
1 12 Teste seus conhecimentos_ Rosas email_ Revisão da tentativa6

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 2/12
Questão 1
Atingiu 0,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
The email is to Rosa, from her family.
Escolha uma opção:
Verdadeiro 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 3/12
Questão 2
Atingiu 0,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Rosa is probably having breakfast.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 4/12
Questão 3
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Amanda is Rosa's new classmate.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 5/12
Questão 4
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Carly is from New York.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 6/12
Questão 5
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Christine and Amanda are professors.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 7/12
Questão 6
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Amanda isn't very friendly.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 8/12
Questão 7
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Rosa never meets new people.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 9/12
Questão 8
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photographof me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
They are at the cafeteria.
Escolha uma opção:
Verdadeiro 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 10/12
Questão 9
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Ms. Jackson is good to Rosa.
Escolha uma opção:
Verdadeiro 
30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 11/12
Questão 10
Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00
Dear family,
Hello! How are you?
This is a photograph of me in Collumbus College of Chicago, it's in the morning and we're at the campus cafeteria.
The other people in the picture are Carly, Christine and Amanda. Carly is a student at college too. She is American,
from Chicago and her last name is Simpson - just like the cartoon! As for the girl in the middle, that's Christine. She
works at the College Newspaper. She's from New York. The other one is Amanda, she welcomed me at the airport and
she's very friendly. I meet new people every day. The food here is very good. My new email address is
rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us <mailto: rosa.ccc@columbuscc.us>.
My favorite person here is Ms. Jackson. She's a professor at college and she is very helpful. And Rex? I miss my dog! Say
hello to grandpa and grandma for me!
Love, Rosa.
Rex is a cat.
Escolha uma opção:
Falso 
◄ 1.11 Teste seus conhecimentos: Registration desk
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30/05/2023, 14:25 1.12 Teste seus conhecimentos: Rosa’s email: Revisão da tentativa
https://moodle.ifrs.edu.br/mod/quiz/review.php?attempt=12878774&cmid=310349 12/12
1.13 Teste seus conhecimentos: Student card ►

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