
Aprendizado de Inglês na Escola

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Prévia do material em texto

 Você já deve ter ouvido falar que o aprendizado de uma língua estrangeira se ba-
seia na inter-relação de quatro habilidades: ouvir, falar, ler e escrever. No entanto, 
para garantir a eficiência desse esquema em sala de aula, é preciso assistir bem às 
aulas, o que requer disciplina, atenção ás explicações do professor, resolução das 
tarefas propostas e prática do conteúdo ensinado. É importante praticar individual-
mente, interagir com os colegas, com o material didático, com o professor e com 
qualquer pessoa do seu relacionamento. 
 Entretanto, há alguns poucos estudantes que perguntam: “Para que aprender 
inglês na escola?” Para conhecer outra cultura, outros costumes, através do apren-
dizado de uma língua. Para se incluir socialmente num mundo cada vez mais globali-
zado. Descartar esse direito de insensatez. 
 A apostila Fast English – Stage IV contribui para o seu aprendizado de inglês, 
trazendo diálogos e textos autênticos sobre assuntos diversos. Eles são apresenta-
dos de forma a permitir a expansão do seu vocabulário, o domínio da estrutura gra-
matical e o aprimoramento de seu espírito crítico, além de desenvolver sua fluência 
na conversação e na leitura. São oferecidas inúmeras atividades destinadas a prepa-
rá-lo para enfrentar situações reais do cotidiano. 
o Greetings 
o Family 
o Genitive case 
o Adjectives 
o Tittles (Mr. Mrs. Miss) 
o How old 
o Numbers and Ages 
o Days of the week 
o Months in a year 
o Colors 
o What time is it 
o Verb to be 
o Coutries and Flags 
o Nationalites 
o Animals 
o Do / Does 
o Food and drink 
o Interrogative words 
o Fruits and vegetables 
o Clothes 
o Awrrency 
o Parts of the body 
o Ordinal numbers 
o Simple present 
o Jobs 
o Present continuous 
o Seasons in a year 
o Revision 
 My last name is _____________________________________________ 
and my first name is ___________________________. I’m ________________ 
years old and I live in ___________________________________. My address 
is ____________________________________________________________. 
 I study at school ____________________________________________. 
My English teacher is ___________________ and my class is ______________. 
I live with my ____________________ and my _________________________. 
Read this text: 
“João da Silva teve um dia interessante. Enfrentou um rush, danado e chegou 
atrasado ao meeting com o Sales - manager da empresa onde trabalha. Antes do 
workshp com o expert em top markwting, foi servido um brunch, mas a comida era 
muito light para sua fome. À tarde, plugou - se na rede e conseguiu dar um dowload 
em alguns softwares que precisava para preparar seu paper do dia seguinte. Deletou 
uns tantos arquivos, pegou sua pick - up e segiu para o point onde estava marcada 
uma happy - hour. Mais tarde, no flat, ligou para o delivery e traçou um milk - shake 
e um hambúrguer, enquanto assistia no Non Stop na MTV. À noite, pôs sua camisa 
mais fashion, comprada num sale do mall e foi assistir a shine no cinema. Voltou para 
o apart - hotel a tempo de ver um pedaço do seu talk - show preferido na TV”m 
Para o fictício João da Silva, assim como para muitos brasileiros, a língua por-
tuguesa já não basta para descrever ou compreender o cotidiano. Cercado por anún-
cios de TV em inglês, músicas em inglês no rádio, cartazes (outdoors) em inglês nas 
ruas, expressões inglesas no trabalho, pratos em inglês nos cardápios, o brasileiro é 
quase um estrangeiro em sua própria terra. 
1. Na passagem do texto, que sentido tem a palavra meeting? 
a. ( ) Lazer c. ( ) Festa e. ( ) Aula 
b. ( ) Encontro d. ( ) Trabalho f. ( ) Passeio 
2. O que é Sales - manager? 
a. ( ) Gerente de ban-
b. ( ) Segurança c. ( ) Gerente de ven-
d. ( ) Empresário e. ( ) Chefe 
3. Quando é mencionada a comida light. O que é CORRETO dizer? 
a. ( ) A comida era só para vegetarianos, ou seja, sem carne e outros derivados. 
b. ( ) A comida era leve, sem exageros de gorduras, açucares, ou seja, com poucas 
c. ( ) A comida era diet, ou seja sem açúcar. 
d. ( ) A comida era suculenta, com alimentos fortes e saborosos. 
e. ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas está correta. 
4. Assinale um sinônimo para a palavra - “FLAT”. 
a. ( ) Motel b. ( ) apartment c. ( ) House d. ( ) Hall 
5. A palavra “brunsh” é sinônimo de “lunch”? Explique: 
6. Há talk-Shows na TV brasileira atualmente? Cite exemplos. 
7. Quando dizemos que algo ou alguém é “fashion”, o que se entende com 
isso? Explique: 
8. Relacione as colunas: 
(A) Mall ( ) Transferir dados de um computador servidor 
ou da rede para um computador periférico. 
(B) Workshop ( ) Programa de computador. 
(C) Download ( ) Entrega em domicílio. 
(D) Software ( ) Centro de compras. 
(E) Delivery ( ) Oficina, seminário; congresso científico ou 
cultural; curso intensivo. 
Miss Green : Hello, class. How are you? 
Class: Fine, thanks, Miss Green. And you? 
Miss Green: Just fine. 
Miss Green: Jonathan, what’s this in English? 
Jonathan: I don’t know, Miss Green. 
Miss Green: It’s a pencil. 
Katherine: Excuse me, Miss Green. 
Miss Green: Oh! Come in. Class, this is Katherine. 
Class: Nice to meet you, Katherine. 
Katherine: Nice to meet you, too. 
1. Write Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening or Good night. 
a._____________ b. _____________ c.______________ d. ____________ 
 _____________ _____________ ______________ ____________ 
2. Write conversations using the expressions in the balloons. 
a. ____________________________ 
b. ____________________________ 
c. ____________________________ 
Good evening, 
Mr. Taylor. 
Pleased to meet you 
too, Mr Taylor. 
Good afternoon, 
My name’s 
Nice to 
meet you, Mrs. 
Good evening,Mr. Thompson. 
What’s your 
My name’s 
This is Mrs. 
3. Listen and number the pictures. 
What is the teacher saying? Write the words. 
Good morning, children. Sit down, please. Stand up. 
Open yours books. Be quiet. Close your books. 
4. Underline the correct alternative. 
Susie: Good afternoon 
 Hi , Joe. 
 Good evening 
Joe: Hi , Susie. 
Susie: Joe, this is my mother. 
Joe: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Smith. 
 Mrs. Smith. 
Mrs. Smith: Glad to meet you , Joe 
 So long 
Joe: Susie, what’s your name? 
 who’s that girl? 
Susie: My name’s Mrs. Smith. 
 That’s Pat. 
Joe: Is she your friend? 
Susie: No, she isn’t. She’s my brother. 
1. Match the columns according to the information above. 
A. Laura Bacall is ( ) Valerie’s grandson. 
B. Fred is ( ) Phil’s daughter. 
C. Jonathan is ( ) Tom’s sister. 
D. Jarrett is ( ) Laura’s husband. 
E. Kathy is ( ) Fred’s father. 
2. True (T) or False (F). 
a.( ) Laurie is Laura’s mother. 
b.( ) Jonathan is Laura’s husband. 
c.( ) Jessica is Phil’s wife. 
d.( ) Valerie is Fred’s mother. 
e.( ) Fred is Jessica’s son. 
Betty’s House 
Betty is showing her house to a friend. 
Possessive Case (Genitive Case): 
 Observe os recursos utilizados pela língua inglesa para estabelecer a relação 
de posse entre o possuidor e a coisa possuída: 
1. No caso possessivo invertemos a posição do possuidor e da coisa possuída. 
2. Normalmente se colocam apóstrofo e s (‘s) depois do possuidor. 
3. Quando a palavra que indica o possuidor já terminar por s, basta acrescentar o 
apóstrofo: Charles’ - Davis’. 
4. Quando o possuídor for indicado por uma expressão, colocamos o ‘s no fim dessa 
expressão: My old grandfather’s house. 
5. Quando há mais de um possuidor para a mesma coisa possuída, só o último recebe 
o ‘s: Ted, Meg and Bob’s house. 
6. Quando o possuidor é coisa, geralmente não se usa o genitivo com ‘s e sim a 
preposição of: The door of the car. 
Interrogative word 
Who is he? 
Who is she? 
Who is they? 
Possessive case 
He is Fred’s uncle. 
She is Fred’s aunt. 
They are Fred’s cousins. 
Casa de Betty. 
Betty’s house. 
Casa de Davi’s. 
Davi’s house. 
Casa de meu avô. 
My grandfather’s house. 
1. Possessive case 
 Formação: possuidor + ‘s + o que 
 é possuído. 
 Martin’s daughter is beautiful. 
 Martin’s son is handsome. 
 Quando o possuidor terminar em –s, 
acrescenta-se somente o apostrofo (‘). 
My counsin’s names are Roger and Debbie. 
My parent’s names are Martin and Nicole. 
2. Adjetivos 
 Os adjetivos em ingles são 
Invariáveis em gênero e nú- 
Morticia is ugly. 
Gomez is ugly. 
They are ugly. 
1. Fill in with ‘s or ‘. 
a. Caroline _____ class is at 7:30 p.m. e. David_____house is near my un-
cle____ house. 
b. My neighbors_____houses are very 
f. Is this Peter_____cap? 
c. Jeffrey_____car is big. g. This isn’t Rose_____camera. 
d. The dentist_____office is far from 
my house. 
h. Where are the teacher_____Keys? 
3. Complete the words: 
a. F T H R f. S ST R 
b. M T H R g. N C L 
c. S N h. N T 
d. D G H T R i. G R N F T E R 
e. B R T H R j. A N D O T E R 
4. Unscramble the letters and spell the words: 
Read the text and answer the question 05. 
Read the sentences below. Write the people’s names in the boxes. 
1. Allan is Jack’s brother. 
2. Jennifer is Jack’s 
3. Angela and Lisa are 
Jack’s sisters. 
4. Katherine is Jack’s 
grandma. She is 
Jennifer’s mother. 
5. William is Katherine’s 
husband. He is Jack’s 
6. Christopher’s is Jack’s 
7. Brian is Christopher’s 
father and Linda is 
5. Complete the sentences. 
a. Angela__________________________________________________ father. 
b. William is Katherine’s _____________. He is Jack’s_____________________. 
c. Jennifer is Jack’s ______________________________________________. 
6. What about you? What are you like? Describe yourself. 
a. C N U E L _____________________________________ 
b. T F E A H R _____________________________________ 
c. T S S I E R _____________________________________ 
d. T B O R E H R _____________________________________ 
e. O M H T R E _____________________________________ 
f. T F G E A R A H R DN _____________________________________ 
g. T A N U _____________________________________ 
h. H G U A D R E T _____________________________________ 
My family 
Read the text and answer the question 05. 
Rebecca: What a nice photo, Richard! 
Richard: Oh, this is a family photo. 
Rebecca: Who are these? 
Richard: My grandparents. 
Rebecca: And these people? 
Richard: Uncle Clint and Aunt Esther, and my cousins, 
 Mary, Peter, Alan and Anne. 
Rebecca: How old are they? 
Richard: Uhm. I think Mary is ten, Peter is twelve, Alan is 
 eight and Anne is five. 
Rebecca: Are these your parents? 
Richard: Uh-huh. Mom and Dad, my sister Sarah, and 
 this is me. 
7. Mark (T) true or (F) false. 
a. ( ) The phot the family’s Richard. 
b. ( ) Sarah is your mother. 
c. ( ) Esther is your aunt. 
d. ( ) Your cousins are Mary, Peter, Alan and Anne. 
8. Across () 
a. Parentes of parentes: _________________________________________. 
b. She’s the parent’s child: _______________________________________. 
1 2 
4 5 
 Down () 
a. What I am for my grandparents: ___________________________________. 
b. My mother’s ________________________________________ is my father. 
c. Your uncle’s wife: ______________________________________________. 
d. Your father’s woman: ____________________________________________. 
e. They’re my uncle’s children: _______________________________________. 
f. What he is for his grandparents: ___________________________________. 
How are you? 
I’m fine, thanks! And you? 
15The opposite of the adjectives 
a tall boy 
an old man 
a new house 
a fat girl 
an intelligent woman 
a big apartment 
a beautiful girl 
a handsome boy 
a difficult lesson 
a noisy children 
an expensive car 
a strong man 
a short boy 
a young man 
an old house 
a thin girl 
a foolish woman 
a small apartmant 
an ugly girl 
an ugly boy 
an easy lesson 
a quiet children 
a cheap car 
a weak man 
__________________ __________________ __________________ 
__________________ __________________ __________________ 
2. Make questions to the answers, according to the examples: 
a) _________________________________________________ 
No, he’s not. He’s old. 
b) _________________________________________________ 
No, he’s tall. 
1Look at the examples 
Answer the questions: 
Is she ugly? 
No, she isn’t. She’s beautiful. 
c) _________________________________________________ 
Yes, she’s fat. 
d) _________________________________________________ 
No, she isn’t. She’s weak. 
a) _________________________________________ 
Carol is short and young. 
b) _________________________________________ 
Mr. Ross and Mrs. Ross are fat and old. 
c) _________________________________________ 
She’s thin and young. 
a) ___________________________________ 
She is. 
b) ___________________________________ 
He is. 
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box: 
What is Molly like? 
Molly is tall and thin. 
Who is handsome? 
He is. 
first  large  last  small  young 
a. Wembley is a __________________________ English stadium. 
b. Her ________________________ name is Olivia. Her surname is Kubrick. 
c. My family is father, my mother, and me. It’s a _________________ family. 
d. His sister is seventeen years old. She’s ____________________________. 
e. Is your _______________________________ name Donaldson or Smith? 
4. Read the text and answer the questions: 05 and 06. 
05. Answer the questions 
a) Who study in a big university? _____________________________________ 
b) Who study history? _____________________________________________ 
c) Who are young? ________________________________________________ 
06. Mark (T) true or (F) false. 
a.( ) John wants to study Medicine. 
b.( ) Susan and Robert study Portuguese. 
c.( ) Rose studies English. 
Mrs. Cathy: Mrs. Lisa, this is Mr. Fred. 
Mrs. Lisa: How do you do, Mr. Fred? 
Mr. Fred: How do you do, Mrs. Lisa? 
         
 I have many friends: Mary, Alfred, 
John, Rose, Robert and Susan. 
 They seem very happy and they like me 
very much. 
 They are young: Mary is twenty 
Years old, Alfred, John and Rose are nineteen, 
Robert and Susan are twenty-one. 
 They study in a big university. Mary 
and Alfred study Medicine. Rose studies 
English. Susan and Robert study History. 
John wants study Medicine . . . but he has 
not money. 
 My friends work for a big company 
 I wish success to my friends. 
Introducing people 
Mrs. Betty: 
Mrs. Debbe: 
Mr. John: 
1. Read the text and answer the question: 
Mark (T) True or (F) False. 
a.( ) Mrs. Williams is young. 
b.( ) Peter is handsome. 
c.( ) Ann is old. 
d.( ) Cathy is not ugly she is beautiful. 
e.( ) Mrs. Williams have 81 years old. 
Look and answer orally: 
Model: How old is Debbie’s father? 
1. Give complete answers: 
a. How old is he? (I) ______________________________________________ 
b. How old are your parents? (42) ____________________________________ 
d. How old are you? (28) ____________________________________________ 
e. How old am I? (97) _____________________________________________ 
f. How old is Betty’s daughter? (13) ___________________________________ 
g. How old are you cousin’s parents? (43/47) ____________________________ 
2. Ask questions. Use how old and the word in parentheses: 
a. (you) ________________________________________________________ 
b. (Sarah) ______________________________________________________ 
c. (they) _______________________________________________________ 
d. (it) _________________________________________________________ 
3. Complete the sequences: 
a. two; ____________________________; six; ________________________; 
______________________________; twelve; _________________________; 
_____________________________; __________________________; twenty 
b. ten; ___________________; twenty; twenty-five; _____________________; 
________________________________; forty 
c. four; ___________; ____________; sixteen; _________________________ 
d. ________________; ________________; fifty; _____________________; 
_________________________; eighty; ninety; _________________________ 
Music: Happy birthday 
Happy birthday to you, 
Happy birthday to you, 
Happy birthday, dear Suzzy! 
Happy birthday to you! 
How old are you now? 
How old are you now? 
How old are you, Suzzy? 
How old are you now? 
Happy birthday to you, 
I went to the zoo; 
I saw a fat monkey. 
And I thought it was you! 
Interrogative word Age 
How old is she? She is one year old. 
How old are you? We are thirteen and sixteen years old. 
How old are they? They are forty-seven years old. 
1. Now answer the questions about you and family: 
a. How old are you? 
I’m ... _________________________________________________________ 
b. How old are your parents (you father and you mother)? 
They’re ... ______________________________________________________ 
c. How old are your grandparents (your grandfather and your grandmother)? 
They’re ... ______________________________________________________ 
2. Make questions to the sentences. 
Look at the examples: 
a. ______________________________________________  She’s 11 years 
b. ______________________________________________  No. He isn’t. 
He’s 12 years old. 
c. ______________________________________________  I’m 10 years 
d. ______________________________________________  Yes. My father 
is 32 years old. 
 Are you 10 years old?  Yes, I’m 10 years old. 
 Is your sister 10 years old?  No, she isn’t. She’s 9 
years old. 
 How old is your brother?  He’s 14 years old. 
201. two hundred and one 
300. three hundred 
310. three hundred and 
400. four hundred 
425. four hundred and 
500. five hundred 
540. five hundred and 
600. six hundred 
700. seven hundred 
800. eight hundred 
900. nine hundred 
1000. one thousand 
 1. one 
 2. two 
 3. three 
 4. four 
 5. five 
 6. six 
 7. seven 
 8. eight 
10. ten 
11. eleven 
12. twelve 
13. thirteen 
14. fourteen 
15. fifteen 
16. sixteen 
18. eighteen 
19. nineteen 
20. twenty 
21. twenty-one 
22. twenty-two 
23. twenty-three 
30. thirty 
31. thirty-one 
40. forty 
50. fifty 
60. sixty 
70. seventy 
80. eighty 
 90. ninety 
100. a hundred 
100. a hundred or 
 one hundred 
 After hundred use 
105. one hundred and 
107. a hundred and seven 
 or one hundred and 
120. a hundred and 
200. two hundred 
1. Listen and circle the numbers: 
2. Complete. 
3. Read the text and answer the question: 
Mark (T) true or (F) false. 
a.( ) Paul can see twenty birds. 
b.( ) Jane can see twenty cows. 
c.( ) Mary can see ten cars. 
How many . . . 
Teacher: This picture shows many things and animals. 
 John, how many trees can you see in the picture? 
John: I can see . . . six trees. 
Teacher: Correct. 
6 15 16 35 40 49 50 53 54 
60 63 75 80 81 92 97 100 
16 11 
60 80 100 
 Mary, how many cars can you see in the picture? 
Mary: I can see . . . three cars. 
Teacher: Correct. 
 And you Jane . . . how many cows can you see in the field? 
Jane: Well . . . I can see . . . twenty cows. 
Teacher: Correct. 
 Paul, how many birds can you see? 
Paul: I can see . . . fifteen birds. 
Alice: What day is today? 
Mary: Today is Friday. 
Alice: Are you sure? 
Mary: Yes, yesterday was Thurs-
 Today is Friday, December 
 My birthday! 
Alice: Congratulations and my 
best wishes! 
There are seven days in a 
2. Read the names of the days and answer the questions: 
3. Choose the correct alternative: 
We work on Fridays. 
You play basketball on Sundays. 
I do my homework on Wednesdays. 
I arrive at school at eight o’clock on Thursdays. 
We eat pizza on Saturdays. 
They pick me up at club on Mondays. 
a. What’s the first day of the week? 
 b. What’s the fifth day of the week? 
 c. Do you go to school on Sundays? 
d. What do you play on Saturdays? 
1. Find the 12 months in the table below. Look at the example. 
M H T M B C X Z A S D J G H K J J U L Y T Y 
A W J A N U A R Y E D E C E M B E R B S I T 
U J U R L I A W N T E S B S E P T E M B E R 
G O C C T O P B C D J U N E O L I K U J Y H 
U Q A H Z N O V E M B E R W S X E A P R I L 
S T G B N H Y M J U I L O P M A P R E N T I 
T M A I P E B E R F E B R U A R Y L A R C H 
T O C T O B E R I N G R E F Y V E R N I T Y 
2. Personalization 
Write a paragraph about the birthdays in your family. 
My birthday is on _________________ and my mom’s birthday is on __________ 
3. The months crossword puzzle: 
MONTHS There are twelve months in a year. 
January May September 
February June October 
March July November 
April August December 
June – April – October – January – September – February – May 
– July – November – December – August - March 
Across → 
1. We celebrate Chrismas in... 
2. We celebrate New Year’s Day 
3. Halloween is in… 
4. Brazil’s Independence Day is in… 
5. We celebrate Easter in… 
6. The sixth month of the year is… 
Down ↓ 
7. The fifth month of the year is… 
8. The second month of the year is… 
9. The eighth month of year is… 
10. The eleventh month of the year 
11. America’s Independence Day is 
celebrated in… 
12. The third month of the year is… 
1. Read the text and answer the question 02 
Can you color a rainbow? 
Can you color a rainbow? 
Can you color your eyes? 
Can you color the summer sun? 
Can you color the skies? 
Can you color a rainbow? 
Can you color a tree? 
Can you color the summer sun? 
Can you color the sea? 
Color it red. 
Color it blue. 
Color it yellow, but color it true. 
Color it green. 
Color it blue. 
Color it orange, but color it true. 
2. Complete the sentences: 
a. Can you color the ________________________ sun? 
b. Color it _____________________, but color it _______________________. 
c. Color it _______________________. Color it ________________________. 
d. Color it ______________________, but _______________________ it true. 
4. Unscramble the letters: 
UEBL → ________________________________________________________ 
EDR → ________________________________________________________ 
LPERUP → ______________________________________________________ 
ENGRE →_______________________________________________________ 
OWNBR → _____________________________________________________ 
ITEHW → ______________________________________________________ 
KPIN → ________________________________________________________ 
CKBLA → _______________________________________________________ 
LYEWLO → _____________________________________________________ 
5. Word bingo … 
6. Find the colors. 
A B Y D Z Y X W T U X Y W Z B C D F G H I J 
C D B R O W N P R S P T U V O R A N G E K L 
E F A D E H O N Q O U O P Q R S E F G H M N 
G H B C F G K L O P R A B C D E D B L A C K 
G R E E N I J M N M P L K F R B C F K I V W 
I J C D E F G H I L L M J G E A W E L J U X 
K L A B G R E Y J K E N I H D Z H D M B T P 
M N C D E F G H I J K Q R T X Y I C N L S I 
O P A B Y E L L O W L N P R T U T B O U R N 
Q R S T U V X Y W Z M O Q S V Y E A P E Q K 
What time is it, please? 
Listen and practice. 
Debbie: Hello? 
 John: Hi, Debbie. This is John. 
 I’m calling from Australia. 
Debbie: Australia? 
 John: I’m at a conference in Sydney. 
Debbie: Oh, right. What time is it there? 
 John: It’s 10:00 P.M. And it’s four o’clock 
 there in Los Angeles. Right? 
Debbie: Yes – four o’clock in the morning. 
 John: 4:00 A.M.? Oh, I’m really sorry. 
Debbie: That’s OK. I’m awake . . .now. 
1. Mark (T) true or (F) false. 
a.( ) Debbie is calling from Brazil. 
b.( ) The conference is in Sydney. 
c.( ) It’s four o’clock there in Los Angeles. 
d.( ) It’s ten o’clock there in Los Angeles. 
2. What timeis it? 
Look and write. 
a.____________________ b. ____________________ c. ______________________ 
d.____________________ e. ____________________ f. ______________________ 
a.____________________ b. ____________________ c. ______________________ 
3. Mark the right answers: What time is it? 
5. a. ( ) it’s seven fifteen. 
 b. ( ) it’s seven o’clock. 
 c. ( ) it’s seven ten. 
1. a. ( ) it’s ten o’clock. 
 b. ( ) it’s ten fifteen. 
 c. ( ) it’s ten o’clock. 
2. a. ( ) it’s three forty. 
 b. ( ) it’s three fifteen. 
 c. ( ) it’s three forty-five. 
4. a. ( ) it’s four five. 
 b. ( ) it’s four fifteen. 
 c. ( ) it’s four thirty. 
3. a. ( ) it’s two fifteen. 
 b. ( ) it’s two thirty. 
 c. ( ) it’s two twenty. 
6. a. ( ) it’s four forty. 
 b. ( ) it’s four twenty. 
 c. ( ) it’s four thirty. 
 It’s 8 a.m. in Brazil. 
(a.m. = anti meridiem = 
da meia-noite até o meio-dia) 
 It’s 8 p.m. in Japan. 
(p.m. = post meridiem = 
do meio-dia até a meia-noite) 
4. What time is it? Draw the clocks. 
1. It’s seven thirty. 
2. It’s two forty-five. 
3. It’s eight ten. 
4. It’s two fifteen. 
5. It’s nine o’clock. 
6. It’s one fifty. 
7. It’s three thirty. 
8. It’s four forty. 
5. Match the columns. 
( 1 ) It’s three twenty. ( ) 
( 2 ) It’s nine fifty-six. ( ) 
( 3 ) It’s five fifteen. ( ) 
( 4 ) It’s two ten. ( ) 
What time is it? 
6. Look at these clocks. What time is it? 
A: What time is it? 
B: It’s twenty after two. OR It’s two-twenty. 
2: ____________________________________________________________ 
3: ____________________________________________________________ 
4: ____________________________________________________________ 
5: ____________________________________________________________ 
6: ____________________________________________________________ 
7. Match the columns: 
( 2 ) It’s fifty after nine. 
( ) It’s twenty to six. 
( ) It’s six o’clock. 
( ) It’s seven-thirty. 
( ) It’s a quarter to eleven. 
( ) It’s three o’clock. 
( ) It’s four twenty-five. 
( ) It’s five to three. 
( ) It’s eleven-thirty. 
( ) It’s ten to nine. 
Listen and practice. 
 Steve: Hi, Mom. 
Mrs. Dole: What are you doing, 
 Steve: I’m hungry, so I’m 
Mrs. Dole: You’re cooking? It’s two 
 o’clock in the morning! 
 Steve: Yeah, but I’m really 
Mrs. Dole: What are you making? 
 Steve: Pizza. 
Mrs. Dole: Mmm, pizza. So let’s eat! 
Verb to be 
A) Verb to be – Simple present (I, it) 
Affirmative Interrogative Negative 
I am (I’m) 
It is (It’s) 
Am I? 
Is it? 
I am not (I’m not) 
It is not (It isn’t) 
Sobre o verbo to be 
O verbo to be significa, principalmente, “ser” e “estar”: 
 I am Ms Sousa. I’m in the classroom. 
1. Reescreva as sentenças usando as formas abreviadas. Use seu cader-
a. I am a student. a. I am a student. 
I’m a student._________________________ 
b. It is number 5. 
c. I am in classroom 6. 
d. It is my lucky number. 
I’m a student._________________________ 
b. It is number 5. 
e. I am a secretary. 
_______ a. I am a student. 
I’m a student._________________________ 
b. It is number 5. 
c. I am in classroom 6. 
d. It is my lucky number. 
f. I am not in classroom seven. 
2. Reescreva as frases nas formas interrogativa e negativa. Use seu 
a. My classroom is number two. 
Is my classroom number two? __________________________________ 
My classroom is not number two.________________________________ 
b. I am in classroom seven. 
c. This is my lucky number. 
3. Answer the questions with short answers. Look at the box: 
Yes, I am. No, I am not. 
 No, I’m not. 
Yes, he is. No, he is not. 
 No, he’s not. 
 No, he isn’t. 
Yes, she is. No, she is not. 
 No, she’s not. 
 No, she isn’t. 
Yes, it is. No, it is not. 
 No, it’s not. 
 No, it isn’t. 
Yes, you are. No, you are not. 
 No, you’re not. 
 No, you aren’t. 
Yes, they are. No, they are 
 No, they’re not. 
 No, they aren’t. 
Yes, we are. No, we are not. 
 No, we’re not. 
 No, we aren’t. 
Yes, you are. No, you are not. 
 No, you’re not. 
 No, you aren’t. 
a. Is your brother tall? 
b. Are you tired? 
c. Are the girls short? 
d. Is your name Mike? 
e. Are you Kelly? 
f. Are they happy? 
g. Is your sister tall? 
h. Are you (your brother and you) angryl? 
i. Are we good friends? 
1. Read the box and complete the sentences: 
a. My eyes ___________________________ green. 
b. _________________________ you pencils white? 
c. Red _______________________ my favorite color. 
d. ____________________________ you surprised? 
e. I _____________________ not sad, I ___________________ happy. 
f. ___________________________ your mouth big? 
g. My nose ___________________ small, it___________________ big. 
h. Kelly and her mother ___________________________ fine. 
5. Connect the words: 
6. Circle the correct answer. 
a. Mike and Jack are happy. 
(He, we, They are happy) 
b. Mike and I are friends. 
(We, They, You are friends) 
c. The school is small. 
(He, She, It is small) 
d. Lisa and you are Brazilian. 
(She, They, You are Brazilian) 
e. Mary is a doctor. 
(He, She, It is a doctor) 
f. Fred is a boy sad. 
(He, She, We is a boy sad) 
I am happy. → Am I happy? → I am not happy. 
You are fine. → Are you fine? → You are not fine. 
He / She / It is 
→ Is he / she / it sad?→ He / She / It is not 
We are tired. → Are we tired? → We are not tired. 
You are surprise. → Are you surprised? → You are not surprise. 
They are angry. → Are they angry? → They are not angry. 
You and I 
Jack and you 
Mike and Lisa 
Your name 
7. Complete with verb to be (am, is, are). 
a. She ________________ beautiful. 
b. I ___________________ student. 
c. He _______________ English and I ________________Brazilian. 
d. They ________________ very intelligent. 
e. We ___________________ good friends. 
Countries and Flags 
Where are you from? 
I am from… 
Where are you from? 
Pat: Hello, Meg. How are you doing? 
Meg: Great. Pat, this is Jim. 
Jim: Hi. Nice meeting you. 
Pat: Nice meeting you, too. Where are you from? 
Jim: I’m from Cuba. 
Pat: Really? 
 Bruno: Hi. I’m Bruno. 
 Sally: Hello. I’m Sally. Are you Italian? 
 Bruno: Yes. And you? 
 Sally: American. 
1. Mark (T) true or (F) false. 
a.( ) Jim is from Cuba. 
b.( ) Sally is Brazilian. 
c.( ) Bruno is from Japan. 
d.( ) Pat is American. 
Países e nacionalidades 
2. Complete the sentences: 
a. Gisele Bunchen is _______________________________________________. 
b. Diego Maradona is ______________________________________________. 
c. Barak Obama is ________________________________________________. 
d. Cristiano Ronaldo is _____________________________________________. 
e. Ronaldinho is __________________________________________________. 
f. David Backman is _______________________________________________. 
3. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 
a. Brian is _____________________________________. 
b. Panayote is __________________________________. 
c. Kyoko is ____________________________________. 
d. Linda is ____________________________________. 
e. Mercedez is _________________________________. 
f. Raúl is _____________________________________. 
4. Read the text and tick the correct answer: 
 Paul, Rosario, Paola and Michele are my classmates. They’re from different 
countries of the world. Paul is English; Rosario is from Spain; Paola is Italian and 
Michele is from France. 
5. Complete the sentences with the correct nationalities: 
a. Mandela is from South Africa. He’s _________________________________. 
b. Satiko is from Japan. She’s _______________________________________. 
c. Sarita is from Mexico. She’s ______________________________________. 
d. John is from the United States. He’s________________________________. 
e. Tony is from Ireland. He’s ________________________________________. 
Australian Irish Japanese 
Bolivian Mexican Greek 
f. Wolfgang is from Germany. He’s ____________________________________. 
g. Nicole is from France. She’s_______________________________________. 
6. Match the columns. 
7. Unscramble the letters to complete the sentences. 
a. Ronaldinho is ____________________________________________. 
b. Brad Pit is ______________________________________________. 
c. Michael Schumacher is ____________________________________. 
d. Nicole Kidman is _________________________________________. 
e. Prince Charles is _________________________________________. 
8. Circle the words in the puzzle and complete the sentences with them. 
Check with a classmate. 
J D A X O P N K Y M B F L I 
A B S O U T H A F R I C A N 
P G B X Z A O N R Q R S M A 
A F X C S N C B E U I F E Z 
N E H G E R M A N D S G R T 
E I S B Q U D K C L H O I X 
S P J P K V P S H T D U C L 
E G T G V R L N T M N J A W 
H M I K R O M E X I C A N C 
Where are you from? 
Joe: Where are you from? 
Peter: I am from São Paulo, a large city in Brazil. 
Joe: Is it a beautiful city? 
Peter: Is think it is. I was born there. 
Joe: Are you planning to stay here a long 
Peter: No, I am visiting your country for a 
 short time. I must return because I 
 have an important date next week in 
( 1 ) Jacques Cousteau 
( 2 ) Gandhi 
( 3 ) Princess Diana 
( 4 ) Ayrton Senna 
( 5 ) Picasso 
( 6 ) Beethoven 
( ) Brazilian 
( ) German 
( ) French 
( ) Indian 
( ) English 
( ) Spanish 
9. Match the countries and nationalities. 
Countries and Nationalities 
Brazil Brazilian 
Cuba Cuban 
Australia Australian 
Ireland Irish 
South Africa South African 
Germany German 
The United States American 
Japan Japanese 
Italy Italian 
The United Kingdom English 
Mexico Mexican 
Spain Spanish 
Canada Canadian 
India Indian 
Portugal Portuguese 
Bolivia Bolivian 
Greece Greek 
France French 
Bob: Hi, Mr. Manbauer! 
 Can you help us? 
Mr. Manbauer: Sure. 
Jane: We’re doing research for 
 our geography class. 
Bob: We’re going to ask you 
 some questions about 
 your farm. 
the United States 
Mr. Manbauer: All right. Go ahead, kids. 
Bob: Do you have many horses? 
Mr. Manbauer: Not many. We have 
 only five. We don’t 
 need many horses here. 
Jane: And how many cows? 
Mr. Manbauer: There are many cows here. 
 We have fifty cows right 
Bob: What about pigs? 
Mr. Manbauer: We have few pigs. 
 Four or five, I think. 
Jane: And chickens? Do you 
 have many chickens? 
Mr. Manbauer: Yes, we have many 
Jane: Ok, that’s all. Thank you, 
 Mr. Manbauer. 
Mr. Manbauer: Any time, kids. 
Bob: Bye, Mr. Manbauer. 
Bob: Hi, Mr. Manbauer! 
 Can you help us? 
Mr. Manbauer: Sure. 
Jane: We’re doing research for 
 our geography class. 
Bob: We’re going to ask you 
 some questions about 
 your farm. 
Mr. Manbauer: All right. Go ahead, kids. 
Bob: Do you have many horses? 
Mr. Manbauer: Not many. We have 
 only five. We don’t 
 need many horses here. 
Jane: And how many cows? 
Mr. Manbauer: There are many cows here. 
 We have fifty cows right 
Bob: What about pigs? 
Mr. Manbauer: We have few pigs. 
 Four or five, I think. 
Jane: And chickens? Do you 
 have many chickens? 
Mr. Manbauer: Yes, we have many 
Jane: Ok, that’s all. Thank you, 
 Mr. Manbauer. 
Mr. Manbauer: Any time, kids. 
Bob: Bye, Mr. Manbauer. 
1. Listen and tick correct answer. 
Peter, Jane, and Ken are friends. 
They like animals a lot. Peter likes whales and lions very much; Jane loves tortoises 
and tiger; Ken likes snakes and sharks. 
2. Write the names of the animals according to the pictures. 
3. Answer the questions. 
a. A: Do you like rabbits? 
 B: ______________________________________________________b. A: Do you like spiders? 
 B: ______________________________________________________ 
c. A: Do you like iguanas? 
 B: ______________________________________________________ 
d. A: Do you like dogs? 
 B: ______________________________________________________ 
e. A: Do you like snakes? 
 B: ______________________________________________________ 
f. A: Do you like tigers? 
 B: ______________________________________________________ 
Read the text and answer the questions 4 e 5. 
Mr. Manbauer and his family live on a farm in Pennsylvania. They usually work a lot 
on their 
farm, but they are not working much this month. It’s January, and January is win-
tertime in 
Pennsylvania. There’s a lot of snow and little work on the farm. 
The animals don’t go to the field. The cows and sheep are in the barn. The pigs are 
in the 
pigpen. The chickens, ducks, and turkeys are in the chicken coop. The horses are in 
a small 
stable near the house. There are few horses on the farm right now. Mr. Manbauer 
some of his horses every year when the winter comes. Frampy, his dog, sleeps close 
to the 
farm house and so does Mimi, the family cat. 
4. True (T) or False (F). 
a.( ) Mr. Manbauer is a doctor in Ireland. 
b.( ) There aren’t many horses on the farm in winter. 
c.( ) There are only chickens in the chicken coop. 
d.( ) The pigs aren’t in the pigpen. 
e.( ) The animals don’t go to the field in winter. 
5. Match the columns. 
6. Find out the names of the animals and write them in the blanks. 
 ___________ ____________ _____________ ____________ 
 ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 
____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ 
 ____________ ____________ _____________ ____________ 
 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 
a. Mr. Manbauer sells the horses before 
b. In January, 
c. The cows aren’t in the stable. 
d. The chickens are 
e. The snow covers everything 
( ) when winter comes. 
( ) winter comes. 
( ) there isn’t much work on Mr. Manbauer’s farm. 
( ) They are in the barn. 
( ) in the chicken coop. 
7. In our country there are many different animals with various charac-
Look at this map of Brazil. 
Do / Does 
Father: Waiter! Please! 
Waiter: Yes! What do you want to eat? 
Father: We want fish and rice. 
Mother: Oh! No! The children like 
 chicken and fried potatoes. 
Father: Well. Bring chicken and 
 fried potatoes for three and fish 
 for me. 
Waiter: What do you want to drink? 
Father: Beer. Bring me beer. 
Children: Beer?! We prefer lemonade. 
Father: Well. Bring beer for two 
 and lemonade for the children. 
Waiter: Ok. 
1. You love me. 
 Do you love me? 
2. You speak Portuguese? 
 Do you speak Portuguese? 
3. He comes from Brazil. 
 Does he come from Brazil? 
4. She speaks English. 
 Does she speak English? 
 Do I dance well? 
Do You dance well? 
Does he dance well? 
Does she dance well? 
Do we dance well? 
Do you dance well? 
Do they dance well? 
 Com os verbos auxiliares, basta inverter o sujei-
to e o verbo para se obter a forma interrogati-
Is he your friend? Can you help me? 
Was Paul in the station? 
 Com os verbos não-auxiliares usam-se as for-
mas do e does para interrogar (no presente): 
Do you like coffee? 
Does Paul like beer? 
 Note-se que, com o emprego de does, não há s 
na terceira pessoa: 
She likes apples. 
Does she like apples? 
Com verbos não-auxiliares, 
usa-se o auxiliar TO DO 
na interrogativa: 
In a restaurant 
Negative form 
Obs.: Do substitui o verbo da pergunta: Do you want some fish? Yes, I do. 
Esquema da forma interrogativa 
com verbos não-auxiliares (no presente): 
Esquema da forma negativa com 
verbos não-auxiliares (no presente): 
 Verbo Verbo 
auxiliar Pronome no infinitivo 
 WE go? 
 THEY play…? 
 HE like…? 
 IT work? 
 Verbo Verbo 
Pronome auxiliar no infinitivo 
 WE do not go 
 YOU don’t 
 THEY play… 
 HE like… 
 SHE does not 
 IT does’t work. 
1º) Emprego de don’t ou do 
2º) Emprego de doesn’t ou does 
 • Emprega-se don’t ou do not em 
frases negativas, no presente, com os 
pronomes I, you, we, they. 
You don’t like coffee. Você não gosta de 
They don’t like coffee. Eles não gostam 
de café. 
I don’t go with you. Eu não vou com vo-
We don’t go with you. Nós não vamos 
com você. 
 • Emprega-se doesn’t ou does not 
em frases negativas, no presente, com os 
pronomes He, she, it. 
He doesn’t like coffee. Ele não gostam de 
She doesn’t like coffee. El não gosta de 
It doesn’t bark. Ele não late. 
1. Complete the sentences (negative or interrogative) with do or does; 
a. __________ your mother watch TV in the morning? 
b. Where __________ your father go at eight o'clock? 
c. My best friend _________ not have lunch at noon. 
d. When _________ Ann study geography? 
e. My parent’s ________ not wake up at five o'clock. 
f. ___________ you brush your teeth after meals? 
g. Which subject___________ your sister prefer, math or Portuguese? 
 h. _________ your parents go to bed at ten o'clock? 
2. Answer the questions. 
a. What John Baker is? 
b. How old is he? 
c. Where is your office? 
d. How much is a filling? 
Jordan: Look at the tigers! 
Lívia: Oh! They are beautiful. 
Jordan: Do you like tigers? 
Lívia: Yes, I do. 
Jordan: Do you like monkeys, too? 
Lívia: Yes, They are funny. 
Jordan: I don’t like them. 
2. Answer the questions. 
a. Do you like cats? 
b. Do you like snakes? 
c. Do you like giraffes? 
d. Do you like lions? 
3. Follow the example and complete the exercise below: 
a. ___________ Jack go to school at eight o’clock? 
 No, he____________ to school at eight o'clock. He __________ at seven. 
b. __________ Meg brush her hair after breakfast? 
 No, she _______ her hair after breakfast. She _______ it before breakfast. 
c. __________Peter have lunch at two o'clock? 
 No, he _________ lunch at two o'clock. He _______ lunch at twelve-fifteen. 
d. ________________ Ann study at night? 
 No, _____________ study at night. She ______________ in the afternoon. 
4. Answer the questions according to the chart. Work with a classmate. 
Watch soap operas 
on Mondays 
Go to the movies 
on weekends 
Read the newspaper 
on Wednesday 
Bruce X 
Daisy X X 
Alice X 
David X 
Ex.: A: Does Bruce watch soapoperas on Mondays? 
 B: Yes, he does._________________________________________ 
 A: Does Daisy watch soap operas on Mondays? 
 B: No, she doesn't.______________________________________ 
a. A: Does Bruce go to the movies on weekends? 
 B: __________________________________________________ 
b. A: Does Alice watch soap operas on Mondays? 
Does Cathy get up at nine o'clock? 
No, she doesn't get up at nine o'clock. she gets up at seven-thirty. 
c. A: Does David go to the movies on weekends? 
 B: ___________________________________________________ 
d. A: Does Bruce read the newspaper on Wednesday? 
 B: ___________________________________________________ 
e. A: Does Daisy go to the movies on weekends? 
 B: ___________________________________________________ 
f. A: Does Alice read the newspaper on Wednesdays? 
 B: ___________________________________________________ 
5. Complete the sentences with do, don’t, does, or doesn’t. 
a. A: _______________________ you play the keyboard on Saturdays? 
 B: Yes, I __________________________. 
b. A: ___________________________ Joe watch TV on weekends? 
 B: Yes, he ___________________________. 
c. A: ________________________ Violet listen to music every day? 
 B: No, she ______________________________. 
d. A: ___________________ you and your friends go to school by bus? 
 B: No, we _____________________________. 
e. A: _________________ Tom and Shirley go to a disco on Saturdays? 
 B: Yes, they __________________________. 
Do you eat good food? 
I eat many kinds of food. 
For breakfast I eat bread and butter, ham, cheese, 
eggs, toast with jam, cake, cookies or fruit. I drink 
milk, juice, coffee or tea. I don’t drink water. 
For lunch or dinner, I eat beans, rice, vegetables 
and meat (steak, roast beef, chicken or fish). 
For dessert I eat sweet things: fruit pudding, 
ice cream or a candy. 
For snack I eat a sandwich or a hamburger. 
Food and drink 
1. Choose what you eat and drink for breakfast, lunch or dinner and 
milk – hamburger – beans – soup – juice – rice – cake – lettude – eggs – pineapple 
cheese – meat – potato – coffee – ice cream – pudding – tomato – cookies – fish 
chiken – pie – banana – water – tea – toast – jam – bread – butter – carrot – candies 
papaya – ham – beet – apple – chocolate – hot dog – celery – cucumber – sandwich 
Lunch or dinner 
2. listen and read. Then mark the boxes. 
 what you have for breakfast. 
 what you have for a snack. 
 what you have on a sandwich. 
3. Write the names of the different foods. 
The Food Pyramid 
The Food Pyramid is a guide of what to eat and how much to eat each day. 
For good health, eat a lot of starches, vegetables, and fruit. Eat some dairy, 
meat, and fish. Eat very little fat, oil, and sugar. 
4. What are you favorites? 
b. vegetable: ____________________________________________________ 
c. meat: ________________________________________________________ 
d. dairy food: ____________________________________________________ 
e. hot drink: ____________________________________________________ 
f. cold drink: ____________________________________________________ 
g. dessert: ______________________________________________________ 
5. What do you think of these foods? Answer the questions with the 
expressions in the box. 
a. oranges I think oranges are good for you._______________________ 
b. cheese ________________________________________________ 
c. hamburgers ________________________________________________ 
d. broccoli ________________________________________________ 
e. fish ________________________________________________ 
f. chocolate ________________________________________________ 
g. Chinese food ________________________________________________ 
h. Mexican food ________________________________________________ 
i. Italian food ________________________________________________ 
6. Listen and identify: 
Yummy… Spaghetti, chicken and carrots! This food is delicious! 
Steak and potatoes. It’s good for you! 
Tomatoes, potatoes, lettuce and carrots. It’s a mixed salad. 
a. fruit → Apples are my favorite fruit. 
delicious  good for you 
awful  bad for you 
7. Listen and read 
Sara: What’s on your sandwich, Jason? 
Jason: Well bread. 
Sara: ha ha, very funny. But what are you putting in the middle? 
Jason: Some ham and some cheese. What are you putting on your sandwich? 
Sara: Some chicken and some bacon, think. 
Nick: what about you, Amy? 
Amy: I'm putting some cheese and some potato chips on my sandwich. 
Nick: Cheese and potato chips?! Oh, of course, you’re vegetarian. I'm putting 
 chicken, chocolate, and salami on my sandwich. 
Amy: Yuck! 
Nick: Pass me a banana and some potato chips. I can put them on, too. 
Amy: That’s disgusting! 
8. Comprehension 
What are they putting on their sandwiches? 
Write the initials under the food. 
J = Jason S = Sara A = Amy N = Nick 
Countable and uncountable nouns 
Countable nouns Uncountable nouns 
 Singular Plural 
 an apple some bread / 
 apples some bread 
 a banana some butter / 
 bananas some butter 
Complete the rule. 
 use __a__ or ___________ before singular countable nouns. 
 Use _____________ before plural countable and uncountable nouns. 
Grammar practice 
8b. Use the words in the box to label the items in the chart. 
9. Listen to Ricky speaking from London. 
Ricky: Hi. It's Ricky. I'm having breakfast 
 in Lordon. 
Nick: On, hi! Vhat are you having? 
Ricky: I’m having orange juice and some 
 cereal with milk, and my dad's 
 having eggs with bacon and a cup 
 of tea. 
Nick: Mmm! Sounds great! 
Ricky: Anyway, I1m just calling to say 
 good luck with the movie. 
Nick: Thanks, Ricky! Have a great time! 
 See you in August. 
cereal cookie 
hamburger potato chip 
milk orange juice 
Answer the questions. 
a. Who is Ricky calling? ____________________________________________ 
b. Where is Ricky? ________________________________________________ 
c. What’s he doing? _______________________________________________ 
d. How many kinds of drink can you find in the dialogue? ____________________ 
e. How many kinds of food can you find? ________________________________ 
10. Write the ingredients to make a pizza. Suggest and draw extra in-
gredients for it. 
11. Put the ingredients in the exercise 10 in this list. If it’s countable, 
write the plural. 
Preencha os quadros abaixo com “food words”. Seu professor diz o nome de uma 
comida ou bebida. Se você tiver a palavra na cartela, marque-a com um X. O primei-
ro a marcar todas as palavras grita BINGO! 
12. Reading 
Read the list of ingredients below and complete the sentence. 
Interrogative words 
1. Read the text and answer the question 2. 
An in interview 
Boy: Who are you? 
Dentist: I am John Baker. 
Boy: What are you? 
Dentist: I am a dentist. 
Boy: How old are you? 
Dentist: I am forty years old. 
Boy: And where is your office? 
Dentist: lt's near my house. 
Boy: How many clients have you? 
Dentist: I have many clients. About fifty. 
Boy: And how much is a filling? 
Dentist: It costs five dollars. 
Boy: lt's not expensive, lt's cheap. 
 Why is your price so low? 
Dentist: Because people here can’t pay more. 
 They are not rich. They are poor. 
Zarconi’s Special Spaghetti 
• 500 gr. Of spaguetti noodles 
• 1 can of tomato 
• Oregano 
• Salt, peper, mustard, ketchup 
• Olive oil 
• 2 small onions 
To make Zarconi’s Special Spaghetti, we need 
500 grams of _________________, two _____________ 
_______________, one __________________________ 
and some ____________________, ________________, 
_______________, ______________, _____________, 
_______________________ and __________________. 
INTERROGATIVE WORDS (Palavras interrogativas) 
1. Who: Quem 
 Who is that man? (Quem é aquele homem?). 
 Who are those people? (Quero são aquelas pessoas?). 
 Who wants to drink coffee? (Quem deseja tomar café?). 
2. What: O que, qual (empregado também para perguntar profissão ou cargo). 
 What is she? She is a secretary. (O que é ela? Ela é uma secretária) 
 What’s your name? My name is Bob. (Qual é seu nome? Meu nome é Bob). 
 What is that? (O que é aquilo?). 
3. Where: Onde 
 Where’s the book? (Onde está o Iivro?) It’s on the table. (Está sobre a mesa.). 
 Where are you? (Onde está você?). 
4. How: Como 
 How are vou? (Como vai você?). 
 How is your father? (Como vai seu pai?). 
5. How old are you? : (Que idade você tem?) I’m twenty. (Eu tenho vinte). 
 How old is she? (Que idade ela tem?) She’s fifteen years old. (Ela tem quinze anos). 
6. How many: Quantos, quantas 
 How many birdis can you see? (Quartos pássaros você pode ver?) 
7. How much: Quanto 
 How much is it? (Quanto custa?) 
8. Why: Por que... ? 
 Why are you sad? (Por que você está triste?). 
 Because: Porque... 
 Because I can’t go with you. (Porque eu não posso ir com você.) 
2. Answer the questions. 
a. What John Baker is? ____________________________________________ 
b. How old is he? _________________________________________________ 
c. Where is your office? ___________________________________________ 
d. How much is a filling? ____________________________________________ 
3. Complete using what, who, how old or where: 
a. _________________________ is the teacher? She is in front of the students. 
b. _________________________ is Paul from? He is from Mexico. 
c. _________________________ is this? It's a pineappIe. 
d. _________________________ is Peter? He is twelve. 
e. _________________________ are those women? They're my cousins. 
f. _________________________ is Sheila's occupation? She is a nurse. 
g. _________________________ is your mother? She’s thirty-nine years old. 
4. Complete the questions with who, when, where, what or how: 
a. ______________________ does your sister go at fifteen to seven? 
 She goes to school. 
b. ______________________ studies in the afternoon? 
 Ann does. 
c. ______________________ does your mother do all day? 
 She works. 
d. ______________________ does your big brother go to school? 
 He goes; to school on foot. He doesn’t like to go by car. 
e. ______________________ does Mary take a shower? 
 She takes a shower at noon. 
5. Complete the sentences with where, what, when, how, or what time. 
Work with a classmate. 
a. A: _______________does Ralph live? 
 B: He lives in New York. 
b. A: _______________does Pricilla get up? 
 B: She gets up at 6:15. 
c. A: _______________ does Ricky do his 
 B: He does his homework in the afternoon. 
d. A: ______________does Yvonne go to 
 B: She goes to work on foot. 
e. A: _______________ does Peggy do on 
 B: She listens to classical music. 
Fruits and Vegetables 
1. Look the Fruits 
2. Look at pictures. Find the words that correspond to them in the 
S T R A W B E R R I E S 
A O D E A W A T E R M L 
Y M O F T A P L M S G S 
Y A G E E L E L E T R H 
B T Y E R Q U Z N U A E 
I O K R M C M W S K P S 
O E J R E L A P P L E S 
O S A A L I N X N O S O 
S K H G O N G H O W C H 
C L A O N G O R A N G E 
Z O Y Y P I E A W A T R 
P I N E A P P L E T I E 
B A N A N U T O M T Y S 
3. True (T) or False (F). 
a.( ) Ver-o-Peso in South America. 
b.( ) You can buy fish at Ver-o-Peso. 
c.( ) There are many kinds of exotic fruit there. 
d.( ) You can buy perfumes ar Ver-o-Peso. 
4. Match the columns according to the text. 
5. Challenge! 
Find the name of two exotic kinds of fruit from the Amazon. You can use books and 
the net for your research. 
Hi, Linda. 
I’m in Belém now. This is Ver-o-Peso, 
a very popular market. You can buy many 
things at Ver-o-Peso. There are fruit 
stands with mangoes, bananas, and 
many exotic fruit from the Amazon. 
At the vegetables stands you can buy 
potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, and many 
kinds of medicinal herbs and natural 
perfumes, too. At 6:00 in the 
morning it's possible to buy fish at 
Ver-o-Peso – they’re big, fresh and 
the price isn't expensive. 
This is a very colorful place and the 
people are really nice. 
I miss you, 
A. There are tomatoes 
B. There are bananas 
C. The price of fish 
D. We can buy fresh fish 
( ) at the fruit stands. 
( ) at six o’clock in the morning. 
() at the vegetable stands. 
( ) isn't expensive. 
6. Likes and dislikes 
Relacione nos espaços abaixo o que você assinalou nos quadros acima. 
Mrs. Molina: Good morning, Mr. Barton! Are the 
 mangoes good today? 
Mr. Barton: The mangoes? Oh, They’re really fresh. 
Mrs. Molina: How much ore They? 
Mr. Barton: Fifty cents each. 
Mrs. Molina: Fifty cents? That’s too much, Mr. Barton! 
Mr. Barton: All right. Forty-five cents then. 
Mrs. Molina: OK. Two mangoes, please. 
Hello! I am Bob. 
I like adventures and war movies. 
I love chocolate cake and 
I hate onions 
And you? Tell me about your 
likes and dislikes. 
carrots – cauliflowers – 
tomatoes – potatoes – 
lettuce – onions – peas – 
mushroom – eggplant 
pear – orange – apple – 
strawberry – grape – 
banana – watermelon – 
melon – avocado – 
mango - pineapple 
hot-dog – hamburger – 
sandwich - French fries 
I LIKE... 
I HATE... 
Mr. Barton: Here you are. 
Mrs. Molina: How about the apples? 
Mr. Barton: They’re great and only 2 dollars 
 a dozen. 
Mrs. Molina: Oh, come on, Mar. Barton. 
 The apples aren’t very good today. 
Mr. Barton: But... 
Mrs. Molina: Just the mangoes, Mr. Barton. 
Mr. Barton: OK. That’s ninety cents. 
Mrs. Molina: Here you are. 
Mrs. Barton: Here's your change. 
 And thank you. 
Mrs. Molina: Bye, Mr. Barton. 
7. Pairwork. Look at the pictures in exercise 1 and practice the conver-
- Excuse me, sir. How much are the mangoes? 
- 50c each. 
- All right. Five mangoes, please. 
8. Look at the pictures and write. 
 ________________ ________________ ________________ 
 ________________ ________________ ________________ 
 ________________ ________________ ________________ 
carton – cartons 
pound - pounds 
9. Word seek – Foods and drinks 
10. Let’s have fun! 
Some riddles for you. Guess what it is! 
a. I’m green outside and red inside. I’m a __________________. 
b. I’m yellow outside and white inside. I’m a ________________. 
c. I’m red or green. I’m a _____________________________. 
d. Rabbits love it. It’s a ______________________________. 
1. Read the text and answer the questions 2 e 3. 
Like a T- shirt, please. 
O R A N G E J U I C E 
P C A R R O T X I H X 
E P P I E R F Z C E Y 
A A P E A C H K H E K 
R A P P L E F F E S L 
B R E A D F S I R E O 
B B E E T P O S R E P 
A P P L L E S H Y G S 
Saleswoman: Can I help you? 
Betty: I’d like a T-shirt, please. 
Saleswoman: What size are you? 
Betty: Medium. 
Saleswoman: And what color would you 
Betty: Uhm… Blue or green. 
Saleswoman: Here you are. 
Anne: Which T-shirt do you prefer, the blue 
 one or the green one? 
Betty: I prefer the blue one. How much is it? 
Saleswoman: Let me see… it’s twenty dollars. 
Betty: Can I try it on? 
Saleswoman: Sure 
Saleswoman: Oh, it suits you. 
Betty: Yes, I think so. I’ll take it. 
2. Write T (true) or F (false). 
a.( ) Betty wants a shirt. 
b.( ) Betty would like to buy a medium T-shirt. 
c.( ) Betty prefers the green one. 
d.( ) The blue T-shirt cost US$ 20. 
3. Complete the sentences: 
a. Which __________________________________ do you prefer, the blue and 
 or the __________________________________ on? 
b. And what color would you ___________________________________? Uhm … 
 ____________________________or ______________________________. 
c. What _________________________________________________ are you? 
4. Answer the questions. 
a. How much is this sweater? ___________________ 
b. How much are these jeans?_________________ 
c. How much is this T-shirt? ___________________ 
d. How much are these shoes? ____________________ 
5. Read the text and answer the question 6. 
Peter: Hi, Angela. 
Angela: Hi, Peter. I like that green dress over there. 
How much is it? 
Peter: Forty dollars. 
Angela: Oh, it’s expensive, isn’t it? 
Peter: No, I don’t think so. It’s good dress. 
Angela: And how much are those jeans? 
Peter: They’re fifty dollars. 
Angela: And what about that brown skirt over there? 
Peter: It’s ten fifty. 
Angela: Uhm. I like that skirt. Can I try it on? 
Peter: Sure. Here you are. 
6. Listen and tick the correct answer. 
1. Angela likes __________________________________________________. 
 a. the grey dress b. the green dress 
2. The dress cost ________________________________________________. 
 a. $40 b. $14 
3. The jeans cost ________________________________________________. 
 a. $50 b. $15 
4. Angela likes __________________________________________________. 
 a. the brown skirt b. the brown shirt 
7. Dictation: 
US$ 1 (one dollar) = 100 ¢ (a hundred cents) €1 (one euro) = 100 c (a hundred 
£1 (one pound) = 100 p 
(a hundred pence) 
$32 = thirty-two dollars 
$49.95 = forty-nine ninety-five or forty-nine dollars and ninety-five cents 
€43 = forty-three euros 
€51.60 = fifty-one and sixty cents 
8. Write the words under their respective labels. 
panties slippers belt pajamas necklace 
earrings tracksuit boots sneakers dollar 
Pound jacket cent cleats hat pence 
9. Crossword 
10. Unscramble the letters, write the words and match them the pic-
 _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ 

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