
Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Prévia do material em texto

1A. Where can you get these things? Match the things with the places. Then listen and practice. 
"You can buy aspirin at a drugstore" (¿Dónde se pueden conseguir estas cosas? Relaciona las cosas 
con los lugares. Después escucha y práctica. "Puedes comprar aspirinas en una farmacia") 
1. Aspirin = b 
2. Bread = g 
3. A dictionary = f 
4. Gasoline = c 
5. A sándwich = h 
6. Stamps = e 
7. A suit = d 
8. Traveler´s checks = a 
1B. What else can you get or do in the places in part A? (¿Qué más puedes conseguir o hacer en los 
lugares de la parte A?) 
1. In the coffee shop you can buy cappuccino 
2. in the bank we can see the net worth of our income 
3. In the supermarket you can buy the family basket 
4. In the store I can get quality footwear 
5. I can get moisturizers at the drugstore 
5A. Look at the map and complete the sentences. Then compare with a partner (Mira el mapa y 
completa las frases. Luego compara con un compañero) 
1. The coffee shop is on second Avenue. It´s next to the shoe store. 
2. The movie theater is near Park and Main. It´s across from the Park. 
3. The gas station is across from the parkin lot. It´s in the corner of first and center. 
4. The post office is on the cornero f center and second. It´s next to the hospital 
5. The bank is between the restaurant and the departamet store. It´s on Main Street 
5B. Where are these places on the map? Ask and answer questions (¿Dónde están estos lugares en 
el mapa? Haz y responde preguntas.) 
The park the drugstore the bookstore the hospital The shoe store 
A: Where is the park? 
B: It´s beetwen Park in Fisrt, across from the departament store 
A: Where is the drugstore? 
B: It´s on second ave, next to the p y j supermarket 
A: Where is the bookstore? 
B: It´s onthe corner of center, beetwen the office pólice and Davis drugstore 
A: Where is the hospital? 
B: It´s across from center, next to the office police 
A: Where is the shoe store? 
B: It´s on the cornero f second ave, beetwen p y j supermarket and Al´s coffee shop 
Read the tourist information, where can you? (Lee la información turística, ¿Dónde puedes?) 
1. Rest and eat lunch: Take a break at spoon café 
2. Learn about Edinburgh´s history: In the Museum of Edinburgh 
3. Take a tour: By Edinburgh Castle and in Holyrood Park 
4. See beautiful Windows: You must go to St. Giles cathedral. 
5. See old games : at the museum of childhood

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