
BallParam_Direct - INTERESSANTE

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About ...
		Moly-Cop Tools, Version 3.0
		About the BallParam_Direct Spreadsheet ...
		Moly-Cop Tools, Version 3.0
		About the BallParam_Direct Spreadsheet ...
&"Arial,Bold"&8Moly-Cop Tools&"Arial,Regular" / &F	&8Page &P	&8&D / &T
Scope :
The BallParam_Direct spreadsheet was designed to be used - in conjunction with the BallSim_Direct spreadsheet in the "tuning" of such simulator to any specific actual grinding system. The attached spreadsheets provide an effective algorithm to search for the set of parameter values that best approximate the model response to the actual experimental measurements obtained from a Pilot or Full Scale Ball Mill, operating in close circuit with hydrocyclones in a Direct Circuit Configuration. BallParam_Direct combines in a single application the simultaneous closure of the Circuit Mass Balance, plus the evaluation of the corresponding Classifier Constants (see About ... in CycloSim_Single) and the estimation of the characteristic Ore Grinding Parameters, as an alternative to the concatenated use of the BallBal_Direct and BallParam_Open spreadsheets, as originally proposed in Moly-Cop Tools, Version 1.0.
Theoretical Framework :
The reference ball mill model is described in the About ... worksheet of the BallSim_Direct spreadsheet. Similarly, the reference hydrocyclone model is described in the About ... worksheet of the CycloSim_Single spreadsheet.
On the basis of Pilot or Full Scale Data, like those typically obtained from sampling campaigns around continuous grinding/classification circuits, the BallParam_Direct routine allows for the calculation of all a's and b's (including dcrit) - plus the classification parameters (Bpf, d50c and m; see CycloSim_Single) that minimize the least-squares Objective Function:
 3 n
 f = S S wik [(fik - fik)/fik]2 (3)
 k = 1 i = 1
where the fik's represent the experimental size distribution of the mill product (as % retained on screen 'i', i = 1,n) and the fik's represent the model response for each corresponding fik, for a given set of model parameters. Also, the subscript k = 1, 2, 3 represents the cyclone feed, overflow and underflow streams, respectively. The a's and b's (including dcrit) and the above listed classification parameters that yield the minimum possible value of f are so considered to be representative of the particular ore and test conditions under analysis. 
This evaluation methodology imposes the condition that the hydrocylones perform in good agreement with the Plitt´s Classification Efficiency Curve (see About ... in CycloSim_Single).
Also in Equation 3, the wik's represent user defined Weighting Factors that quantify the relative quality and reliability of each particular mesh value with respect to the other screens data. Relatively high values of such weighting factors indicate more reliable measurements. At the extreme, a wi factor equal to zero means that this particular measurement is not being included in the Objective Function.
The minimization problem stated above may be readily solved with the aid of the Excel Subroutine Solver.
Data Input and Program Execution :
Most of the data required by the algorithm must be defined in each corresponding unprotected white background cell - inside the red double-lined border - of the here attached Data_File worksheet. Gray background cells contain the results of the corresponding formula there defined and are protected to avoid any accidental editing.
The remaining information required to run the program is entered in the Control_Panel worksheet, where the user is requested to provide initial guesses of the grinding and classification parameters referred above.
To run the program, select the objective function Cell E36 in Control_Panel and then, from the Tools Menu, select Solver ..., then Min and then By Changing any combination of Cells C19:F19, C21:D21, C25:E25, C27, C32:F32 and E34. The same "parameter reduction hints" provided in About ... of BallParam_Batch apply in this case, but very importantly, Cell E34 must always be included in the By Changing list. Clicking on the Solve button will execute the desired calculations.
Important Notice : Solver ... must be run every time any element of input data gets to be modified. Otherwise, the current outputs are not valid.
Calculation results are summarized in the Reports worksheet.
New Moly-Cop Tools users are invited to explore the brief comments inserted in each relevant cell, rendering the whole utilization of the worksheets self-explanatory. Eventually, the user may wish to remove the view of the comments by selecting Tools / Options / View / Comments / None.
			Moly-Cop Tools TM (Version 3.0)
																					alpha0	intercepção da função seleção em 0,01 ton/kwh
			Sample N°		1																alpha1	tangente da curva da função seleção - velocidade de quebra
																					dcrit	valor pelo qual a moagem deixa de ser eficiente (inflexão pra baixo da função seleção)
			Weighting Factors :																		alpha2	inclinação de quando a curva de função seleção cai 
			Streams :																		beta0	ponto da função quebra de fratura máxima
			 Mill Discharge		1
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1																beta1	inclinação da função quebra
			 Cyclone U'flow		1
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1																beta2	limite superior paralelo ao eixo y da função quebra (manter fixo)
			 Cyclone O'flow		1
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1
			Size Distributions		1
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of the size distribution analyses with respect to the % solids analyses.
Default Value : 1																alpha - parâmetros da função seleção
			% Solids		1
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of the size distribution analyses with respect to the % solids analyses.
Default Value : 1																beta - parâmetros da função quebra
			Grinding Parameter Guesses :																		Num primeiro momento deve-se variar apenas alpha0 / dcrit / Bpf / d50c / m / carga circulante		ESSES SÃO OS PARÂMETROS QUE MAIS INFLUENCIAM NO MODELO
			alpha0	alpha1	alpha2	dcrit															Os pontos são os dados amostrados
			0.00581	0.720	2.52	9415															A linha eh o modelo
			alpha02	alpha12
			0	1																	Os parâmetros alpha02 / alpha12 e beta01 seriam para uma moagem não linearizada
			0	1	 Default Values																Quando Delta é igual a zero é uma forma de buscar uma solução para encontra uma solução 
																					Se o Delta for diferente de zero é pq não foi encontrado uma carga circulante que faça sentido para o circuito (geralmente dados inputados errados de % de sólidos e/ou dados incosistentes)
			beta0	beta1	beta2
			0.179	0.319	4.00																Se os parâmetros iniciais forem muito distantes entre curvas e pontos, deve-se ajustar manualmente de forma a aproximar os pontos das curvas antes de rodar o Solver
			0																		Caso a função solução não tenha dado um resultado satisfatório, sugere-se rodar o Solver modificando os parâmetros da função quebra
			0	 Default Value																	Manter ou variar os parâmetros da primeira solução do Solver vai da avaliação crítica do engenheiro que está simulando 
																					O parâmetro Beta0 vai modificar a inclinação da curva de OF - Num segundomomento poderia variar os mesmos parâmetros do primeiro Solver adicionando o Beta0
			Classifiers Parameter Guesses :
			Bpf	Bpc	d50c	m
			0.363	0.000
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Fractional short-circuit of slurry to the cyclone overflow.
Default Value : 0	232.5	1.313
Jaime Sepulveda: Limited to the maximum value defined in cell H32, hidden behind the Chart.		4
			Classifier Constants :						Circulating Load :		2.695
Jaime Sepulveda: This cell must always be included in the "By Changing List" of Subroutine Solver.	 Delta :	-0.000
Jaime Sepulveda: This cell must be set to zero, by running Subroutine Solver.
			a1	a2	a3	a4	l
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: See Cyclosim_Single spreadsheet for further reference.	1.228
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: See Cyclosim_Single spreadsheet for further reference.	48.323
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: See Cyclosim_Single spreadsheet for further reference.	0.358
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: See Cyclosim_Single spreadsheet for further reference.	0.970
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: See Cyclosim_Single spreadsheet for further reference.				
Jaime Sepulveda: This cell must always be included in the "By Changing List" of Subroutine Solver.	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1								
Jaime Sepulveda: This cell must be set to zero, by running Subroutine Solver.	Obj. Function :		0.007
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: To minimize this value, use Tools / Solver / Solve, as pre-programed.
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of this sample with respect to the measurements associated with the other 2 streams.
Default Value : 1	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of the size distribution analyses with respect to the % solids analyses.
Default Value : 1	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Relative Weighting Factor of the size distribution analyses with respect to the % solids analyses.
Default Value : 1	Note : Current calculations are not valid, if SOLVER has not been run after the last data modification.
&"Arial,Bold"&8Moly-Cop Tools&"Arial,Regular" / &F		&8&D / &T
Mill Discharge	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100	100	99.44	98.83	98	96.84	95.12	92.58	89.11	84.12	77.87	69.7	59.89	49.23	39.24	31.1	25.08	20.82	17.739999999999998	15.49	Cyclone U'flow	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100	100	99.23	98.4	97.25	95.67	93.31	89.83	85.07	78.23	69.72	58.85	46.67	34.81	25.15	18.350000000000001	13.95	11.16	9.32	8.0500000000000007	Cyclone O'flow	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	100	99.99	99.86	98.93	95.54	88.11	77.23	65.48	55.07	46.83	40.44	35.549999999999997	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100.00000000000001	100.00000000000004	99.436446887274215	98.832068087606288	97.996741874306736	96.840777672790765	95.123394647749649	92.580673780230342	89.108144601158003	84.120337451715343	77.87364240183328	69.697002652624434	59.893080122916786	49.232474649482718	39.242371498925507	31.104673723683884	25.075047633344834	20.816044779030086	17.741584755525562	15.490884102856251	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100.00000000000001	100.00000000000006	99.227364055803989	98.398755759640238	97.2535166	63359306	95.668680252865244	93.314134026191667	89.828042866846602	85.067201540019553	78.231450357809763	69.716012435175926	58.852581190476158	46.668129516508152	34.809008230801446	25.149030472298151	18.35122436017808	13.946999648882265	11.163920677675819	9.3195540923014217	8.0491987732069532	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100	100	100	100	100	100	99.999999999998934	99.999999932045213	99.999933393373666	99.992997243648674	99.861376774128374	98.926602365472945	95.539058453506314	88.108882336264813	77.228973021454038	65.479787338966574	55.069122403173608	46.831976089526506	40.441973698783279	35.548891266618377	Fresh Feed	25400	19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	100	100	87.98	78.52	64.010000000000005	50.91	40.869999999999997	33.78	29.02	25.05	22.22	19.690000000000001	17.510000000000002	15.57	13.83	12.28	10.87	9.6199999999999992	8.49	7.52	Particle Size, microns
% Passing
			Moly-Cop Tools TM (Version 3.0)
				BALLPARAM_Direct : Simultaneous Mass Balance Closure and Grinding Parameters Estimation.
				Circuit Type		DIRECT												Sample N°		1
				Remarks		 Base Case Example
				Mill Dimensions and Operating Conditions								15028
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Ball Charge.	 Balls		Charge	Mill Charge Weight, tons			Apparent
				Eff. Diam.	Eff. Length	Speed	Charge	Balls	Interstitial		Lift	0
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Overfilling Slurry on top of the "kidney".	 Overfilling		Volume,	Ball	Slurry		Density
				ft	ft	% Critical	Filling,%	Filling,%	Slurry Filling,%		Angle, (°)	2528
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Interstitial Slurry in the ball charge.	 Slurry		m3	Charge	Interstitial	Excess	ton/m3
				28.5	36.3	75.0
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Rotational Mill Speed, expressed as a percentage of the critical centrifugation speed of the mill.	35.00
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Total Apparent Volumetric Charge Filling - including balls and excess slurry on top of the ball charge, plus the interstitial voids in between the balls - expressed as a percentage of the net internal mill volume (inside liners).	35.00
jsepulveda: See Mill Power_Ball Mills for further details.	100.00
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: This value represents the Volumetric Fractional Filling of the Voids in between the balls by the retained slurry in the mill charge.
As defined, this value should never exceed 100%, but in some cases - particularly in Grate Discharge Mills - it could be lower than 100%.
Note that this interstitial slurry does not include the overfilling slurry derived from the difference between Cells F9 and G9.		31.6
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Represents the so-called Dynamic Angle of Repose (or Lift Angle) adopted during steady operation by the top surface of the mill charge ("the kidney") with respect to the horizontal. See Mill Power_Ball Mills for further details.	17556
jsepulveda: Net Mill Power Draw.
See About ... in the Mill Power_Ball Mills spreadsheet.	 Net Power		229.96	1069.32	179.86	0.00	5.432
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Corresponds to the ratio between the Total Charge Weight and its Apparent Volume (including interstitial voids).							NO DATA INPUT REQUIRED IN THIS GREEN AREA
					rpm	10.76						5.0	 % Losses
												18480	 Gross kW		Feedrate, ton/hr (dry)			2289.0
				Cyclone Dimensions (inches) and Operating Pressure (psi)											Ore Density, ton/m3			2.80
				Number	Diameter	Height	Inlet	Vortex	Apex	psi					Balls Density, ton/m3			7.75
				18	26.0	80.0
jsepulveda: Free Cyclone Height,
defined as the distance from the bottom end of the vortex finder to the top end of the apex.	6.75	9.25	5.37	15.30					Make-up Ball Size, mm			88.90
					Default Values: 	78.0	6.5	9.1	4.6
							Fresh Feed			Mill Discharge			Cyclone Feed			Cyclone U'flow			Cyclone O'flow							Circ.	Lambda	Cyclone Feed (pre-adjusted)				Cyclone O'flow (pre-adjusted)				Cyclone U'flow (pre-adjusted)
			i	Mesh	Opening	Mid-Size	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing					Load		ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	adj.	ton/hr	% Retained	% Passing	adj.	ton/hr	%Retained	% Passing	adj.
			1	1.05	25400
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.				100.00
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.			100.00
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.			100.00			100.00
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.			100.00
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Rotational Mill Speed, expressed as a percentage of the critical centrifugation speed of the mill.	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Total Apparent Volumetric Charge Filling - including balls and excess slurry on top of the ball charge, plus the interstitial voids in between the balls - expressed as a percentage of the net internal mill volume (inside liners).	
jsepulveda: See Mill Power_Ball Mills for further details.				
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Ball Charge.	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: This value represents the Volumetric Fractional Filling of the Voids in between the balls by the retained slurry in the mill charge.
As defined, this value should never exceed 100%, but in some cases - particularly in Grate Discharge Mills - it could be lower than 100%.
Note that this interstitial slurry does not include the overfilling slurry derived from the difference between Cells F9 and G9.			
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Overfilling Slurry on top of the "kidney".	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Component of the Total Mill Power Draw (Cell L13) contributed by the Interstitial Slurry in the ball charge.	
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Represents the so-called Dynamic Angle of Repose (or Lift Angle) adopted during steady operation by the top surface of the mill charge ("the kidney") with respect to the horizontal. See Mill Power_Ball Mills for further details.	
jsepulveda: Free Cyclone Height,
defined as the distance from the bottom end of the vortex finder to the top end of the apex.						
jsepulveda: Net Mill Power Draw.
See About ... in the Mill Power_Ball Mills spreadsheet.	
jsepulveda: The top Mesh Opening must always be defined to allow 100% of the material passing through such screen.														
Jaime E. Sepúlveda J.: Corresponds to the ratio between the Total Charge Weight and its Apparent Volume (including interstitial voids).							 				100.00	0.00			100.00	0.00			100.00	0.00
			2	0.742	19050	21997	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	0.00000	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00	0.00	0.00	100.00	0.00
			3	0.525	12700	15554	275.14	12.02	87.98	34.55	0.56	99.44	47.37	0.56	99.44	47.51	0.77	99.23	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	(0.00055)	47.45	0.56	99.44	(0.00)	-0.01	-0.00	100.00	0.00	47.46	0.77	99.23	0.00
			4	0.371	9500	10984	216.54	9.46	78.52	37.64	0.61	98.83	51.60	0.61	98.83	51.21	0.83	98.40	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	0.00155	51.36	0.61	98.83	0.00	0.02	0.00	100.00	(0.00)	51.34	0.83	98.40	(0.00)
			5	3	6700	7978	332.13	14.51	64.01	51.21	0.83	98.00	70.21	0.83	98.00	70.95	1.15	97.25	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	(0.00297)	70.67	0.84	98.00	(0.00)	-0.03	-0.00	100.00	0.00	70.70	1.15	97.25	0.00
			6	4	4750	5641	299.86	13.10	50.91	71.57	1.16	96.84	98.12	1.16	96.84	97.48	1.58	95.67	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	0.00255	97.72	1.16	96.84	0.00	0.03	0.00	100.00	(0.00)	97.69	1.58	95.67	(0.00)
			7	6	3350	3989	229.82	10.04	40.87	106.12	1.72	95.12	145.49	1.72	95.12	145.60	2.36	93.31	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	(0.00046)	145.56	1.72	95.12	0.00	-0.01	-0.00	100.00	(0.00)	145.57	2.36	93.31	(0.00)
			8	8	2360	2812	162.29	7.09	33.78	156.71	2.54	92.58	214.85	2.54	92.58	214.70	3.48	89.83	0.00	0.00	100.00					 	0.00058	214.76	2.54	92.58	0.00	0.01	0.00	100.00	(0.00)	214.75	3.48	89.83	(0.00)
			9	10	1700	2003	108.96	4.76	29.02	214.09	3.47	89.11	293.52	3.47	89.11	293.68	4.76	85.07	0.00	0.00	100.00						(0.00064)	293.62	3.47	89.11	0.00	-0.01	-0.00	100.00	(0.00)	293.62	4.76	85.07	(0.00)
			10	14	1180	1416	90.87	3.97	25.05	307.87	4.99	84.12	422.09	4.99	84.12	422.01	6.84	78.23	0.23	0.01	99.99						(0.00059)	422.18	4.99	84.12	(0.00)	0.22	0.01	99.99	0.00	421.96	6.84	78.23	0.00
			11	20	850	1001	64.78	2.83	22.22	385.60	6.25	77.87	528.67	6.25	77.87	525.04	8.51	69.72	2.98	0.13	99.86						0.00260	528.26	6.25	77.87	0.00	3.01	0.13	99.86	(0.00)	525.26	8.51	69.72	(0.00)
			12	28	600	714	57.91	2.53	19.69	504.06	8.17	69.70	691.07	8.17	69.70	670.64	10.87	58.85	21.29	0.93	98.93						(0.00342)	691.61	8.18	69.70	(0.00)	21.25	0.93	98.93	0.00	670.36	10.87	58.85	0.00
			13	35	425	505	49.90	2.18	17.51	605.25	9.81	59.89	829.80	9.81	59.89	751.47	12.18	46.67	77.60	3.39	95.54						0.00292	829.34	9.80	59.89	0.00	77.63	3.39	95.54	(0.00)	751.71	12.18	46.67	(0.00)
			14	48	300	357	44.41	1.94	15.57	657.69	10.66	49.23	901.69	10.66	49.23	731.72	11.86	34.81	170.07	7.43	88.11						(0.00040)	901.76	10.66	49.23	0.00	170.07	7.43	88.11	(0.00)	731.69	11.86	34.81	(0.00)
			15	65	212	252	39.83	1.74	13.83	616.35	9.99	39.24	845.02	9.99	39.24	595.99	9.66	25.15	249.04	10.88	77.23						(0.00005)	845.03	9.99	39.24	0.00	249.04	10.88	77.23	(0.00)	595.99	9.66	25.15	(0.00)
			16	100	150	178	35.48	1.55	12.28	502.21	8.14	31.10	688.54	8.14	31.10	419.54	6.80	18.35	268.96	11.75	65.48						0.00016	688.51	8.14	31.10	0.00	268.96	11.75	65.48	(0.00)	419.55	6.80	18.35	(0.00)
			17	150	106	126	32.27	1.41	10.87	371.41	6.02	25.08	509.21	6.02	25.08	271.47	4.40	13.95	238.28	10.41	55.07						(0.00215)	509.55	6.02	25.08	(0.00)	238.26	10.41	55.07	0.00	271.29	4.40	13.95	0.00
			18	200	75	89	28.61	1.25	9.62	262.83	4.26	20.82	360.34	4.26	20.82	172.13	2.79	11.16	188.61	8.24	46.83						(0.00163)	360.59	4.26	20.82	(0.00)	188.59	8.24	46.83	0.00	172.00	2.79	11.16	0.00
			19	270	53	63	25.87	1.13	8.49	190.03	3.08	17.74	260.53	3.08	17.74	113.52	1.84	9.32	146.27	6.39	40.44						0.00294	260.07	3.07	17.74	0.00	146.30	6.39	40.44	(0.00)	113.77	1.84	9.32	(0.00)
			20	400	38	45	22.20	0.97	7.52	138.82	2.25	15.49	190.32	2.25	15.49	78.35	1.27	8.05	111.93	4.89	35.55				Circ. Load		0.00013	190.30	2.25	15.49	0.00	111.93	4.89	35.55	(0.00)	78.37	1.27	8.05	(0.00)
			21	-400	0	19	172.13	7.52	0.00	955.68	15.49	0.00	1310.25	15.49	0.00	496.66	8.05	0.00	813.74	35.55	0.00				W. Factors		(0.00060)	1310.34	15.49			813.73	35.55			496.61	8.05
			Totals				2289.00	100.00		6169.67	100.00		8458.67	100.00		6169.67	100.00		2289.00	100.00					1			8458.67	100.00			2289.00	100.00			6169.67	100.00
			% Solids						97.00			76.00			64.51			78.00			44.00				1		0.00000			64.51	0.00			44.00	(0.00)			78.00	(0.00)
			Slurry Density, ton/m3						2.657			1.955			1.709			2.006			1.394
			Weighting Factor									1.000			1.000			1.000			1.000				CL (ave)	2.695
&"Arial,Bold"&8Moly-Cop Tools&"Arial,Regular" / &F		&8&D / &T
			Moly-Cop Tools TM (Version 3.0)
								Simulation N°	0
			Remarks		 Base Case Example
										44.00	 % Solids
										46.83	 % - Size 18
				psi 	15.30					232.6	 P80
				# of Cyclones 	18
				Vortex 	9.25						Circ. Load 	269.54
				Apex 	5.37		0.363	 Bpf			 m3/hr 	7674
							0.374	 Bpw
				% Solids 	78.00
												 m3/hr 	1982.3
			ton/hr 	2289.0		Water, 	860.2
			F80 	9964		 m3/hr 
								Gross kW 	18480.0
				kWh/ton (Gross) 	8.07			% Balls 	35.00
				Wio (metric) 	14.53			% Critical 	75.00
								% Solids 	76.00
												% Solids 	64.51
&"Arial,Bold"Moly-Cop Tools&"Arial,Regular" / &F / &A		&D / &T
					Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0				Sample N°	1
		Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator
		Remarks :	 Base Case Example
		Configuration : DIRECT
				Fresh	Mill	Mill	Sump	Cyclone	Cyclone	Cyclone
				Feed	Feed	Discharge	Water	Feed	U'flow	O'flow
		 Ore, ton/hr2289.0	8458.7	8458.7	0.0	8458.7	6169.7	2289.0
		 Water, m3/hr		70.8	1811.0	2671.2	1982.3	4653.5	1740.2	2913.3
		 Slurry, ton/hr		2359.8	10269.7	11129.8	1982.3	13112.1	7909.9	5202.3
		 Slurry, m3/hr		888.3	4831.9	5692.1	1982.3	7674.4	3943.6	3730.8
		 Slurry Dens., ton/m3		2.657	2.125	1.955	1.000	1.709	2.006	1.394
		 % Solids (by volume)		92.0	62.5	53.1	0.0	39.4	55.9	21.9
		 % Solids (by weight)		97.00	82.37	76.00	0.00	64.51	78.00	44.00
				Particle Size Distributions (Cummulative % Passing)
	i	Mesh	Opening
	1	1.05	25400	100.00	100.00	100.00	0.00	100.00	100.00	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	0.742	19050	100.00	100.00	100.00	0.00	100.00	100.00	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0.525	12700	87.98	96.18	99.44	0.00	99.44	99.23	100.00			9963.6822961264	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0.371	9500	78.52	93.02	98.83	0.00	98.83	98.40	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	3	6700	64.01	88.26	98.00	0.00	98.00	97.25	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	4	4750	50.91	83.56	96.84	0.00	96.84	95.67	100.00			0	3595.2326760925	0	0	0	0	0
	7	6	3350	40.87	79.12	95.12	0.00	95.12	93.31	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	8	2360	33.78	74.66	92.58	0.00	92.58	89.83	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	10	1700	29.02	69.90	89.11	0.00	89.11	85.07	100.00			0	0	0	0	0	1300.7604511945	0
	10	14	1180	25.05	63.84	84.12	0.00	84.12	78.23	99.99			0	0	953.1405358324	0	953.1405358324	0	0
	11	20	850	22.22	56.86	77.87	0.00	77.87	69.72	99.86			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	28	600	19.69	48.25	69.70	0.00	69.70	58.85	98.93			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	35	425	17.51	38.78	59.89	0.00	59.89	46.67	95.54			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	48	300	15.57	29.60	49.23	0.00	49.23	34.81	88.11			0	0	0	0	0	0	232.6302336883
	15	65	212	13.83	22.09	39.24	0.00	39.24	25.15	77.23			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	16	100	150	12.28	16.71	31.10	0.00	31.10	18.35	65.48			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	17	150	106	10.87	13.11	25.08	0.00	25.08	13.95	55.07			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	18	200	75	9.62	10.75	20.82	0.00	20.82	11.16	46.83			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	19	270	53	8.49	9.10	17.74	0.00	17.74	9.32	40.44			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	20	400	38	7.52	7.91	15.49	0.00	15.49	8.05	35.55			0	0	0	0	0	0	0
		 D80, microns		9964	3595	953	0	953	1301	232.6			9963.6822961264	3595.2326760925	953.1405358324	0	953.1405358324	1300.7604511945	232.6302336883
		 Specific Energy Consumption :			8.07	 kWh/ton (Gross)
		 Operational Work Index :			14.53	 kWh/ton (metric)
					Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0				Sample N°	1
		Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator
		Remarks :	 Base Case Example
		Number of Cyclones :		18			Operating Conditions :
		Cyclone Dimensions, in :						Feed Flowrate, m3/hr		7674.4
			Diameter	26.00				Pressure, psi		15.30
			Height	80.00				D50 (corr.), microns		232.5
			Inlet	6.75				Water By-Pass, %		37.4
			Vortex	9.25				Solids By-Pass, %		36.3
			Apex	5.37				Plitt's Parameter		1.31
		Ore Density, ton/m3		2.80				Circulating Load, %		269.5
		Mass Balance around the Classifiers
					Size Distributions, % Passing				Classifier Efficiency
	i	Mesh	Opening	Mid-Size	Feed	U'flow	O'flow		Actual	Corrected
	1	1.05	25400	21997	100.00	100.00	100.00		1.000	1.000
	2	0.742	19050	15554	100.00	100.00	100.00		1.000	1.000
	3	0.525	12700	10984	99.44	99.23	100.00		1.000	1.000
	4	0.371	9500	7978	98.83	98.40	100.00		1.000	1.000
	5	3	6700	5641	98.00	97.25	100.00		1.000	1.000
	6	4	4750	3989	96.84	95.67	100.00		1.000	1.000
	7	6	3350	2812	95.12	93.31	100.00		1.000	1.000
	8	8	2360	2003	92.58	89.83	100.00		1.000	1.000
	9	10	1700	1416	89.11	85.07	100.00		1.000	0.999
	10	14	1180	1001	84.12	78.23	99.99		0.994	0.991
	11	20	850	714	77.87	69.72	99.86		0.969	0.951
	12	28	600	505	69.70	58.85	98.93		0.906	0.853
	13	35	425	357	59.89	46.67	95.54		0.811	0.704
	14	48	300	252	49.23	34.81	88.11		0.705	0.538
	15	65	212	178	39.24	25.15	77.23		0.609	0.387
	16	100	150	126	31.10	18.35	65.48		0.533	0.267
	17	150	106	89	25.08	13.95	55.07		0.477	0.179
	18	200	75	63	20.82	11.16	46.83		0.438	0.117
	19	270	53	45	17.74	9.32	40.44		0.412	0.077
	20	400	38	19	15.49	8.05	35.55		0.379	0.026
		 Ore, ton/hr			8458.7	6169.7	2289.0		Classifier Constants
		 Water, m3/hr			4653.5	1740.2	2913.3		a1	10.637
		 Slurry, ton/hr			13112.1	7909.9	5202.3		a2	1.228
		 Slurry, m3/hr			7674.4	3943.6	3730.8		a3	48.323
		 Slurry Dens., ton/m3			1.709	2.006	1.394		a4	0.358
		 % Solids (by volume)			39.4	55.9	21.9		l	0.970
		 % Solids (by weight)			64.5	78.0	44.0		Bpc	0.000
					Moly-Cop ToolsTM, Version 3.0				Sample N°	1
		Conventional Closed Circuit Grinding Simulator
		Remarks :	 Base Case Example
		Eff. Diameter, ft		28.5				Mill Power, kW (Gross)		18480
		Eff. Length, ft		36.3				Mill Power, kW (Net)		17556
		Speed, % Critical		75.0				Throughput, ton/hr		8458.7
		App. Density, ton/m3		5.43				% Solids (by weight)		76.0
		Charge Level, %		35.0				Sp. Energy, kWh/ton		2.18
		Balls Filling, %		35.0				Reduction Ratio		3.77
		Lift Angle, (°)		31.6				Arbiter's Flow Number		3.55
						Size Distributions
						Mill	Mill
	i	Mesh	Opening	Mid-Size		Feed	Discharge
	1	1.05	25400	21997		100.00	100.00
	2	0.742	19050	15554		100.00	100.00
	3	0.525	12700	10984		96.18	99.44
	4	0.371	9500	7978		93.02	98.83
	5	3	6700	5641		88.26	98.00
	6	4	4750	3989		83.56	96.84
	7	6	3350	2812		79.12	95.12
	8	8	2360	2003		74.66	92.58
	9	10	1700	1416		69.90	89.11
	10	14	1180	1001		63.84	84.12
	11	20	850	714		56.86	77.87
	12	28	600	505		48.25	69.70
	13	35	425	357		38.78	59.89
	14	48	300	252		29.60	49.23
	15	65	212	178		22.09	39.24
	16	100	150	126		16.71	31.10
	17	150	106	89		13.11	25.08
	18	200	75	63		10.75	20.82
	19	270	53	45		9.10	17.74
	20	400	38	19		7.91	15.49
			D80, microns			3595	953
	Selection Function Parameters						Breakage Function Parameters
	alpha01	alpha02	alpha11	alpha12	alpha2	Dcrit	Beta00	Beta01	Beta1	Beta2
	0.00581	0.0000000	0.720	1.000	2.52	9415	0.179	0.000	0.32	4.00
&"Arial,Bold"&8Moly-Cop Tools&"Arial,Regular" / &F	&8Page &P	&8&D / &T
	Number of Cyclones				18
	Classifier Dimensions, inches.
	26	80	6.75	9.25	5.37
	Classifier Constants
	a1	a2	a3	a4	l			Cyclone	Cyclone	Cyclone
	10.6367547994	1.2282598789	48.3232354267	0.3578672672	0.9699836829			Feed	U'flow	O'flow
	Circulating Load, CL				2.6953578995		Solids, tons	469.93	342.76	127.1666666667
	Slurry Split, S				1.0570577026		Water, m3/hr	258.53	96.68	161.85
	Cyclone Pressure, ft				20.6811936022		Slurry, tons	728.4522977486	439.4369454296	289.015352319
	Cyclone Pressure, lb/in2				15.30		Slurry, m3/hr	426.3567894684	219.0914371494	207.265352319
	Corrected Cut Size, d50c, microns				232.4719738419		Solids Density, ton/m3	2.80	2.80	2.80
	Water By-Pass				0.3739557492		Slurry Density, ton/m3	1.7085509501	2.0057239623	1.3944219286
	Fines By-Pass				0.3627309748		% Solids (by volume)	39.3639416749	55.8735534622	21.9123293684
	Coarse By-Pass				0		% Solids (by weight)	64.51	78.00	44.00
	Plitt's Parameter				1.3131070129
								% Passing (model)				% Passing (exp)				(Weighted Error)^2
		Opening	Mid-Size		Classifier			Cyclone	Cyclone	Cyclone		Cyclone	Cyclone	Cyclone		Cyclone	Cyclone	Cyclone
					Efficiency			Feed	U'flow	O'flow		Feed	U'flow	O'flow		Feed	U'flow	O'flow
																1	1	1
	1	25400
	2	19050	21997.0452561247		1			100.00	100	100.00		100.00	100.00	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	3	12700	15554.2598666732		1			100.00	100	100.00		100.00	100.00	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	4	9500	10984.0793879141		1			99.44	99.2273640558	100.00		99.44	99.23	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	5	6700	7978.0950107153		1			98.83	98.3987557596	100.00		98.83	98.40	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	6	4750	5641.3650830273		1			98.00	97.2535166634	100.00		98.00	97.25	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	7	3350	3989.0475053576		1			96.84	95.6686802529	100.00		96.84	95.67	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	8	2360	2811.7610140266		0.9999999928			95.12	93.3141340262	100.00		95.12	93.31	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	9	1700	2002.9977533687		0.9999948147			92.58	89.8280428668	100.00		92.58	89.83	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	10	1180	1416.3332941084		0.9996236844			89.11	85.06720154	100.00		89.11	85.07	100.00		0.000	0.000	0.000
	11	850	1001.4988766843		0.9942981394			84.12	78.2314503578	99.99		84.12	78.23	99.99		0.000	0.0000.000
	12	600	714.1428428543		0.9690631982			77.87	69.7160124352	99.86		77.87	69.72	99.86		0.000	0.000	0.000
	13	425	504.9752469181		0.906496358			69.70	58.8525811905	98.93		69.70	58.85	98.93		0.000	0.000	0.000
	14	300	357.0714214271		0.8113917432			59.89	46.6681295165	95.54		59.89	46.67	95.54		0.000	0.000	0.000
	15	212	252.1904042584		0.7052873568			49.23	34.8090082308	88.11		49.23	34.81	88.11		0.000	0.000	0.000
	16	150	178.3255450013		0.6092943647			39.24	25.1490304723	77.23		39.24	25.15	77.23		0.000	0.000	0.000
	17	106	126.0952021292		0.5327691051			31.10	18.3512243602	65.48		31.10	18.35	65.48		0.000	0.000	0.000
	18	75	89.1627725006		0.4766257957			25.08	13.9469996489	55.07		25.08	13.95	55.07		0.000	0.000	0.000
	19	53	63.0476010646		0.4375607315			20.82	11.1639206777	46.83		20.82	11.16	46.83		0.000	0.001	0.000
	20	38	44.8776113446		0.411687251			17.74	9.3195540923	40.44		17.74	9.32	40.44		0.000	0.000	0.000
	21	0	19		0.378997541			15.49	8.0491987732	35.55		15.49	8.05	35.55		0.000	0.000	0.000
																0.000	0.000	0.000		0.000
	Selection Function :
	alpha01	alpha02	alpha11	alpha12	alpha2	dcrit
	0.0058143557	0	0.7199253855	1	2.5191340556	9415.1485159774
	i	Mesh	Opening	Mid-Size	SiE
	1	1.05	25400
	2	0.742	19050	21997.0452561247	0.8201112231
	3	0.525	12700	15554.2598666732	1.3337977095
	4	0.371	9500	10984.0793879141	1.9057944355
	5	3	6700	7978.0950107153	2.258207865
	6	4	4750	5641.3650830273	2.2889832791
	7	6	3350	3989.0475053576	2.0398934762
	8	8	2360	2811.7610140266	1.6877294227
	9	10	1700	2002.9977533687	1.3575369993
	10	14	1180	1416.3332941084	1.0701507542
	11	20	850	1001.4988766843	0.8379408168
	12	28	600	714.1428428543	0.6582023183
	13	35	425	504.9752469181	0.5133113475
	14	48	300	357.0714214271	0.4001110438
	15	65	212	252.1904042584	0.3115439857
	16	100	150	178.3255450013	0.2427658035
	17	150	106	126.0952021292	0.1891644475
	18	200	75	89.1627725006	0.1473956892
	19	270	53	63.0476010646	0.114849004
	20	400	38	44.8776113446	0.0899164438
	21	-400	0	19	0
19050	12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	0.82011122306267703	1.3337977094862761	1.9057944354632907	2.2582078650124973	2.2889832790778031	2.0398934762132326	1.687729422721892	1.3575369993421635	1.0701507541551614	0.83794081676934107	0.658202318291504	0.51331134750733587	0.40011104378036461	0.31154398572866626	0.24276580352961036	0.18916444749857503	0.14739568922800664	0.11484900402326827	8.9916443834196516E-2	
	Breakage Function :
	Beta00	Beta01	Beta1	Beta2
	0.1794342827	0	0.3194530094	4
	i	Mesh	Opening	Beta0J	Cummulative
	1	1.05	25400	0.1794342827	1
	2	0.742	19050	0.1794342827	1	1
	3	0.525	12700	0.1794342827	0.319722015	1	1
	4	0.371	9500	0.1794342827	0.1944222786	0.420458829	1	1
	5	3	6700	0.1794342827	0.1410637677	0.2098417285	0.3635050624	1	1
	6	4	4750	0.1794342827	0.1183077603	0.1471153982	0.1950792646	0.3680575379	1	1
	7	6	3350	0.1794342827	0.1037678881	0.1211973307	0.141304389	0.1950792646	0.3635050624	1	1
	8	8	2360	0.1794342827	0.0922736318	0.105792605	0.1181247766	0.1412021722	0.1935051133	0.3625449648	1	1
	9	10	1700	0.1794342827	0.0829715479	0.0946498871	0.1044000487	0.1191803313	0.1426891665	0.1988924594	0.3825160425	1	1
	10	14	1180	0.1794342827	0.0738028501	0.0840564427	0.092353014	0.1038224628	0.1181247766	0.1412021722	0.1950792646	0.3501584715	1	1
	11	20	850	0.1794342827	0.0664527625	0.0756552717	0.0830417431	0.09299505	0.1044000487	0.1191803313	0.1432965361	0.1950792646	0.3825160425	1	1
	12	28	600	0.1794342827	0.059453136	0.0676780731	0.0742633926	0.0830651969	0.0928627296	0.1044320437	0.1192812402	0.1413850686	0.1994197566	0.3642639444	1	1
	13	35	425	0.1794342827	0.0532510902	0.0606159758	0.0665086088	0.0743667253	0.0830417431	0.09299505	0.1046314602	0.1184379841	0.1432965361	0.1950792646	0.3672860812	1	1
	14	48	300	0.1794342827	0.0476435804	0.0542324045	0.0595030794	0.0665272674	0.0742633926	0.0830651969	0.0930558125	0.1038943656	0.1192812402	0.1413850686	0.1950792646	0.3642639444	1	1
	15	65	212	0.1794342827	0.0426417688	0.0485387442	0.0532557246	0.0595408876	0.0664585489	0.0743106679	0.0831481713	0.0924733974	0.1045453057	0.1183212381	0.1414874006	0.1944901099	0.3652278573	1	1
	16	100	150	0.1794342827	0.038180273	0.0434602315	0.0476835974	0.0533107625	0.0595030794	0.0665272674	0.0744141623	0.0826702137	0.0930558125	0.1038943656	0.1184379841	0.1413850686	0.1950792646	0.366313539	1	1
	17	150	106	0.1794342827	0.0341719809	0.0388976239	0.0426775844	0.0477138911	0.0532557246	0.0595408876	0.0665932739	0.0739591118	0.0831481713	0.0924733974	0.1039344892	0.1183212381	0.1414874006	0.1950792646	0.3652278573	1	1
	18	200	75	0.1794342827	0.0305966626	0.0348278728	0.0382123411	0.0427216883	0.0476835974	0.0533107625	0.0596236547	0.0662129819	0.0744141623	0.0826702137	0.092544743	0.1038943656	0.1184379841	0.141602467	0.1950792646	0.366313539	1	1
	19	270	53	0.1794342827	0.0273845247	0.0311715281	0.0342006825	0.0382366174	0.0426775844	0.0477138911	0.0533636279	0.0592597193	0.0665932739	0.0739591118	0.08269975	0.0924733974	0.1039344892	0.1184379841	0.1414874006	0.1950792646	0.3652278573	1	1
	20	400	38	0.1794342827	0.0246233261	0.0280284834	0.0307522059	0.0343811934	0.038374369	0.0429028371	0.0479828076	0.0532840328	0.0598765124	0.0664938936	0.0743293635	0.0830232466	0.092947201	0.1044607105	0.1191009934	0.1428477305	0.1984793897	0.378184248	1	1
	i	Mesh	Opening		Partial
	1	1.05	25400		0
	2	0.742	19050		0.680277985	0
	3	0.525	12700		0.1252997365	0.579541171	0
	4	0.371	9500		0.0533585109	0.2106171005	0.6364949376	0
	5	3	6700		0.0227560074	0.0627263303	0.1684257978	0.6319424621	0
	6	4	4750		0.0145398722	0.0259180676	0.0537748756	0.1729782733	0.6364949376	0
	7	6	3350		0.0114942563	0.0154047257	0.0231796124	0.0538770924	0.1699999491	0.6374550352	0
	8	8	2360		0.0093020839	0.0111427179	0.0137247279	0.0220218408	0.0508159469	0.1636525054	0.6174839575	0
	9	10	1700		0.0091686979	0.0105934444	0.0120470347	0.0153578685	0.0245643899	0.0576902873	0.1874367778	0.6498415285	0
	10	14	1180		0.0073500875	0.008401171	0.0093112708	0.0108274128	0.0137247279	0.0220218408	0.0517827285	0.1550792069	0.6174839575	0
	11	20	850		0.0069996265	0.0079771986	0.0087783506	0.0099298531	0.0115373191	0.0147482876	0.0240152959	0.053694196	0.1830962858	0.6357360556	0
	12	28	600		0.0062020459	0.0070620973	0.0077547838	0.0086984716	0.0098209865	0.0114369937	0.0146497801	0.0229470844	0.0561232205	0.1691846798	0.6327139188	0
	13	35	425		0.0056075098	0.0063835714	0.0070055293	0.007839458	0.0087783506	0.0099298531	0.0115756477	0.0145436185	0.0240152959	0.053694196	0.1722068166	0.6357360556	0
	14	48	300		0.0050018116	0.0056936603	0.0062473549	0.0069863798	0.0078048437	0.0087545291	0.0099076412	0.0114209682	0.0147359345	0.0230638305	0.053591864	0.1697738345	0.6347721427	0
	15	65	212		0.0044614959	0.0050785127	0.0055721272	0.0062301251	0.0069554694	0.0077834005	0.008734009	0.0098031837	0.0114894933	0.0144268724	0.0230494165	0.0531050413	0.1701485927	0.633686461	0
	16	100	150		0.004008292	0.0045626076	0.005006013	0.0055968714	0.0062473549	0.0069863798	0.0078208884	0.0087111019	0.0099076412	0.0114209682	0.0145034949	0.0230638305	0.053591864	0.1712342744	0.6347721427	0
	17	150	106		0.0035753183	0.004069751	0.0044652432	0.0049922027	0.0055721272	0.0062301251	0.0069696192	0.0077461299	0.008734009	0.0098031837	0.0113897462	0.0144268724	0.0230494165	0.0534767976	0.1701485927	0.633686461	0
	18	200	75		0.0032121379	0.0036563447	0.0040116587	0.004485071	0.005006013	0.0055968714	0.0062600268	0.0069532625	0.0078208884	0.0087111019	0.009844993	0.0114209682	0.0145034949	0.0231644829	0.053591864	0.1712342744	0.6347721427	0
	19	270	53		0.0027611987	0.0031430447	0.0034484766	0.0038554239	0.0043032154	0.0048110539	0.0053808203	0.0059756865	0.0067167615	0.0074652182	0.0083703865	0.0094501508	0.0109872882	0.0139772737	0.0223864072	0.0522315341	0.1667484676	0.621815752	0
	20	400	38		0.0246233261	0.0280284834	0.0307522059	0.0343811934	0.038374369	0.0429028371	0.0479828076	0.0532840328	0.0598765124	0.0664938936	0.0743293635	0.08302324660.092947201	0.1044607105	0.1191009934	0.1428477305	0.1984793897	0.378184248	1	0
					1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	0
12700	9500	6700	4750	3350	2360	1700	1180	850	600	425	300	212	150	106	75	53	38	0.31972201504621345	0.19442227858056962	0.14106376771028908	0.11830776028207698	0.10376788808134418	9.2273631822395411E-2	8.2971547928283707E-2	7.3802850055580613E-2	6.6452762512206331E-2	5.9453136043714647E-2	5.3251090158817418E-2	4.7643580405958619E-2	4.2641768837468667E-2	3.8180272964290489E-2	3.4171980927367583E-2	3.05966626332137E-2	2.7384524735381135E-2	2.4623326062661564E-2	
		 Mill Throughput, ton/hr		8458.674231846		Reynolds Number		8.6781099389
		 Water		2671.1602837408		Slurry Viscosity, cp		16.914635647
		 Slurry, m3/hr		5692.115366543
		 Slurry Dens., ton/m3		1.9553072626
		 % Solids (by volume)		53.0726256983
		Ebar	1.7766694643			N		4.6184068332
		L/D	1.2736842105
		Matrix J
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0.281840538	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	0	0.1476707015	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0	0	0.0788791177	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0	0	0	0.0557059232	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	0	0	0	0	0.0541046034	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	0	0	0	0	0	0.068886214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	7	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0991911476	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1436233376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.203449911	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2751520349	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3526082753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4350573076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.5162348967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.5928732783	0	0	0	0	0	0
	15	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.6620948327	0	0	0	0	0
	16	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.722948763	0	0	0	0
	17	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.7751348487	0	0	0
	18	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.8190012771	0	0
	19	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.8546604883	0
	20	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1
		Matrix T
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20			SiE
	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		1	0.8201112231
	2	1.0860780359	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		2	1.3337977095
	3	0.8679216146	1.351390054	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		3	1.9057944355
	4	0.97467391	2.0772113533	3.4420609674	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		4	2.258207865
	5	1.2111563877	3.6450927708	13.6564614065	46.3700483474	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		5	2.2889832791
	6	1.8722283815	8.9153610566	159.1620793995	-311.2408798079	-5.8490000497	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		6	2.0398934762
	7	3.566655383	37.7032576623	-975.5894759146	677.5954112071	12.002523988	-3.6924278748	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		7	1.6877294227
	8	8.5180288676	1804.8575286211	1754.2617478596	-674.7125110927	-11.4575626817	5.1501155217	-3.1561773361	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		8	1.3575369993
	9	36.0254063323	-6089.6389232616	-1506.1464292689	349.186720561	5.6963224747	-3.6019440506	3.9962298745	-3.0696803809	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		9	1.0701507542
	10	1463.3075828637	7341.1784679878	658.8231517949	-95.3459569622	-1.4952368142	1.309298116	-2.4284286384	3.4987205993	-2.8457047544	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		10	0.8379408168
	11	-4863.745313394	-4220.0368465348	-119.7653293907	7.6285217244	0.1095354448	-0.1791539297	0.6800702618	-1.9092680608	3.2042661907	-2.9638012677	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		11	0.6582023183
	12	5917.3468510099	1249.1913114281	8.8387769243	-0.0963707779	-0.0009158473	0.0084233144	-0.0897187641	0.5357975824	-1.7797999085	3.3654352443	-2.8742561796	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		12	0.5133113475
	13	-3444.8246512659	-149.7330787135	0.4039464279	-0.0425958967	-0.0005983713	0.0008654802	0.0011879971	-0.0592281728	0.4775013674	-1.8438651664	3.1950348649	-2.8827708106	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0		13	0.4001110438
	14	986.4347542168	3.2139387134	0.2086514154	-0.0354799404	-0.0005222149	0.000519803	-0.0002513869	0.0009412057	-0.0526926377	0.4943732111	-1.7200360203	3.1968371871	-2.8676502321	1	0	0	0	0	0	0		14	0.3115439857
	15	-114.5267323245	0.7637525659	0.1761703658	-0.0315815383	-0.0004674456	0.0004447809	-0.0002902114	0.0003104991	-0.000115042	-0.0519793507	0.4458883975	-1.7081362351	3.1653746545	-2.8704045301	1	0	0	0	0	0		15	0.2427658035
	16	1.0441792915	0.5791183355	0.1580618958	-0.0285091264	-0.0004223122	0.0003994486	-0.0002691944	0.0002508436	-0.0003370693	0.0000833636	-0.0447327411	0.4401066412	-1.6888133985	3.1785142974	-2.8749453501	1	0	0	0	0		16	0.1891644475
	17	0.0400731644	0.5084726337	0.1414978106	-0.0255336588	-0.0003782783	0.0003575486	-0.000242326	0.000222019	-0.0003171754	-0.0000186527	-0.0001498672	-0.0444895196	0.4362365662	-1.7003297105	3.180411082	-2.869871029	1	0	0	0		17	0.1473956892
	18	-0.0142752533	0.4581100723	0.1276694549	-0.023028177	-0.0003411547	0.0003225254	-0.0002189618	0.0002002547	-0.0002886494	-0.0000226324	-0.0001757955	-0.0001866473	-0.0434780313	0.4385406397	-1.699967777	3.1772854945	-2.8747221687	1	0	0		18	0.114849004
	19	-0.0173676849	0.3947095755	0.1099815344	-0.0198327303	-0.0002938109	0.000277808	-0.000188706	0.0001725712	-0.0002491953	-0.0000201238	-0.000154235	-0.000134732	-0.0001365117	-0.0437100148	0.4331435358	-1.6750990099	3.1440922124	-2.8643235696	1	0		19	0.0899164438
	20	-0.1672495362	3.5711256795	0.9909773174	-0.1784221314	-0.0026429269	0.0025015082	-0.0017026083	0.0015610395	-0.0022631259	-0.0001846253	-0.0014184236	-0.0012258837	-0.0015330471	-0.0026106817	-0.0386414907	0.3676845444	-1.2693700436	1.8643235696	-1	1		20	0
		Vector SiE
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0.8201112231	1.3337977095	1.9057944355	2.258207865	2.2889832791	2.0398934762	1.6877294227	1.3575369993	1.0701507542	0.8379408168	0.6582023183	0.5133113475	0.4001110438	0.3115439857	0.2427658035	0.1891644475	0.1473956892	0.114849004	0.0899164438	0
		Matrix bij
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	0.680277985	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0.1252997365	0.579541171	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0.0533585109	0.2106171005	0.6364949376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	0.0227560074	0.0627263303	0.1684257978	0.6319424621	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	0.0145398722	0.0259180676	0.0537748756	0.1729782733	0.6364949376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	7	0.0114942563	0.0154047257	0.0231796124	0.0538770924	0.1699999491	0.6374550352	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	0.0093020839	0.0111427179	0.0137247279	0.0220218408	0.0508159469	0.1636525054	0.6174839575	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	0.0091686979	0.0105934444	0.0120470347	0.0153578685	0.0245643899	0.0576902873	0.1874367778	0.6498415285	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	10	0.0073500875	0.008401171	0.0093112708	0.0108274128	0.0137247279	0.0220218408	0.0517827285	0.1550792069	0.6174839575	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	11	0.0069996265	0.0079771986	0.0087783506	0.0099298531	0.0115373191	0.0147482876	0.0240152959	0.053694196	0.1830962858	0.6357360556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	0.0062020459	0.0070620973	0.0077547838	0.0086984716	0.0098209865	0.0114369937	0.0146497801	0.0229470844	0.0561232205	0.1691846798	0.6327139188	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	0.0056075098	0.0063835714	0.0070055293	0.007839458	0.0087783506	0.0099298531	0.0115756477	0.0145436185	0.0240152959	0.053694196	0.1722068166	0.6357360556	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	0.0050018116	0.0056936603	0.0062473549	0.0069863798	0.0078048437	0.0087545291	0.0099076412	0.0114209682	0.0147359345	0.0230638305	0.053591864	0.1697738345	0.6347721427	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	15	0.0044614959	0.0050785127	0.0055721272	0.0062301251	0.0069554694	0.0077834005	0.008734009	0.0098031837	0.0114894933	0.0144268724	0.0230494165	0.0531050413	0.1701485927	0.633686461	0	0	0	0	0	0
	16	0.004008292	0.0045626076	0.005006013	0.0055968714	0.0062473549	0.0069863798	0.0078208884	0.0087111019	0.0099076412	0.0114209682	0.0145034949	0.0230638305	0.053591864	0.1712342744	0.6347721427	0	0	0	0	0
	17	0.0035753183	0.004069751	0.0044652432	0.0049922027	0.0055721272	0.0062301251	0.0069696192	0.0077461299	0.008734009	0.0098031837	0.01138974620.0144268724	0.0230494165	0.0534767976	0.1701485927	0.633686461	0	0	0	0
	18	0.0032121379	0.0036563447	0.0040116587	0.004485071	0.005006013	0.0055968714	0.0062600268	0.0069532625	0.0078208884	0.0087111019	0.009844993	0.0114209682	0.0145034949	0.0231644829	0.053591864	0.1712342744	0.6347721427	0	0	0
	19	0.0027611987	0.0031430447	0.0034484766	0.0038554239	0.0043032154	0.0048110539	0.0053808203	0.0059756865	0.0067167615	0.0074652182	0.0083703865	0.0094501508	0.0109872882	0.0139772737	0.0223864072	0.0522315341	0.1667484676	0.621815752	0	0
	20	0.0246233261	0.0280284834	0.0307522059	0.0343811934	0.038374369	0.0429028371	0.0479828076	0.0532840328	0.0598765124	0.0664938936	0.0743293635	0.0830232466	0.092947201	0.1044607105	0.1191009934	0.1428477305	0.1984793897	0.378184248	1	0
		1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	0
		Matrix Tij (inverse)
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	1	-9.91243276993069E-16	4.50292221529256E-16	-0	-0	-0	-0	-7.7870534843126E-16	-0	-0	-7.86435364900846E-16	-4.12767869735151E-19	-2.56658280817759E-16	-5.12970493342246E-16	-1.81526628193981E-16	-3.17219817863824E-16	1.27601535945552E-16	-1.12291621869412E-16	0	0
	2	-1.0860780359	1	-0	2.81713232803521E-16	6.41290714888983E-16	0	0	-1.50613328903025E-16	0	0	9.79302389083299E-16	-3.1348964556553E-16	2.40683907638598E-16	5.75979360163233E-16	1.97152083819448E-16	3.44525476746294E-16	-1.38585225542475E-16	1.21957464132274E-16	0	0
	3	0.5997934411	-1.351390054	1	0	0	-0	-0	0	-0	-8.20474728586048E-17	-7.45760423630121E-16	2.78634127910712E-16	-2.04872127657582E-16	-3.33154599822832E-16	-1.08878480968593E-16	-1.90266366129148E-16	7.65345643293981E-17	-6.73517782833278E-17	0	0
	4	-0.7831858752	2.5743556032	-3.4420609674	1	-0	0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-3.04842337809415E-16	4.55389138513845E-16	4.50286534425783E-16	1.42169091167421E-16	2.48442080672578E-16	-9.99357206016077E-17	8.79452121472219E-17	0	0
	5	30.8730097262	-104.5628804381	145.9520720657	-46.3700483474	1	-0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	6	-150.8370472615	395.8311000218	-376.7984864768	40.0224647204	5.8490000497	1	0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	7	225.7083909225	-383.880447597	164.8197117949	26.7422707594	9.594486835	3.6924278748	1	0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	8	2214.0114626651	-2145.42213446	56.3476403947	21.7078077103	11.6164386388	6.5038416517	3.156177336	1	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	9	-297.8379197164	125.016467972	33.783065519	18.8784767986	12.6884273203	8.8108685861	5.6922257725	3.0696803809	1	0	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	10	-1762.0427556495	49.7621041588	23.8095993495	16.3251292901	12.6015234646	9.9755053453	7.5842399218	5.2366834551	2.8457047544	1	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	11	133.5114853228	32.6953466056	20.3420632107	15.7729987789	13.2836185422	11.4186677432	9.5846916223	7.5936840631	5.2298371681	2.9638012677	1	-0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	12	52.9776912398	23.6501177788	17.1992952475	14.4794586932	12.9421669096	11.7679562765	10.554260278	9.1300935599	7.2346566318	5.1532888647	2.8742561796	1	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	13	32.3373773545	19.1442624387	15.3626995125	13.6666733859	12.7166037731	12.0075229132	11.2541063897	10.307071682	8.9159393765	7.2301675012	5.0907869521	2.8827708106	1	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	14	23.3989943746	16.3388340495	13.9995769567	12.9336954649	12.3687651164	11.9805877184	11.5663780163	11.0029963376	10.0811370158	8.8628377609	7.1301033647	5.0699411972	2.8676502321	1	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	15	18.827856997	14.6058656519	13.0869710571	12.4085543428	12.0880391876	11.9087869113	11.7253212894	11.4390571375	10.8885411893	10.0867148945	8.8157657402	7.1358687559	5.0659415624	2.8704045301	1	-0	0	-0	0	0
	16	16.1161515846	13.4213363444	12.4072294308	11.9771999354	11.8133863698	11.7678417436	11.7363590858	11.6420225058	11.3683049655	10.9030002331	10.0588519577	8.8287074455	7.1382512748	5.0737418593	2.8749453501	1	0	-0	0	0
	17	14.3358910521	12.5431839701	11.8547000435	11.5865433713	11.521566728	11.5575148229	11.6201775097	11.6507798464	11.5703504436	11.3557177618	10.860612076	10.0497467781	8.8137981679	7.1322481037	5.0703112882	2.869871029	1	-8.00495166178202E-16	0	0
	18	13.1473482656	11.9146807316	11.4399119195	11.2766040946	11.2716937887	11.3536504506	11.4697228521	11.5754679068	11.6206435974	11.5788238111	11.3431251435	10.8718012881	10.0547930326	8.8235598926	7.1411818811	5.0727963739	2.8747221687	1	0	0
	19	12.4471638406	11.56545855	11.2292028824	11.1319974189	11.161703409	11.2670727047	11.4101225531	11.5569933459	11.6777213902	11.7462370414	11.6875892276	11.4632652371	10.9772658376	10.1485176608	8.8958039149	7.1820900746	5.0900422515	2.8643235696	1	0
	20	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
		Matrix J
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0.281840538	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	0	0.1476707015	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0	0	0.0788791177	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0	0	0	0.0557059232	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	0	0	0	0	0.0541046034	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	0	0	0	0	0	0.068886214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	7	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.0991911476	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.1436233376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.203449911	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	10	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.2751520349	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	11	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.3526082753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.4350573076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.5162348967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.5928732783	0	0	0	0	0	0
	15	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.6620948327	0	0	0	0	0
	16	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.722948763	0	0	0	0
	17	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.7751348487	0	0	0
	18	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.8190012771	0	0
	19	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0.8546604883	0
	20	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	1
		Matrix T
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	1.0860780359	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0.8679216146	1.351390054	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0.97467391	2.0772113533	3.4420609674	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	1.2111563877	3.6450927708	13.6564614065	46.3700483474	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	1.8722283815	8.9153610566	159.1620793995	-311.2408798079	-5.8490000497	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	7	3.566655383	37.7032576623	-975.5894759146	677.5954112071	12.002523988	-3.6924278748	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	8.5180288676	1804.8575286211	1754.2617478596	-674.7125110927	-11.4575626817	5.1501155217	-3.1561773361	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	36.0254063323	-6089.6389232616	-1506.1464292689	349.186720561	5.6963224747	-3.6019440506	3.9962298745	-3.0696803809	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	10	1463.3075828637	7341.1784679878	658.8231517949	-95.3459569622	-1.4952368142	1.309298116	-2.4284286384	3.4987205993	-2.8457047544	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	11	-4863.745313394	-4220.0368465348	-119.7653293907	7.6285217244	0.1095354448	-0.1791539297	0.6800702618	-1.9092680608	3.2042661907	-2.9638012677	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	5917.3468510099	1249.1913114281	8.8387769243	-0.0963707779	-0.0009158473	0.0084233144	-0.0897187641	0.5357975824	-1.7797999085	3.3654352443	-2.8742561796	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	-3444.8246512659	-149.7330787135	0.4039464279	-0.0425958967	-0.0005983713	0.0008654802	0.0011879971	-0.0592281728	0.4775013674	-1.8438651664	3.1950348649	-2.8827708106	1	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	986.4347542168	3.2139387134	0.2086514154	-0.0354799404	-0.0005222149	0.000519803	-0.0002513869	0.0009412057	-0.0526926377	0.4943732111	-1.7200360203	3.1968371871	-2.8676502321	1	0	0	0	0	0	0
	15	-114.5267323245	0.7637525659	0.1761703658	-0.0315815383	-0.0004674456	0.0004447809	-0.0002902114	0.0003104991	-0.000115042	-0.0519793507	0.4458883975	-1.7081362351	3.1653746545	-2.8704045301	1	0	0	0	0	0
	16	1.0441792915	0.5791183355	0.1580618958	-0.0285091264	-0.0004223122	0.0003994486	-0.0002691944	0.0002508436	-0.0003370693	0.0000833636	-0.0447327411	0.4401066412	-1.6888133985	3.1785142974	-2.8749453501	1	0	0	0	0
	17	0.0400731644	0.5084726337	0.1414978106	-0.0255336588	-0.0003782783	0.0003575486-0.000242326	0.000222019	-0.0003171754	-0.0000186527	-0.0001498672	-0.0444895196	0.4362365662	-1.7003297105	3.180411082	-2.869871029	1	0	0	0
	18	-0.0142752533	0.4581100723	0.1276694549	-0.023028177	-0.0003411547	0.0003225254	-0.0002189618	0.0002002547	-0.0002886494	-0.0000226324	-0.0001757955	-0.0001866473	-0.0434780313	0.4385406397	-1.699967777	3.1772854945	-2.8747221687	1	0	0
	19	-0.0173676849	0.3947095755	0.1099815344	-0.0198327303	-0.0002938109	0.000277808	-0.000188706	0.0001725712	-0.0002491953	-0.0000201238	-0.000154235	-0.000134732	-0.0001365117	-0.0437100148	0.4331435358	-1.6750990099	3.1440922124	-2.8643235696	1	0
	20	-0.1672495362	3.5711256795	0.9909773174	-0.1784221314	-0.0026429269	0.0025015082	-0.0017026083	0.0015610395	-0.0022631259	-0.0001846253	-0.0014184236	-0.0012258837	-0.0015330471	-0.0026106817	-0.0386414907	0.3676845444	-1.2693700436	1.8643235696	-1	1
		Matrix T (inverse)
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	1	-9.91243276993069E-16	4.50292221529256E-16	-0	-0	-0	-0	-7.7870534843126E-16	-0	-0	-7.86435364900846E-16	-4.12767869735151E-19	-2.56658280817759E-16	-5.12970493342246E-16	-1.81526628193981E-16	-3.17219817863824E-16	1.27601535945552E-16	-1.12291621869412E-16	0	0
	2	-1.0860780359	1	-0	2.81713232803521E-16	6.41290714888983E-16	0	0	-1.50613328903025E-16	0	0	9.79302389083299E-16	-3.1348964556553E-16	2.40683907638598E-16	5.75979360163233E-16	1.97152083819448E-16	3.44525476746294E-16	-1.38585225542475E-16	1.21957464132274E-16	0	0
	3	0.5997934411	-1.351390054	1	0	0	-0	-0	0	-0	-8.20474728586048E-17	-7.45760423630121E-16	2.78634127910712E-16	-2.04872127657582E-16	-3.33154599822832E-16	-1.08878480968593E-16	-1.90266366129148E-16	7.65345643293981E-17	-6.73517782833278E-17	0	0
	4	-0.7831858752	2.5743556032	-3.4420609674	1	-0	0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-3.04842337809415E-16	4.55389138513845E-16	4.50286534425783E-16	1.42169091167421E-16	2.48442080672578E-16	-9.99357206016077E-17	8.79452121472219E-17	0	0
	5	30.8730097262	-104.5628804381	145.9520720657	-46.3700483474	1	-0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	6	-150.8370472615	395.8311000218	-376.7984864768	40.0224647204	5.8490000497	1	0	-0	0	-0	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	7	225.7083909225	-383.880447597	164.8197117949	26.7422707594	9.594486835	3.6924278748	1	0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	8	2214.0114626651	-2145.42213446	56.3476403947	21.7078077103	11.6164386388	6.5038416517	3.156177336	1	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	9	-297.8379197164	125.016467972	33.783065519	18.8784767986	12.6884273203	8.8108685861	5.6922257725	3.0696803809	1	0	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	10	-1762.0427556495	49.7621041588	23.8095993495	16.3251292901	12.6015234646	9.9755053453	7.5842399218	5.2366834551	2.8457047544	1	0	-0	0	0	0	0	-0	0	0	0
	11	133.5114853228	32.6953466056	20.3420632107	15.7729987789	13.2836185422	11.4186677432	9.5846916223	7.5936840631	5.2298371681	2.9638012677	1	-0	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	12	52.9776912398	23.6501177788	17.1992952475	14.4794586932	12.9421669096	11.7679562765	10.554260278	9.1300935599	7.2346566318	5.1532888647	2.8742561796	1	-0	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	13	32.3373773545	19.1442624387	15.3626995125	13.6666733859	12.7166037731	12.0075229132	11.2541063897	10.307071682	8.9159393765	7.2301675012	5.0907869521	2.8827708106	1	-0	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	14	23.3989943746	16.3388340495	13.9995769567	12.9336954649	12.3687651164	11.9805877184	11.5663780163	11.0029963376	10.0811370158	8.8628377609	7.1301033647	5.0699411972	2.8676502321	1	-0	-0	0	-0	0	0
	15	18.827856997	14.6058656519	13.0869710571	12.4085543428	12.0880391876	11.9087869113	11.7253212894	11.4390571375	10.8885411893	10.0867148945	8.8157657402	7.1358687559	5.0659415624	2.8704045301	1	-0	0	-0	0	0
	16	16.1161515846	13.4213363444	12.4072294308	11.9771999354	11.8133863698	11.7678417436	11.7363590858	11.6420225058	11.3683049655	10.9030002331	10.0588519577	8.8287074455	7.1382512748	5.0737418593	2.8749453501	1	0	-0	0	0
	17	14.3358910521	12.5431839701	11.8547000435	11.5865433713	11.521566728	11.5575148229	11.6201775097	11.6507798464	11.5703504436	11.3557177618	10.860612076	10.0497467781	8.8137981679	7.1322481037	5.0703112882	2.869871029	1	-8.00495166178202E-16	0	0
	18	13.1473482656	11.9146807316	11.4399119195	11.2766040946	11.2716937887	11.3536504506	11.4697228521	11.5754679068	11.6206435974	11.5788238111	11.3431251435	10.8718012881	10.0547930326	8.8235598926	7.1411818811	5.0727963739	2.8747221687	1	0	0
	19	12.4471638406	11.56545855	11.2292028824	11.1319974189	11.161703409	11.2670727047	11.4101225531	11.5569933459	11.6777213902	11.7462370414	11.6875892276	11.4632652371	10.9772658376	10.1485176608	8.8958039149	7.1820900746	5.0900422515	2.8643235696	1	0
	20	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1	1
		Matrix T*J
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0.281840538	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	2	0.306100818	0.1476707015	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	3	0.2446154948	0.1995607173	0.0788791177	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	4	0.2747026192	0.3067432578	0.2715067322	0.0557059232	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	5	0.3413529679	0.5382734067	1.0772096269	2.5830863519	0.0541046034	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	6	0.5276698543	1.3165376218	12.554564397	-17.3379605463	-0.3164578279	0.068886214	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	7	1.0052280721	5.5676665096	-76.953637114	37.7460779352	0.6493918	-0.2543573767	0.0991911476	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	8	2.400725839	266.524577445	138.3746189157	-37.5854833228	-0.6199068846	0.3547719599	-0.313064852	0.1436233376	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	9	10.1534199033	-899.2612519697	-118.8035014932	19.4517686369	0.3081972682	-0.2481242887	0.3963906273	-0.4408777417	0.203449911	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	10	412.4193964501	1084.076974554	51.967388945	-5.3113345557	-0.0808991948	0.0901925902	-0.2408786235	0.5024979298	-0.5789583791	0.2751520349	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	11	-1370.8005959427	-623.1758016846	-9.4469835154	0.4249538453	0.0059263718	-0.0123412359	0.0674569497	-0.2742154513	0.6519076714	-0.8154959498	0.3526082753	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	12	1667.7482201681	184.4689573258	0.6971949255	-0.0053684232	-0.0000495516	0.0005802502	-0.0088993072	0.0769530371	-0.362100133	0.9260063558	-1.0134865142	0.4350573076	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	13	-970.891233114	-22.1111887785	0.0318629378	-0.0023728438	-0.0000323746	0.0000596197	0.0001178388	-0.0085065479	0.0971476107	-0.5073432526	1.1265957332	-1.2541705072	0.5162348967	0	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	278.0173018549	0.4746045845	0.0164582396	-0.0019764428	-0.0000282542	0.0000358073	-0.0000249354	0.0001351791	-0.0107203125	0.136027795	-0.6064989345	1.3908073794	-1.4803811214	0.5928732783	0	0	0	0	0	0
	15	-32.2782758566	0.1127838772	0.013896163	-0.0017592787	-0.000025291	0.0000306393	-0.0000287864	0.0000445949	-0.0000234053	-0.0143022241	0.1572239388	-0.7431371514	1.6340768579	-1.7017861437	0.6620948327	0	0	0	0	0
	16	0.2942920533	0.0855188109	0.0124677829	-0.0015881272	-0.000022849	0.0000275165	-0.0000267017	0.000036027	-0.0000685767	0.0000229377	-0.0157731347	0.1914716104	-0.8718244104	1.8844561915	-1.9034864605	0.722948763	0	0	0	0
	17	0.0112942422	0.0750865105	0.0111612225	-0.001422376	-0.0000204666	0.0000246302	-0.0000240366	0.0000318871	-0.0000645293	-0.0000051323	-0.0000528444	-0.0193554906	0.2252005387	-1.0080800496	2.1057337432	-2.0747697104	0.7751348487	0	0	0
	18	-0.0040233451	0.0676494358	0.010070454	-0.0012828059	-0.000018458	0.0000222176	-0.0000217191	0.0000287612	-0.0000587257	-0.0000062274	-0.000061987	-0.0000812023	-0.022444877	0.2599990267	-1.1255398809	2.2970146179	-2.2282973334	0.8190012771	0	0
	19	-0.0048949177	0.0582870399	0.0086752464	-0.0011048006	-0.0000158965	0.0000191371	-0.000018718	0.0000247852	-0.0000506988	-0.0000055371	-0.0000543846	-0.0000586162	-0.0000704721	-0.0259144998	0.2867820969	-1.2110107571	2.4370954415	-2.3458846615	0.8546604883	0
	20	-0.0471376993	0.5273506344	0.0781674165	-0.0099391695	-0.0001429945	0.0001723194	-0.0001688837	0.0002242017	-0.0004604328	-0.0000508	-0.0005001479	-0.0005333297	-0.0007914124	-0.0015478034	-0.0255843313	0.2658170865	-0.9839329568	1.5268833844	-0.8546604883	1
		Matrix [T*J*T(inv.)]
		1	2	3	4	5	67	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	0.281840538	-2.7937253850121E-16	1.26910601984196E-16	-5.35055097965371E-16	-3.9156151065524E-16	-5.37508702937065E-16	-8.6197680867666E-16	-2.1947073436467E-16	-4.14997668488321E-16	-5.72366814948724E-16	-2.21649366365398E-16	-1.16334718485513E-19	-7.23367079542021E-17	-1.44575879834435E-16	-5.11615625560227E-17	-8.94054041388749E-17	3.59632855436875E-17	-3.16483311233544E-17	0	0
	2	0.1457189125	0.1476707015	-6.70121360256523E-16	-5.39510799193739E-16	-3.30566506677905E-16	-1.94290042350486E-16	-1.67011734881544E-16	-2.6060352006628E-16	-1.42588642874316E-16	-3.51383756284791E-16	-9.61142376659461E-17	-4.64195844711393E-17	-4.30213482089395E-17	-7.19654114224045E-17	-2.64518628471948E-17	-4.62249268772802E-17	1.85939570491898E-17	-1.63630130198012E-17	0	0
	3	0.0751881603	0.0929642622	0.0788791177	-2.32229235453203E-16	-1.32107900550528E-16	-3.64552684456336E-17	-9.02298749317228E-17	-1.0100427252013E-16	-3.56557154289177E-17	-1.38026484156846E-16	-5.57689129106735E-17	-4.06827737877096E-17	-3.09116717739929E-17	-3.68166176640002E-17	-1.36486532226208E-17	-2.38511745215666E-17	9.59412474148707E-18	-8.44300046747667E-18	0	0
	4	0.0607753692	0.0832386158	0.0797635483	0.0557059232	-9.48230655608447E-17	1.25934420748507E-17	-5.08598733143349E-17	-4.8082144868514E-17	-1.60245194927354E-17	-9.87818968547345E-17	-4.5150450935398E-17	-3.76047058826164E-17	-2.69328255808996E-17	-2.96066423514452E-17	-1.10323478503008E-17	-1.9279151552041E-17	7.7550304591107E-18	-6.82456477852907E-18	0	0
	5	0.0501845139	0.0749926795	0.082747892	0.0742532771	0.0541046034	1.78819158163218E-17	-3.57607012151411E-17	-2.03148943605009E-17	1.04271820314842E-18	-7.16550402216504E-17	-3.7811746556928E-17	-3.54221985007337E-17	-2.42062145720453E-17	-2.43293097977807E-17	-9.10982559520398E-18	-1.59195223578644E-17	6.40362105388733E-18	-5.63530045817743E-18	0	0
	6	0.0461997305	0.073396165	0.0889847744	0.0932003019	0.0864576412	0.068886214	-9.58228326570511E-18	3.16924061524578E-18	1.16219164493178E-17	-5.39946890713567E-17	-3.4386465726051E-17	-3.61057554172109E-17	-2.3761204223196E-17	-2.23153331896218E-17	-8.38648130521727E-18	-1.46554701016969E-17	5.89515657493895E-18	-5.18784267029888E-18	0	0
	7	0.0432952056	0.0714940489	0.0922710811	0.1063361623	0.1133436505	0.1118987816	0.0991911476	1.38873763614599E-17	1.80220927952914E-17	-4.25376569188195E-17	-3.49682730749776E-17	-3.5988787768887E-17	-2.32797568758338E-17	-2.08612589038138E-17	-7.85923268579551E-18	-1.37340972282761E-17	5.52453473101195E-18	-4.8616888536817E-18	0	0
	8	0.0380503505	0.0639066975	0.0854896637	0.1041598982	0.1198494144	0.1329060193	0.1402358711	0.1436233376	1.79241877310019E-17	-3.68277172175825E-17	-3.02606167342623E-17	-3.38550728902249E-17	-2.09505557565109E-17	-1.83138501931654E-17	-6.90715183155326E-18	-1.20703252617E-17	4.85528316965249E-18	-4.2727355726198E-18	0	0
	9	0.0359337621	0.0599271853	0.0809414389	0.1008214843	0.1201131221	0.1406909229	0.1629851179	0.1836484586	0.203449911	-6.87141748290557E-17	-4.01358769723896E-17	-2.58594100671921E-17	-1.97902097089476E-17	-1.73031300352092E-17	-6.52293467788149E-18	-1.139890147822E-17	4.58520324023317E-18	-4.0350604295648E-18	0	0
	10	0.0286403273	0.0468082981	0.0627879245	0.0782220617	0.0940303658	0.1125870123	0.1363511951	0.166164861	0.2040430748	0.2751520349	-4.36639046463959E-17	-1.24903963032466E-17	-1.55604525443341E-17	-1.3809148453784E-17	-5.19898204216007E-18	-9.08527940443405E-18	3.65454975134467E-18	-3.21606880152149E-18	0	0
	11	0.024986419	0.0395613561	0.0518536389	0.0631936725	0.0746559189	0.0884901672	0.1075146488	0.13403443	0.1753308336	0.2295649035	0.3526082753	-1.56286894022364E-16	1.32535128428483E-16	8.31462794133932E-17	1.250815312696E-16	1.88216806100419E-16	-2.66716134822961E-17	2.10441467541285E-17	0	0
	12	0.0207208786	0.0317468627	0.0404047745	0.0475936635	0.0543059174	0.062244838	0.0736291442	0.0906410564	0.1201613503	0.1642097187	0.2369796406	0.4350573076	8.73004538111452E-17	5.39628958056203E-17	8.33512692619045E-17	1.25249970332971E-16	-1.7424125819454E-17	1.37021780709742E-17	0	0
	13	0.0175783596	0.0262054572	0.0324378148	0.0368587829	0.0403222164	0.0440200105	0.0494360172	0.0580976286	0.0745368091	0.1010244736	0.1498302789	0.2340163845	0.5162348967	3.19367828801494E-17	5.18860029052762E-17	7.7768860336087E-17	-1.04450485681193E-17	8.16040021705808E-18	0	0
	14	0.0149609588	0.0218914953	0.0265466989	0.0293107901	0.0308967045	0.0321243409	0.0339143447	0.0371901282	0.0443462095	0.0568538695	0.0819806294	0.129040552	0.2197720726	0.5928732783	2.74199018675122E-17	4.08568913342571E-17	-5.03332253895099E-18	3.86506052853257E-18	0	0
	15	0.0128935293	0.0186620176	0.0223485347	0.0242304483	0.0249098813	0.0249820832	0.0250348907	0.0256149493	0.0278279379	0.0324345853	0.0429563694	0.0641980681	0.1080831591	0.1986938634	0.6620948327	-3.54168472042794E-18	-1.99243915551238E-18	1.45767119948396E-18	0	0
	16	0.0112979827	0.0162586827	0.0193402853	0.0207658619	0.0210571183	0.0206822896	0.0200551579	0.0195264191	0.0195758868	0.0205612911	0.0240042775	0.0319572931	0.0497755797	0.0887354332	0.174951724	0.722948763	-5.91113763255203E-19	3.54945707848926E-19	0	0
	17	0.0099118764	0.014223553	0.0168643108	0.018024614	0.0181603257	0.0176600333	0.0168437626	0.0159636201	0.015231054	0.014815345	0.0153404548	0.0175532608	0.0235582193	0.0378357531	0.0710591852	0.1497673356	0.7751348487	5.78343239361085E-17	0	0
	18	0.008795521	0.0126033387	0.0149195318	0.0159134663	0.0159897246	0.0154845762	0.0146651438	0.0137333756	0.0127967912	0.0119474835	0.0114575812	0.0115555208	0.0130150343	0.0174408621	0.0287275716	0.0567153655	0.1261037941	0.8190012771	0	0
	19	0.0075108653	0.0107554255	0.012723089	0.0135593704	0.0136100526	0.0131594088	0.0124297788	0.0115862233	0.0106939931	0.0098118611	0.0090767872	0.0085329969	0.0084560375	0.0093627481	0.0125279566	0.0211922508	0.0435867958	0.1021395191	0.8546604883	0
	20	0.0655167392	0.0936931574	0.1106958805	0.1178502213	0.1181933429	0.1141833023	0.1077137797	0.1001755121	0.0920061485	0.083624434	0.0757657057	0.0680886161	0.0611050009	0.0550580618	0.0506387298	0.0493762852	0.0551745614	0.0788592039	0.1453395117	1
		Matrix [T*J*T(inv.)] (inverse)
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	3.548105631	0	-0	0	-0	-0	0	-0	-2.41757051407453E-16	0	0	-3.31722539686001E-16	1.04274880860976E-16	7.47984304285373E-16	1.64947980633259E-16	4.66753423872372E-16	-1.86924087301114E-16	1.37107993613477E-16	-3.26306241496661E-31	0
	2	-3.5012097085	6.7718239943	0	0	0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-8.44440607434542E-16	6.84086968398635E-16	8.72776474041085E-17	-3.18000067654785E-17	-1.77739783408234E-30	-4.70726615714142E-30	3.45906252858783E-30	-1.26157582865973E-30	2.24487023165442E-30	0
	3	0.744326813	-7.9810428858	12.6776265879	-0	0	-0	0	-0	7.5221161294512E-16	-0	1.2536860215752E-16	5.0147440863008E-16	1.2536860215752E-16	0	6.268430107876E-17	6.268430107876E-17	6.268430107876E-17	0	0	0
	4	0.2949106901	1.3089998379	-18.1526922676	17.9514123923	0	-0	0	-0	1.65256768201065E-16	-8.26283841005323E-16	6.61027072804258E-16	-2.47885152301597E-16	0	-1.65256768201065E-16	0	-8.26283841005323E-17	-2.47885152301597E-16	1.65256768201065E-16	3.30513536402129E-16	0
	5	0.0187707014	1.0235676261	5.5235598227	-24.6365579912	18.4827156553	0	4.96805332672316E-16	-0	-9.93610665344633E-16	7.45207999008475E-16	-4.96805332672316E-16	3.72603999504237E-16	2.48402666336158E-16	6.21006665840395E-17	-1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	2.48402666336158E-16	0
	6	-0.0332221458	0.0387735971	1.2508555785	6.6332813154	-23.1972684462	14.5166927028	0	2.65507285215883E-16	2.65507285215883E-16	-3.98260927823824E-16	0	1.32753642607941E-16	-1.32753642607941E-16	1.99130463911912E-16	0	-1.32753642607941E-16	1.99130463911912E-16	-2.65507285215883E-16	-2.65507285215883E-16	0
	7	-0.0176410648	-0.0733259932	-0.0556534378	1.424088972	5.0493176359	-16.3764636773	10.0815448183	4.27119358420792E-16	-6.40679037631187E-16	6.40679037631187E-16	2.13559679210396E-16	-2.13559679210396E-16-2.13559679210396E-16	-1.06779839605198E-16	-1.06779839605198E-16	2.66949599012995E-16	-3.73729438618193E-16	1.06779839605198E-16	-4.27119358420792E-16	0
	8	-0.0067283917	-0.0303419705	-0.0937207951	0.0107809099	1.1127613629	2.5567697859	-9.8437638589	6.9626567424	9.02626900386971E-16	-6.01751266924648E-16	-1.50437816731162E-16	1.50437816731162E-16	0	-1.50437816731162E-16	7.52189083655809E-17	-7.52189083655809E-17	1.50437816731162E-16	0	3.00875633462324E-16	0
	9	-0.0055493804	-0.0131248903	-0.04481515	-0.0886794262	0.080156757	0.7727019286	0.8092915288	-6.2849925683	4.9152147326	4.20823456830734E-16	0	-3.1561759262305E-16	-1.05205864207683E-16	4.20823456830734E-16	2.10411728415367E-16	0	1.05205864207683E-16	-1.05205864207683E-16	2.10411728415367E-16	0
	10	-0.0032906002	-0.0041833103	-0.014419498	-0.0447260796	-0.0580156605	0.0583297879	0.3486313923	0.4559672581	-3.6449504281	3.6343543685	4.50295543678959E-16	0	6.00394058238613E-16	0	0	0	1.50098514559653E-16	0	3.00197029119306E-16	0
	11	-0.0037123667	-0.0040026547	-0.0101743839	-0.0308292143	-0.0563614042	-0.0437849889	0.0384626175	0.1816269867	-0.0710023128	-2.3661390507	2.8360083132	0	-5.5668309393882E-16	-5.5668309393882E-16	-2.22673237575528E-16	-7.79356331514347E-16	0	-1.11336618787764E-16	-4.45346475151056E-16	0
	12	-0.0032948368	-0.0033317681	-0.0076958666	-0.0226994747	-0.0441273289	-0.0496568377	-0.0313876919	0.0142383041	0.0568742262	-0.0829075302	-1.5447993151	2.2985477605	-3.50361110785585E-16	-3.50361110785585E-16	-8.75902776963962E-17	-3.50361110785585E-16	1.75180555392792E-16	1.75180555392792E-16	3.50361110785585E-16	0
	13	-0.003083005	-0.0031585806	-0.0070016196	-0.0198200971	-0.0382180161	-0.0451087843	-0.0396176782	-0.0245229933	-0.0015621348	0.013099187	-0.1228347143	-1.0419633386	1.9371026762	5.68710845650683E-16	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	-0.0028063071	-0.002911128	-0.0063690235	-0.0176791636	-0.0337817629	-0.0399756678	-0.0369796507	-0.0294966014	-0.0200996747	-0.0081466688	-0.0103906697	-0.1140402712	-0.7180641894	1.6867010821	1.19340735650211E-16	2.38681471300422E-16	0	0	-4.77362942600843E-16	0
	15	-0.0025510856	-0.002680956	-0.0058248628	-0.0159543806	-0.030283525	-0.0357550603	-0.03334725	-0.0278564572	-0.0226501185	-0.0161799156	-0.0110415646	-0.0185540407	-0.1007306287	-0.5061769671	1.5103576567	-2.03604076408992E-16	2.03604076408992E-16	0	0	0
	16	-0.0023299347	-0.0024759696	-0.0053538631	-0.0145187312	-0.0274269144	-0.0323262027	-0.0301778926	-0.0254513095	-0.021528498	-0.0171222047	-0.0134737013	-0.0113777927	-0.020858566	-0.0845338166	-0.3655026324	1.3832238897	-3.43941370666227E-16	-1.71970685333114E-16	0	0
	17	-0.002102196	-0.0022509469	-0.0048525475	-0.0130735766	-0.0246213753	-0.0289909617	-0.0270634329	-0.0228716996	-0.0195330802	-0.0159682497	-0.0132879603	-0.0109180375	-0.0105587073	-0.0195948853	-0.0678390724	-0.2672589896	1.2900981057	0	0	0
	18	-0.0019079682	-0.0020565794	-0.0044218664	-0.0118462527	-0.0222522107	-0.0261825189	-0.0244393614	-0.0206650357	-0.0176909689	-0.0145689171	-0.0123392839	-0.0103243465	-0.0088883361	-0.0092929406	-0.017221619	-0.0546368816	-0.1986398195	1.2209993171	-4.00847759204666E-16	0
	19	-0.0016482648	-0.0017822961	-0.0038274171	-0.0102261442	-0.0191850949	-0.0225661587	-0.0210627607	-0.0178125563	-0.0152582625	-0.0125900935	-0.0107185504	-0.0090456014	-0.0077049301	-0.0068519345	-0.007558529	-0.014139041	-0.0420544386	-0.1459202627	1.1700552602	0
	20	-0.0150365793	-0.016495126	-0.0352193903	-0.0929530575	-0.1734096721	-0.2036833469	-0.1900907797	-0.1608200699	-0.1378134804	-0.1138309253	-0.0971225537	-0.082324332	-0.0702973186	-0.060250538	-0.0522358039	-0.0471889774	-0.0494038476	-0.0750790543	-0.1700552602	1
		Matrix { [T*J*T(inv.)] (inverse) - C}
		1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9	10	11	12	13	14	15	16	17	18	19	20
	1	2.548105631	0	-0	0	-0	-0	0	-0	-2.41757051407453E-16	0	0	-3.31722539686001E-16	1.04274880860976E-16	7.47984304285373E-16	1.64947980633259E-16	4.66753423872372E-16	-1.86924087301114E-16	1.37107993613477E-16	-3.26306241496661E-31	0
	2	-3.5012097085	5.7718239943	0	0	0	0	-0	0	-0	0	-8.44440607434542E-16	6.84086968398635E-16	8.72776474041085E-17	-3.18000067654785E-17	-1.77739783408234E-30	-4.70726615714142E-30	3.45906252858783E-30	-1.26157582865973E-30	2.24487023165442E-30	0
	3	0.744326813	-7.9810428858	11.6776265879	-0	0	-0	0	-0	7.5221161294512E-16	-0	1.2536860215752E-16	5.0147440863008E-16	1.2536860215752E-16	0	6.268430107876E-17	6.268430107876E-17	6.268430107876E-17	0	0	0
	4	0.2949106901	1.3089998379	-18.1526922676	16.9514123923	0	-0	0	-0	1.65256768201065E-16	-8.26283841005323E-16	6.61027072804258E-16	-2.47885152301597E-16	0	-1.65256768201065E-16	0	-8.26283841005323E-17	-2.47885152301597E-16	1.65256768201065E-16	3.30513536402129E-16	0
	5	0.0187707014	1.0235676261	5.5235598227	-24.6365579912	17.4827156553	0	4.96805332672316E-16	-0	-9.93610665344633E-16	7.45207999008475E-16	-4.96805332672316E-16	3.72603999504237E-16	2.48402666336158E-16	6.21006665840395E-17	-1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	1.24201333168079E-16	2.48402666336158E-16	0
	6	-0.0332221458	0.0387735971	1.2508555785	6.6332813154	-23.1972684462	13.5166927028	0	2.65507285215883E-16	2.65507285215883E-16	-3.98260927823824E-16	0	1.32753642607941E-16	-1.32753642607941E-16	1.99130463911912E-16	0	-1.32753642607941E-16	1.99130463911912E-16	-2.65507285215883E-16	-2.65507285215883E-16	0
	7	-0.0176410648	-0.0733259932	-0.0556534378	1.424088972	5.0493176359	-16.3764636773	9.0815448256	4.27119358420792E-16	-6.40679037631187E-16	6.40679037631187E-16	2.13559679210396E-16	-2.13559679210396E-16	-2.13559679210396E-16	-1.06779839605198E-16	-1.06779839605198E-16	2.66949599012995E-16	-3.73729438618193E-16	1.06779839605198E-16	-4.27119358420792E-16	0
	8	-0.0067283917	-0.0303419705	-0.0937207951	0.0107809099	1.1127613629	2.5567697859	-9.8437638589	5.9626619277	9.02626900386971E-16	-6.01751266924648E-16	-1.50437816731162E-16	1.50437816731162E-16	0	-1.50437816731162E-16	7.52189083655809E-17	-7.52189083655809E-17	1.50437816731162E-16	0	3.00875633462324E-16	0
	9	-0.0055493804	-0.0131248903	-0.04481515	-0.0886794262	0.080156757	0.7727019286	0.8092915288	-6.2849925683	3.9155910483	4.20823456830734E-16	0	-3.1561759262305E-16	-1.05205864207683E-16	4.20823456830734E-16	2.10411728415367E-16	0	1.05205864207683E-16	-1.05205864207683E-16	2.10411728415367E-16	0
	10	-0.0032906002	-0.0041833103	-0.014419498	-0.0447260796	-0.0580156605	0.0583297879	0.3486313923	0.4559672581	-3.6449504281	2.6400562291	4.50295543678959E-16	0	6.00394058238613E-16	0	0	0	1.50098514559653E-16	0	3.00197029119306E-16	0
	11	-0.0037123667	-0.0040026547	-0.0101743839	-0.0308292143	-0.0563614042	-0.0437849889	0.0384626175	0.1816269867	-0.0710023128	-2.3661390507	1.866945115	0	-5.5668309393882E-16	-5.5668309393882E-16	-2.22673237575528E-16	-7.79356331514347E-16	0	-1.11336618787764E-16	-4.45346475151056E-16	0
	12	-0.0032948368	-0.0033317681	-0.0076958666	-0.0226994747	-0.0441273289	-0.0496568377	-0.0313876919	0.0142383041	0.0568742262	-0.0829075302	-1.5447993151	1.3920514025	-3.50361110785585E-16	-3.50361110785585E-16	-8.75902776963962E-17	-3.50361110785585E-16	1.75180555392792E-16	1.75180555392792E-16	3.50361110785585E-16	0
	13	-0.003083005	-0.0031585806	-0.0070016196	-0.0198200971	-0.0382180161	-0.0451087843	-0.0396176782	-0.0245229933	-0.0015621348	0.013099187	-0.1228347143	-1.0419633386	1.125710933	5.68710845650683E-16	0	0	0	0	0	0
	14	-0.0028063071	-0.002911128	-0.0063690235	-0.0176791636	-0.0337817629	-0.0399756678	-0.0369796507	-0.0294966014	-0.0200996747	-0.0081466688	-0.0103906697	-0.1140402712	-0.7180641894	0.9814137253	1.19340735650211E-16	2.38681471300422E-16	0	0	-4.77362942600843E-16	0
	15	-0.0025510856	-0.002680956	-0.0058248628	-0.0159543806	-0.030283525	-0.0357550603	-0.03334725	-0.0278564572	-0.0226501185	-0.0161799156	-0.0110415646	-0.0185540407	-0.1007306287	-0.5061769671	0.901063292	-2.03604076408992E-16	2.03604076408992E-16	0	0	0
	16	-0.0023299347	-0.0024759696	-0.0053538631	-0.0145187312	-0.0274269144	-0.0323262027	-0.0301778926	-0.0254513095	-0.021528498