I used to have a lot of money in the past. Now not so much.Eu costumava ter muito dinheiro no passado. 
Agora nem tanto. 
Some – Um pouco de/Algum 
May I drink some water? (Posso beber um pouco de água?) 
 I have some money in my bank account. (Eu tenho algum dinheiro na minha conta do banco) 
 Any – Qualquer/Algum(a)/Nenhum(a) 
I don´t have any friends.(Eu não tenho nenhum amigo) 
Can you imagine any other things? (Você pode imaginar alguma outra coisa?) 
A few – Um pouco (suficiente) – Contáveis 
I had a few friends for my wedding.(Eu tive alguns amigos para o meu casamento) 
 Few – Pouco (insuficiente) – Contáveis 
I have few students in my English class.(Eu tenho poucos alunos na minha aula de Inglês) 
 A little – Um pouco (suficiente) – Incontáveis 
I love a little tea in the morning.(Eu amo um pouco de chá pela manhã) 
Little – Pouco (insuficiente) – Incontáveis 
We have little time to go.(Nós temos pouco tempo para ir) 
 Agora é a sua vez de praticar!!! 
1 ) CONTAINERS AND APPEARANCE OF PRODUCTS : Number according to the pictures : 
 1. 2 3 4 5 
 6 7 8 9 10 11 
 12 13 14 15 
 SACK ( ) SLICE ( ) JAR ( ) CARTON ( ) 
 BAR ( ) JUG ( ) TUBE ( ) BOTTLE ( ) 
 CAN ( ) TIN ( ) LOAF ( ) CUP ( ) 
 BOX ( ) GLASS ( ) PACKET( ) 
Complete with the right containers. 
1. A_________________________ of bread. 2. A_________________________ of chips. 
3. A _________________________ of jam.4. A_________________________ of wine. 
5. A _________________________ of potatoes.6. A_________________________ of milk. 
7. A _________________________ of cheese.8. A_________________________ of lemonade. 
9. A _________________________ of coffee.10. A _________________________ of eggs. 
11. A_________________________ of chocolate.12. A_________________________ of water. 
13. A_________________________ of toothpaste.14 . A _________________________ of coke. 
15. A_________________________ of sardines. 
2) Complete the conversations. Use many or much. 
A: Do ________ animals live in the Himalayas? B: I don't know! 
A: Are there any clothes shops in this town? B: Yes, but not _________. 
A: I haven't got _________ money.B: Don't worry. I can lend you some. 
A: Have you got _________ homework? B: Yes. And I have to revise for my exams, too. 
A: There aren't _________ tickets left. B: Let's buy ours now, then. 
A: Do you watch __________ television? B: No, not really. 
A: Is there any information in that brochure? B: Well, yes, but not _________ Let's visit their website. 
A: Is he a new student? B: Yes, he doesn't know _________ people here. 
3) Complete the questions. Use How many or How much. 
a) __________________ ice is there in the Arctic? b) __________________water is there in Lake Victoria? 
c) __________________states are there in the USA?d) ___________________gold is there in South Africa? 
e) __________________canals are there in Venice?f) __________________ deserts are there in China? 
g) __________________ rain is there in Brazil every year?h) __________ volcanoes are there in the world? 
Você já ouviu falar de “Quantifiers”, ou em Português, os “quantificadores”? São palavras ou expressões 
utilizadas para indicar quantidade, seja de pessoas, objetos, coisas em uma sentença. A tradução deles pode 
ser bem parecida e, isso, faz com que muitos tenham dificuldades em compreender seu uso. Por essa razão, 
é bastante interessante entendermos o contexto em que são empregadas e seu significado para que 
saibamos em que situações utilizá-las. Eles também são divididos em quantificadores contáveis e incontáveis 
(countable and uncountable). 
Alguns dos quantificadores mais comuns são: MUCH – MANY – A LOT – SOME – ANY – A FEW – FEW – A 
LITTLE – LITTLE. Vamos estudá-los e perceber suas colocações? Observe o quadro a seguir e depois veja 
os exemplos. 
Vejamos alguns exemplos: 
 Much – Muito/Grande Quantidade, usado para substantivos INCONTÁVEIS. 
There is much sugar in my coffee.(Tem muito açúcar no meu café). 
 How much money do you have? (Quanto de dinheiro você tem?) 
Many – Muitos/Muitas, usado para substantivos CONTÁVEIS. 
I have many friends.(Eu tenho muitos amigos). 
How many kids do you have? – I have two: Luca and Ana. 
Quantas crianças você tem? – Eu tenho dois: Luca e Ana. 
A lot – Quantias grandes. 
Paula is eating a lot of candies now.Paula está comendo muitos doces agora. 
 I used to have a lot of money in the past. Now not so much.Eu costumava ter muito dinheiro no passado. 
Agora nem tanto. 
Some – Um pouco de/Algum 
May I drink some water? (Posso beber um pouco de água?) 
 I have some money in my bank account. (Eu tenho algum dinheiro na minha conta do banco) 
 Any – Qualquer/Algum(a)/Nenhum(a) 
I don´t have any friends.(Eu não tenho nenhum amigo) 
Can you imagine any other things? (Você pode imaginar alguma outra coisa?) 
A few – Um pouco (suficiente) – Contáveis 
I had a few friends for my wedding.(Eu tive alguns amigos para o meu casamento) 
 Few – Pouco (insuficiente) – Contáveis 
I have few students in my English class.(Eu tenho poucos alunos na minha aula de Inglês) 
 A little – Um pouco (suficiente) – Incontáveis 
I love a little tea in the morning.(Eu amo um pouco de chá pela manhã) 
Little – Pouco (insuficiente) – Incontáveis 
We have little time to go.(Nós temos pouco tempo para ir) 
Agora é a sua vez de praticar!!! 
ATIVIDADE4 )Marque a opção correta! De acordo com os substantivos contáveis e incontáveis! 
BOY – menino ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
ORANGE – laranja ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
HAIR – cabelo ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
SUGAR – açúcar ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
PEOPLE – pessoas ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
WATER – água ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
MONEY – dinheiro ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
TREE – árvore ( ) Countable ( ) Uncountable 
 5) Marque a opção correta. Quais substantivos são INCONTÁVEIS? 
( ) table – dog – notebook – mesa / cachorro / caderno 
( ) milk – money – sugar – leite / dinheiro / açucar 
( ) apple – banana – grape – maçã / banana / uva 
Quais substantivos são CONTÁVEIS? 
( ) kids – equipment – computer – crianças / equipamento / computador 
( ) salt – coffee – water – sal / café / água 
( ) snow – wine – ice – neve / vinho / gelo 
6) Preencha as frases abaixo com os substantivos corretos do quadro abaixo: 
I don´t have __________ friends in my life. (Eu não tenho _________ amigos na minha vida) 
I like _________ coffee in the morning. (Eu gosto de _________ pela manhã) 
There is _________ sugar in my juice. I want more! (Tem ________ açúcar no meu suco. Eu quero mais) 
I have ________ people in my house. Just 3 people. (Eu tenho _______ pessoas na minha casa. Apenas 3 
There is ________ love in you. (Há ________ amor em você) 
 7) Write the correct names : 
8) "Quanto às cédulas americanas (bills), é possível encontrá-las nos valores de: 
Who are these people ? write their names . 
1 (one) dollar bill – 1 dólar 
2 (two) dollar bill – 2 dólares 
5 (five) dollar bill – 5 dólares 
10 (ten) dollar bill – 10 dólares 
20 (twenty) dollar bill – 20 dólares 
50 (fifty) dollar bill – 50 dólares (também conhecida como “a nifty”) 
100 (a hundred) dollar bill – 100 dólares (também conhecida como “a sleeve”) 
9 ) Banknotes + Coins = Write the Total : 
a) $41.00 + $0.11 =$41.11 
b) $11.00 + $1.51 = $12.51 
c) $100.00 + $1.10 = $101.10 
d) $305.00 + $1.01 = $306.01 
e) $302.00 + $1.10 = $303.10 
f) $30.00 + $0.60 = $30.60 
10 ) Use ‘borrow’ or ‘lend’ in correct forms to fill the followinggaps 
(1)Could I _______ your ruler, please? 
(2) Mrs. Johnson ________ us her garage to park our lorry on weekends. 
(3) Tina ________ Mark some money last year and he never paidher back. 
(4) Andy wanted to _______ fifty dollars for his school trip to the city. 
 (5)My sister _______ me her coat but I have to give it back to her tomorrow. 
(6) David asked me if he could _______ my camera but I said no. 
 (7) Are you going to ________ your mother’s camera for the trip? 
(8)Is your mother going to ________ you her camera? 
(9) Ann didn’t _______ us office space for the staff meeting yesterday. 
 (10) Mr. Grady wanted to _______ some garden tools to ______ toAnna 
Be careful: personal pronouns like me, you, him and others never come after the verb“borrow”, but it is correct 
to use them after “lend”. You can say “Helendsmeabook”, but you can’t say “He borrows me a book”. If you 
want to use “borrow”, youcan say “ I borrow a book from him 
“Lend” e “borrow” são palavras relacionadas ao mesmo contexto, mas que têm usos diferentes. 
Você sabe o que elas significam e como são usadas? 
Se não, chegou a hora de aprender! 
“LEND” é a palavra em inglês que significa “emprestar”. 
“BORROW” é a palavra em inglês que significa “pedir emprestado” ou “pegar emprestado”. 
Então, como usá-las? Vamos aos exemplos! 
“Can you lend me your red dress? ” – Você pode me emprestar o seu vestido vermelho? 
“Can I borrow your red dress?” – Eu posso pegar emprestado o seu vestido vermelho? 
“I don’t like to lend my shoes to my sister” – Eu não gosto de emprestar meus sapatos para minha irmã. 
“I don’t like to borrow shoes from my sister” – Eu não gosto de pegar emprestado os sapatos da minha irmã. 
Para te ajudar a guardar, você pode ter em mente que “lend” está associado sempre a quem vai emprestar, 
enquanto que “borrow” está associado a quem pede emprestado. 
Notice that the prepositions that often follow the verbs are different. Borrow is oftenfollowed by _________, 
we borrow________ someone, but welend_______someone. (Students are supposed to fill in the blanks) 
11) Each sentence contains ONE word mistake, correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Examples 
Error Correction 
1) Could you borrow me some money, please? 
2) Some pupils can lend books from their school. 
 3) Will you borrow me your umbrella till tomorrow? 
4) Should I borrow him my football? 
5) You may lend my bike, but be careful. 
 6) Could I lend your cup? 
7) You can borrow your book to Steve. 
8) Why do students lend so much money from thei rparents? 
9) Peter won't borrow his car to anyone. 10)Will your mother borrow you some money? 
12) Reading test Read the text about three famous people’s first jobs and for questions 1 to 6, choose the 
correct answer : 
 Famous people’s first jobs 
 Not all famous people were born into famous families. A lot of them had normal lives before becoming 
famous. They also had jobs like the rest of us. Here are just a few: 
Former President Obama worked at an ice-cream parlour selling ice-cream cones. He was in high school in 
Honolulu, Hawaii and said it was quite hard. He also said that the job taught him about responsibility, hard 
work and how to spend time with work, friends and family. 
Brad Pitt had a weird job when he was younger. He workedas a chicken! That’s right. He worked at a 
restaurant called El Pollo Loco in Hollywood, and his job was to dress up like a chicken and wave at the cars 
on the road. In fact, if you go on a “See the Stars” tour in Hollywood, many of them will take you past the same 
restaurant where Brad used to work. 
Maybe the strangest path in life was that of Pope Francis. When he was young in Argentina, he worked 
several jobs before joining the Jesuits and dedicating his life to religion. He worked as a cleaner sweeping 
floors, a chemical tester at a laboratory and as a bouncer at a bar! Yes, the pope was the person responsible 
for security at a bar in case anything wrong happened. Can you imagine?! 
Reading comprehension : 
From 1 of 6 
1) Who helped protect people? 
a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
2) Who pretended to be an animal? a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
3) Who learned a lot from their first job? a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
4) Who worked in advertising? a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
5) Who thought the job was difficult? a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
6) Who had a couple of different jobs? a.President Obama ( ) b.Brad Pitt ( ) c.Pope Francis( ) 
13) Read the text about jobs . 
 Finding a job 
Babysitter needed 
We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5 and 7 after school from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m., Mon – Fri. 
£40 a week. 
Call Mary on 678345211 
Newspaper round before school 
We need young people to deliver newspapers on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. The paper round takes 30 
minutes in the village of Clanbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a.m. and you must have your own bike. 
Interested? Ask for more info at Clanbrook post office. 
Holiday job 
Do you want to earn some extra money this summer? Do you speak another language? 
We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop Tuesday – Saturday. 
Send your CV to citymuseum@shopjob.lkj 
Munchies Café 
We are looking for breakfast and lunchtime staff to work in our café on Saturdays. 
Come in (8 a.m. – 4 p.m.) or call Bella on 612398745 (after 4 p.m.) 
Finding a job 
Match the adverts with the job descriptions. 
Advert A ____________________________________________________________________________ 
Advert B_____________________________________________________________________________ 
Advert C______________________________________________________________________________ 
Advert D______________________________________________________________________________ 
14) Read the questions and choose the correct job advert. 
1) In which job do you have to work after school? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C ( ) advert D 
2) In which job do you only need to work on Saturdays? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C ( ) advert D 
3) In which job do you need a bicycle? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C ( ) advert D 
4)In which job do you only work during the summer holidays? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C 
( ) advert D 
In which job do you have to work for 2 hours every day after school? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C 
 ( ) advert D 
In which job do you need to work from Tuesday to Saturday? advert A ( ) advert B ( ) advert C 
( ) advert D 
15) Label the pictures : Teens Jobs 
 Conteúdo da Avaliação : Página 94 até página 109 
Dinheiro e Moeda Corrente em vários Países / Quantifiers A FEW / FEW / A LITLLE / LITLLE / 
Countable and Uncoutable / can / Can’t / Trabalho de Adolescentes em outros países / Estude tamém 
a LISTA DE REVISÂO / Moedas e Notas de Dólar / Numerais para escrever valores .Borrow x Lend 
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